the Character Chat Revolution
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Darkness Descends

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Darkness Descends Empty Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:10 pm

In a world where the rules are strict and there's a council made up of the finest of each of the six major species, vampire, werewolf, witch/warlock, elemental, demon and human. Love with a different species is illegal and you get the consequence of death if not worse. For those that somehow managed without being caught, could escape the thriving city and move to areas that have a low population and live, they could even have kids. Well, that was ten years back. Now the council are training some of the new generation to become hunters. Hunters hunt down those that have done wrong.
Your character is either on the run for whatever reason, is happy in the city or someplace else, is a hunter, or a halfbreed. What happens when they fall in love with someone forbidden and the council are after them? Well, you run. For your life and hope you don't get caught.

The chat starts with your character living normally, wherever they are, whatever they're doing, and we bring in the drama and action soon. Smile

Character forms:

Weapon: (all humans are required to carry a weapon)


Shifted Image:

Dark or light:

Elemental power: (only one, and there is fire, water, earth, air, and spirit)

Human Image:
Demon Image:

What they are mixed with:

Last edited by smellzlyknirvana on Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:23 pm; edited 4 times in total
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:13 pm

Im so in! Character format....?

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:14 pm

Making one right now. :3
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:16 pm

Me want in!!!!!
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Rebel Wolf

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:18 pm

8D People! x3
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Team Sherlock

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:29 pm

Age:unkown, looks 19
Name:James Silvertounge
Personality:Mysterious, dark, seductive.
Bio:Lived alone his whole life, learning magic from the best.
Dark or light:Dark
Don't have on right now. Chin lentgh silver hari, and silver eyes. Tall and slender, but well built.

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:39 pm

Since i have no luck at all with pictures, imma just describe....

Name: Sinder
Gender: Female
Personality: She's unpredictable. Sometimes she's calm, but she's quick to anger and has a fiery temper. Can be stubborn and hot headed. Infinitely loyal.
Bio: Lives on her own in a small apartment, keeping to herself. Has no family and very few friends.
Elemental power: Fire
Image: Pale skin, flaming red hair, pale amber-gold eyes, average height, nice figure.

Name: Lance
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and brooding, doesnt talk much, avoids people, mostly.
Bio: Was changed into a vampire against his will. Lives on the fringes of society, scared to get close to people.
Image: A bit on the tall side, some muscular definition, shaggy dark brown hair, bright green eyes, fair skin.

Name: Drake
Gender: Male
Personality: Cold, unemotional. His default answer for everything is to kill it, quick to anger. Doesnt really form emotional bonds, thinks he's incapable of caring for anyone. Has contempt for most people, cold hearted, violent at times. Like a coiled snake ready to strike.
Bio: Summoned into this world by a careless warlock, has since enjoyed his freedom.
Human Image: Bordering on freakishly tall, a long shock of shaggy black emo-cut hair, flat, cold black eyes, black metal snakebites. Pale skinned, has a few morbid tattoos and the odd scar. Lean muscled.
Demon Image:. Picture him even taller with unnaturally pale skin, large black bat wings, eyes with coloured bits that resemble flames, slitted pupils, and a nice set of fangs. He doesnt like to show his demon appearance though.

Name: Thorne
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, soft-spoken, gentle, kind, tried to find the best in everyone. Afraid of her powers and utterly despises violence. A pascifist to the point where she will allow herself to be hurt because she refuses to fight back.
Bio: Grew up with her sister, who was very violent and cruel-tempered. Her sister despised her for being so soft and eventually Thorne fled to live on her own. Works hard to get along in the world and blend in with society.
Dark or light: Light
Image: Pale skinned, long blue-black hair, pale ice-blue eyes, a bit on teh short side, pixie-like and delicate in build.


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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:40 pm

Age: 18
Name: Megan ((SHE IS BACK!!!))

Personality: shy and ackward
Bio: father abused her and mother ran away when she was little to be a gypsy.
Weapon: Glass Knife (( Looks like this
Image: ((On the bottom))

Age: 19
Name: Benjamin
Personality: loud and anoyying
Bio: TBC


Darkness Descends Emo_hair_4
Darkness Descends Red-emo-guy

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:44 pm

Age: 18
Name: Amelia
Personality: loner, quiet, tough, can be sweet, sarcastic, stubborn
Bio: Her parents died when she was thirteen and she's been a loner ever since then. The council tried putting her in a home for orphans, but she ran.
Darkness Descends Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdHHEnOL-laiylCj2jD07v69XelbdhZtq2qkencCvNZsfW_GhJ
Shifted Image:
A small, sleek black wolf.

Age: 19
Name: Alexander
Personality: TBD
Bio: His parents abandoned him and left him with his dead beat uncle when he was a baby. He ran away when he was ten and has lots of street smarts. He also can fight pretty well. At the moment he lives in an apartment above a weapons store he runs.
Weapon: (all humans are required to carry a weapon) a knife, a small dagger, a stake
Darkness Descends Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVSDlSk3_s2CIQypkAGEAcYCU4gH4U31f0w1Y1lju9vpNyw7-B
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Team Sherlock

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:56 pm

So when does everyone think we should start?
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:58 pm

YES!!!! Very Happy

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:59 pm

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:05 pm

8D Let the chat begin!

Team Sherlock
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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:07 pm

lol Ericha XD XD XD XD XD this shall be fun.

Megan walked alone in the street her head was pounding. Stupid stalker vampire things. She thought angrly. Her knife was in her hand and she sighed. She couldnt think her heart was racing from the last fight she was just in. SHe had just killed 4 vampires by herself.

Benjamin walked into the park feeling hungover. He laid undernieth a tree and groaned. His vision was blinded but of course he didnt care. He started to play with his snake bite.

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:20 pm

Sinder: Today, i was in the park, practicing with my fire. Off in a nice secluded corner, tossing a ball of fire about happily. It was a rare moment of relaxation for me, and i was certainly enjoying it.

Thorne: I exited the bookshop where i worked and began heading home. My shift ahd just ended and id been payed today, which was a bonus. Time to stop by the bank, maybe get some groceries, and get home.

Drake: I stalked down the street without purpose, wandering down the street, irritated at nothing, as usual.

(No muse for Lance, sorry bout teh crappy post, mom's kicking me off D: )

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:24 pm

Amelia walked down the street in her wolf form. She limped slightly due to the gash on her right shoulder. She limped along in the shadows. She listened closely to make sure she didn't hear them.

Alexander sat behind the counter in the store. He started to play with a knife to occupy himself as he thought of his parents and his uncle. He wondered where they were right now.
Team Sherlock
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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:27 pm

Megan walked into a store going in for no apperant reason. She walked to the counter and a boy was there. "I need a bandaid.. where do I find them?" SHe asked curiously.

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:34 pm

Alexander looked up and smirked slightly. "Down the street at the drug store Darling. We don't have bandaids here Hon, this is a weapons store." He took the knife, flipped it and put it back on display.
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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:35 pm

MEgan shook her head and sighed. "Of course it is..." She said wanting to facepalm herself. She looked at the knife and pointed to it. "May I see that?"

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:39 pm

Can I join?

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:44 pm

Alexander reached for the knife again. He sat it on the counter. "Just don't hurt yourself Darling." He looked up at her with a slight smirk.

(Of course. 8D)
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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:46 pm

Megan rolled her eyes and slight the blade against her palm. "Sharp... but not sharp enough." She cut her arm and whiped the blood away off the blade. "Sharpen it love." She smirked.

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:12 pm

Alexander rolled his eyes. "You got blood on it. Now you have to buy it. And you're getting blood all over my store."
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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:13 pm

"Well then I shall take it." Megan smirked throughing $300 on the counter. She rolld her eyes and said "I didnt get blood everywhere..." She said looking at him.

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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:21 pm

Alexander smiled slightly and pushed two hundred fifty back at her. "I'll sharpen it if you want." He nodded toward the knife.
Team Sherlock
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Darkness Descends Empty Re: Darkness Descends

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