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star guardians

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:33 pm

Isabel - "But this is funny," I laughed. I looked up with him with a giant smirk on my face.

Jonathon - "I can certainly try," I said stubbornly.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:54 pm

Daniel:" for you it is but for me hell no it's not funny" I said as I look at her

Laveda:" jonathan she is stubborn just like you" I told him just before we came upon the scene of Daniel in a tree and Isabel sitting next to a wolf. Which I can't help but laugh at Daniel.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:08 pm

Jonathon - "Isabel! Get away from that thing!" I hissed.

Isabel - I looked up at my brother and laughed, "You're just like Daniel, afraid of something so cuddly and kind like this poor little wolf."


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:56 pm

Laveda:" Daniel can you get down?" I ask as I went closer to the tree

Daniel:" no because if I can I already be down and also isabel I'm not like him" I said as I point to Jonathan while still holding onto a branch of the tree.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:09 pm

Isabel - "You're right," I laughed at Daniel, "you're hot and he's not."

Jonathon - "Isabel..." I warned.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:48 pm

Laveda:" guys now there no need to argue and Daniel get down now" I said and I gave Daniel a look of he better get down now

Daniel:" fine" I said as I slowly got down from the tree
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:52 pm

Isabel - "Be nice little wolf," I said as I pet the wolf. "By the way, brother, you did such a great job keeping an eye on me."

Jonathon - "Isabel, I swear I will lock you up in a cage and keep you there," I growled.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:19 am

Daniel: after I got on the ground and that wolf didn't bit me I said " well isabel if he actually does lock you up you don't have to worry I will break you out" as I smirked
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:26 am

Isabel - I blushed lightly and kissed the wolf on its forehead to hide it, "I know you will, Daniel," I said with the blush still evident on my cheeks.

Jonathon - I spun around on Daniel, "I dare you to try."


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:13 am

Daniel:" you know I will do it and you can't stop" I told him as I mean it

Laveda: I know if this continue there be one ugly fight between these two so I got in between them as I told them " enough of this shit now you two. we got bigger things to focus on then you two fighting about nonsense and stupid thing"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:16 am

Isabel - I got up and went to Daniel's side, "Exactly," I said as the wolf trotted loyally beside me. "Like what the hell happened to make up get down here."

Jonathon - I eyed Isabel next to Daniel but kept my opinion to myself for the sake of Laveda. "Fine, but this doesn't mean I don't hate you," I told Daniel.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:26 am

Daniel:" same here jonathan and Isabel that wolf can't follow you around" I said I point to wolf next to her

Laveda:"isabel I believe some thing or some one want us out of way before we talk about this more let's find some place like a town to rest for a bit"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:28 am

Isabel - I pouted up at Daniel, "Why can't I keep my new friend?"

Jonathon - I rolled my eyes and did my best to ignore my sister as she flirted with that good-for-nothing... I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. "That's a good idea Laveda."


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:34 am

Daniel:" it try to bit me Isabel remember I was just in a tree trying not to get bitten by it Isabel"

Laveda:" yup so let's get go before we run into any trouble" I said as I look around at the woods that is around us just before I started walking.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:36 am

Isabel - I walked, making sure the wolf stayed with me, "He'll be nice, I promise," I whined.

Jonathon - "Isabel, stop whining," I yelled over my shoulder at her as I walked.

Isabel - "Stay out of this Jonathon!" I yelled right back. "Please," I begged Daniel. "Please let me keep him."


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:48 am

Daniel;" fine but the first moment it try to bit me it's gone without questions" I told her

Laveda:" jonathon come walk next me " I said as I stopped a bit because I more up head then him
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:52 am

Jonathon - I got beside Laveda and gave a smile, "Sorry about this. It's just... she's the only family I have and I don't trust Daniel."

Isabel - I grinned, happy I got my way, "Thanks Daniel!" I gave him a giant hug.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:06 pm

Laveda:" its okay I understand jonathon about you only want protect your family but Daniel won't hurt her I know he won't " I told him

Daniel: I just hugged her back "now keys kept up laveda before she leave us here alone"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:11 pm

Isabel - "Alright, " I said and skipped slightly ahead of him, "now I got to think of a name for you," I said to the wolf. "What do you think of Rascal?" At this suggestion the wolf snarled a bit. "Sorry. Sorry." I mumbled.

Jonathon - "I can't take your word for it. Daniel just makes me uncomfortable. Isabel would shove a knife through her chest if he told her to," I said irritated.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:22 pm

Laveda;" trust me jonathan he wouldn't hurt your sister if he like hurting people then I most likely won't be walking here right now" I said as I remember from a time when I first met Daniel before met Jonathan and isabel and all of us became a group

Daniel: I just watch Isabel and thought I hope she don't get that wolf a girl name
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:24 pm

Isabel - "Dante? I always thought that was a pretty name, very sophisticated," I looked down at the wolf.

Jonathon - "I suppose that I should trust him..."


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:32 pm

Laveda:" or at least don't give him a hard time Jonathan " I told him before I knew I saw a huge tall tree fall almost on top of everything so I pull jonathon out of the way before it landed on us

Daniel: I saw the tree fall because I know me and Isabel won't make it if we kept trying to cross to get to the others so i pull Isabel and her wolf back out of way and once it feel I realized I can't spot a way to around this tree to get with the others
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:51 pm

Jonathon - "Isabel!" I yelled as I spun around to see that she was stuck on the other side.

Isabel - I gasped, falling to the ground and right into the wolf. "Oh no," I whispered


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:08 pm

laveda:" are you guys okay"i called out to daniel and isabel as i try to figure out what to do get all us back togather
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fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:37 pm

Isabel - "We're fine," I yelled out. I nuzzled against the wolf to soothe myself, his fur covering me like silk.


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star guardians - Page 2 Empty Re: star guardians

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