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Angel of Darkness...

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:07 am

I just want you to know, I don't own this idea. I saw it on another site, and thought it would be interesting to bring here. So here it is.

"This is based in a world that ISN’T Earth. Things are pretty similar to Earth here except for the fact that gangs rule this world and there's hardly such thing as the 'good' side of town. Carrying a weapon is normal even for a seven year old. Swords and cloaks are normal. When the gangs started taking over, a lot of things changed, and, despite roads, cars are rare. Motorcycles, bikes, scooters, and walking are the more common ways of getting around. Trains are used for long distances.
Angels aren't very well known and, by the way, they are NOT angels as in harps and white robes and goodness; they're just called that because of their angel-like appearance. All Angels are part of the Guardian Wings Company or the GWC, no exceptions.
The GWC is basically a company that gets customers through the internet. People who search for "angel body guard" "protect my life" or "give me revenge" are taken immediately to a website for the GWC. Angels are used for various things; the two most popular things are protection from enemies and revenge. Your Angel is required to follow your every command within their power until the deal expires. The fee for this service is that you become an Angel once the deal expires.
You must name your Angel and provide them with the clothing of your choice. Also, it is believed that Angels are not able to feel emotion, but they are usually good at pretending. There ARE other Companies against the GWC and there are other types of Angels out there.

Try to keep male and female balanced with both Humans and Angels.
All Angels MUST have Human masters and work for the GWC. You don't have to make a Human for your Angel if there already is a Human in need of an Angel.
Be sure to ask the controller of the Human or Angel before saying that your character is with them.
Your human having an Angel is not required but it may be preferred.

Character Skeleton-

Age: (Keep it 13 or older please.)
Occupation: (Waitress, gangster, etc.)
Weapon(s): (Like mentioned, it’s normal for anyone to carry at least one weapon.)
Angel: (If they have an Angel serving them.)

Age Appearance: (No one keeps track of how old an Angel is. They usually appear younger than 25.)
Wings: (Color-black, white, or silver. Size-large, medium, or small. Two different colors are rare.)

Last edited by Taylow on Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:17 am

Name: Kylia Kits
Gender: F
Age: 18
Occupation: student at a local college and also is part of a local band that usually plays at many of the bars
Appearance: 5'4, short hair light chocolate hair with dark red streaks. She has multiple ear piercings and a button ring but is totally against nose, lip, and tongue rings. She has a cross entwined with roses tatooed on her left hip that plays peek-a-boo out of the top of her jeans. She wears hipster bell-bottoms, or shorts (the right side back butt area of which are usually a plaid cloth patch because the jeans have just gotten so worn) with combat boots (or whatever shoes she can find) she wears band ts but she usually modifies them in some way or another. She also has bright blue-ish grey eyes and a soft pale complection that has a slight silver undertone and she is covered in freckles.
Personality: She has a very sparatic personality that usually is quite excentric. She has a very kind heart though and is a sucker for heart throb stories. It's easy to make her cry, but it is also just as easy to make her laugh. All in all she's just weird.
History: Kye doesn't usually talk about her past, present, or future unless it has something to do with the band because she hates her life in general..unless it has to do with the band.
Other: she loves to take pictures, always carrying a camera with her. She is always seen taking pictures and they usually come out extrodinarly well. If anything were to happen to her camera she'd probably snap. She doesn't have an angel but is desperatly needing one because of a man named Landon...of which she refuses to talk about.


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:26 am

Name: Aribella
Gender: female
Age Appearance: 17
Appearance: Angel of Darkness... B,w,black,hair,girl,green,eyes-32b68f744f4bf393a6d4c6f29cb7e197_m
Wings: silver, meduim
Personality: very rebellious, a true fighter who will never accept defeat, she is caring but she hides it very well
Other: She works for the GWC but if you really got to know her you would realize that she really does it because of her fighting nature and there was no where else to go. She has been an Angel for as long as she can remember.

Last edited by Some New Stillettos on Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:33 am

((the angels have to be of the opposite gender, sorry I should have put that up there. But I can make a human for her if you'd like))


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:35 am

((Okay! Thanks!))
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:36 pm

Name: Ivory Jones
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: She has the devil-may-care personality. She’s a little on edge given her past, but she tries to hide it.
Occupation: She was a gangster. She now works at an old diner.
Weapon(s): A small pistol.
History: She was a gangster, but her gang found her brother as a threat and killed him. When it happened, she ran away from them. They’ve been after her ever since.
Angel: She’s looking for one to protect her AND get revenge.

Name: Lorick Bane
Gender: Male
Age Appearance: 19
Wings: Black, large wings.
Personality: He keeps to himself a lot of the time, but takes his job seriously.
Human: Kylia?

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:59 pm

Name: Axel
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personailty: He's quiet and doesn't say that much. He keeps to himself usually, but when he does say something he's usually inquisitive. He's hard to get through to though, because he hates getting close to anyone.

History: He's wandered from town to town and likes to think of himself as a type of vigilante. Like a modern day robin hood. Or at least that's what he likes to think. It's basically his way of justifiying his actions. He realized he wasn't able to keep the gig up on his own, so he ordered an angel from the GWC. She should be here any day now. His contract expires when he turns 25, but he doesn't plan to stick around that long.
Occupation: Vigilante (in his eyes anyway)
Angel: Aribella
Weapon: Whatever he can find.

((yes Kara you can be Kylia's angel))

Last edited by Taylow on Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:01 pm

((Are we starting?))
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:24 pm

((I guess we can))

Axel stolled down the darkened streets. It was funny how even in the sunlight, the city held a dark shadow to it. He hated it with a passion. Everything about it drove him insane and the only thing he wanted to do more than destroy it, was get out of it.

Kylia sat on the edge of her bed running a hand through her long hair with a tired yawn. She stared blankly at the desk infront of her. Her apartment was small, but it had two rooms, a kitchen, a small living room, and a bathroom which was fine with her. She yawned again as she stood up, she was wearing a tank top and superhero boxers that came to mid thigh. She pulled her black and purple stripped socks up past her knees as she shuffled across the hard wood floor and to the kitchen. She was suppose to be getting an angel any day now. She didn't know it's name, or what it looked like. She just knew it was coming. She pushed her favorite button, the on button to the coffee maker, and then shuffled to the livingroom and slumped onto the couch, falling onto her side. She winced slightly; it was still bruised and aching from the other day with Landon. Her arm flopped over her face, the kink of her elbow hiding her eyes. "I hate mornings." she muttered.


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:29 pm

Aribella - I was about to meet the man who had got me for the next few years. I straightened the only dress I got to take with me and went to meet him.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:35 pm

Axel sat himself down in some grimey alley way. He didn't like sitting there, but he was to lazy to move anywhere else. He'd been walking the streets all day, needing to stop and rest, but never finding the will power to make himself do so.


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:39 pm

Aribella - I saw him and called out, "Axel?"
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:50 pm

Axel looked up at the sound of his name and glanced at the girl curiously. "Ya? What's it to ya?" he asked after a moment of trying to find his voice.

((angels can hide their wings so they can blend in with normal people))


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:51 pm


Aribella - I sighed and unfolded my wings after making sure it was just him around, "I'm the Angel you needed." I told him.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:55 pm

Axel stared at her for a minute and then nodded. "Got it." He muttered and reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Marbolos and popped a stick in his mouth, lighting it up. "Got a name? Or do I have to give it to ya?"


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:00 pm

Aribella - "You're supposed to give me one, but I've always gone by Aribella," I admitted putting my wings back and flinched at the smoke. I always hated that.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:06 pm

Axel studied her for a minute and then nodded. "The name I can do but the We have to find you something else. It's distracting." It was to. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. Why the frik was she so pretty?


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:11 pm

Aribella - I smirked, "The last guy I made a deal with just loved this dress." I teased. "But whatever you want." I shrugged.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:15 pm

Axel shook his head, trying to pull his eyes away. He stood and walked out of the alley, expecting her to follow. "Here." He handed her a few bills he had just aquiered, but made sure not to look at her so as to not be distracted. "Find something simple and cheap that isn't...distracting. Our line of work has no room for dresses."


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:18 pm

Aribella - I took the money but rolled my eyes, "I can do in dresses and high heels what you can do in t-shirts and sneakers." I commented honestly.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:21 pm

"No, no dresses." Axel muttered, still not looking at her. "Anything but a dress and leather. Nothing leather." He gulped. He'd never get anything done if she dressed like that.


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:23 pm

Aribella - "Fine. No dresses, no leather, and I'm guessing that's a no on skirts to." I said. "But I refuse to wear plain T-shirts! I will not be ordinary!" I said knowing that if he wanted me to I would have to be, but hoping that he wouldn't say I had to.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:29 pm

Axel glanced at her, and immediately regretted it because he couldn't look away again. "No skirts, no low cuts. grafic ts are perfectly fine." What was he? Her father? No...he was protecting her and him both from...her.


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:33 pm

Aribella - "Fine, where can I get the stuff at?" I asked. Suddenly I was wishing someone with a better taste in clothes would have made a deal with me.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:38 pm

Axel looked at her. How would he know? "Um..where do you normally go?"


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Angel of Darkness... Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

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