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Till Death Do Us Part

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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:44 pm

You died. Did you know that? You died. But you're still stuck here aren't you. You and your cold, miserable, lonely existance. Left to do nothing but wander this hell hole. I know you're here. And so do they. The Soul Searchers. They're looking for you. I'd hide if I were you. Run, hide, disapear. Whatever you want to call it. You don't want them to find you...

Your charrie can be 1 of three things: Dead, a normal being, or a mediator. Either way, you have to run. Because whether you like it or not, you will come in contact with the Soul Searchers, and if they know you're being haunted, talking to ghosts, or have been wandering this Earth. You'd better beg for mercy. Soul Searchers believe that once you die, your soul should be put out. Extinguished. Made to suffer horrible things for the rest of eternity. Or at least until your light burns out.
You may also decide to be a Soul Searcher if you wish. Little bit of info on the Soul Searchers: These are creatures that once use to be human. But they were denied love (not just s.e.x. guys) and killed their lovers. They then sold their souls to the Devil and are now deformed, don't look right in some way or another, and they search to destroy any and all hopes of anyone ever finding peace or happyness.

Run, run as fast as you can because they can catch you, the Soul Searchers can.

Occupation: (optional)
Personality: (optional)
Bio: (optional)

Personality: (optional)
how you died:
where you reside/are haunting:

Soul Searcher:
Personality: (optional)
Bio: (optional)


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:07 pm

For Tay
Name: Bridget
Age: stuck at 17
how she died: Killed in an alleyway on her way home from a dance recital
Place of residence/where she haunts: Mark and Brendon's house

Name: Mark and Brendon Billington
Age: 18
Apperance: (Mark's the blonde)
Occupation: Mark works at the hardware store, Brendon is a mechanic


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:09 pm

Name: Kalya
Age: 16
Apperance:Till Death Do Us Part 3923906-pretty-young-teenage-girl-with-long-brown-hair
Occupation: none
Personality: She is very quiet, and has rapid mood swings. She is very likely to snap at you for nothing, then be close to crying a few minutes later.
Bio: Not much for here except her parents try to keep her inside, they don't like having other people know about who they see as their 'crazy' daughter.


Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:22 pm

Name: Storm
Age: 17
Apperance: Black hair with a streak of silver, gray eyes, whitewashed skin, debatably short. Wears dark clothing.
Personality: Introverted, strong willed, independent
Bio: (optional) eh, still working on it

Last edited by Ella Dahlia on Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:59 pm


Name: Cal
Age: 18
Apperance: He's tall with broad shoulders, tan skin and dark brown messy hair. He's got hazel eyes and sharp features and very muscled. He also shifts into a wolf.
Personality: (optional)
how you died: Cal was shot while running from hunters. His original form was a wolf, but when he died he got a human form and his dog years were converted to human years.
where you reside/are haunting: He sticks to the forest


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:04 am

Mark and Brenden were both walking the street lazily, though their eyes were warily combing the area for Searchers. Mark sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Dude I'm hungry," he grumbled.
Brendon rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're always hungry."
"I'm wasting away dude, look at me!" Mark lifted his shirt, flashing his toned muscles.
"Put that away," Brendon grumbled, slapping the exposed skin. Mark winced and frowned.
"Come on, let's go get some food."
Brendon shook his head. "Not right now."

Cal paced the edge of the forest, his eyes stuck on the ground. He had just seen a creature of pure black in the forest...what was it? He was new to this whole ghost business, he didn't know the rules or anything. He just new there was something evil in those woods.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:10 am

Storm pulled down her sleeves, walking down the street at a fast pace. There had been a ghost in the library. The library of all places. You'd think they's grow bored and go some place more... lively.
But no. The snotty, dead old lady decided to make residence in her favorite, dark corner, leaving her no choice but to flee.
The audacity.
She sighed, ignoring two boys walking carelessly down the street and blasted her ipod, blocking out the world, both living and dead.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:18 am

Mark and Brendon watched the girl walk by, Mark being more interested then Brendon. "Dude...are you seeing this?" Brendon rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Mark, one of these days you're going to get hurt."
"Nah," Mark shook his head, his eyes focused on watching the girl walk. "She is fine...I'd shag that."
"You'd shag anything that was female and had two legs and a heart beat," Brendon muttered, earning a slap in the back of the head.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:23 am

Storm didn't notice the conversation based on her, now a good twenty feet away and gaining.
Where was she going? Eh. Did it matter? She was just.... walking. Walking away. Her eyes locked on the woods and lips tilted up in a small smile. That works.
She changed direction, readjusting her bag and heading straight for the trees, unaffected by the eeriness.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:28 am

Cal watched the girl run in and his eyes widened. He quickly shifted into a wolf and chased after her. Just because he didn't like humans, didn't mean they didn't need kept safe. He growled and barked at her, quickly gaining speed.

"Damn..she's gone," Mark muttered and looked at Brendon. "Come on, let's get something to eat." *shoves brendon into dinner*

(wow I got lazy, sorry I'll do better next post)


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:33 am

(are you kidding me? Your post always make mine look pathetic. Seriously, I envy your ability to pull out so much. You're fine. And I am sorry about that by the way. I have been try to work on it >.<)

Storm startled, suddenly finding a wolf barreling after her.
... Shit. A wolf is barreling toward her. Perhaps the woods was not the best idea after all...
She froze for a moment before dropping her bags and running like heck. Branches tore at her and she stumbled a few times, but she didn't stop running, not in the mood to be eaten tonight.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:44 am

Cal growled and continued to run, tackling her to the ground. His deep hazel eyes stared into hers as he shifted back into a boy. "What are you doing here human?" He asked, his form seeming completely real seeing as how he'd only died two days ago. "It's not safe here. Black, dark creatures are roaming these woods."

(ha, really? I've felt like I've been churning out crappy posts)


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:50 am

Storm blinked, staring up at the boy. More freaky ability stuff, it had to be. She squirmed, sliding out from under him at staring at him. "What... who... You scared the life out of me!" She breath, whacking and pushing back, "What was that for!"


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:53 am

Cal blinked, not even seeming to notice that he'd been whacked. It was actually kind of a pathetic whack in his opinion. He stood, standing at a full height of 6'1, staring down at her. "There is something in these woods, I was trying to stop you before you got to far and ran into one of the dark...things. Men. Whatever they are."


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:57 am

Storm looking up at him, instantly standing and brushing off some leaves, feeling extremely small. "Dark.. things?" She asked, her skin pricking under her sweater. She shifted uneasily, her converse squeaking as she looked around. "Please tell me you're joking."


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:00 am

Cal shook his head as he stared down at her. "I wish I was," he said softly as he rand a large hand through his spiked hair. "Look, there were these things in black cloaks. I don't even think you could call them guys, but I saw them with a ghost, and they killed it. How do you kill a ghost? We're already dead!" His eyes held slight panic, but for the most part he remained calm. "I don't understand it...and it's not just ghost they go after. I've seen them take out people's souls and leave the bodies for dead."


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:08 am

Storm just stared at him, tucking the silver streak of her behind her ears as she tried to sort out her thoughts. "...So you're saying they'll leave me be if I leave the woods?" She asked, kinda monotone, still not catching on to the fact that he was dead.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:09 am

Cal glanced up and around then back down at her. "I think so...unless they've wandered into the village..I've tried to keep them back but I don't want to die again." He frowned and shook his head. "And humans can't see me."


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:13 am

Storm stepped back compulsively, shaking her head. "No, not you too!" She groaned, continuing to step back, twigs snapping under her feet. "Look, I'm sorry I came in here, okay? I was just looking for a quiet place. I'll leave and we can have no trouble, okay?" She babbled, feeling a tad... unsettled by the situation.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:17 am

Cal looked at her and sighed. "Will I see you again?" he asked, looking slightly hopefully and very much like a lost puppy. It was so lonely being a ghost. No one could see you and all the other ghosts were such pessimists. Besides, it wasn't like he could hunt or anything. He'd tried. The deer still ran from him, but he couldn't actually make the kill. He always passed right through them.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:22 am

"Hopefully not." She replied a tad sharply, not really thinking outside her own feelings to see how this may upset him. To her, ghost were just.... annoyances. Unwanted annoyances. Not actual people. It's not that she was a jerk or anything. It's just... she didn't handle her abilities well. "Sorry, best of luck with the creepy dude," she managed, flashing a weak smile before turning and briskly leaving the woods, picking up her bags as she passed them.
Alright, so woods, bad idea.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:25 am

Cal watched her go, his face fallen. His eyes sharpened as a creature chased after her. He growled, shifting into a wolf. He barked, trying to warn her as he swiftly gained ground on the black cloaked figure. He was intent on making sure she made it out alright. He wasn't going to let anyone else get hurt if he could help it.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:34 am

Storm blinked, looking back to see the black thing ... Her face filled with shock, then fear and before she knew it she was back to running like a mad women. She broke through the trees, barely stoping herself from faceplanting before booking it to the first place with people in it- a dinner. Safety in numbers, right?
She stumbled through the door, eyes wild and face scratched from the branches, a small baby branch stuck in her hair.

Last edited by Ella Dahlia on Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:40 am

Cal tackled the creature, tearing at it before he was thrown through the trees. The problem with being a ghost is you don't stop, you just keep going until you hit something that you can't go through, which isn't much. Cal flew through buildings, landing in the same dinner that Storm was in with a whine, shifting back to a boy, a large gash in his side.
Mark and Brendon looked up from their food, eyes locked on the boy. They didn't normally like to draw attention to themselves, but the guy was hurt. Brendon stood and walked over to where Cal was laying. He pretended to drop something then began to look for it on the ground, looking as though he were muttering to himself. In all reality he was talking with Cal, trying to figure out how bad the wound was.
"Think you can get up and meet us outside?" Brendon asked. Cal winced but gave a small nod. Brendon nodded and went back to Mark who was oogling some girl that had walked in. By the looks of it it was the girl they had been following earlier. "Come on dude, this guy is hurt bad. He's gonna meet us outside."
Reluctantly Mark got up and followed Brendon who was already at the door, holding it open for Cal and Mark. As soon as they were out of the dinner they caught Cal before he could fall and pulled him into the alley.


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Till Death Do Us Part Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:53 am

Storm stared back at the boys interacting with the ghost.
"Achem." A waitress behind her tapped her foot impatiently, taking in disheveled appearance. "Are you going to take a seat?" She asked, her voice a bit nasally.
"Wha?Oh, yeah." Storm blushed, taking a window seat, her eyes following the boys, flitting between them and the ghost.


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