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Love and Blood

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Love and Blood Empty Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:42 pm

You're just an ordinary person with a normal life. You may have some issues and family problems, but when it comes right down to it, you're just normal. School is just something to pass the time and friends aren't just friends anymore. Then you're gone. Just like that, your life has been taken away from you and there's nothing you can do about it. How will you cope? Will you fall for the one who has kidnapped you or fight every step of the way?

Victim Form:

Kidnapper Form:
Reason for kidnapping:
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:56 pm

Name: Aqua
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Talents: Archery, drawing, dancing, cleaning
Other: She dances at a club at night and is usually picked up at the club by some guys. She's very seductive
(smaller elf ears that tuck behind her hair and black hair)
Love and Blood Elf_Girl2_by_pontus997
Name: Viper
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Reason for kidnapping: He simply needs to feed, but treats the girls with respect.
Other: He lives in a house near the ocean, with a full view of the water.
(black hair that usually gets in his eyes and green eyes)
Love and Blood Anime_Emo_Boy_2
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:20 pm

Victim Form:
Name: Samahria
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Pheonix
Talents: She is great with knives.
Other: She can control fire and heal.
Image: Love and Blood 1010

Kidnapper Form:
Name: Jaxon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter
Reason for kidnapping: He had no choice but to kidnap a girl since someone took his sister and won't give her back unless he gives her another girl.
Other: He is sweet and will do anything for his family. He also turn into a black panther.
Image: Love and Blood 418
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Age : 29

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:08 pm

Thanks for joining Smile
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:15 pm

Your welcome. When do you want to start?
Karma =)
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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:23 pm

Probably now, since I don't know who is going to join. You can start your characters anywhere, but it's at night right now.

Aqua arrived at the club Starfire, looking around at the club. The girls dancing now were weaving back and forth between the crowd, showing of their skinny bodies. She didn't like her job, but it paid well. She walked to a dressing room, changing into the usual uniform for the dancers.

Viper hung in an alleyway, waiting for the guy to come. He was supposed to be here by now with the drugs. He finally spotted the guy and went over to him. Viper got his batch of drugs and put them into his pocket. They were for when he was out of control. The drug dealer left, leaving Viper in the alley. He walked out to the sidewalk and started walking, feeling the fire burn in his throat.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:48 pm

Samahria looked at her watch waiting for closing. She hated working this shift she would rather be out with her friends clubing then stuck in a dead book store. She sighed, Only one more hour to go till it was ten. She looks around the book store to see it still empty. Really who wanted to buy a book at ten at night?

Jaxon wandered the streets looking for a girl to take back to... he couldn't even say his name. Why did he have to take my sister? There are millions of shifters in the world and he took mine. Sighing he continues walking down the street. How can I kidnap some poor girl and give her too that monster?
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Age : 29

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:55 pm

Aqua started her shift, dancing around the guys in the club until one grabbed her from behind. He spun her around and since the music was fast, started to dance. She moved herself to the beat, looking seductive. She couldn't leave until her shift was over, so she might as well tempt guys.

Viper saw the lights on in a store and went in. No one was there he noticed, but nodded to the girl in the front and looked in the section on myths.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:06 pm

Samahria looked up to see a guy come in. Well at least it was a customer someone she could talk to. She left the counter and went to the guy. "Anything I can help you with sir?" She looked at the books he was looking at Myths? She liked reading Myths on things. she thought it was funny since she herself is a myth.

Jaxon saw a club Starfire and decided to enter. He looked to see girls everywhere in skimpy clothing. This is totally not his scene. If only he was legal to drink. That is what he needed right now to get him though this.
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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:13 pm

Aqua danced away from the guy she was with and spoke with the bartender briefly. The manager of the place wouldn't let her off shift and she sighed. She was going to quit this job. Aqua changed clothes and put the uniform in the backroom. She spoke with the manager and looked around the club, wondering if anyone was going to be fun without the drinks.

Viper shook his head. "Not with anything that's in this bookstore." He picked up a book on vampires. "This is the real deal here...not those vampires who sparkle in that one series..."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:28 pm

Samahria laughed, "I agree I prefer my vampire to be more dangerous than sparkly like diamonds. I think the sparkles makes it less manly." She looked at the book he took off the shelf. "How would you know this is the real deal? Why says vampires are real?"

Jaxon stood by a wall looking around wondering wheather he should leave or not. He saw girls pass by him and offer him a lap dance. He declined them politly, "no thanks." the girls would shrug and walk away.
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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:03 pm

Viper turned toward the girl. She had bright red hair and looked like she could be a sort of model. "Dangerous is real manly. I believe that all myths are real. Everything is real in a sense." He wondered if she was asking because she was simply curious, or a myth herself.

Aqua walked by a guy who looked like he didn't like clubs. She walked back. "Hi." She was wearing normal clothes, thankfully, and a necklace with her name Aqua on a heart.

Love and Blood 000036780?$product$
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:06 pm

Ooooh, this looks so cool! Im totally interested! I'll have my forms up ASAP!

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:39 pm

Victim Form:
Name: Serena
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Gifted human
Talents: She's blind, but can see people's auras, their true personalities.
Other: Has a tendency to stay very close to people because she can't see things that aren't living, and has a tendency to trip or walk into things that she can't see.
Image: Don't have one so i'll just describe.... she's about average height with very fair skin and long straight white hair. Her bangs fall in her eyes, which are clouded over due to her blindness. She's built quite delicately, but has a decent tolerance for pain and isnt physically weak.

Kidnapper Form:
Name: Daimon
Age: Looks about 19, is actually something like 97
Gender: Male
Species: Half-demon
Reason for kidnapping: He feeds off of emotions, not to mention he enjoys causing problems for humans....
Image:Love and Blood Img-thing?

^Something like that..... his eyes, when visible, are simply black.

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:40 am

Thanks for joining Smile We'll switch around the charries s yours join in the mix
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:16 am

(Rav you can talk to my guy. And then your guy can talk to Eagle's girl.)

Samahria smiled, "Interesting, most people I see walk through the doors never believe in any of this." She was starting to wonder about the guy. He seemed different then most humans she met. Is he something else? She could tell that he wasn't one of her kind so what is he?

Jaxon smiled at the girl that came up to him. "Hi..." He couldn't do this. He had to leave. "It was nice meeting you but uummm... I got to go." Before she could saying anything he took off. The fresh air of the night helped clear his head. How was he going to save his sister when he couldn't work up the nerve to kidnap somone. He began walking down the street again.
Karma =)
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Age : 29

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Ravyn Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:03 pm

Serena: My mother was late...... again. I had finished helping my friend study at the library, which was a little tricky because i couldnt read any of her notes or textbooks or see any of her diagrams which made direct referencing difficult even though i understood the concepts, but i could still help by explaining things verbally. And now she had gone home (at my insistence that my ride would be here very shortly and there was nothing to worry about) and i was alone sitting on the front steps of the library and waiting for my mother to actually show up and take me home. Had i been able to see, i would have simply walked home on my own. Unfortunately i had no idea which direction my house was in and if i tried to walk, i would probably get lost, not to mention bang myself up by walking into lampposts or mailboxes and tripping over uneven spots in the sidewalk. Or worse, i could walk into the middle of the street and get hit by a car...... so for the moment, i was effectively stuck.

Daimon: The club..... was more than a little annoying. Being packed into a small noisy space with a bunch of rowdy irritating mortals was not my idea of a good time. But there were plenty of people here who were probably alone, who nobody would think twice about if they just..... disappeared. THAT was what i was here for.

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:36 pm

Aqua sighed as the guy left and she hung in the back, looking over the crowd. She might just leave and get a good night sleep. She saw a guy (Daimon) hanging back from everyone else. She decided to be nice and went over to him. "Hi."

Viper shrugged, the contacts he was wearing suddenly irritating him. "Yes well, I'm not like other humans." He smelled something different about or fire. He put the book back, exactly where it had been. "Listen...I know you're different...not human..." Viper had lowered his voice, in case anyone came in. Looking at this girl, the fire in his throat rose.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:40 am

Samahria smiled, "You happen to be right I am no more human than you." She wasn't sure she wanted to tell him what she is. Her kind usaully liked to be kept hidden which is why there are not a lot about pheonixs. It was likly that he havn't even heard of her kind, it depended on how long he has been around.

Jaxon wandered the streets arguing with himself. You have to take someone if you ever want to see your sister again. Sighing, he made up his mind to take someone. At this moment he happened to see a girl sitting alone on the library steps. It is perfect she is alone and the street deserted so no one will notice. "Hey," he called up to the girl.
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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Ravyn Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:49 am

Serena: I sat up a little straighter in surprise as someone called out to me, head swivelling to face them, unseeing eyes fixing on the brilliant colourful sillhouette of the one who had spoken. Some people found this sort of eery, that i seemed to be looking at them when i couldnt even see them. But i WAS looking at them. I was just seeing them on the most basic, pure level possible. "Hello." i said, tone calm but pleasant, a small peaceful smile on my face.

Daimon: I'd been noticed..... but it wasnt all bad. This one.... she might do. I didnt know enough to say, but..... taking her might be the right move. She seemed like she was pretty much on her own. "Hello." i replied, attempting to sound less..... cold, than usually did. Scaring her away now would be a setback....

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:37 pm

Viper let a faint grin appear on his face. "I'm also guessing that you are being cautious because that's the way your species is. You like to be hidden. How long have you...been alive?" He was glad he wasn't going to take a mere mortal. Only an immortal could withstand having their blood drawn by a vampire...

Aqua smiled, trying to appear to be friendly. "Do you come here often?" He seemed out of place here and the dancers stood their distance from him. She shrugged away these things away in her head and introduced herself. "I'm Aqua."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Karma =) Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:35 am

Jaxon walked up the steps by her, "You know you shouldn't be alone, something bad could happen to you." Like be kidnapped a voice said in the back of his head. He had to take this girl otherwise he would keep chickening out of it.

Samahria smiled not giving away anything,"Name one species that doesn't want people to know about them.Even the fay liked people to not to know of their existence even though they love playing pranks on them. She was a little surprised to have him ask her age,"At the moment seventeen years. What about you?"
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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:45 am

Viper gave a small smile. "Let's see...I will use the information I know. I smelled something like fire on your clothes and your beautiful red hair...I'd guess a phoenix." He moved on to her question. "I'm twenty-one, however I've been around since the 1980's."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Ravyn Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:29 pm

Serena: I shrugged. "Perhaps. Believe me, it was not my choice to be stuck out here.... i should have just gone to my friend's place and stayed there until i got picked up. Mom's always horribly late, and unfortunately i can't find my own way home." i said, sighing softly. "But its all right. She'll be along soon enough." i said cheerfully, looking at the bright side. It wasnt her fault tha ther nursing hours were so terrible.....

Daimon: This girl should really be taking a lesson from the rest of the people in here and staying well away from me, but the fact that she wasnt..... well, hopefully i'd be able to single her out easily enough. Get her out of sight and knock her unconscious or something. "Daimon. And no, this is my first time in here. My friend dragged me in, but he seems to have disappeared..... no matter, though. I sort of expected that to happen...." i said.

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:02 pm

Aqua paid no attention to the people staring at her oddly. She was going to have a conversation with Daimon, despite the dark presence hanging over him... "He's not a very good friend. He should stay with his friend...I'm sure he'd pick up some women here."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Love and Blood Empty Re: Love and Blood

Post by Sponsored content

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