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Death Note!

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Death Note! Empty Death Note!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:20 pm

So, I love death note. Anyone up for a Death Note CC/Role play. I'd prefer it to be more in the style of a roleplay!
Any takers?
Here's the storyline. The Kira, light yagami, in Japan has already been killed but back in America, there are more death notes lying about, waiting to be picked up. People from all walks of life find these death notes and their Shinigami's lead them to join together and make the most powerful team of "kiras" there ever was. Like Light, the power gets to them and they want to take control of the world. Everyone has their own motives, but it all leads back to power.

I'm gonna go ahead and create my character.

Name: Mara
Age: 18
Appearance: Long, red hair. eyes aer so dark they're almost black. Freckles. About 5' 2".
Personality: She looks adorable, but really she's freaking psyco. She was obssessed with Kira, and is also obsessed with any serial killer really. She's an innocent kind of physco though. She has mental issues. (Not like Misa. She's not stupid at all. She's very brilliant.)
Her motives: She wants to take over the world, and her ultimate goal is to bring Kira back from the dead (She seriously thinks that possible.)

So, I'll be waiting. I want to have at least 3 people.


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:23 pm

I'll join, but later. I love Death Note, but I have to come up with a character.

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:24 pm

Ok! Smile


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:28 pm

(I'll just post my character bio as a spot)

Name: Himali Aarella (Will be 'H' at Wammy's house
Age: 17
Appearance: She is an Indian (from India) girl. I'll post a pic of her later
Personality: She loved L, and she even got to meet him before he died. Other than Mello and Near, she was the 3rd at the orphanage. She is very good at deductive reasoning, but she lacks the initiative and she is shy.
Her Motives: Bring an end to all the Death Notes.

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 28
Location : Wisconsin

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:56 pm

Sweet! I will message you when we begin. Smile


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:44 am

Great! I can't wait till we start!

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by anonymouswriter Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:26 am

is it ok to join without knowing about the series???

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:07 pm

I'm joining this. Death Note was amazing! Just Amazing!
Whammy House Kids ftw!

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:02 pm

anonymouswriter wrote:is it ok to join without knowing about the series???

Of course! Lemme just explain a couple things to you:
Death notes are notebooks that belong to Death gods (shinigami's) and if a human picks it up, it becomes theirs. And the shinigami who really owns the death note follows the pereson with the death note around. Only that person can see their shinigami. Anyway, the rest we can just explain as we go along....
So make your characters, and then we can start!


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:02 pm

PavoLights wrote:OHMYFREAKINGOSH?!!!?!?!?!!?!!?!!!!!
I'm joining this. Death Note was amazing! Just Amazing!
Whammy House Kids ftw!

YAY! Make a character!!!! I wonder if I'mg onna be the only one with a death note. o.o;


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:05 pm

Oh no, you won't. Trust me. Wink
Give me a few though, I have to go shower.

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:08 pm

Sweeeeet! I'll be back soon too, I gotta go eat some food. I'm seriously abotu to die of hunger.


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:42 pm

Name: Anderson Ryans
Age: 18
Appearence: African American, has shoulder length dreads, caramel colored skin, light green slightly upturned eyes, a piercing in one ear.
What does he want: He wants everyone to "wake up." He's earned fame as an actor eversince he was twelve and he's witnessed all the fakers. It's time for the world to wake up.

Name: Adrienne Mofton (Screw your letters. She hits it big, she wants to be Ms. Muffet.)
Age: 17
Appearence: She's dyed her hair many colors, so it's pretty much a rainbow of different colors. Has half lidded light blue eyes, is pale enough to see he veins, her wavey hair is in a pixie cut with heavy bangs, always wears cute clothes and has stuffed animals that she loves to tear apart.
What she wants: She's a whammy house girl who wants to use the deathnote for her own.

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Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:12 pm

Yess!!! I'm gonna go ahead and start now.

Prologue: 3 Years Prior (2007.)
The music blasted in her ears, and her oversized headphones dwarfed her head. Mara must have been quite a sight to see. But I wouldn't know that, because I can't see myself through other peoples eyes, can I. She thought serenely.
She picked up the paper sitting on the seat beside her and she began searching for news of Kira. She saw the name Kira, then her jaw dropped.
Tears immediatly welled in her eyes as she read those dreaded words.
Kira, the infamous serial killer, dead.
She hurridly flipped through the paper to find the article. There was a picture of a young, very handsome Japanese man. Light Yagami. The caption said, and Mara mouthed the words over and over, tasting them in her mouth like the sweetest wine. So this was Kira.
The bus came to a sudden halt, and she got up and strode down the isle, her combat boots making alot of noise. Tears were streaming down her face. She couldnt' believe it. The papers were lying. This god was not dead.


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:21 pm

Ok, ahem.

Three years earlier...

"Anderson, isn't this lovely news?" Mrs. Ryans gushes as the newscaster continues on with his story. Her plasticine face looks ready to crack as she smiles. Not for the first time did Anderson, sitting with his knees against his chest on the new Persian carpet, wait for his mother's face to shatter into a thousand pieces. When it doesn't, he turns back towards the tv and blocks her out. Light Yagami, he thinks as his eyes boredly survey the tv. "What a happy day," says his mother. "And now the world is safe again without that pyschopath ruining the world." Anderson stands suddenly and his mother jumps. Her eyes looks over her fifteen year old son as her heart starts to thunder in her chest. She can't see his face, but that old fear is returning, one she hasn't felt since the day he was born. She feared everything he was in that instant. "Mother," he says. His eyes hit the light, and she can breath again. He is hers again. Just young, sweet, innocent Anderson. "Yes baby?" "I'm going to my room now." She watches as her son leaves without another word.

I'll have Adrienne's in a sec.


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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:29 pm

(Okeydokey, waitin.)


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:31 pm

Her eyes blink just once. In the darkness, her face shines like a vector of the night. The news cast has been off for hours now. It is now midnight at the Whammy House and everyone is a sleep. Except for her. Her eyes have remained unmoving for two hours now, and yet no one has tried to move her. No one even bothered to ask for her. "Oh," she says suddenly, and sits back up. In her hand, there is a pair of scissors. Newspaper clippings litter the floor. Her head slowly lowers to the floor as her hands come to life again. Snip-snip go te scissors. In that moment, her life could've ended. Just. Like. That. Her hair comes away in her hands and see stares at it. Just. Like. That.

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:32 pm

(Actually, Kira died in 2010. . .)

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:40 pm

I thought they were going along with the time frame of when the books were written. If so he would have died around 06' or 07. Oh well, too late. xD
PS: The other two can post their prologues if they want, then jump right in.

The back seat of the car had grown quite comfortable to her over time. After the first year of her mad searches, it was almost more comfy than a bed.
The old VW van was parked in a normal rest stop tonight. She'd be able to go and get somethign to eat. Although she knew she was getting weird looks from all the truckers, who were looking down from their trucks into her van.
Mara yawned and sat up. She couldn't sleep. She took out the map that was wrinkled and covered with x's and various routes. She made an X at the dot that said Crowley, Lousiana. No death notes here.


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:43 pm

(Yeah, but they made Light die on January 28th, 2010. So, what year are we officially using? I need to know this before I post. Oh, and L died a few years before Light)

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:49 pm

She stares out the window as she clutches a Teddy bear to herself. It's night outside, and once again everyone is sleeping. It's just like that night. She blinks only once. Just like it. She slowly opens up the window and drops her bear. The scissors are in her hand again. But there is no more hair to cut...she inches out onto the ledge and looks at all the cars below. Do people realize it how similar their lives are? Everyone going in the same direction, the same life of trivial passions and desires and rules lived a thousand times. The cars are bugs beneath her feet. How stupid the world is. "Don't tell me you're gonna jump now, Adrienne?" says a voice. She doesn't turn as a feather falls over her face. "Would you catch me if I fell?"

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:53 pm

Meli_p0p wrote:(Yeah, but they made Light die on January 28th, 2010. So, what year are we officially using? I need to know this before I post. Oh, and L died a few years before Light)

Ahh ok. Its been about a year so I remembered wrong. xD OK, so lets just pretend that its now the year 2012 (and the world ain't gonna end!!)


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:54 pm

(Ok. How are we gonna get everyone to meet?)

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:56 pm

(Okay, so I'll post with Himali and stuff. And the world isn't going to end. Assassin's Creed proves that. XD )

Himali: I couldn't believe that is was years since L had died. Years. I knew that I wasn't good enough to find the rest of the Death Notes. Ever since I had snuck out of Wammy's house, I had been searching for them. To destroy them, and end the tyranny of Kira and his reign. Even though Kira was dead, I knew that another event like that could happen if the Death Notes were still around. (Oh, and I post in first person. Sorry, just a quirk)

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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:56 pm

The hot Texas sun glared down on her, and Mara could swear she felt new freckles growing already. She kicked at the gravel on the deserted drive. "I will never find one...Kira will never come back!!"
She was walking along the road angrily when what looked like a book caught her eye. She bent down to pick it up, and dusted it off. When she got the dust off, she almost fell over, but a huge clawed hand caught her.


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Death Note! Empty Re: Death Note!

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