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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Jacky K.
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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Jacky K. Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:57 pm

There's a mansion in the middle of Imagination, which stores every idea, every character, and every story the world has ever known. Each of its trillions of doors lead to a unique new world that exists because someone took the time to dream it up and record it in some way. Its walls are made of words, and its keeper goes by the name of Nobody.

Welcome to the Minds' Eye.

But what happens when the mansion is set destroyed? The halls are filled with screams of millions of characters and worlds being eaten by the great fire, and thrown into . . . the Void? Nonexistance? Who knows where? There are survivors that band together in search of a way out, or perhaps a way to save the characters that are unaware of the flames creeping closer to destroying the world they live in. What will become of them?

[b]Note: this is a branch-off of this chat . For more information on what the Minds' Eye mansion is like, click the link!

Story/world from:
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Jacky K. Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:13 pm

Name: Finn . . . just Finn.
Age: 13-15 approximately
Gender: dude Cool
Appearence: dirty blonde hair, quirky grin, so many freckles you can hardly see his face, torn clothes . . . oh, and he almost always has a raven either in his hands or on his shoulder. Her name's Develyn.
Story/world from: The Moon's Lullaby. The actual setting is Luna, which most of you know....but for those of you who don't, it's a quirky city built on the sea full of canals and a split economy.
Backstory: He doesn't remember anything before Crick found him, and they grew up on the streets with their small, dwindling gang of kids...yurp.
Other: Did I mention the bird?

Name: Cricket White
Age: 14
Gender: guy
Appearence: must I?
Story/world from: fjksadfh oi ed EO hkdsa
Backstory: jfikda oai fela alirf ealwiu f
Other: I've used him so much it feels like a waste of time to fill out the sheet. If you have questions, let me know.

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:13 pm

Name: T.Morbid Namechov
Appearence:YOU KNOW THIS...
Other: Erm...uhm... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... yeah... stuff...uh...

Name: (B.) Ana Namechov
Age: 15?
Appearence: Standard Emaciation as to be expected from Auda, along with her sibling's black hair, which typically hangs to about mid-shoulder or else is in some kind of loose braid thingy. Her eyes are blue, and as with most Audians who can afford shoes...she wears combat boots. And some kind of...dress shaped...thing... It's actually still recognisable as mostly the same piece of fabric. Plus some duct tape... and twine...
Other:T.Mor's financially and emotionally abusive younger sister... She's got some kind of entitlement complex a mile wide.

Last edited by Invisimort on Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:40 pm

Name: Dick Grayson aka Robin the first
Age: 17
Gender: M
Story/world from: YJ
Other: erm. circus boy turned vigilante when a gangster killed his parents. ward of bruce wayne. NOBLE. and... boyfriend of Spades.

Name: Damian Wayne aka Robin the fifth
Age: 10
Gender: M
Story/world from: future DC
Other: tough little sh*t who dont care what anyone has to say about it. raised by assassins and ninjas and taught to kill mercilessly. doesnt follow orders, and is a fan of cats... biological son of bruce wayne. favors the katana and brass knuckles...

Name: Wolf
Age: 19
Gender: F
Appearence: dark brown, almost black hair to shoulders. steel blue eyes. fair skinned, around 5'4''. doesnt favor fancy clothes, so usually jeans and a tee with sweatshirt. doesn't particularly love shoes...
Story/world from: AWTH, CC!!!!! jr
Other: wife of alex aldric, mother, werewolf/dreamweaver. accidently killed her adopted parents at six, lived as a wolf for three years, and has struggled with a blood lust ever since.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:13 pm

Name: Peter
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Y'all
Story/world from: know
Backstory: this
Other: bullcrap

Name: White Angel
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: This. Sorry for the unfinished-ness... I'm still working on it. Anyway, her hood and tunic-thing are white, while her pants and arm- and leg-bands are black. Her eyes are blue, her eyebrows are white (same with her hair, though you can't see that, of course), and her wings start out black at the top and fade to white at the bottom.
Story/world from: The Stables of Takara
Backstory: Wouldn't you like to know? Razz
Other: Dindei's rider, and leet assassin

Name: Dindei
Age: Erm... I'll get back to you
Gender: Female
Appearance: Large, chocobo-esque bird with long, elegant tail feathers and a medium-sized crest. She's mostly light blue, navy blue, and gray.
Story/world from: The Stables of Takara
Backstory: Raised from an egg by White Angel
Other: I think she counts as a character... She's sentient, after all o3o
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:16 pm

Name: Spades
Age: 10
Gender: female
Appearence: Short curls frame her face, very pale, not many scars on her arms... hm... dunno if she had her tattoos at this point. I'll say yes. They're vine like, with spades for leaves, that curl up both arms, and they're totally black.
Story/world from: YJ
Backstory: Kidnapped by the Joker after he murdered her mom, and he's been raising her as his sidekick ever sense
Other: Is a little different than the regular ten year old Spades. AKA she's more messed up >.>

Name: Spades
Age: 16
Gender: female
Appearence: Medium length curly, caramel colored hair. Very pale, and has many scars on her arms, legs, and back. Same tattoos as younger self.
Story/world from: YJ
Backstory: Same as her younger one's, but she almost died in a fire almost a year ago, and Robin rescued her. She never went back to the Joker, but the transition to hero has been tough
Other: Deathly afraid of fire. Can read the future in cards, and she always carries razor edged ones around with her

Name: Marley
Age: Marley
Gender: Marley
Appearence: Marley
Story/world from: Marley's worlds
Backstory: Marley
Other: Marley

Name: Dorian Aldric
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearence: Meh... um... black hair, silver eyes. Beh. Too lazy for anything else. Usually wears a white dress shirt, a loosely tied tie, and slacks.
Story/world from: Several
Backstory: MEH.
Other: Can't find his twin brother in the mansion, but knows he's alive.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Jacky K. Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:34 pm

Smoke billowed through the halls above devouring flames, the walls curling into a million burning pages as the great fire crept along. Even the deafening crackle couldn't hide the screams that sounded from half-burned doors as the worlds behind them were destroyed just as quickly. The characters were fiction, of course, but they could still feel the pain of burning alive.

And to think all of this had been sparked by a candle and a sprinkle of jealousy.

Mr. Nobody stood outside the mansion to watch. There was a greedy pleasure in his wrinkled eyes. "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire . . ." His lips curled into a smile. " . . . When distant screams haunt the night, and streets are filled with empty homes . . ." Then, slowly as it came, the smile dissapeared. There were words in there . . . words collected by the centuries, more powerful than the sword, words with meaning, the greatest and only collection of words on Earth! This was it! The words were nothing and everything, his passion, his meaning. Regret stabbed him through the heart, propelling his heart into a too-fast gallop. No. This couldn't be. He was a monster. No . . . he would die with the mansion. And with that, the old man darted nimbly back into the smoke, his soot-covered cane clammering to the pavement behind him.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:35 pm

Can I join?

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:23 pm


I had no clue how Ana had got out here. At all. At. All. So...what had started as...'oh whatdo whatdo whatdo...why fire... oh Internet...' was now...suddenly turning into: 'oh Internet fire...sister... no dead people...oh dead people...please...' Really fast. "Ana? ...What shouldn't...Come on...We need to"

And...suddenly...Auda was a safer place on fire... But Auda was also on fire... was like... fire... I knew... and..erm... I... I... didn't...

"Ok..." And for once, Ana didn't fight me about something. Crap was on fire and we needed to run...And then she decides not to fight me. Wierd. "Was this because... Did you pay the taxes this month?" She asked me as we trying to navigate to... ANYWHERE NOT ON FIRE.

I didn't think she entirely realised that this... this was...outside of Mr.Face's jurisdiction... "No it's...not...It's... that...isn't..." I gave up on trying to explain and breathe this...smoky excuse for.. air... She would yell at me either way, so... why bother?

"Riiight." She replied, ending that with a cough from the smoke. How. Could. She. Not. See. That. This. Was. Bigger. Than. My. Paycheck. I was just trying to like... not have to... you know... have to make...another call to the Audian crematorium services...and she was like.. how she was.

"Ana...Can you just... you know..We' do this...uhm... stuff... later... come on... I don't want us..." Mostly Ana though... She was... the only one of us who didn't really... Nevermind. Now was not the time...for... that kind of thinking... "To be all...dead..."

"...oh." And that...that shut her up for a bit.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Jacky K. Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:38 am


I was particularily content just lying there on an overly-stuffed couch, half-asleep. The break room was empty today, save me and Finn. The bird, too, if you count it as a person. Then I picked up on an odd smokey smell that was faint enough to be imagination, so I just, well, ignored it . . . thinking it was just imagination. And so, I slipped back into sleep.

"Friend, wake up . . ." I heard Finn's voice after a few moments. Just keep my eyes closed, and he'll stop talking. C'mon, now. Let me sleep. "Cricket. Ah. Cricket, th' room's on fire . . ."

"Mhhhr. Not now, friend . . ." He always wanted to set the room on fire at the most inconvenient times . . . waitpardonwhat. Fire. That was a bad thing. I pushed myself upright, sniffing the air. Aye, there was smoke. Oi my my. In the corner near my couch, there was a flame feathering on the carpet. "Friend, it's a fairly small one, for 'ell's sake . . . just . . . stomp it out. What'd you wake me up for?"

"I tried. It just . . . won't stomp out. Look 'ere!" He smothered the flame with his boot, and all he got out of it was a hot foot.

"What--" I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything sarcastic, even though I was a bit annoyed. Finn was never one to just give up on something as little as putting a flame out. "Why . . . ?" I swept my hair out of my eyes and squinted at it. The burned bits on the carpet . . . why did they look like burning paper? "Oh bother." Something was not right here.

You know when you know someone so well that you can have an entire conversation without saying anything? Aye.
Finn and I exchanged a few looks. Meanwhile, the fire was growing, and rapidly.

Do you see that paper? I asked.

Aye, that's not normal. Does fire normally do that in-chat?

Ah, I . . . don't think it does.

Must be something going on 'ere outside of the chat . . . oh bother.

That could mean a million things.

We could check and see . . .
He nodded toward the door.

So we darted to the exit. My handle scorched my fingers when I touched it, and swung it open to a burst of heat and stinging smoke. Fire licked the bottom corner of the door and all around the walls of the hall. Fire. Burning. More out of a bolt of fear than in worry of the smoke, I held my breath. My hand clutched at my scar.

Finn was ahead of me with his shirt held over his nose, wide-eyed at the flames growing behind us that couldn't be put out. "Cricket . . . we'll 'ave t' go out there."

I barely heard what he said. Couldn't move, as a matter of fact. Everything was hot and choking, and it was like that paralized me. Go . . . out . . . there . . . ? That-- I-- but . . . fire . . . no . . .

His voice was strained, like he was holding back a cough. "Cricket, cover your nose with your bloody shirt and let's get th' 'ell out o' 'ere or we'll just choke 'ere standing around like idiots!" The hall to the left was burning thouroughly, and the floor space to the right was vanishing quickly. As for the door . . . as it burned, the room behind me did. I couldn't move.

"I-- no-- " and just like that, he yanked me by the shirt into the hall. Somehow, I was no longer frozen. We dashed to find a way out.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:02 pm

White Angel

I clung tightly to Dindei, keeping my head low and pulling my hood down in an attempt to keep the smoke out of my eyes. I could hardly hear the sound of her swift footfalls over the crackling of the fire and the roaring in my ears. I could barely see anything...not that I needed to; I was trusting Dindei to get us away.

Us, and the cloth-wrapped bundle I was clutching... All I managed to save. I felt a pang of remorse as I pictured the burning ranch, saw the fire blocking the doors, heard the cries of all the mounts trapped inside... There was nothing I could've done. I was forced to ride away with the one thing I'd been carrying.

No, no... I couldn't let myself think about that right now. There would be time for mourning later. Right now, I had to focus on staying alive. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to keep out the burning while we thundered down the blazing hall.


Obey. Obey. For the love of the gods, obey!

What was wrong with this fire... I could move it and shape it, but it refused to go out completely. I stood in a hallway, completely engulfed in the stuff and trying desperately to halt its spread. Useless...completely useless... And for all that it couldn't harm me, it was making it more and more difficult for me to breathe. I couldn't stay here... I'd already died from oxygen deprivation once.


I walked away from the area, trying not to hear the screams of the dying worlds.
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Regret Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:57 pm

Hey, can I join?

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:35 pm

How could rock...burn...? Hell, how could the /Batcave/ of all fucking places /burn/? Didn't father have some common sense against this sort of thing?
"Damian, out!"
His shout breaks me from my small trance as I look at our world of...paper? burn... He had to get Oracle out. Support beams were falling, they wouldn't be able to make it...
"Father -"
"Damian, now! We'll catch up, now go!" He turns to me, eyes burning with determination. No, care. He cared if I lived or not., metal above me groans from the strain of the world collapsing. I turn, running up the stairs two at a time, before the structure comes down where I had stood. Through the old grandfather clock, and running through the mansion to the world exit.
I push open the door to be greeted by more flames. Did anyone make it? Grayson and Spades in Bludhaven, or Drake and Turrow at the mountain? I'd even take Todd if I had to. But I just wanted Father. I pull my hood up, glad for the flame resistant cloth, take off the way of the hall that wasn't burning, telling myself the stinging at my eyes was from the smoke. From the damn smoke!

Tomorrow again, almost day three. Needed out, just for a little walk... Away from Alex, blood so close. I take a breath, walking through the streets quickly, keeping to myself. Small, quick scent of smoke, and I'm sent to a different time. The burning building, facing off Dorian and Amy. And now I was pregnant... A small smile comes to my face. Wonder how he'd react to that...
Too absorbed in my thoughts, not focusing on reality, hunger on my mind... I turn a corner and suddenly London's alive with flames. I freeze a moment, unsure of really what to do before instinct comes. Protect. I have to protect... My arms clamp around my stomach, I turn and I run. The world was burning though, even the sky alight. Something was wrong on the outside. I turn quickly, push an old wooden door open and come out at a hallway. This side of the world wasn't burning yet, but there was enough smoke to conclude it would soon. Smoke goes away from the fire. Smoke rises. I shift to be low to the ground, follow the flow of the smoke, hoping for some clean air soon. Protect... Have to protect...

She's frozen. Too many flames. Mission gone wrong, an understatement. A /normal/ fire, because of one of Deacon's failed attempts at blowing up the building, and now the world was ending... lovely day, ain't it?
I grab her hand and pull her along quickly through the building. Running through a door and stumbling into...a hallway? Also on fire... Too long to be still in that building though. Out of our world then?
"Stay with me, Spades," I say, reminded of before, going through the factory. Only she was in my arms before, and I wasn't Robin. I tug her down the hall, trying to get away.

Last edited by Black&White on Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Ale J. Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:54 am

Name: Jamie Night
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearence: Dirty blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail and some bangs pushed to the side, Brown eyes, Usually wearing black, or some form of dark colors, and has daggers hidden in her outfit. She also has black wings.
Story/world from:She comes from my series, 'Sorcery' and even has her own book...she comes from earth. With another underground world underneath it called 'The Paths'
Backstory: Er...kind of make it short, She was taken from Hell to work on earth, her mentor Darren taught her to kill. She was adopted along with two other boys to look normal, and Darren made her kill her adoptive mother, who she really loved. She ran away from him with her brothers and they now live in a small city, though she visits Paris often to get into the City of Immortals.
Other: She is a Dark Angel

Name: Jake Riley
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearence: He has black hair that goes a little past his ears, shaggy and kind of messy. His eyes are an icy blue, and his skin kind of tanned. His eyes flash gold when performing magic, and he is almost always with Alyson.
Story/world from: Same world. But he stays more aboveground.
Backstory: Jake was the son of an evil sorcerer, he is the half brother of Milena and Ethan. He just doesn't know it yet. He was sent to his mom's brother at the age of 2, and was raised by the drug addict. Both of his parents are now dead. He met Alyson, they found out they were Soul Partners and they can speak to each other in their minds. Jake is the more quiet one, but he makes sure Alyson doesn't use her magic recklessly.
Other: He is a Sorcerer.

Name: Jaska Dierhart
Age: Male
Gender: Male
Appearence: White hair, yellow eyes, a mark going from his palm and spreading to his elbows.
Story/world from: The capital city of Asdrujula, in some future year where the world has gone to war, many parts of the world destroyed, millions killed and they are still fighting.
Backstory: He is the queen's son and twin brother to Skyla. He was marked by his mother but it is slowly killing him, the mark enhances people's powers but kills them if they don't have any.
Other:Hmm...not at the moment..
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:27 am

Name: Isabelle Benton
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearence: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye 6203294481_1f223a0bc2_m

Story/world from: She's just an ordinary, American girl in my book. Picture how your life is- hers isn't much different.

Backstory: She doesn't have a father. Not that that bothers her. It is old news. She does have a mother though, much to her displeasure. She wants to play piano. Her mother forces her into gymnastics. Holding a state title sounds amazing. To her- it's hell. Her mother controls all but one thing in her life- How much she eats. And when she gets her way- It's nothing.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Bells Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:54 am

Name: Danae Blake
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has short, very curly blonde hair to her chin. Her skin is a milky white color and her eyes Icy blue. Danae is short and small, could easily be mistaken for someone younger. Normally has around eight daggers on her person.
Story/world from: Daughter of Darkness
Backstory: She is Mr. Blakes's daughter, the elder one. Has been abused and taught that torture is a perfectly normal thing to do. Lives in her own room in the prison.
Other: Er..nothing that I can think of. Oh, this is the chatbox Danae so she kinda has morals now.

Name: Mr. Blake (will gain a first name when I can find one)
Age: 43
Gender: male
Appearence: He is a tall, muscular older man. His hair is short, black with small gray streaks in it. His eyes are icy blue. He has a dark tan, is what I got.
Story/world from: Daughter of Darkness
Backstory: Well, all I really know about him currently is that he is Danae's dad. Controlling and stuffs. runs the prison. Loves violence and was married at one point.
Other: He is a work in process so yeah, his personality may change a little here and there.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:53 am

Name: Aaron "Nameless" Murphey
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Apperance: About 5'8 in height, shortish light brown-blondish hair, green eyes
Story/world form: Errr......dun have one
Backstory: Nameless is on the run fron several goverments and Area 51 for his abilities. He's never been accepted because of his abilities and is fearful of them. He doesn't like to give out his name or have names given to him due to being on the run and his abilities.

Name: Ezra David Cox
Age: 16
Gender: male
Apperance:Raven black hair, about 6'1 in height, has dark eyes
Story/world form: Life, Death, and something in between
Backstory: lazy to post... >.>

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:13 am

Nameless watched in horror as the fire devoured the building, turning what looked like normal every day things in to ashy pieces of paper. Smoke burned his nose and lungs as he struggled for breath, screams seemed to surround the halls and he shut his eyes tightly for a minute trying to ignore the sounds of the lost cause words. He had to get out of her, if he hadn't died yet it certainly wasn't going to be now. Nameles ran, something he was used to, and made sure to keep close to the ground. Coughing and sputtering, he kept a hand to his mouth in a desperate attempt to block out some of the smoke. It's like watching Rome burn, he thought to himself.

Ezra frantically tried to look for an escape, already the walls had been licked with flames and smoke made the air thick and hard to breath. The door, his only escape, was on fire and he needed to act fast.

Think, Ezra, think...come on...what can get me outta here?

Quickly scouring the room with his eyes, he found no windows but some untouched furnature and a view other various items. His eyes fell apon an old fashioned globe made of marble and some wood. If he was lucky he could hit a weak spot in the door with that. He grabbed it, trying to balance the weight of it, and hoped he could throw it hard enough. He hurled it at the door using two hands due to its weight. The door caved in and Ezra, watching his footing and being careful not to hit the wood, dashed out.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Bells Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:17 pm


There, I was right. Someone was calling my name. I winced, sitting up in bed and eyeing my door warily. Not just anyone. Dad was calling me. My eyes dropped down to my aching side as I slowly drew up my shirt and bit my lip. The skin was covered in black and blue marks, barely any of it my normal milky white.

"Daniella!" I flinched as my name echoed through my door again, most likely Dad was in the torture room.

What would be waiting for me I wondered, letting the thought roll across my mind as I slowly pulled myself out of bed and made my way towards the door.

That was when I smelled the smoke. Without thinking I stuck my hand to the doorknob and hissed, jerking it back almost immediately. Hesitantly I put my hand above the knob, the heat radiating from it stinging my palm. Eyes wide I backed up, bumping into my small bed side table.


I flinched, comparing the pain of touching the doorknob to that of when I was punished for disobeying. Biting my lip I stumbled forward and gripped the knob, pushing the searing pain from my mind as I managed to open the door and stumble out into the smokey hall.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:21 pm

Numb. Numb was good. Numb wasn't emotion, wasn't fear, wasn't weakness. It was as if I had retreated inside myself to escape the roaring flames, the flickering embers... all solid reminders of the one occasion I could never purge my mind of. That one night... the flames were so similar... he left me... w-why... why did he... my throat wanted to scream but my mouth stayed close, as I was vaguely aware of Robin tugging me through doors. Numb... numb was better than fire.

It had been approximately forty eight hours since the last job, and I was getting... what's the word? I suppose anxious? I set down my book for a moment, the third time I was reading through Macbeth, and picked up my pistol. Taking a sip from my tea, I inspected it.
Faintly in its silver gleam, I thought I saw a reflection of red. At first I thought I was mistaken, but then I glanced over my shoulder and saw a tiny flame in the top corner of my apartment ceiling. Strange. I put my tea and gun down on the table next to my chair, walking over to examine the small fire. That's when I noticed its rapid growth... small flecks of paper were beginning to peal away from the wall it was spreading to, and I grabbed my jacket, trying to use it to smother the fire. No avail. The fire simply got larger and larger, with everything it consumed becoming scorched paper. I even tried using water from the kitchen sink. When I realized all my efforts were proving useless, I grabbed my gun, pocketed it, and walked outside into the hall. The rest of the apartment was already filled with an inky black smoke, and I squinted, trying to make my way outside. The smoke was rapidly filling my lungs so I held my breath, breaking into a sprint as started to feel the first, faint signs of panic. I finally managed to push through a door into a hall I had never seen before; a hall that seemed to spread out almost infanately in either direction.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:23 pm


I trudged slowly through the fiery hallways, feeling utterly defeated. The flames spread around me as I walked; they tried with all their might to burn my clothes, hair, and skin, but it was futile. Just like my pitiful attempts to keep them back.

Useless.... Useless...

Movement. I looked up to see a door being thrown open and a figure walking out. Was that...?

"Are you Alex or Dorian?" I asked warily. "And if you happen to be either, where's Marley?"
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:42 pm

"Isabelle! Get your size 2 ass back here, now!"
Size two, that was meant to be an insult. Like calling a dark skinned person a you know what. Size two was bad. Size two meant you were heavy, here in the gymnastics world. She knows that. I know that.
I grimaced, squeezing my eyes shut in annoyance as I weaved my through the equipment. That voice. I hated that voice.
"You're one to talk, Mom, what with your size eights pants clogging up the washer." Fuming, I forced myself to lower my voice, ducking under a broken gymnastics bar.
I was not a size two.
God, I had to get out of here. I hated this place. I hated the skin tight leotards and high expectations. This was not my dream. This was hers. This was not an 'amazing opportunity'. It was a prison sentence. I needed air.
I picked up my speed, spotting a red, lit sign propped over the shinny back double doors of the Olympic Gym. It was a welcoming sight, the exit sign. It promised me an escape.
I slammed into it, bare shoulder pushing against the cold metal, forcing it open. I fell though, not caring as I fell on my knees. Sweet expectation filled me. Expectation for the breath of clean air, the sun, the knowledge I was no longer in the same room with her.
Something was off though. There was no cool breeze; no fresh air. No, there was only this blazing heat; this painful smoke. What was going on?
I sputtered and choked, feeling like I was suffocation. My God. I was suffocating.
I tried to see where the painful heat was coming from, obviously wanting to escape it. But I couldn't see. My eyes teared painfully, stinging from the thick smoke.
Then it clicked. A fire. The parking lot must be on fire.
"Hello?!" I choaked out, stumbling blindly forward. I had to get away. I had to find fresh air. I could feel my energy leaving me. My lungs where screaming for something, anything besides it's current supply of air. Heck, I'd gladly take the musty gym air right now.
Guess this means practice is cancelled for the day.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:45 pm

In some unburnt section of the mansion, or what I assumed to be one. This hallway went on /forever/. I let a breath out, only a hint of smoke in the air, but the way those flames moved we couldn't hang around long. Had to find a way out of this place... Turning back, carefully carassing her face to look in her eyes concerned. "Spades?" Our faces were marked with soot, and my lungs burned from the smoke, but her eyes didn't seem all there.

Good fuckity hell! Was there no hallway /not/ on fire?! Respirator helped; I would have passed out twenty minutes ago without it from the carbon dioxide. Another 'T' in the hallway I was going down and I stop, looking down both ways. Were there no fucking windows /anywhere/ in this place?! Any /normal/ doors actually /out/ of where ever this place was?! Had to get out. Survive. Those were Father's orde - wishes...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:50 pm

I thought I heard a familiar voice. Irritating, but familiar nonetheless. I looked around, through the thick clouds of smoke that were in this hallway, too, and saw Arkan walking over in my direction.
Wonderful, just who I needed to see, I thought sarcastically. Then the implications of him being here hit me. So this wasn't just a little apartment fire, hmm?
"Dorian" I responded, holding back a cough from the increasing influx of smoke "And no, I haven't the faintest of ideas. I don't even know where *we* are"

I was slightly aware of Robin's voice, like he was trying to talk to me through water. I didn't respond. Snap out of it... snap... out... every time I tried to convince myself to come back to reality, the little voice in my head kept getting snuffed by the memories I was shrouded in.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:29 pm

"Spades, please..." Carefully running my thumb over her bottom lip, looking in her eyes for anything. "Need you here right now. Can't get out of here by myself..." I brush a stray curl out of her face.

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Age : 30
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