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Daughter of Darkness

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Daughter of Darkness Empty Daughter of Darkness

Post by Bells Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:37 pm

A utopia has been managed, no wars waged for over a thousand years. Society has settled into one manageable system, you live to serve the society, and you die happy. All is well, everyone equal and equally wealthy. There are those who hold positions of power, but even they seem to be equal on the outside. Above them has been placed the king and queen, intended to be seen as in charge, but everyone knew when they were choosen that it was more for just looks, to be seen but not heard.

But all is not what it seems, corruption lurking just beneath the surface. Levels of power hold it in the peace that it seems to have. The king and queen have gained absolute power, disobedience is unthought of. The reason the society has been maintained, a secret held close to the hearts of the powers, is the prison. A dark, torturous building in the woods, built miles beneath the surface and guarded by what could almost be equivalent to an army. This
is where you go if you don’t fit the mold of the society.

There isn't much to tell you guys about the prison, except that it's under the control of a man named Mr. Blake, maintained by his daughter, Daniella, and another man named Drew Mason. The freaks are normally held in power cells, some cells not as strong as others.

Gah. *headdesks* Okay. I will tell more later, I seriously can't think worth crap right now. Sorry.

Anything extra:

Oh, and the prisoners tend to be branded. Once to mark them as prisoners, the second to mark them as a freak if they are one.


Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Bells Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:49 pm

Name: Mirissa
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: Shabbily cut red hair, and misty gray eyes. She's pale and covered in scars. One shoulder holds the overlapping brands of being both a freak and a prisoner. She also is around average height, and very scrawny. There's also a tattoo of a small triangle on the back of her neck with two vines twisting out from the sides. Delicate thorns sit on the black lines hooked up around her neck and curled into a black rose at the base of her throat.
Power: She can talk to, control the shadows around her. To her, they're living beings. She can also heal, her powers are kind of a long story.
Anything extra: She is basically blind in the light, only can see when its dark. In the light she can make out movement but nothing else.

Name: Dani
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has short, very curly blonde hair to.her chin. Her skin is a milky white color and her eyes Icy blue. Dani is short and small, could easily be mistaken for someone younger. Normally has around eight daggers on her person.
Power: Nothing for now, in the future...well you will see won't you...
Anything extra: She is Mr. Blake's daughter, the elder one. Has been abused and taught that torture is a perfectly normal thing to do. Lives in her own room in the prison.

Name: Jake
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Just like Mirissa only a little better fed, and his eyes are a normal blue. Also add the maleness.
Power: None...maybe...I've considered giving him astro projection.
Anything extra: Mirssa's twin brother who is a guard.


Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Bells Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:54 pm

Name: Shikiro
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark raven colored hair, runs past her shoulder's and is pulled into a messy pony tail with whatever she can find at the moment to tie it back. Average height but very underweight. Her skin is an olive tone, Her eyes an almost amber color.
Power: none.
Anything extra: She is the only daughter of one of the Rebel clan leaders.

Name: Drew Mason
Age: somewhere in his late twenties, early thirties
Gender: Male
Appearance: a tall, muscular man. His hair hung in shaggy, deep brown locks, a few silver stands falling down in front of his eyes, not enough to indicate age though, more likely caused by stress. The paleness of the prison lay oh his skin, cold, forest green eyes peering out from dark lashes.
^^from the book ^.^;
Power: Nothing
Anything extra: Mer...nope.

Name: Ivy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ivy has black hair that falls all the way down her back, almost to her bottom. Her eyes are a mysterious forest green, and she's a bit taller than average. Very, very skinny, unhealthily so, and has many scars. She's got the look of a scared doe, looking innocent and delicate, ever though the scars.
Power: It's kinda hard to explain. When you hear her voice, it makes you fall under her control. Anything she wants, you want to give her. You'd do anything she asks, except leave her.
Extra: her power terrifies her, so she refuses to speak.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:39 pm

Okaaay, here are the og charries. I'll think of new additions to add later o3o

Name: Ariel
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Appearance: Blonde hair, ice blue eyes, small, pale skin. Is a duplicate of her sister Dani, only slightly prettier.
Power: None right now... *insert sly grin*
Anything extra: She is the preferred younger child of Mr.Blake and knows nothing outside of the prison. Being preferred doesn't mean life's all peaches and butterflies. No, it just means she knows how to bat her eyes and avoid beatings... most of the time.
Like her sister Dani, she's been raised to torture and thinks nothing of it.

Name: Artemis
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Daughter of Darkness Beautifulgiryesbeautyeyesgirl-32bcb7c5a7bf1157b4822ad8d0ab30c9_h
She's petite, almost scarily so. Very pale, bruises the only bit of color on her skin. Just like all the other prisoners, she's covered in scars, both old and new; and a brand mark. Despite all this though, she looks well cared for. Like someone beats her, but never pushed her to the point of death.
Power: Telekinetic, and maybe telepathy. Last time she had telepathy, but I don't know .-.
Anything extra: I'll inform you of her past once bells fills me in


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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:14 pm

Name: Trista
Age: 17
Appearance: Daughter of Darkness 2463880-304324-portrait-of-beautiful-girl-with-brown-hair-on-black very small, about 5'1 in height and has a very curved body. She's newer to the prison, so she's not as scarred as everyone else in the prison and is still working on becoming nothing but skin and bones.
Power: Traveling by shadows

Name: Todd
Age: 17
Looks: Daughter of Darkness 50274_299099407469_8176659_n stands at about 5'11
Power: none
Anything extra: A guard


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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:00 am

Name: Aiden Murdock
Age: 23
Gender: m
Appearance: dark brown hair cut short, dark blue eyes. Athletic build, but more of a runner's so hes more lanky. Can still hold his own in a fight though, but he prefers peaceful solutions.
Power: portals, basically windows in space - like the video game. He can take a certain amount of mass through with him however, equivalent to another person. Distance is also a problem for him when he doesn't have a reference as to where hes opening the other end.
Anything extra: his parents were higher ups in society until they started crossing a few people. He was taken as blackmail, just-so-happened to have a power he's hidden since discovering it.

Name: Alexandra Quince
Age: 18
Gender: f
Appearance: mocha skin and dark eyes. Petite and skinny, very lanky.
Power: an empath. She can sense the emotions around her and twist peoples emotions to feel differently, but only those emotions that she herself is feeling at that time.
Anything extra: her power is a bit overwhelming at times of high stress or angst of numerous people around her. a prison is going to happen a lot... but just an orphan found to have powers.

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Heartless.hero Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:29 pm

May I join?

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-12-11

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Daughter of Darkness Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Bells Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:46 pm


Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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