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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Jacky K.
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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:10 pm

I sat back on my heels, staring at her as she spoke. Wasn't she just a... and now she's human? That's it, I must have slipped and hit my head on the high beams today. There's no way...
Well, if this is a dream it's best just to go with the flow, right? The sooner it ends, the sooner I wake. Right. Go with the flow.
"Any ideas?" I choked, my voice raspy from the smoke.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:58 pm

White Angel

"She's certainly strong enough for it," I started, "but the question is more of how much space she has on her back... There's really only room for two people to sit."

I was pretty sure we both knew who was walking. ...Technically, there would be enough space if...I dunno, Damian sat on my lap or something, but that would be way awkward. And it would mean that the failassassin would actually get to ride.

Assassins only, Dindei thought, giving the notion of a smirk.
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:33 pm

Morals....ugh... They were so... dilemma causing... Didn't have this problem /before/. Didn't really want this problem...
I eye White Angel, frowning, back to Ezra, scowling. Back to White Angel for a second, unsure, then glaring away at the floor.
"Pacifist get on the damn bird..." I mutter, fixing my hood which had fallen off while running.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:52 pm

I raised an eyebrow "Why are you worried, exactly?" I never quite understood the dynamics of the group of four that seemed to have formed in the box. And... quite honestly, I wanted to talk about something- anything- other than the fact my sister could be nothing but a charred shell somewhere, and there was nothing I could do about it.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:06 pm

White Angel

I looked at Damian in surprise. Did...did he seriously just say that...?

Don't I get a vote? Dindei grumbled, giving a quick, annoyed shake of her wings. Maybe I don't want him on my back...

I paused for a moment before carefully dismounting with my bundle.

"You get on, too," I told Damian.


I swept my arms to the sides, splitting a fire right down the middle, then turned slightly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, starting to walk again. "Marley is one of my best friends."

Really...I'd thought that the whole friendship thing was pretty obvious with us four. There was a reason the authors gave us a group name...
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:27 pm

I nod after her, leading the way down the hall again but not so pulling as last time as she kept up.

"You're being annoying...Get on your bird. I'll run," I say, the inner debate very clear through my expression and body language. "You probably don't want to drop whatever that is" I gesture to the bundle quickly "And Pacifist is going to pass out since he can't learn to stay down to the floor. And since he's such a failassassin he'd pass out anyway from trying to keep up. Well... I'm small so smoke's not much of a problem for me anyway. And I'm..." I press my lips to a thin line. Presenting myself, Robin, the hero. "...doing this for my it..." God damn smoke. Stop making tears...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Ale J. Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:39 pm

I was crawling and getting through this smoke when I heard a letter being called out. 'J', only one person called me that.

"Nameless?" I called out, couching out some smoke that got into my lungs.

Just keep moving...don't stop, keep moving...We had to keep going. Alyson was hopefully behind me.

"Alyson?" I coughed out. I could hear screams, shouts, fire blazing and destroying the building, but not her voice. "Aly?!" I shouted louder. Nothing. Nothing in my mind, nothing in my heart, absolutely nothing. I looked around frantically, but all I saw was fire. This couldn't be happening...I felt so empty now....she couldn't be dead...right? I crawled back to where I last saw her, my hands searching the ground that I couldn't see very clearly.

What would I do if I couldn't find her?
Ale J.
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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:55 pm

"Yes aren't related, and her survival has no direct correlation with yours... Why are you so concerned?" I realized that I either simply did not understand Arkan and his motives, or he was making no sense at all. I assumed it was the latter. Perhaps he just had a strange set of priorities.

I let him lead me, but I was much more alert than I had been just minutes before. And I hated every second of it.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:25 pm


Waitwhat.... the worlds...were...gone? I mean... I realise that fire, uhm Fire...kind of does that to things. But just hearing that... I mean...ok.. from what I'd seen, Auda wasn't really anything all that great... It kind of...wasn't a good place... but still. I mean... I grew up there.'s gone.


If not now a bit.

"We could or something. Leave the house...uhm. Yeah. get out of the house." Ana suggested. I was shocked to hear something from her that actually seemed to be a helpful suggestion.

She probably hadn't heard that bit about... you know...all the worlds... burning... I was kind of glad that my sister was here...and

I realised that Ana was kind of looking at me expectantly. ...what was I suppoused to say? " ...uhm...ok..." I agreed, figuring that anywhere was better fire... "We should....probably...erm...keep going..." I muttered.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:32 am

White Angel

I looked at him for a moment before sighing and putting a foot in a stirrup.

"So be it," I said. I could tell that arguing wasn't going to get me anywhere with him. Given that, I swung my leg over Dindei's other side and settled into the saddle. "Alright, Pacifist, hop on."


Did he not just hear what I said? I'd thought it was pretty straightforward. Dorian was a lot of things, but he wasn't dense. ...Ugh. I hoped that this wouldn't turn out the way all the explanations given to Mr. Face turned out.

"Like I said," I began, "she's one of my best friends. You don't have to be related to someone to care about them, you know."
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:31 pm

I stayed still for a moment, taking in several deeps breaths of the clean air. We needed to escape, that much was clear. What sane person chooses to stay in a burning building? Even if this was some all crazy dream, I didn't want to die. After all, don't you die in real life if you die in your dreams? No thank you.
"Do we know how much of the place is on fire?" I forced myself up. "Which way is out?"


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:35 pm

"Can't tell. All I smell is smoke..." And the headache is growing from it. "And if I knew where out was I'd be headed towards it..." Or Alex... The thought makes my arms around my stomach tighten. No, he has to be alright... "Just keep going." I nod to T.Mor, starting to stand.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:44 pm


I climbed up, holding my t-shirt to my mouth to block out the smoke. "Thanks," I said, coughing a bit. I wasn't a Pacifist, get me mad enough and I did violence pretty well...


"J!" I repeated, clammering over to her and trying to keep as low as possible. I took her hand and pulled her down the hallway, "Stay low!"

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:18 pm

"Whatever..." I mumble, adjusting my cloak slightly before starting down the hall without another word. Don't mention it, Pacifist. Don't ever mention it...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Ale J. Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:32 am

"I know!" I coughed out, staying low to the ground and pulling my shirt over my nose. "Do you know how to get out of here?" I asked, hoping he could hear me in all the noises and screams in the background.
Ale J.
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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:31 pm


Well then... uhm... I picked a direction that seemed to be the least on fire...and started that way. It was clear enough here that I didn't have to be all....crawling on the floor.

I had no idea where I was going.

At all.

At all.

If we were lucky...we'd run into someone else who had a better idea of what was going on...And if we weren' There would...just be...more fire.

Ana and the rest had better have been following me...or else... that...that would have been bad. I stopped for a minute, almost going to turn around to check, but then Ana actually ran into me from the abrupt stop...

"Why'd you stop? Keep going we'll catch on fire." She nagged.

"I just... wanted make sure we had everyone." I muttered.

"What does it--" I shot her a look. It mattered. I might not matter... but...everyone else certainly did. Including her. "Oh...Uhm...ok." She muttered. I think she kind of got the point. Ish. But...I could never tell with Ana... She'd be all... alright with something and then not alright with it the next hour... I hated it. But she was all I had left really

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:30 pm

I quickly followed after the tall boy and girl, Ana, I believed he called her. I didn't know them and frankly, I didn't care. Now was not the time for introductions. My eyes darted back and forth, trying to spot an exit among the smoky, dark halls (eh, cannon. Sorry if I described that wrong.). I held back a shiver, wrapping my arms around my small frame. Not that I was cold. No, the fire had the place feeling like a blazing desert. This place just gave me the creeps. This dream felt too real.
Then I spotted it; a crack under a door that shone light. Sun light.
"Omph!" I yelped, walking into Ana as she stopped short. My eyes stayed locked on the sliver of light though. Could it be?
I tugged on her arm, then made eye contact with the other girl before hesitantly approaching the door.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:13 pm

I look at where the one was headed cautiously. Sense of smell still off; I couldn't tell if that was really outside or if that was another world. If other worlds would smell differently, or if this 'real world' even smelled the same as what outside was in mine. How could we tell though? Wait around to see if the place turned to burning paper when the fire reached us?

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:21 pm


The new girl grabbed my sleeve, and I looked over at her, and then toward what she was kind of looking at before she was looking at me. The floor boards, I think. Why...Why was I being all...accosted by her hands when...Oh.



Like...erm... It seemed to well. I didn't know. "What is that under the door?" I asked the group in general.

T.Mor looked back towards all of us. Then he looked at the little gap near the floor too.

" that...uhm...?" He asked. He never spoke in a way that made sense. It was really annoying. Like... really annoying. What was he trying to ask me?

"Is that what, T.Mor?" Come on. Seriously. How hard is it to have words come out of your mouth in a way that is intelligible to human beings? "Just say it. Internet."

"Is... Is that...outside?" He finally managed. I think the smoke was getting to him. The outside was grey. Not yellow.

"No, No that's not outside. Outside is grey." I informed him.

"...It's...not... always...though..." He muttered. "Right?" He looked at the two girls over my shoulder.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:35 pm

I ignored their babble, too transfixed by the door. I slowly made my way across the warm floor boards, still barefoot. I never thought to grab my shoes before running out of practice. It's not like I knew...
I tentatively reached out, tapping the door nob and snapping my hand back, expecting to be burned. The crystal, diamond nob was cool to my touch, a reassuring sign there was no fire behind this mysterious door.
"We can stay and burn, or try our luck behind door number one..." I mumbled to myself. I felt like I was in a game show; all my eggs were in one basket. Only, these eggs were lives. Was I really willing to barter that?
Resolve filled me and I swallowed hard, reaching back out and turning the nob.
I swung the door open, squinting as a bright light poured in.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:23 pm

"Outside is bright, usually," I say, still keeping a cautious distance from the door. Use all your senses, instinct demanded, but smell was /out/ and I hated it. Sight said outside, but logic said it could have just been a careless character who left their door open.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:26 pm


A ride with Damian and White Angel, if only we could pick Dorian up on the way, that be a REAL treat. Hey, it'd be better then dying and we'd get out faster.


I shook my head at her, pulling her away from a fallen piece of burning wood. "I don't know how to get out, we should try to find an exit."

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:51 pm


See Ana? Some places had this thing called 'natural light'. ...Of course, I would never tell her that... she'd... yell or something. "Uhm... Is it... real?" I asked, not quite sure that this was a real way to escape.

I mean... of all the doors... any one of them could be the... door to...

"DOES IT MATTER? COME ON. IT'S NOT ON FIRE. SHEESH T.MOR." Ana said, disregarding any potential issues... Not like she knew how this place worked or anything....but... still.

"But... it could uhm... not real..." I told her.

"I DON'T CARE. I'M NOT ON FIRE. That PLACE is not on fire. WE WERE MADE FOR EACHOTHER." She yelled panickedly. "Come on!" And I was being dragged towards the door.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:01 pm

"Jackpot," I murmured. Seems like I chose the right door. A cool breeze blew across my face and I grinned, quick to enter the brightly lit field.
The grass tickled my toes as I tilted my head up, taking in the clean air for a moment before turning back to the strange wolf girl. She seemed hesitant. Why though, I had no clue. "Well, come on. It's better than burning alive."


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 4 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:18 pm

Arms wrapped around my stomach. I want to look for Alex. I want to go back and get Alex. Can't do this by myself. But then he wouldn't want me to put myself in danger - to but /us/ in danger...
I take a breath, walk through after her. not another world but outside, the mansion behind us with a billow of smoke heading up.

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