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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Jacky K.
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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:36 pm

A lift. Without the Pacifist. "I'd like to," I grumble. Supposed to be a /hero/. Not supposed to leave a 'civilian' alone. Even though with whatever training he got he should manage to get out of here just fine... Stupid, stinging eyes... Stop making tracks...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:40 pm

Nothing. That wasn't... My ears flick back again troubled, but I couldn't be...distracted by this. Had to hope he made it too. He had to have made it... Smoke kept getting clearer as we navigated away from the fire. The smell still plagued me like it was right next to me though. Getting /lightheaded/ from it even...

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:47 pm

White Angel

I frowned, which wasn't really visible anyway.

"Well, even if we have to take him, you can still hop on," I offered. "It's considerably easier to breathe here. And I'm perfectly fine with him walking."

I'll be swift.

"I expected no less of you, Dindei," I said with a sly grin.
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:12 pm

I swallowed hard, breaking down the mental barriers between me and the world. I didn't /want/ them down. But... I needed to for Robin. I owed him that much. Concentrating on the way he was holding me, I finally 'snapped out of it', so to speak. At least enough to function. For now... "Okay, I'm g-good n-now... s-sorry..." I breathed out, my voice strained and afraid.

"No, I don't believe I have, actually. Though I think this" I paused to cough "conversation would be better held at a later point in time. Do you know a way out?" I was far from happy about having to ask him for help, albeit indirectly, but I would worry about that later, too.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:18 pm

"It's alright. I got us away from the fires. We just need to find a way out of this hallway," I tell her softly. "We'll be out for good then. We can go find the others after." A hopeful thought. They had to survived though. Speedy's earned a damn /nickname/ from it... I pull back slightly, but keep her in my arms. Far from alright, but she wouldn't be willing to admit it. "I'm right here, Spades. You've got my back, I've got yours. Partners."

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:18 pm


We kept I guess? Maybe?...I dunno...

The smoke was getting...a bit...less bad...

"Er...what...what now?" I asked anyone in particular. It was kind of obvious that we couldn't go back to our own...universes...I

"We go home, and never come back to this crazy place." Ana said.

"'s...not..." Again, I gave up trying to explain to her, as...she never listened to me anyway.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:28 pm

The air was clear. I laid there, gasping greedily, unable to think outside of that one, Godsent fact. I didn't bother moving any further, I'm not sure I had it in me. I just laid there, eyes squeezed shut and face pressed against the cool ground as I tried to regain my bearings. My head was spinning and my stomach churning.
People were talking. I could hear them. I should probably sit up and say thank you, but the very thought of sitting up made me feel faint. No, I'd just wait it out. It would pass. So I settled for just listening.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:32 pm

I nodded, composing myself. Just have to make it out of the fire, Spades... just fake it until you can get out...because even if you let yourself shut down and block it all out, where would that leave Robin? "Partners" I agreed softly


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:38 pm

I turn back again, looking at the three of them. I hated the feeling the soot gave me. All /over/... I give a frustrated shake before shifting back to human, finally able to cough properly. My nose still clogged with the scent of smoke. I couldn't hope to find anyone in this fog that covered everything else.
My arms protectively around my stomach, my nerves still on high. "We have to find a way out of the building. Get somewhere safe..." Find Alex. Just find my mate and everything will get so much better...
/Alex? Marley? Dorian...?/ anyone who might know where he was. If he was still...still alive or not...

I give a small smile, whipping away some more soot from her face before looking around. "You know where we are? This hallway doesn't seem to have an end. Or any other path from it..." I slacken my arms slightly, making sure she was really okay step by step.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:43 pm

I shook my head slightly "No idea. Guess all we can do is get away from the f-flames-" I stumbled over the word, as if it briefly reminded me exactly /what/ was going on, then recovered "and stay low. There's bound to be a way out somewhere, and maybe the others are already in a place with cleaner air...?"


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:49 pm


Find a way out...Of... this place. This place was worse at having a way out than the government building back home. girl. erm. Well. uh. Weirder things have happened...but...still.

"Er...It's not really...uh...I dunno how...if... there's...a... outside..." There were plenty of fake outsides... I'd seen them...but... "You're not... insanity wolf..." I added, just as a...way to confirm that.

"T.Mor I think you are going insane. There has to be a real outside, what are you talking about?" Ana chided me.

"This isn't...I's kind" I tried to explain. "It's...not...real...kind of...sorta..." I wasn't... entirely sure how to explain, I didn't know all the novel writing words to


Last edited by Invisimort on Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:51 pm


"I wish," I said, already starting to walk. "The place is a freaking labyrinth. Winter once told me what the entrance looked like, but it'd take incredible luck just to find the thing. Our best bet is to find a part of the building that isn't burning and wait for it all to end. This fire isn't natural... It refuses to go out."

I stayed ahead of Dorian, not caring in the slightest how he felt about it. Every few feet or so, I gave a quick wave of my hand; the flames on the path shied away. But the damn things still wouldn't be silenced completely.
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:51 pm

The scent of smoke was starting to get heavier again. I nod. "Just keep going," I confirm, taking her hand, still not wanting to leave her on her own. Even if I was just next to her.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:57 pm

Outside? What are they talking about? We were outside. The Olympic gymnasium parking lot to be exact.
I grimaced, peeling my face off the ground and looking around, forcing my arms to stop their shaking. I stared around, convinced my eyes were deceiving me. This was not the parking lot. "What the..." I gasped, words failing me.

Last edited by Ella Rose on Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:58 pm

I was silent for a couple of moments as we walked, thinking something over. After a few more moments, I cleared my throat "So... how high is the possibility that my sister is caught up in this...?" I asked, somewhat hesitantly.

I held his hand tightly, giving another tense nod as if I was afraid that my voice would crack if I tried to talk.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:00 pm

"This is outside of our worlds, in a sort of in between station to ours and to our writers'. I've understood it, reading over my author's shoulder from time to time..." If I could read... The others like to peep, I just listen to their gossip. Listening is my thing... Arms around my stomach, I could hear the two of them within. Safe still. But still needing protection.
"...You said Auda," I say to the woman... Ana... "I'm...acquaintances with a Mr. Face." I'm not sure if we could quite qualify to 'friendship' yet... "And you're a friend of Marley." I turn to T.mor. "I'm her future sister in law where I come from."

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Ale J. Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:16 am

I walked through the streets of Laucay, the sky above me bright with silent fireworks. Everything was peaceful and quiet, the only noise came from people talking and heels clicking on the stone street. So, it was unexpected when I heard screams coming from behind me. My head whipped around as hundreds of people rushed toward the edge of the city, trying to get above ground. I pulled out my wings and flew up so I wouldn't get trampled on, looking in the distance. A huge fire was taking over Jentaria and the smaller cities surrounding it. It was spreading fast, smoke covering the sky. My brothers...would they be okay? Of course...they were back in America, above ground, and safe. I just needed to get out of here and back to them. I flew back to the ground, running in the opposite direction of the flames and saw a crowd at the exit. They were stuck...but how? The Council made exits for things like this, but all of them were closed off by more flames. What was happening? Had the fire gone above ground too? A wall of smoke began to surround me. I hit the ground and crawled, coughing as some of it got into my lungs. I felt a building in front of me, staying low, I pushed at the door. It wouldn't budge. I got the cloth of my shirt and pulled it over my mouth, got up, and kicked the door. It flew open as I dropped to the ground again, the fire probably made it more weak. I crawled through, seeing this place was even more on fire. I stayed low, crawling and trying to find somewhere not swallowed in flames.

"Stay here!" Alyson yelled, pushing me into a supply closet. She expected me to stay here while she fought the bad guy? No way. I grabbed the doorknob, about to turn it when Alyson opened it again. Her eyes kept glancing over her shoulder.

"Wha-" I began, but she took my arm and yanked me out. I looked behind her and saw flames eating the building. My thoughts went to the day my mom burned to death, watching the flames cover her body, only ashes left. But that wasn't an accident...this might be...then again, we were wanted dead...

"COME ON! DON'T STAND THERE LIKE AN IDIOT! MOVE." Alyson yelled, pulling me from my thoughts and taking me to reality. I ran with her through one of the hallways, smoke filling our lungs. She spotted another door, taking my hand and running over to it. I took the knob and turned it, though it was scorching hot, and came face to face with smoke, dark and thick. I dropped to the ground, dragging Alyson with me.

"Come on! We need to find a way out!" I said, my voice interrupted by coughing. She nodded and we began to crawl under the smoke. It was so thick now that I couldn't see anything in front of me. I took lead and went forward, hoping Alyson was following.

You okay? I asked in my mind.

Yeah. She answered. I kept going, wanting to find a way out of this place. We were on the fourth floor, getting out of here would take forever. I would have used my powers, but I was too worried. My powers were blocked when I was worried or afraid. We kept crawling and crawling...Was there no end to all this smoke?

The screams and shouts echoed throughout Asdrujula, fire spreading everywhere. I had never seen fire...but it seemed terrible. I should have been safe in the palace, there was never fire here. Why should there be now? I watched as people fled the city, some burned to death in the streets. It was horrifying to watch. What would happen now? How would we fix this?

"Autumn?!" I yelled out, hoping she was in here still. She always seemed to disappear and reappear so easily.

"Jaska! We need to get out of here!" Autumn said frantically, coming in through the hallway door.

"I thought we were safe." I said. The Protectors of the palace designed it to withstand every emergency. Right?

"No! Fire has taken over the entire east side! We can't stop it!" A guard came in.

"Prince Jaska, we need to get you out of here immediately!" He and Autumn came to me, taking an arm each and dragging me out of my room. As we descended the stairs, the guard pushed in a stone on the wall, the stones moved and a hole appeared in the wall. I saw a long hallway ahead, the guard shoved me in. "Run!" He yelled, and it shut. What about Autumn? And that guard...I couldn't let them die! I ran over to the door, trying to do the same as him, but it didn't work. The room was getting hotter and hotter, Flames came up from behind me. Now I was trapped! I had never been in this place before, but I could hardly see, smoke came from all sides. What was I supposed to do? I had never seen fire before today! They never taught me about it. I stood there, afraid to move. I coughed in all the smoke, trying to find a place around here with no fire. But the stuff was everywhere. It was hard to even open my eyes now! What was I supposed to do now? A flame came up and burned my hand, it was so hot! How could something hurt this much? I started to feel lightheaded, I fell to the ground, and I realized it was less bad down here. what?
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Invisimort Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:01 pm


Waitwhat. Mr.Face...had...aquaintences...that...didn't end up dead...and...well...didn' for him? ...what.

I think I stared at her for a bit just kind of...amazed at that. How'd she... I mean...she...didn't look I dunno... Like some kind of psycho...but... er... uhm.

Ana looked kind of the same way about that, only, really... she only knew half of everything. She had no idea what kind of...erm...uhm... bad...things... Mr.Face liked to do... just that he caused all this...badness with the money and...stuff. I think...I mean... I tried not to tell her much on purpouse. "Wait... you... you know the dictator? What? That's crazy." Ana answered.

" to...authors...and people...and..." I cut myself off there. I almost added something about dismebmerment, but I realised that Ana only knew about the killing... and...I mean...cellblock three is....loads different than cellblock "So... I mean... It's... possible Ana..." I told her.

"He...WHAT?" I think that her shock was at hearing the word 'author' and not at Mr.Face's social habits...maybe...

" er...authors... uhm." I stated.

"T.Mor... you are dreadfully insane, you know that? There is no way that we are like... MADE UP...ok? Not...Not possible. At all." She said all...forceful and certain.

" is..." I muttered. Not that she'd believe me the try.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:04 pm


"Not sure," I answered, moving more flames aside. "She spends a lot of time outside her 'verse, so her chances of burning up there are slim. With any luck, she'll have made it to a hallway that isn't on fire..."

I didn't bother masking my worry. Marley would certainly know to run away from a burning hall, but...considering how often we Four died... And...with the mansion on fire, what would...? ...No. I didn't want to think about that. Marley had to be here somewhere. Marley, and Cricket, and T.Mor...

They had to be...
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Guest Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:24 pm

Watching tv, so I thought 'Heyyy why not?'
on mah phoneee so posts may be short...

So whether or not my sister was alive was based solely on luck. Wonderful.
"That isnt exactly comforting" I muttered, slight irritation seeping into my voice.


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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Echo Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:30 pm


"I know," I answered with a concerned frown. "But that's all I can tell you. Believe me, I'm worried, too. I still don't think she was inside the 'verse, though, so there's that..."

How were we even supposed to find other people in this hellhole?
Winter Dragon

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Banshee Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:07 am


I looked back from White to Damian. Great, planning my demise right before me...again.


I saw a familiar face in the sea of flames. "J!" I called out. (jamie...since he only knows the first letter of her name)

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Bells Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:20 pm


Dad was coughing pretty bad now, I wasn't sure if I like that or not. I mean, I hated him and all...but that ashy tone to his skin didn't really make me feel happy..

"Come on." I urged, starting to notice the fact that the smoke seemed to be thinner near the ground.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him down, taking a deep breath of the cleaner air as I did. There was still smoke but at least it was better here than standing.

Dad coughed a bit more, then eyed me with annoyance. "Well done Daniella, but next time don't touch me."

I sighed, looking away from him to the smoky halls. "Come on..we should keep moving."

He squeezed my hand, which I suddenly realized he still had, hard enough to make it feel almost numb and painful at the same time. "Orders Daniella?" he growled and I dropped my eyes.

"Sorry Dad."

With a smirk he let go and started forwards, making sure to stay low to the ground. Shaking my hand slightly I once again followed him.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:03 pm

I look back at Pacifist and catch his eye. "That's acceptable. Can the bird carry the three of us?" I ask, turning back to White Angel and her...ostrich thing. Only now do I noticed the sooted package she has, but I don't question it.

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Apocalypse of the Minds Eye - Page 3 Empty Re: Apocalypse of the Minds Eye

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:34 pm

I smile. "Quite possible for all of us," I agree. "But we still have to find a way out of here..." It won't matter /who/ created us then. We'd all just be destroyed. Like all of our worlds behind these doors...

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