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Black Angel

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Black Angel Empty Black Angel

Post by Guest Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:12 pm

Two hundred and fifty years ago was the Armageddon of the world as we know it. Strange creatures appeared out of no where and attacked humanity, killing everything in sight with the intent of ruling the world. In an attempt to put balance between these creatures that were known as vampires, creatures that had only been a myth, a new race was created. This race was known as Black Angels, or the Crusnik. Creatures that hunted vampires but could live among the human race. After the Armageddon, these creatures disappeared and were never heard from again. Now the world is on the verge of war and there is need for them. The Vadican, a religious group that has come to rule the humans, are searching for them to restore peace. The Empire, the vampirian government, is also searching for them, but their intentions are less....friendly. Their intent is to either get them on their side, or to destroy them completely.



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I'll do another info dump later whenever I get the energy to


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:29 pm

Mind if I join? This sounds interesting.

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:46 pm

Of course you can, I'm still working on getting my characters up. *glares at muse(aka Martin, her nerdy little musey man)*


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:26 pm

Name: Trista Laun
Age: 18
Looks: Black Angel 2463880-304324-portrait-of-beautiful-girl-with-brown-hair-on-black very small, about 5'1 in height and has a very curved body.
Human/Vampire/Crusnik: Human

Name: Spencer
Age: 261
Looks:Black Angel Cute
Human/Vampire/Crusnik: Crusnik

Name: Pipps
Age: 150
Looks: Black Angel Anime-Guys-random-role-playing-11426633-401-600
Human/Vampire/Crusnik: Vampire

(I'll add more to their profiles later...)


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:31 pm

Ooooh, this looks interesting.... can i join?

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:55 am

Tall, lean, muscled, raven black chin length hair, ocean blue eyes.
Personality:He's very old fashioned. Opens doors to people, speaks with an Greek accent, a gentlemen in other words.

Looks:Petite, hazel green eyes, chocolate brown hair with some natural blond highlights.
Personality:Is very stubborn, but can be shy when around guys.

Last edited by Brave Wolf on Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:48 pm

Name: Arden
Age: 18
Looks: Black Angel Affd59215fc011dfb51b000b2f3ed30f
Personality: To be developed. But i get teh feeling that she's rather practical and difficult to faze.
Human/Vampire/Crusnik: Human

Name: Jared
Age: 125
Black Angel Anime-guy
Personality: Developing
Human/Vampire/Crusnik: Vampire

Can throw in an extra character if necessary but will start off with these for now.


Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:35 pm

(Ok, let's start this thing)

Trista walked through the streets of Venice, a book in front of her face as she did so. She glanced up periodically, making sure there was nothing to run into, but for the most part was stuck inside her own little world. Half the time she didn't even really see anything when she looked up, she just saw the world inside her book. It was another typical day though, so she wasn't to worried about it. Everything was quiet, everything was dull.

Spencer ran a hand through his hair as he looked over the city from the rooftops. He wasn't to keen on walking along the sidewalk with others. Just because he could fit in, didn't mean he had to. Besides, the roofs were so much quieter than the hustle of the streets, and no one thought to look for you up there.

Pipps sat in the shadow of a building as he glanced around trying to find something worth doing. Despite his age, he was still a small boy at heart and he even carried a bit of a childish demeanor, though it never showed until you actually got to know him. He began to lightly tap his head on the wall as if that would clear his mind in some way to be able to think of something.


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:45 pm

Arden: Three hours of this and i STILL couldn't find the place. I was going to kill Thom when i got home for sending me off on this rediculous task. Once again, i pulled the crumpled slip of paper from my pocket, glancing at the address. This was the right area, so why couldnt i find the place? My brother had sent me off on another delivery assignment, but evidently he'd given me some incorrect information or something because this was getting me nowhere. I'd give it another fifteen minutes and if i still couldnt find the place i'd head home. This stupid package was starting to get heavy anyways..... What was in this thing?

Jared:The bad thing about living for a ludicrously long time? Things got really boring really fast. I found myself wandering the city AGAIN in search of something interesting to do. I had no idea how long i'd been walking. All of the buildings and people had blurred together, time becoming irrelivent and unknown, footsteps a steady, unchanging rhythm. The same basic unchanging journey that filled most of my days. Sometimes it seemed like no matter how far i walked, everything stayed the same. Change was needed..... and soon.

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:19 pm

James sat on the apartment stairs to the place he was now living, not that he'd stay there long, nor did he have anything but a few clothes and some books to call his own. His bag was slung over his shoulder and his MP3 was tured up to full volume. He was bored of ths life, and he wished desperatly that somthing interesting would happen already. Things a long time ago was so much more exciting.

Shelby walked along the streets, her hazel green eyes darting everywhere. She pushed her curly brown hair out of her face as she searched....for somthing. She wasn't sure what for, but she suddenly felt the need to find whatever it was. She chewed on her lip before tripping and all her belongings spilled out of her bag. She grumbled and presumed to picking her stuff up, cursing low under her breath.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:10 pm

Spencer watched the street, his brow furrowing as he saw some girl drop everything. He sighed and slid down the roof tops till he landed a little ways in front of her, then slowly approached her, picking up a few things and handing them to her. "Are you alright?"

Pipps sighed and glanced up at the sun. "Where the hell is that girl with my package?" He growled and slammed his fist to the wall, boredom getting the best of him.

Trista wasn't paying as she passed a staircase to an apartment complex. Some guy stood in the way of her walk, or was walking on his own, but either way she found himself colliding with his chest, only to fall back on some guy on the stairs with a squeak, her book flying up and hitting the door.


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:31 pm

Arden: I had begun to lose hope when i heard the voice. If i had not heard those words uttered, i would have walked straight passed the boy who punched the wall, stright past the building and continued to wander. But his words gave me reason to pause. I studied the boy for a moment. He looked like many of Thom's customers, and it wasn't unusual for me to run into those expecting deliveries outside of their houses. "You're waiting for a package?" i asked, inwardly cautious but outwardly level.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:29 am

Shelby tensed and slowly looked up. Seeing that it was a guy she stiffened and only nodded as she took the stuff from him. She muttered a thanks before standing back up and brushing off her jeans.

James jumped surprised as somthing landed on him and he blinked, seeing a girl. He took out his ear phones and chuckled. "You alright miss?"
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:37 am

Trista looked up at him and blinked a few times before giving a small nod. "I think so...nothing broken that I know of." She stared at him for a long moment before deciding he must be a human, a thought which made her relax considerably. She got off him as best she could without causing to much trouble, but the way she had landed was slightly...awkward and made things a little more difficult. She finally made it off of him and sat off to the side, glancing around for her book. "Sorry 'bout that," she muttered.

Spencer grabbed a few things that looked as though they had been forgotten and handed them to her with a small nod. "You're welcome," he said, but that was all. He sucked at conversation making and was even worse at it when it came to girls. He may have been old, but that didn't change his awkwardness around people. Thus, one of the many reasons he kept to the rooftops.

Pipps straightened and looked at the girl cautiously before giving a small nod. "Yes....what's it to ya?" He asked as he watched her, keeping to the shadows so that the girl wouldn't freak out. It was obvious she was a human, and humans and vampires never did mix well.


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:12 am

James nodded. "Tis fine." He picked up her book and handed it to her. "The name's James, just James." He didn't have a last name, for he never knew his parents nor have he ever been give one, so he was just James, nor did he have a middle name.

Shelby looked down at her bag and didn't say anything. She then looked back up at him and clutched her stuff tighter to give her courage as she said, "The name's Shelby."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:21 am

Trista took the book slowly and gave a small nod as he gave his name. "Trista," she said as she watched him curiously. She didn't catch his last name, so she wasn't sure she was suppose to give hers. She glanced down at the book then back at him. "Do you live here?"

Spencer blinked and shifted on his feet slightly. "Spencer...friends call me Spence." He watched her carefully, waiting for her to hit him in the balls and run or something. It was obvious she wasn't comfortable.


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:26 am

"Erm, wanna go get somthing to eat? I've nothing better to do and it's the least I could do since you helped me." She gave him a tentative smile, and felt a tad bit better that he seemed as uncomfortable as she did.

James shook his head. "For now. I don't like sitting still for long." He shrugged and stood, running a hand through his black hair as he looked around, feeling as though somthing big was going to happen. He hated being a Crusik, and hated that he always had to keep moving because of not aging. He didn't want anyone to know what he was, and hid his accent well while acting as human as he could.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:06 pm

Arden: "I was sent to deliver a package to someone in the area, however i've been unable to find that address to which it was supposed to be delivered. I wonder if you are perhaps the intended recipient." i replied. If he was, it would be highly convenient..... i wanted to get home already. I had better things to do than run my brothers errands, even if he DID pay me.

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:32 pm

"Um...sure..." Spencer said as he watched her, a little thrown off by her offer. He wondered if he had enough money to pay for his own. He definitely wasn't going to let her pay, that just...wasn't right. He may have been awkward and anti-social, but he knew the rules.

Trista raised a brow and tilted her head to the side. "Why not?" She asked curiously. The apartments seemed decent enough...maybe it was his job or something.

Pipps raised a brow as he watched her, then narrowed his eyes slightly. "Who's the package from?" He asked, not wanting to get the wrong thing.


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:39 pm

Arden: "Thom." i replied, knowing he only ever gave his first name to is customers. "If you are waiting for this particular package, i will also need to know you address and the password that would have been given to you when you ordered it." i added. Thom was notoriously paranoid when it came to making sure packages wound up where they were supposed to go, so he always had some kind of password or key phrase that only the person who had ordered the package was supposed to know.

(There isnt any specific password, haha. Whatever gets used is fine if its at all necessary.)

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:44 pm

"I....travle a lot." James finished before putting one of the ear phones back into his ears, but left the other one out. He looked at her with piercing blue eyes before crossing his arms and holding out a hand. "I'm James."

Hearing his voice again she again became more shy and pointed towards the other side of the street. "They make good burgers." Her hand was slightly shaky though. She hadn't had good experiences with males in the past, and ever since then she was more then uncomfortable around them.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:39 am

Pipps stared at her for a moment as he tried to remember. "112 4th street apartment 2," he recited, giving his fake address. It was the only way to get humans to actually respond to things. "And the password is white tiger," he shrugged.

Spencer looked at the place across the street then back to her and gave a small nod and motioned for her to show the way. He slipped his hand into his pocket and felt the bills, each one seeming to have a distinct texture to his sensitive fingers because of the ink...He had enough.

Trista watched him for a moment before giving her hand to him and giving it a slight shake. "Trista," she said quietly. "Why do you travel a lot?" her bright hazel eyes seemed to pierce his eyes right back.


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Ravyn Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:55 am

Arden: I nodded. "Right. That all checks out." i said, handing him the package. It was already paid for so i didnt have to worry about collecting any money. "Enjoy." i added absently as i began plotting the best route home. I really was going to pummel Thom when i got back..... it was only coincidence that got me to the correct customer.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:59 pm

James thought through his list of lies and shrugged, putting on a nonchalant mask. "I just can't sit still for long. To many memories in to many places."

Shelby entered the diner and her mouth watered as she smelled their chicken, her favorite. She stopped and waited for Spencer before moving off towards a booth.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Guest Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:41 pm

Pipps quickly took the package and opened it, a wide grin on his face as he stared at the stuffed tiger. He liked the stuffed animal, but it was what was inside that really made his day. He reached into it through one of the open stitches and pulled out a few drugs and quickly took them.

Trista watched him for a long nod then shrugged. "Fair enough," she said as she looked down at her book. "So...What do you do for a living?"

Spencer followed her and sat across from her, lifting up the menu. He looked over the items, debating if he really wanted something to eat or not. Perhaps he'd just get tea...


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Black Angel Empty Re: Black Angel

Post by Sponsored content

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