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Death under Black Clouds.

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Death under Black Clouds.

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:53 pm

Exactly one month ago, everything was well in this small town by the name of Wellington. Wellington has an average population of 1,000, and isn't very well known. Nothing exciting or bad ever really happens here, it's just a typical small town on the outskirts of a big city.
This was one month ago, though. Things have changed ... for the worse.

It started with a storm, a sky of black clouds and a greenish sky. But the clouds never went away. For a week, Wellington was covered by thick black clouds that blocked the sun, always pouring down rain. This, though depressing, was manageable.
Citizens aren't sure who was the first to find out that they were trapped in the city. Maybe will claim they are were the first to see the thick cloud barriers, immune to any weapons and painful to the touch, blocking them from the rest of society. It was around this time that word spread that they were all trapped under these black clouds.

And then the Things came. They seemed to live under or in anything completely away from any light sources. The first was spotted about a week after the barriers were discovered. Things make strange, low growls, and very few have seen them and lived to tell the tale. Those who have noticed something very strange. They looked almost like people from the town up close. One reported luring one out to a candle, and when it withered and died, hearing it call the name "Becky", a girl who had died a day before.

Food supplies are dwindling. People are become desperate, and will go to any lengths for food and to keep their loved ones safe.

A few tips:
- Bring a lantern wherever you go, in case a mob of Things find out. Light is the only thing that harms them.
- You are in it for yourself, and your family. Do not lend randoms food, that might be a mistake that kills you when you run out.
- Don't trust anybody.
- Grow eyes on the back of your head. Or, wear a mirror on your shoulder. That may be a bit easier.

Posts : 2000
Join date : 2011-01-14
Age : 94
Location : wat

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:55 pm

Anyone else with them in the town they're living with, and where:
Family life:
Current #1 goal:

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Join date : 2011-01-14
Age : 94
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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:59 pm

Name: Trix.
Age: 17ish.
Anyone else with them in the town they're living with, and where: Trix is living on her own, homeless. She is always wandering the streets, watching.
Family life: She has none.
Current #1 goal: No one can seem to know, and she keeps this to herself.
Appearance: Death under Black Clouds. 1207720891_elOFMisery

Posts : 2000
Join date : 2011-01-14
Age : 94
Location : wat

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:01 pm

Name: Beatle.
Age: 6 or 7.
Anyone else with them in the town they're living with, and where: Beatle has a sick mother, they are living in a deserted apartment building on the top floor.
Family life: Beatle is unaware of what happened to his father, and his mother has come down with a horrible disease. They are unable to find a doctor for it, and Beatle brings his mother flowers everyday in hopes of fixing her.
Current #1 goal: Cure his mother, and see the sun again.
Appearance: A chubby, adorable blue-eyed boy with pale skin, and messy blonde hair. He won't be chubby for long.

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Join date : 2011-01-14
Age : 94
Location : wat

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:05 pm

Name: Rose Amelia
Age: 18
Anyone else with them in the town they're living with, and where: Her older sister Evangline and brother Justin
Family life: is quiet and not very much happens. Rose and her sister struggle to get food on the table along with thier brother/
Current #1 goal: Live as long as she can
Appearance: Death under Black Clouds. Blonde,hair,blue,girl,green,eyes,red,lips-ba313566b1f64a1020335d44de58a0be_m

Name: Evangline
Age: 19
Anyone else with them in the town they're living with, and where: Lives in a small part of the town in a small house that was past down to them from their dead parents. She lives wit hher sister Rose and her brother Justin
Family life: is stressful for her. She feels like the mother of the house because Justin doesnt help her at all.
Current #1 goal: Make her sister and brother happy.
Appearance: Death under Black Clouds. DamageVideo_Day01_-14

Name: Justin
Age: 21
Anyone else with them in the town they're living with, and where: Same as Evangline and Rose
Family life: he hates his family. But he puts on a strong face for his sisters and usally goes out and barley comes home.
Current #1 goal: To forget about all the heart break he feels and depression.
Appearance: Death under Black Clouds. Dark%20brown%20hair%20and%20blue%20eyes

Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:21 pm

Think we should start, and people just jump in whenever? Smile

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Age : 94
Location : wat

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:25 pm

ok if you want to :3 you want to start?

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by ßøn∑z Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:47 pm

Sure ^.^

Trix wondered whether it was night, or day. Here, it was always night-time, a perk for Trix of this whole thing. She enjoyed the nighttime. The cool air wrapped around her body from the window of the apartment she'd found, calling her outside. Trix didn't feel hungry, but she wanted to cause some disturbance, and decided to search for a home where she could steal food.

Beatle heard the violent, dry coughs from the other room. He sat in the bathtub, his sparkly eyes fixed on the bubbles in the water. He splashed his feet around a bit to cover the noise. Obviously he hand't brought Mommy enough flowers today. He narrowed his eyebrows, and poured a ridiculous amount of shampoo on his head. The cool, clear liquid drooled down his forehead and ears before he could massage it in, and got in his eyes. Beatle let out a cry of pain and thrashed around violently in the tub, hearing his mother get up and come to his side, still coughing.
"Beatle, Beatle, it's okay, you're okay," she said hoarsely, wiping his eyes.
Beatle calmed down. His mother's fingers were incredibly warm, and it soothed him, though he knew they were the wrong temperature.
"You're not okay," Beatle said bluntly and quietly.
His mother, having heard this, had a few tears come to her red eyes but she held them back and rinsed his head.

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Age : 94
Location : wat

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Death under Black Clouds. Empty Re: Death under Black Clouds.

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:52 pm

Evangline hurried around the kitchen and rolled her eyes at the note that Justin left.
'Be back later...
Rose Amelia came down looking at Evangline. "He is gone isnt he?" Evangline nodded tears stung her eyes and she quickly shook it off. Evangline looked at Rose Amelia and gave her a fake smile. "I am going off to by food.... stay here and do not leave the house..." Rose Amelia nodded and closed her eyes waiting for Evangline to come home.

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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