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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:40 pm

Weeeeeeeeeell. PART 2. WITH A NEW AND IMPROVED AXIS! ...Not really...just---GAH. BE PATIENT. YOU'LL SEE!!

Setting: A town and/or, which Hitomi and Axis are residents...hrm.



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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:46 pm

Hitomi knew she shouldn't be out after dark, but the allure of the the park was too much. It was only 11, anyway. She stuck her hands in the pockets of her long black coat, her shoes clicking hollowly against the sidewalk. Bleached bone pale in the moonlight, Hitomi stood out against the dark green foliage and her dark hair. A feeling settled in the pit of her stomach and she swallowed, continuing her walk. Her eyes stayed on the sidewalk, carefully scanning each crack before passing it. There was no noise. She felt peaceful. It was... Nice.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:05 pm

The clock ticked away each second, each minute...being the only sound to disturb the constant dead silence that filled the unlit room. Axis stood there just as he had been for the past three hours, staring out of the window and into the dark of night. Showered in the pure white glow that reached him through the glass, he appeared almost like a daring marble statue, the gleam of the silver buckles that fastened the collar of his cloak twinkling in the reflection.

One could only guess what was going through his ever-analytical mind, that stunning, impassive cobalt eye fixated onto the desolate pavement below. It was hard to believe that a person so...empty once possessed a human mentality. His family was certainly thankful to whatever, or whomever he had found that instigated such long-forgotten mannerisms within him. But they knew Axis would never return fully to how he had been before; he had never been an emotional person, either way. Always quiet, reserved...slightly cold. A smile was rare.

Grey looked up, as if actually hearing the swish of a curtain upstairs...the soft whistle of the night air coming in through an open window. Emmalee caught his glance from the other side of the room, curled up on couch, staring at the front door with a somber expression, eyes cast to the floor. "He'll be fine, Em," he reassured her. "Whoever she is, you know she has to be fully aware of what he is to be all right with him continuing to come around..."

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:31 pm

Where am I going?

Hitomi seemed to have no answer to that question. She was just... Wandering. She had just started taking it up, though. As a child, she was never allowed to wander. She had lived in such a dangerous area that a young girl like herself wouldn't have been safe. Her parents barely let her leave the yard to get the mail. They'd send her cousins, who were only months older. Months. That was what made her a baby. She was just the baby.

Now, she was out in the city, living by herself. And she was also lost. Lost not only concerning location, but she felt like she had lost herself. She struggle most months to pay for her home, though she had some help from her parents, she was in a crisis of losing her job due to lay offs. She just didn't know what to do. She contemplated this while passing a long row of Gothic looking old houses.

All alone.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:17 pm

Or so she thought.

Within mere miles, Axis was trailing her. He had been for at least a half hour now, each footfall as silent and as precise as the night itself. It wasn't unlike Hitomi to do a thing like this, adventure off by herself...just another trait that set the haze of his memories tingling. Yuuki would often sneak off from Axis himself, as if testing his automatic response to follow her, always looking over her shoulder to see if he really had come after her. But no more. Now, because her all-too-human life had ended, Axis followed Hitomi. He didn't know exactly when this...interaction had started, but now he felt this need...this...desire to keep watch over her.

It was as if he felt...responsible for the girl.

And so he kept his pace, shrouded in the shadows, blocking out any distractions that would prove to hinder him other than her.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:29 pm

Hitomi continued to walk until she got into a park, stopping near the edge of the grass. She slipped out of her shoes, going further. There was a lake somewhere near the center if she remembered and the night air wasn't cold. Midsummer nights were the best. She kept going, slowly sliding from her trench coat. The air swirled around her and she smiled, closing her eyes, enjoying it for a minute, still looking for the illusive lake. Suddenly, she saw the glint of black water and smiled, her gait growing a bit faster, then there was a flash of white as she slid from her over shirt.

Only a few more steps.

As if she was in a daze, Hitomi continued on, her lips holding the same content smile. She glanced over her shoulder, not seeing anything, then wagged her tail slightly. When she got to the water, she hesitated for a moment, then dipped her toes in. With a quiet sigh, she went in a little deeper, her jeans clinging to her.

I could end it here, right?

With a few more steps, she was up to her wait in water, resting her hands on the surface, palms up. Her hair cascaded down her back and the white tank top she was wearing blended into her skin. Her tail was completely soaked, but still wagged, pulling water around. Her smile grew just a tiny bit and she looked up at the moon, sighing.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:06 pm

She sat on her knees, every inch of her completely drenched from the icy water that had less than five minutes ago engulfed her. Axis watched in careful silence, taking in her pale, convulsing form, arms wrapped around herself defensively. Water droplets fell consistently onto the muddy ground below, raven hair clinging to and obscuring her face. When she spoke, it was in a tone he had come to recognize instinctively, low and full of barely concealed anger. Desperation. Quivering lips spilled forth a wavering, hoarse whisper.

"Why can't you just let me go...?"

Yuuki had suffered from a mental affliction; schizophrenia. Such thoughts and actions of attempted suicide and depression were common to her delicate personality. So of course he would recognize it in Hitomi. When she looked back, their eyes had connected, but she stared right through him. He hadn't emerged out into visibility just yet. ...Why was she smiling with such ease, contemplating the end of her own life? Was it not of value to her? Axis stopped there, questioning his own thoughts. Why would he be interested if the girl held value to her life or not? He didn't; he shouldn't. But it...stirred something in his mind. And he would not be satisfied until he found the answer to what that 'something' was.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:39 pm

Hitomi seemed to stay in the water forever, though in all reality, it was a bit less than ten minutes. She stepped out and suddenly, the air didn't seem so inviting, now. A small shudder wracked her delicate frame and she pushed hair from her face, walking back and slipping on her over shirt, which seemed to get wet instantly. She shivered again and got closer to her coat, warily looking around. She constantly felt it. Felt like eyes were always on her. That was why she hated living alone. She could never talk to anyone to rid the feelings. She never felt that way before. No, she was too sheltered. The city was so new, exciting, full of monsters. She just so happened to be one, though.

Being a fox demon meant she could never be completely honest. Sure, she seemed completely human, but most people thought that she was just being silly, wearing a costume. And she had to insist it was true. She kept contemplating when she bent down to grab her coat, which looked a bit ruffled by the wind. She slipped in on and shivered, this time a bit more violently, but continued on her way. Maybe it was a stupid idea, to swim as such a time, but she didn't care.

She just kept walking, leaving her shoes behind. She needed to sleep, now.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:07 pm

Standing erect and immovable among the trees that bordered the quaint park, Axis continued to watch her, taking in each shake and shiver that the water brought upon her body as she removed herself and began to walk away. He stepped forth only when he knew the girl wouldn't spot him, retrieving her shoes. But a breeze came through just as he was beginning to follow after her, sounding off his chains with a hollow, metallic chink.


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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:16 am

Hitomi froze at the sound of clinking, looking around quietly, her wet hair sticking to her very slightly. If she waited around here any longer, her hair might freeze. The chains clinked again, but very quietly. Maybe she was just hearing things, but even if she was hearing things, she was still frighted. Scared, cold, and alone. She could deal with the last two, but when panic started to set in, she couldn't think straight. The only thing she could force herself to do was to walk. If she got away, she could think and maybe curl up in a blanket. So sh did. With the last of her effort, she forced herself to run. When she finally got home, she had several small cuts on her feet and her cheeks were windburned, but she was home.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:56 pm

He should have, in some part of him, expected Hitomi to run. And he did. But at the same time...he didn't. What he felt at that moment could not be described as a feeling, as Axis could not FEEL. But he knew he could, in his own right; a process he could not explain. He could feel with Yuuki, and the past was repeating itself, As much as he wished to crush such glaring facts, he could not. And Axis wasn't the type to avoid that which challenged him. Staring after the fresh trail of nearly invisible subatomic dust particles she had stirred up in the once still night air, it only took a moment before he was chasing after her again.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:43 pm

Hitomi fumbled with her keys slightly before numb fingers found their target and she unlocked the door, slipping inside. She didn't bother locking it again, knowing she was here if anything happened. Without a second thought, she dragged herself up the stairs and into her bed, still in her damp clothing. She didn't care about any mud getting on her sheets or water wetting her pillow. She only cared about sleeping tonight and waking up tomorrow morning. The way she saw it, every day was a new chance to do something good. After a few seconds, it seemed like someone injected her body with lead and it was all settling, then, slowly, her eye lids fluttered shut as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:58 pm


The house was still, content with its resident's slumber as Axis entered, darting up the stairs, a vision of shadow against shadow. Her shoes were left at the edge of the bed while chains, moving about of their own accord, hummed in a low, almost mourning whistle, as soft as the fall breeze that stirred up one's fine strands of hair in its wake. They sifted through various drawers, selecting random articles of clothing, leaving the creature within the animated cloak to lift the drenched, delicate body from the damp bed and begin to strip and dress her without much thought.

The jeans were first, peeled off to reveal toned, sleek limbs of legs, disregarded to the floor. Then he paused for just a brief moment, lingering at the hem of her pink underwear before sliding them off of her small hips and replacing them with a dry pair, slipping her into a light pair of long sleepwear pants.

What...complex bodies females had, he remembered.

Hitomi's upper body was now at Axis' attenton, having no other option but to slice through her soddened shirt-and bra-with his aid of razor sharp chains that snaked out from the innards of his heavy, concealing sleeve, slipping a questionably over sized t-shirt over her head. Though he could do nothing about the condition of her hair, he did retrieve a towel to place beneath her before splaying her large comforter across the bed, flipping her pillow over, and laying her down again, placing a soft throw over her.

After all that...Axis left.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:39 pm

Hitomi tugged her blanket closer around her, not letting the actions of her night sink in. All she wanted was to sleep and that's all she did, drifting away int a peaceful sleep. She had no dreams that night, just saw shapes behind her eyelids and heard the faintest clink of chains ringing in her ears.

Hitomi woke a bit late, when the sun was filtering in through her window. Her long hair smelled a bit mossy and the actions from last night, unfortunately, flooded back to her. Why had she decided to go swimming? She felt a bit foolish. She swung off her bed and noticed something. Her pants. Her... Her shirt. She bent down, seeing a scrap and found one half of her shirt on the floor. her bra was also there, the front sliced.

She shuddered and tossed it aside, then looked at her own clothes. She didn't even want to know how she had changed. Instead, she kept the clothes and went into her bathroom, taking a hot shower to get the smell from her hair and the crawling feeling off her skin. She was finished quickly and found herself dressing in a different shirt, but keeping the sweatpants on. When she went back into her room, she noticed that a pair of small pink underpants were on the floor and something choked her. She wasn't sure it it was a shriek or a giggle, but someone had taken them off her.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:44 pm

Grey woke up in his usual predicament - sprawled out over the bed with his face mashed into a rumpled pillow; right arm lodged between the matress and the headboard, the left virtually invisible ensnared beneath wily Batman blankets. One leg bent up while the other was left to dangle from the edge. All of this AND the partial view of his Star Wars Yoda boxers where Gotham City blankets weren't able to cover.

...He wasn't wearing a shirt, either.

"Nnnnnnnngh," was his sleepy groan was he wormed his way out the mess, body lurching forward as he sat at the edge of the bed. Dim silver eyes scanned around the hazy mid-sun lit room. The walls were littered with laminated comic book editions, his medical diplomas and certifications, Marvel posters, the occasional family photo...and of course, the Mario Brothers. Yoshi accompanied because, well, what was more awesome than Yoshi...? On eye level there was his BELOVED lightsaber lamp, videogames, medical books...MORE medical books, paperwork, paperwork, paperwork...and clothes.

Grey sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. How was he ever going to invite his girlfriend over with his room looking like THIS crap? Rose wouldn't care're sweeeeeeeeeeet, remember? He winced at the rough voice of a very-usual-pissy Ashton invading his thoughts. "Yeah? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous..." he growled back, out loud, his eyes hardening and narrowing. Waiting a moment, when he didn't recieve a reply, he sighed. "Talk about never having any privacy..." Murmuring to himself, Grey stood up, mind heavy from lack of sleep. He stood up, pulling on a random pair of jeans that were on the floor and went to go check on Emmalee, who he could see from the doorway was still balled up beneath her cinnamon comforter.

They had both stayed up until around three to wait for Axis, who had never came home...

Stifiling a yawn, he shut the door softly and trudged downstairs, where he was met with a surprising sight.

There, on the bottom step, was Axis, leaning against the asleep.

Grey blinked.




He tried to resist, he really did. But the temptation that overcame him was too great... And so, very quietly, he crept behind his twin, crouched down, and poked him. Once, twice...three times...


"N-No no,'ll wake EeeemMmaLEEEEEE!!!"


Wide silver eyes focused onto a very intense single-eyed cobalt gaze above him. Grey rubbed his head with a cringe, long legs bent at an awkward and painful angle. "You didn't have to shove me..." They both looked up as a voice traveled down, very much feminine and VERY MUCH pissed off.

"What the HELL is all that fucking NOISE...?!"

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:08 pm

Hitomi skipped normal morning routine this morning, which usually consisted of exercise a little, then cook breakfast, then clean. She just... Couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead, she sat on the couch and groaned, turning on the television and watching blankly as the pictures of the news meshed into one another. There was never anything interesting on. Not anymore.

She jumped slightly as the [hone rang, her tail instantly disappearing in fright. She answered it, but there was no voice, just a dial tone. Her phone was really starting to get on her nerves. That was the fifth time it had done that. Sometime, she was gonna call the company and give them a piece of her mind... If she had any mind left.

She tossed it on the coffee table and then spun, letting er legs hand off the couch. Slowly, she got back up and when she did, her tail appeared again. She passed past her bathroom, the only one in the house and then looked down. The walls were nearly covered with anime posters and hello kitty memorabilia, but she loved it. She got the the kitchen and found a clean bowl, then looked for her cereal.

Nothing. She groaned and searched the rest off the cupboards, hoping that maybe she would fin it somewhere that she might have misplaced it. Still nothing. Was she really going to have to go and buy a whole new box? She pushed the bowl back onto the counter with a little unnecessary force and then changed into a pair of light jeans. She could probably find some just past the park, where the town really started.

Without a second word, she left the house, locking the door behind her. She started down the driveway and then through the park, where she shivered, the night before passing through her again. She couldn't even fathom a reason why she had done it. She passed a row of widely spaced Gothic looking house, one standing out more to her than most, but she couldn't place why, though. She shook her head and continued.

Just for a box of children's cereal.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:08 am


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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:23 am


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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:19 pm

Awh, Avery...! You just made my day better! <3 *squee*

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:41 pm

Aww, good! I showed my friends the one about Axis and they were like "O.O WHAT DU FUGG IS HE DOING? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS SCENE? CHAINS?! WTF?!?!?" And I was like.... x3

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:14 pm

Managing to get their fired-up human sister relatively calmed down, Grey helped her pick out clothes, waiting in the hall while she got dressed, then carried her downstairs to her chair. Emmalee wheeled herself in the living room, multitasking in putting her gloves on, wearing a Paramore shirt and some black sweats. She glanced up to find Axis on the phone, about to ask who he was talking to, when he hung up. He faced her, as if saying, 'Do you need anything?' and when she shook her head, he was gone, the door closing right as Grey emerged from the kitchen-still shirtless-munching on a hot pocket.

...Axis fell into step with her no more than two minutes as she passed his house. He was utterly silent as usual, not even looking at her as she seemed to fret over something with herself. She hadn't yet noticed him even as he stood beside her, each of his steps mirroring hers. He didn't really have a desire to go to any market, filled with dozens and dozens of living, walking appetizers, but he was going to follow Hitomi.

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Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady< Empty Re: Epic Fluff pt. 2! >AveryMady<

Post by Avery Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:26 am

Hitomi's mind was certainly busy. She couldn't get her mind off Axis. Literally. She tried, but for some reason, every time she tried to think about something else, she connected it. They had know each other for a few months, but she barely knew him. He was some beautiful alien to her familiar world, nearly untouchable. She sighed and pushed her hair back, then jolted, tripping over a curb. She quickly checked around, her cheeks burning a bright pink and tears stinging her eyes.

She was a sap. She couldn't help but tear up, even at little things. It always happened the most when she was scared or surprised. She tried to put a calm expression on her face, but her eyes were still a bit doe-like. She just needed to get cereal. Her stomach growled quietly in agreement. She pushed her hands into her pockets and watched in front of her as she walked so she wouldn't have another little mishap.

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