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star guardians

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:36 pm

Laveda:" good Daniel and Isabel try to get around this tree and headed north we will meet up outside of this wood" I call out to them
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fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:41 pm

Jonathon - "Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of me," I added.

Isabel - "Oh stop being a big brother!" I yelled back


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:00 pm

Daniel:" see you guys there" I said as I got Isabel up

Laveda:" come jonathan we get going so we can get out of woods and meet your sister and Daniel" I said as I kind of pull jonathon along
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:10 pm

Jonathon - I walked along with Laveda, "Did that seem a little not random to you?" I asked worrying about Isabel. If she got her powers back people would want her again. She was a weapon, one that was influenced a little too easily. She could make evil beings stronger and their enemies weaker. That was probably why I worried about her so much. So many people could use her for their own personal gain.

Isabel - I held Daniel's hand gently, biting my lip nervously as we walked, Dante licking my hand soothingly. "Daniel, I'm afraid," I admitted.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:30 pm

Laveda;" I know this isn't random Jonathan that I want to get out of this wood and back with Daniel and isabel before something really bad happens" I said as I slowly start to walk a bit faster

Daniel:" don't worry Isabel I will protect you" I said as I start pull her along
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:43 pm

Jonathon - "You're right," I nodded, "no use worrying..."

Isabel - "I know, Daniel, I trust you," I said as I walked quickly and ran my fingers through Dante's fur.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:54 pm

Laveda; I nod as i continue on specailly now I feel like we are bring follow

Daniel;" at least you trust me Isabel" I said as I lead the way while keeping an eye out for trouble
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:09 am

Jonathon - I pulled Laveda close to me, feeling eyes on the back of my head. I was prepared for pretty much anything.

Isabel - I shivered against Daniel as a chill washed over me. Something wasn't right... I could feel it.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:08 am

Laveda: I start to hear cracking of sticks now. I try to figure out where it's coming from until I look behind then I said " Jonathan we need to run now" I saw a creature that was created from evil and dark. I saw what look like a cougar but all black and scaled like a snake and had a scorpion stringer as a tail and this creature was right at us and is ready to attack.

Daniel: I let go of her hand to warp my arm around her. I kept an out for any trouble as I hurryly lead us closer to outskirts of woods to get out.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:46 am

Jonathon - I did as Laveda said and ran with her, running from the creature.

Isabel - I gripped onto Daniel's shirt, "Something isn't right. Jonathon isn't safe. Something is happening!" I said squeezing my eyes shut as I winced in pain. "Intuitive girl you have there," a dark, sinister voice smirked from behind us.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:04 pm

Laveda: I look behind as the creature started chase us. Which made me run faster to get away from it.

Daniel: I turn around and behind Isabel behind me so I could protect from whoever is there " what do you want with her"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:57 pm

Jonathon - "Laveda, don't look back," I hissed breathlessly.

Isabel - I hid behind Daniel as the guy smirked. "I just want to help her get her powers back, nothing bad," he tried to assure Daniel.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:15 pm

Laveda: I just nod and kept running until the creature somehow got in front of us

Daniel:"I don't trust you or believe" I told as I was ready to fight
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fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:19 pm

Isabel - I peeked from behind Daniel and saw the guy's eyes catch mine. "Good thing you don't matter then," he said to Daniel, "she does. What do you say Isabel?" I shook my head, "I don't need your help." He laughed, "No, I suppose you don't, but your brother does."

Jonathon - "Get behind me Laveda," I said forcefully.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:38 pm

Laveda: " no I can fight too" I said as I didn't need to be protect anymore

Daniel:" Isabel I don't trust him and we need to get out of woods"
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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:32 pm

Isabel - I ignored Daniel, "What did you do to my brother?"

Jonathon - I hissed, "Laveda, go!"


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:56 pm

daniel:" isabel your brother want you to be safe and this guy isn't safe"

lavada:" no jonathon you can't make me go and we are sticking togather" i said stubbornly before i quickly grab nice thick branch just as that creature ran at us and i used the branch as baseball and hit the creature hard to make him back up since i know my powers are no good for me right now
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:19 am

Jonathon - "Stubborn girl," I growled as I followed her lead and grabbed a branch.

Isabel - "Your brother is in trouble, you know that," the boy said. "Don't you dare hurt him!" I growled, feeling anger boiling up inside of me. "Then let me help you," the boy smirked.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:44 am

Daniel;" don't listen to him Isabel" I begged her

Laveda: as we did our best fighting this creature only with branches and trying to dogde it's scropion stringer as it try to string us I end up being slow for a moment cause me get stung in the leg. I try to hold back my cry from the pain i felt from my leg.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:08 am

Isabel - I stepped closer to him, "Fine, just don't hurt my brother."

Jonathon - I kept fighting, seeing Laveda stung just made me mad.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:26 pm

Daniel;" no Isabel don't let help you "

Laveda: even know I was much slower and kind of in pain I least try to fight
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fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:27 am

Isabel - "I have to Daniel," I hissed.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:38 am

Daniel:" you don't have to do anything Isabel" I told her. Which was truth and I knew her brother didn't want his sister get help from this guy
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fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:51 pm

Isabel - "What about Jonathon? What if he's in trouble?" I asked Daniel.

Mystery Guy - I saw that Daniel wasn't going to let her fully get my help so I decided I would try again later, "I'll be back," I told Isabel with a small wink before disappearing. Soon enough Isabel would miss her powers so much that she would be willing to do anything to get them back. I would be right there to help her, then she would help me. I grinned at the thought.


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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:00 pm

Daniel:" jonathon is too strong to get hurt and he be more worry about you specially since you are with me" I told her

Laveda: after a few hits on the dark creature it look in a direction and took running like it being called away. Once it was off in a distant I went down to the ground as my leg hurts so much right now that it hurts to stand. I roll my pant leg to see how bad is it I was kind of shock. It was all red and swollen where I got stung at.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians - Page 3 Empty Re: star guardians

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