the Character Chat Revolution
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A Midnight Swim

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A Midnight Swim Empty A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:33 pm

So, before I begin, lemme just warn ya'll: I'm not on much, but when I do get on, I will reply right away. Promise.

I've noticed that a lot of chats lately have certain plots that have to be followed, certain settings, and even have certain boundries. Well, ya know what? In this chat, it's all just gunna hang out in the open. Anything is possible.
Of course we have to start out with a current setting though, right? Where would we be without that?
So. We're in California, in a little village that hugs the shore. You have your bars, your beach-front pizza places, and of course, your great, sandy, hang outs.
That's about all I have set lol. But. I do have your standard rules.
1) Please, if your character is about to get freaky with anothers character, fastforward. This may be romance, but it is not mature. Thank you!
2) I personally don't care if you cuss, but others might. So, if someone asks you to stop, please just nicely ease up lol
3) Absolutely. No. One. Liners. You guys, I hate those. This site helps writers, and what good is it when you write stuff like "Caroline shook her head, her eyes shinning with tears." Okay...what was she feeling? Thinking? Her appearance?
4) Use appropriate punctuation please...
5) Let there be drama, hatered, action, love, etc. Make this interesting, Chatters!
Alrighty, that should be it....hahaha

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:39 pm

I WANNA JOIN!!! *jumps up and down*

Name: Rose
Age: 19
Local or vacationer: vacationer
Other: vactioning with her friends and is alittle scared to go out but is mainly excited. Just got over a nasty break up
A Midnight Swim

Name: Holden
Age: 20
Local or vacationer: Local
Other: has no family lives in a resturaunt in the upstairs portion in the attic
A Midnight Swim

Name: Jace
Age: 18
Local or vacationer: Vacationer
Other: with family but just wants to surf
A Midnight Swim Men-Curly-Hair-Styles-4

Last edited by Alice on Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:49 pm

Name: Loral Jennings
Age: 17
Appearance: Brown, curly hair with natural, blonde highlights. Dark brown eyes and a heart shaped face. She's very active, so she's slim and has slight muscle. She has an ugly scar behind her right ear that she's not afraid to show off.
Other: Loral's down to earth, and will always be honest with you, whether it's a good thing or not.

Name: Nick Bosley
Age: 18
Appearance: Black hair, cropped short. Light blue eyes. Broad shoulders with a tattoo of a black cross on his right one.
Other: Nick keeps to himself a lot. He works at the pizza parlor, which takes up most of his time.

Name: Sam Bosley
Age: 20
Appearance: Black hair, slightly long. Dark blue eyes. Not as built as his little brother, but not bad.
Grew up here, but is only visiting his brother now.
Other: He' the exact opposite of Nick. Very outgoing and can be very abnoctious(killed that spelling)

Last edited by Kara_17.02 on Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:49 pm

Yay! Let's wait for one more person before we start lol

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:50 pm

ok lol

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:01 pm

Hm, do ou know anyone who would want to join?

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:11 pm

uuummmm maybe! let me try something Smile

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:14 pm

Mkay lol

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:15 pm

lol i got someone to join ^.^ she will put on her charries ssooonnn

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:17 pm

Yay! lol Vlank ya, chicadee ^.^

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:29 pm

Name: Kamilika (Kami)
Age: 19
Appearance: A Midnight Swim Black_11
Local or vacationer: Vacationer
Other: She came from a messed up rich family they will down anyone and everyone. She keeps a wall up around her beacuse of this and will sometimes go out of her way to dodge people.

Name: Bryce
Age: 19
Appearance: A Midnight Swim Pll1010
Local or vacationer:Local
Other: He works as a server in one of the resturants. He is outgoing but no one really knows anything personal about him.

Name: Aurora
Age: 21
Appearance: A Midnight Swim Girl-w12
Local or vacationer:Local
Other: She is Bryce's step sister they are very close but unlike him she is more shy and quiet but they both share a love for the ocean.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 29

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:34 pm

Yay! Let's start then! lol I added a new character by the way ^^^^

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:36 pm

haha yay!!! Who wants to start?

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Ravyn Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:36 pm

I will totally join this but i am busy with homework-related stuffs at the moment, so i will have to put up my characters later when im free.

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:42 pm

I think the host should go first =)
Karma =)
Karma =)

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:44 pm

Loral ran down the beach, her Zune blaring in her ears. Her pony tail was swaying back and forth with every step she took, sweat plastering the stray strands to her face. She took in the veiw of the ocean, feeling a sence of peace. This was her most favorite place in the world. The waves, the sky, the sun....

Nick gave his customer her pizza, smiling softly as he walked back up to the bar and his brother. Sam sat there, drinking his coke, staring at him. "I can't believe you work in this shithole," he muttered.
Rolling his eyes, Nick threw the rag he was holding at him. "It's money. Which I need."

Sorry for the slow post haha watchin' a movie.

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:44 pm

if she wants to Smile

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:54 pm

Kami walked along the beach with only her feet in the water. She had her black hair in a pony tail and was wearing a bathing suit with shorts and tank top. She felt bored all she wanted was to have a fun vaction but chances of that were slim.

Bryce and Aurora walked out their home and walked to his job. "What will you do while I am at work." he asked. Aurora shrugged "I don't know maybe go to the beach." They arrived at his work and parted ways.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:59 pm

Rose walked deeper into the water. The icy water chilled her but she liked it. Her hair shown brightly through and made her eyes standout. She was away from the cramped city of London and out in the world.

Holden woke up early and looked around her. Nothing to do she thought and went down to the store. She looked aorund and saw some employes. They greated her like family and she thanked them for thegreeting.

Jace was riding the waves. He finally hit a big one and rode it the shore. The crystals of water hung in his hair and he smiled. He loved surfing early in the morning.

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:04 pm

Loral stopped running, her breathing deep. She placed her hands on the back of her head, trying to ease the cramp that was starting in her side. She reached for the waterbottle she usually kept in her napsack, only to find it empty. "Crap," she muttered, tossing the bottle in the trash. "Just my luck." Sighing, she walked to the water's edge, looking out into the horizen as she waited for her breathing to even out.

(are Holden and Bryce in the same place Nick and Sam are?)

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:06 pm

(I think so Smile )

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:13 pm

Kami kept walking down the beach when she noticed a guy get out of the water from surfaning. Kami stared at him wow he was cute. Kami shook her head oh don't even think about boys you are here to have fun and the last boyfriend she had didn't end well. Sighing she kept walking trying not to look at the boy.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:15 pm

(Kay lol)

Sam looked over to the girl who just walked downstairs. "Who's she?"
Nick glanced up, seeing Holden. "Her name's Holden. She lives in the upstairs appartment." He glanced at his brother. "Don't even think about it, man."
Sam looked over at him, a mock of innocence covering his face. "Think about what? My thoughts are pure."

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:16 pm

Jace noticed a girl and he smiled. "Hey." He said as he passed her. He laid down his board and looked around. He needed to wax it bad. He finally got out his wax and started waxing his board.

Holden ran into a guy (Bryce) and looked down. "Sorry..." SHe said as she tried to move but tripped and fell. She shook her head and tried to stand. When she stood she looked over at Sam and Nick. "Hey Nick." She said with a smile. "How are you?" SHe asked with a small laugh.

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

Post by Kara Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:20 pm

Sam raised his eyebrows as Nick shot her a smile. "Pretty good." He gestured toward her, a teasing smile on his lips. "You alright there? Nasty fall, huh?"

(What girl on the beach? lol)

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A Midnight Swim Empty Re: A Midnight Swim

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