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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Jacky K.
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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:41 pm

"Can't... can't..." I murmured faintly, trying, once again, to surface, but failing. "I c-can't..."


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:28 am

Nameless looked around frantically for the nearest exit, and finding nothing that could be used by one he ran. Coughing and sputtering, he stopped apon hearing voices. "Is anybody there?!" he shouted to the roaring flames.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:17 pm

"C'mon Spades..." I pull her into a hug gently, kissing her cheek lightly. "I know you can, cards. You're too much of a fighter to give into this. Even Joker didn't knock you down," I whisper, unsure of what else to do other than talk her out of it. My arms tighten around her, slightly frustrated.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:59 pm


Oh great...the bad twin. Already I was considering simply walking away through the fire and leaving him here., that wouldn't have been right... Besides, maybe he could help me find Marley...if that tiny scrap of older brother protectiveness decided to surface.

"This is the mansion," I said. "You've...been here before, haven't you?"
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:22 pm


We kept way... I guess, through... stuff burning. It was...bad. Like... imagine Auda on a bad day... with all the riot fires...and multiply that by... a lot.

I heard Ana make a noise somewhere behind me... like a little squeak. I reached back uncertainly, and felt her cling to my arm. Ok...well...she was alive...and that...was a good thing...

I turned down a hallway that didn't seem to be as on fire as the hallway we were in currently. Just...lots and lots of smoke... Ugh...smoke was hard to breathe. "Come on..." I pulled Ana this way, since...well the alternative was things...on fire...and that...was bad. Uhm...worse... than smoke. I thought.

I noticed something moving in hallway. Could have been...more smoke, I guess...but it looked kind of...If it was insanity wolf, I was probably hallucinating and we were all dead.

"Er...are...are you...uhm...insanity wolf? And..if not...uhm...are you real?" I managed through the smoke...sort of... It may have come out more as awkward coughing than words, but... if I was hallucinating... the hallucination would understand...probably...maybe...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:00 pm

I count myself pretty sane... Wait. Stopping, instinct screaming not to, I turn to the voice. Tall...though...he was human. Two people, actually. I had seen him before; he was a friend of Marley's. The girl, not so much. Lungs hurt from the smoke, even down here. I couldn't imagine the amount up there. I approach carefully, until standing in front of him, narrow my icy blue eyes at him before grabbing the sleeve of his shirt gently. The floor, stupid, get down on the floor and you won't cough so dang much...

Last edited by Black&White on Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:09 pm

Ezra ran coughing and sputtering, staying low in the smoke filled hall. "Anybody?! Anybody out there?!" He shouted, hacking a bit. His hair and clothes were dark with ash, and his face stained with soot. "Anybody?!" He gasped, leaning against the wall for support.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:21 pm

God.../damn it/.... I knew that voice... For a second I contemplate leaving. Leaving /silently/ a /real/ damn /trained/ assassin.... A deaf person could hear him coming, for fucking... AGH.
'Be a /hero/...' 'When /I/ was Robin...' 'We represent /justice/, Damian...'
...Grayson, if you live /I'm/ going to be the thing to kill you...
I double back, mentally cursing, finding Ezra blundering about. Wide open for /anything/ to hit him... I grab his arm, not caring about the pressure. With my other hand, I take my respirator out of my mouth. "Are you ignorant of fire rules as well as assassin rules? Get down to the floor, idiot, or you'll pass out quicker..." /Pulling/ him the direction I had been going, trying to map out the halls in my head as I go.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:28 pm


She pulled me to the floor...where it was less... smoky.

That... that made sense. Maybe. I didn't really know for sure if it made sense or not, but either she was helping us and I wasn't hallucinating, or she was helping us and I was...and... either way, the word "help" was involved, so... whatever.

"T.Mor... where'd you..." I pulled on Ana's arm and she fell to the floor with a bit of a thud. "Ow. Sheesh. Didn't have to be so...mean about that..."

"...sorry..." I muttered. "'s easier to breathe...down here...uhm...sorry..." I muttered. "Uhm... thank existing..." I told the person who saved and whatnot...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:30 pm

Ezra felt someone grab his arm, he looked up and let out a low swear. Great...Damian.../wonderful/...just who he needed. He did as he was told, keeping low which really wasn't a voluntary because of the their height differences. First off, he could give a crap about assasin rules for he wasn't one anymore. Secondly, it wasn't his fault he had gotton stuck in that room.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:33 pm

I nod, turning around again and leading the way. In my travels through the halls the smoke was getting less thick the way I was headed though. Had to be making some progress, though with a train behind me I couldn't move as fast. Even though instinct said to bolt away, I couldn't just leave them...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:41 pm

The parking lot was on fire. It must be. I mean, I left through the back exit. The back exit only leads to one thing. that is, unless I've managed to stumble upon Narnia.
Yeah right.
I was outdoors though. It's not like there was walls to keep in the smoke. If I could just make it a little further, I'd get to clean, fresh air.
I squeezed my eyes shut, giving up on trying to see through the dense, black smoke, and booked it forward, desperate for that promised fresh air.
Just a little further, just a little further. "Omph!"
I just tripped over something. Ow... I reached out around me, gasping in the cleaner air while trying to figure out what object caused me to face plant. No, not what... Who. I was feeling up someone's arm.
I coughed, trying to clear my raw throat."H-hello?"


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:43 pm

I hear him curse. Ah well, wasn't as much as the silent curses direction back at him in my head. What a /wonderful/ day... I didn't much care about my respirator anymore. Didn't much care about survival even. Hated damn sarcasm. It just reminded you of what /wasn't/ happening. I whip at my eyes quickly, fixing my mouth to a thin line to look strong despite the tracks through the soot on my face.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:48 pm


Fantastic, let's all gather round and try to survive with people we hate. Could this day get any worse?! Words flashed in flames before my eyes and every once in a while I could see a familar name or place. It was a growing death list, the halls. Screams could be heard, agonizing screams, screams of the dead and dying. I halted for a minute, there was a door...a door that hadn't been eaten by the flames yet. "Damain..." I said, coughing and nudging him. I pointed in the direction of the door.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:57 pm


"THERE IS SOME PSYCHOPATH TOUCHING ME." My sister yelled suddenly, and that...kind of made sense...with the random..."hello" I had thought I heard.

"Ana...please...don't...It's probably not..I..." I gave up on trying to maybe explain things to her. "" I stated. "Er...Come this may be less fire...possibly?" I told her uncertainly, we had to keep moving somewhere, and... well... I didn't know if the thing...who had rescued us with another member in the party...but... I didn't want to leave...the girl here...So... the sort of invite tumbled out.

"T.MOR IT COULD BE A PSYCHOPATH." Ana yelled at me again.

"...yeah...well..." I didn't really have a response for

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:04 pm

"We can't go in any doors, Pacifist. They go to other worlds. They'll just burn like the others," I snap at him, trying to pull him along still. /Away/ from the flames, instead of dilly dallying while they /catch up/ with us. Stupid...Idiotic...Heavy...Damn it.... "MOVE IT BEFORE I LEAVE YOU TO BURN."

My ears flick back sharply. Loud noises, not appreciated... I look back, pleading with my eyes. Quiet.../please/... I shake my head, going back to survey the new girl on the floor. I nudge her lightly, giving a small whine. Can we keep moving please? I'd like not to lose myself in instinct again. The smell of smoke all around was crazing. Blood lust for once the least of my worries... Wanted to protect the two heartbeats besides mine within me. Wanted to bolt but I kept myself still. Had to beat instinct...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:05 pm

White Angel

I continued riding through the hallway, shielded from most of the smoke by Dindei's large wings. Dindei herself kept her head low to the ground. And so we ran.

I think I see some people ahead, she told me.

"Really? Who?"

It's...oh, great... The failassassin.


Good news, though. Damian's there, too.

"Ah, that is good. Well...we'd better go over there, then."

As much as I disliked dealing with that wangsting disgrace to all assassins, it was always enjoyable to mess with him alongside Damian. And as much as I wanted to leave the failassassin alone in the fire, it would be wrong to leave Damian, too. Especially with him.

And so we approached.
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:08 pm

"WELL AREN'T YOU JUST A-" I tried to shout back at him, hacking up a lung (not literally....that would be gross). I wrenched my arm out of his grasp and used my hand to smack him upside the head. "Fine. then." I said, walking in the direction he wanted to go.

I could careless about the whole fail assasin thing, I wasn't normal. I was a Cox, and that meant our assasins weren't like others. They focused more on the pain aspect of it rather then being as quiet as possible, we had thought we were invincible. But unlike all the other Coxes, I noticed our down fall, we didn't /plan/ for the unexpected since we were so confident to win.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:14 pm

I jerked my hand back, staring at the wolf with wide eyes. "I-I am not a psychopath," I protested meekly, starting to feel dizzy. I probably should have eaten more today. After practice, some energy would have been handy right about now. Course, how was I to know I'd find myself caught in a fire? I blinked several times, realizing I just tried to convince a wolf I was sane. What the hell was going on?
I looked to the male voice, him seeming the safest out of the bunch. "I'm not a psychopath."
I forced my limbs to move forward, not paying heed to bumps I was amassing, crawling across the floor in nothing but a leotard.
Air, I just needed air.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:21 pm


She started moving. and...the... Insanity wolf...that...I don't think was insanity wolf...was er...looking at Ana like it wanted her to shut up. I would have told her to...if...If I wasn't so... well...I mean...that is yeah.

I just kind of pulled on her, and we kept moving forward through the smokey-ness in the dark too...gah. If only there was....a...not on fire place...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:24 pm

After Grayson... Cox.... It's final... My hands tight in fists. "Fine. /You/ take lead. I hope you know you're going the wrong way though! Already went down there, all there is is more fire! AND YOU WOULDNT COUGH SO DAMN MUCH IF YOU STAYED TO THE DAMN FLOOR PACIFIST!" I turn, glaring for a second at the large bird and White Angel. "Hello. Thanks for a /sane/ person to talk to," I say, three sixty to as much of a pleasant tone I could manage past the smoke and thickness in my throat. I whip at my eyes again, trying to get rid of the damn tracks in the soot on my face I know are there. Wasn't weak. It's the damn smoke...

At least they were moving. Follow the smoke out, follow the smoke. I trot up to take lead again. Human senses weaker than wolf's. I was the most capable of leading. /Alex.../ I try reaching out, pleading. Please, please make it. Don't leave me... /Alex can you hear me...?/

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:26 pm

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WANTED TO GO IN THAT DIRECTION!!!" I said, unhappily walking back. Let's face it...he was BW's charrie and BW had been here longer then Gh had. I didn't want to admit it but I had no clue where we were going.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Bells Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:30 pm


I was a step out side of the door when I spotted my father. Dad was calmly walking down the hall, an annoyed look on his face as he searched the shadows, most likely for me. I flinched as he called my name once again, and stepped where he could see me, coughing as I took a breath and felt the smoke come in instead of the clean air I had expected.

"Daniella." He growled between a couple of harsh coughs. "What is this? what did you do?"

A bit of anger worked itself to the surface of my mind and I glared at him, putting a hand over my mouth to cover another cough. "Why the freak does this have to be my faul-" I broke of as he seized my arm and jerked me towards him, his lip curling up in annoyance.

"Don't talk-" He started coughing again and I hesitated, pulling my arm away and pointing down the hall.

"We should get moving." I muttered, wondering why I was bothering to help him.

Dad snorted, eyeing the hall before glancing back at me. "We'll discuss your attitude later." He promised before he started walking, leaving me not choice but to follow.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:31 pm

White Angel

Dindei unfurled her wings a little; I ducked my head out from under them while still clinging tightly to the bundle in my arms.

"Hey," I said to Damian. "Need a lift? Dindei can protect you from the smoke. And we can ditch this idiot, too."
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 2 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:31 pm

Right, just follow the wolf. This makes complete sense. How long have we been crawling now? The parking lot isn't that big. We'd have to make it out soon, right? I didn't even know wolves lived in the state. Never mind went about saving people in fires.
The parking lot felt awfully smooth. Did they get it repaved?

Last edited by Ella Rose on Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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