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Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Nightmare Thu May 17, 2012 9:44 am


Edwin looked at the two girls, Annabelle and Monica. Neither of them were really the talkative type, so Edwin didn't know them all that well. He wasn't necessarily a quiet individual, but he also didn't go out of his way to become friends with someone who didn't want to talk to him or be social. He was far too social for those who didn't like conversation.

Even so, they were there now, so there was no point in being silent. "I wonder if anyone else is gonna join us." he said offhandedly, looking towards the door.


The silver-haired boy opened his eyes slowly. Rúna had a habit of telling him they were there when they were mid-teleport, which was never a pleasant scene to open ones eyes to. fortunately for him, he peeked through mostly closed lids to see that they were safely on the ground. He then looked up at Stark Tower, and shook his head. "I cannot believe somebody would build such a thing to live in. Why would you want your name to be broadcast across the entire city? It does not make sense." he muttered, turning to his sister. "Shall we enter, then?" he gestured for her to go first, knowing that if she didn't, she would probably run as soon as his back was turned.


Rúna rolled her eyes. Dri knew her all too well sometimes. With a sigh, she walked towards the door to Stark Tower. She raised a pale hand to the door, and knocked. She didn't know if anyone else was there yet, but she figured that she might as well be courteous in case someone was. After a moment's silence, she turned to Dri. "Nobody is here. Let us go." she declared, despite not giving anyone who might have been there anywhere near enough time to answer. She spun on her heels, intending to leave, when she caught sight of Dri's glare. "FINE." she grumbled, turning back to face the door.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu May 17, 2012 3:41 pm

(are all the good mutants in one place ready to go? 'cause if so, I will have someone escort them to Stark tower)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu May 17, 2012 7:46 pm

(unless you're making a Pryde apprentice/child, I believe so.)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 10:43 pm

Once again, I had managed to cross some line, ask about some aspect of the past that was off limits; I could tell by the way his hands tightened around the steering wheel slightly. Not that I could blame him... these were his memories I was asking about. I was the intruder here, because not a single one of them that I had remembered this time were my own. No matter how real they were to me- after all, I could close my eyes and recount them step by step like anybody with a real past could- they were all copies. Stolen straight from Captain America's head in an attempt to make a super solider weapon against him.

I gritted my teeth and mumbled an apology under my breath, to which he gave some calm, reassuring reply that I didn't quite catch as I turned my attention to the window. Trying, with some success, to tune out the stolen and fleeting glimpses of memories that New York was bringing back to me. So I turned my full attention to the mission at hand, which Captain America had only vaguely eluded to when he told me to get in the car. We were going to Stark Tower for some... assembly, I believe that was the word he used. An assembly of heroes, much like the Avengers but of the generation after.

It was beyond my understanding as to why I was even called upon, though it wasn't my place to question, either. After all, I was a shadow, a shade, faulty copies of powers with faulty copies of memories. Captain America himself didn't even trust me to drive himself here, hence the supervision like this. So... really, it didn't add up. I thought about that for a while, as Stark Tower in the distance got closer and closer until we were finally there. He pulled up to the entrance and I stepped out, looking for some kind of instruction as to where to proceed from there

(I SWEAR the angst won't be nearly as bad after this, just sort of needed a charrie intro. Ugrh. I hate writing angst. Sorry.)


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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 2:04 pm

Name: Tobias Kenneth
Age: 18 almost 19
Apprentice to: Dr. Strange
Original or fanon: OC
Appearance: She stands at about 5'4 and is slim, though she does have hips. Her clothes really just depend on the day and if she's on an assignment or not. It's rare for you to find her with shoes, and her hazel eyes always seem to be looking for mischief.
Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Carly210
Extra powers/weapons: Can wield magic much like Doctor Strange, but is still somewhat inexperienced at it and has a few blocks of her own thanks to her past. Because of this, she struggles with various practices and such. I would post the link to Doctor Strange, but unfortunately it will not allow me to. As such, go to Marvel . com and type it in.

Name: Manassa Kenkare`
Age: 19
Apprentice to: Black Widow
Original or Fanon: OC
Appearance: Stands at about 5'11 and has golden tan skin and dark black hair that is cut short, but messy. His eyes are a dark golden brown, and always seem to be intense. His features are very defined, some almost sharp, while his body is muscular though has a slight leanness to it. He prefers to wear black, or dark dark blues.
Extra powers/weapons: Manassa has no powers, but relies wholly on skill. He is very lithe in his movements, and often is silent. His main weapons are his boot knife and his SPIRIT-76 that he keeps attached to his side at all times.


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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat May 19, 2012 2:11 pm

Zell launched herself onto her the balcony of Stark Tower and put her bow away before walking in.
Directory Fury was standing in the corner. Even though he was much older now, he still wore that same leather jacket and eye patch. He stood with his hands in his pockets, looking out the window that was next to where Zell had just entered.
"This is insanity, Fury. Just let me go after her myself!" She heard the infamous Tony Stark shout at him.
"Sit down, Stark. And wait for everyone to get her before shouting." Stark grumbled and sat down on the large couch. Pepper stood beside him, her hand on his shoulder.
Zell stood in a corner, far away from the others. She didnt like this already.

Gavin was escorted to Stark Tower before he even had a chance to run from this. He had said good bye to his mom, because she apparently wasnt allowed to go with him. he grumbled at the stupidity, but didnt act out as they took him away. He felt as if he were getting arrested, being shoved into the back of a black car.
They drove for some time before arrive at Stark Tower. He looked up at the building. This just seemed like a bad idea. He didnt know why, but it just did.
his 'escorts' opened the back door and led him inside, giving him no room to make a wrong turn or run. Once he was in the main room, where he guessed the others were leaving, they tossed his bags on a counter, nodded once to Fury, then left.
Annndd now he felt uncomfortable. He felt his image flicker, and took a step back, to attempt to hide himself under the stairs or something.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 2:36 pm

Manassa sat in the elevator as it took him up to wherever it was he was going. He looked...bored, though his intense eyes scanned everything they could possibly catch sight of. He was always wary, even in Stark Towers, he couldn't help but be on his guard. The elevator came to a stop and opened, and he quickly walked out and towards Agent Furry. This was what he had been training for, so there was no reason to run.

"I don't want to go!" Tobias said as she walked with Doctor Strange down the hall of the sanctuary in Tibet. "I think it would be better if I stayed here, I could...clean the floor! new candles for the meditation room! Please, just don't make me go!"
"Why are you so opposed to going?" Stephen Strange, now the master of the Order, asked as his inquisitive eyes turned to her face. "Is this not what you wanted?"
"No, this is not what I wanted!" Tobias said as she stopped walking, planting her feet into the stone beneath her. "I want to be happy and do something worth while! Not be someone's flying monkey freak show."
"You know that is not the purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D"
"Ya, well sure seems like it."
"Fine...I'll go. But I won't be happy about it," she grumbled, turning and disappearing through the wall. She appeared on the balcony of Stark towers, her golden pendant hanging loosely around her neck and hidden by her sweater. Most of the Order kept it visible just in case they needed it, but not Tobias. When Doctor Strange had found her, she thought he was going to give her a normal, better life. But, as always, she was wrong. She grumbled and ran a hand through her dark hair and walked forward, folding her arms in front of her, her large sweater hanging off her shoulder slightly.


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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat May 19, 2012 10:13 pm

I survey New York as I get closer to the Tower, just a blue streak through the night sky, fixing my eyes on the balcony as I see someone grapple up with arrows. Hawkeye?! But as I got closer, I could see the person had feminine features. His apprentice then. Didn't exactly know a lot about her. I land, as she had upon the balcony, as she simply walked in. I follow oorrrr.... ...At least she was supposed to be around here. I was just some magically inclined kid from up state. As I debated with myself, some other girl appeared on the balcony from thin air. ...What.
...Duh. Teleportation. I can do that... Still needed to get used to all of this...
So, um. I gave a little awkwardly friendly smile to her, starting for the door that Zell had entered through. Because...I was just such a fan I knew who she was... I open the door, waiting for the other girl. I didn't recognize her though, so...maybe I wasn't the only stranger?

Time off my sentence? Sounded nice... Sentence completely forgotten? Sounded better. The only thing I had to do was go serve my time in were making.... Because that was freedom, being forced to do something or just stay in this room... What a choice, man.
Also, leaving in anti-power chains. "Lovely touch, I gotta say. Really brings on the welcoming feeling," I tell the men, though they haven't spoken anything else other than laying down the dealio. Whatever.
We get in a car, which was also painfully slow, and end up... Stark Tower? What?
"Avengers? That's the team?" Woah, dudes. Thanks for finally realizing my potential, but jeez. Just going right to the top, aren't I?
Though I'm roughly pulled out and shoved off towards the door to walk through with one of them. The other pauses, going to address the two weirdos by the door. Weird costumes and some freaky ye-olde-english talk. Hello, twenty first century here.
I'm going down the hall before I can see the outcome of the agent's little talk with them, then enter an elevator and go...right to the top. Like I said. Wasn't this fun?

The Tower was almost as familiar to me as my mom's house. One weekend a month, I'd go throughout the Avengers' buildings with my father. Here held the last belongings and memories of my father, and it felt good to be near all of them again. Back when I was normal and the Pym Particles weren't working, this was like a home for him and I. Now though, I was like him, and I always had a hope that he'd be more proud of me becoming a superhero than of me 'borrowing' the stuff in his lab.
But a little thieving can run through the family, can't it? I mean...Mom always said I was my father's daughter. Couldn't be perfect like him either.
My duffelbag of belongings on my shoulder, I walk through the halls without the agent escort that had driven me here. We were cool, no biggie. A few people said hi and I waved friendly. Uncle Tony would be here, right? And Michi.
I smile to myself as I enter the elevator, going up to the top floor and walking out. y eyes light up when I see Pepper and he, though immediately I know something's wrong. Fury's there, with Zell in the corner. Some boy is holding the outside door open, waiting for another girl to enter. "Uncle Tony?"
The elevator dings behind me and I jump a little, and an agent follows some kid with white hair in chains in. "...What's going on...?"
"Yeah, I like that question," the white haired boy says, getting put into a chair at the assembly table. None of the other Avengers are there...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue May 22, 2012 8:59 pm

Serpentine --

Enough had arrived that I felt comfortable starting in. Making my way up through the tower floors I soon found myself outside the meeting room. I knew enough about this place to make my way through it, even if I hadn't been here before. My eyes scanned the room, and yet I didn't step inside right away. I'd rather wait until the door was shut and I could slink in without anyone seeing me, that's the better way to do it, go unseen till needed.

Although, after a moment I decided it would be easier to slip in behind a few of the others walking in, seeing as the door opening would be prone to drawing more attention than I wanted. That decided, I did just as I'd chosen to, following a few of them in and settling not in a seat, but more towards a corner of the room, that way I was able to see everyone.

Amina --

One of the men opened up my door for me, the same one who'd asked me earlier if I was staying. For a moment I just stood there outside the building, looking at its imposing walls with wide, slightly scared eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen when I walked inside. Most of those people in there would have something special going for them, I just had my brains and my skills, but... that would be enough. I could do this, Dad thought I could.

The man motioned for me to follow him, and led me inside. Soon I found myself stories up and approaching the room I'd been told we'd meet in. Taking a deep breath I followed others inside, frantically searching the faces for someone that I knew.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue May 22, 2012 9:03 pm

Annabelle --

I rolled my eyes, tipping my chair back a bit more as I spoke.
"Of course someone is going to meet us here, why else would we be here? Besides, Monica just said that they would."
I didn't bother to keep the scorn out of my voice, something that my teachers, and parents, were constantly getting onto me for. According to them I could be a bit... judging sometimes.
Please, I just don't put up with all the crap they do.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue May 22, 2012 9:12 pm

I give an empty laugh, once, still staring at the floor. "There's only so many meetings for teams that can happen. ...Not of X-Men, Fantastic Four's got its member limit..." I let my conclusion hang in the air for them to figure out.
Fury... My face twists in disgust slightly. His dislike for us wasn't much of a secret. If my guess is right, he better not make much of an issue of it. I'd snap his argument like a twig...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue May 22, 2012 9:30 pm

Annabelle --

I frowned, glancing at the door again as she spoke.
"Well.. guess that leaves..." I began, flipping through all the available choices in my head. "... not much. Avengers perhaps?"
As soon as the thought crossed my mind I wrinkled my nose a bit, considering the idea. Avengers wouldn't be too bad, or at least I didn't think so. I mean, my mother had been one of them, as had my father, for a long time... so...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Nightmare Thu May 24, 2012 7:42 pm


Edwin looked at the other two there. Avengers? He'd heard about the group of heroes, of course, but couldn't see what they wanted with the X-men. Fury wasn't necessarily the fondest of them, so it seemed somewhat unlikely. At the same time, it WAS the only thing they hadn't thought of yet. "I don't know. But I'd like to find out soon." he sighed, looking around. He was partially hoping that it wasn't the Avengers, though more likely than not, it was.


The first thing the Asgardian boy noticed about the boys that were approaching was the one in chains. It was never a good sign to look up and see someone being led in by chains. It tended to make you rethink what you were doing. Dri looked at his sister, his worry plain on his face, in no way comforted by her shrug. Rúna didn't seem to be bothered by the chains, possibly because she was more used to seeing such things than Dri. At the same time, things were a little tense.


The last time Rúna had seen the Avengers, they hadn't really left one another on the best of terms. Something about being associated with Loki didn't go over well to the others. Neverless, Rúna forced herself to give a small smile to the others that were around her before walking into the building. "Are you coming, Brother?" she inquired, noticing that he had yet to follow her. Dri nodded, and the two Asgardians entered the tower.

They both looked around before walking over to the wall, near enough to the table that they would be involved in the conversation, but not enough that they would be of immediate concern. Rúna stood tall, though Dri leaned back against the wall. They looked at one another for a moment, their eyes connecting for but a second, before they both turned to face the assembled.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu May 24, 2012 10:37 pm

(typed this on failpod. Please don't mind the spelling mistakes, I'll edit when i get to my comp)

Fury turned as people entered the room. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tony typing something on one of his tiny screens, but pushed the thought aside. 
"I am going to assume everyone is here. And if anyone is not, then they are running late." he looked at the assortment of teens. Maybe this wasn't the greatest idea. But it was better than the alternatives. "You kids are here for one reason. Do you know what that is?" he didn't wait for them to answer, or even look around before continuing. 
"you kids are here to form a team to go on a rescue mission. Ms. Stark is missing." Tony grumbled about how he could have gone by himself, but stopped and just looked at fury. 
"So, you expect us to work together... As what exactly? Most of us don't know each other, and I surely don't trust half of them." her gaze went to Speed, and she kept a tight grip on her bow.
"You will work together." Tony stood and looked at the teens. "My daughter, someone your guys' age, is missing. And Fury is asking that you guys form a team and find her."
"if an self centered man like Tony could be part of a team, surely you guys can manage one mission? Maybe you will learn something about each other and actually will be able to form a real team."
"And what would we call ourselves?" Zell glanced around the room. "I mean.... I don't think there will be much we can agree on."
"that is simple. The young avengers."


A young women walked down the halls of the mutant school, her heals clicking agains the tile. She had just gotten word from Tony Stark that she was to round up the specified mutants to help with the little rescue mission. She had already sent out the message to get then all together, and now she was just collecting the kid. 
She walked into the room, the door closing shut behind her.
"Hello. Is this everyone?" she asked, holding a blue folder in front of her. "if so, we have some stuff to go over before going to New York."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri May 25, 2012 12:38 am

...ThereweretwoAsguardiansintheroom. Like...right now. And...wait, what? I should really get my listening priorities in order...
We're doing...what now? I just sort of freeze in the doorway, waiting for this chick... My eyes wander around the room. We were going to be a team...? Just...randomly, out of the blue... I don't know about everyone else here, but my parents. Would flip. I was sort of flipping out, currently. Really, remember breathing? Yeah, do that...

So. Some arrow chick, two freaks in armor, a blonde at the elevator door, someone else hiding behind her, guy-with-gun, and other guy who...sort of looked like me if I was brunette and had worse fashion sense, another who flickered - sooo scary, and a few who hid in corners.
"Questions," I pipe up in the silence, looking at...who was this supposed to be, some pirate? It's not Holloween. "Can these come off -" I hold up my joined hands as much as I could. "- And why's everyone else here, if me's all you really need?" I lean back in the chair slightly, stretching my legs out underneath the large table. Confidently, I smirk, glancing over at one-eye. It's like the opposite of four-eyes. Ha.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue May 29, 2012 1:52 pm

Amina --

I didn't say anything, really not wanting to draw attention to myself. My mind once gain flickered back to my conversation with Father, the one when I'd asked him if I could go back home. His refusal continued to ring through my ears and I sighed a little, setting myself in one of the empty chairs, as close to the door as I could get.

At least what we were doing wouldn't be completely abominable as long as the other people would be easy enough to get along with. I had to admit to myself though that I might be slightly out of place, as far as I could tell with the few people I could identify, there were a lot of people here with powers. Until father steps down from the thrown I just have what he taught me.

Just then a boy spoke, one wearing some cuffs. At his words I stiffened a little, remaining silent although clinching my fists a little. Perhaps I'd be out of place, but there was no way I was going to let myself seem like I didn't belong here, no matter what I thought. Some people are a little to confident for their own good...

Serpentine --

My tongue flickered out as I watched the people in the room, drawing a list of everyone I could recognize. Although that was an admittedly small number. From my place in the corner I was easily able to see all the reactions to the words and so produced some appropriate response of my own.
Which I was about to voice before another spoke up.
"Aren't those meant for criminals?" I questioned, eyeing the device on the boys hand.

Annabelle --

I glanced at the woman as she entered the room, rolling my eyes a little as I continued to tilt the chair back. Keep careful check to make sure it didn't tip over I studied the woman for a second before speaking.
"First, how are we supposed to know if this is everyone?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes a bit. "We were just told to come meet here without another word. Second, you took long enough didn't you? Get stuck in some traffic jam or something? Shesh."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue May 29, 2012 2:10 pm

I glance around, whoever talked. Dude in the corner...behind me. I lean my head back to see him upside down. "Well, that's a debatable sentence onto me and..." The agents either side of me give me a look. "...Standardly, yes. They just don't want me going anywhere yet..."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue May 29, 2012 2:13 pm

Serpentine --

I nodded, glancing between the men on either side of the boy, then back to him again.
"Interesting, and yet you're here? Why?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue May 29, 2012 2:27 pm


I blow a bit of my white hair out of my eyes, not able to reach up to fix it. "Because I'm....just that special," I answer with a slight smirk. Pfft, I didn't know. They just said 'out of this cell' and I was in. I didn't exactly care what for or why. Though apparently, it meant rescuing some girl. Micha Stark. Fancy.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Tue May 29, 2012 9:31 pm

Zell glanced at the boy in chains. Oh, wonderful. Someone with a past. she thought, glancing over him. She tried to recall all she could about him from his file.
But like she was one to comment on pasts, even of it was just mentally. Her own past wasn't the greatest. And if it weren't for Hawkeye... Well, she didn't want to think of where she may be right now without him.

Gavin looked at him then around the room. "Does it really matter if he was Locke up at one point or not? I mean.... If he is here to be part of the team, what does it matter?" once he started to become repetitive and redundant in his wording, Gavin shut up and just looked down. Words. He needed to get better with words.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Wed May 30, 2012 2:25 pm


I rose my brow a little, continuing to linger in the shadows, liking my view of the place.
"I never said that it mattered, just that I found it interesting. No need to be so touchy. Might as well get to know each other if we're going to be fighting, or whatever we'll end up doing, together."
Although I said that, I didn't apply it to myself. If they wished to learn about me then they were welcome to try, although I'm certain they'd have issues figuring out exactly who/what I was. It certainly wasn't impossible for the right people, and it wasn't as if I had anything to hide, but it didn't appeal to me to have all my dirty laundry aired for everyone to see.

Amina --

I sunk down in my chair a little, spreading my hair out in-front of my eyes as I watched everyone. I didn't need to say anything just yet, I knew that. It was best to just sit back and learn everything I could about them before speaking. After all, the more I knew the easier it would be to make myself appear useful. I needed to know what they couldn't do, that I could. There had to be something, why else would I be here?
Or, maybe there was nothing.
Either way, I had to find out.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Wed May 30, 2012 3:33 pm

Momo13 wrote:A young women walked down the halls of the mutant school, her heals clicking agains the tile. She had just gotten word from Tony Stark that she was to round up the specified mutants to help with the little rescue mission. She had already sent out the message to get then all together, and now she was just collecting the kid.
She walked into the room, the door closing shut behind her.
"Hello. Is this everyone?" she asked, holding a blue folder in front of her. "if so, we have some stuff to go over before going to New York."

Bells wrote:
Annabelle --

I glanced at the woman as she entered the room, rolling my eyes a little as I continued to tilt the chair back. Keep careful check to make sure it didn't tip over I studied the woman for a second before speaking.
"First, how are we supposed to know if this is everyone?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes a bit. "We were just told to come meet here without another word. Second, you took long enough didn't you? Get stuck in some traffic jam or something? Shesh."

I slip my band back over my eyes, just listening. Patience...was something to be prized sometimes... "Enough time for us to come, it's not class hours or anything," I say quietly under my breath with a sigh before glancing up in the woman's direction. "What things then?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Wed May 30, 2012 3:36 pm


"Wait, what?"
I couldn't care less about some kid in chains. Crisis here! Chitchat later! My head whips back and forth between Fury and Uncle Tony. "Michi's missing?! Since when? What...What even happened?" Why are we all calmly standing around conversing about meaningless crap?!

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Nightmare Thu May 31, 2012 12:57 pm


The blonde couldn't help but laugh. How were they supposed to know if everyone was there or not? They didn't even know why they were there yet. He tapped his foot impatiently, figuring that there were many things he'd rather be doing at that moment. Finishing his workout, for one. He sighed, looking at the other three, waiting for more information. It was going to be a long day.


The Asgardian female looked at the boy in chains. In some sick, twisted way, he reminded her of Loki. He must have done something wrong to deserve such binding, though Rúna liked to think there was some good in everyone. There were some who called that mindset naive, but Rúna saw it as a sort of higher wisdom. Treat everyone as though you could see the good in them, and they were bound to react better towards you.

After a few moments, Rúna turned her attention to Dri, judging his reaction. She knew that he knew the others better than she did, and would no doubt know more about the situation than she did. Neverless, she stepped forward. She figured that most people either hadn't noticed the two foreigners, or were choosing to ignore them due to the other events going on currently. Either way, that wouldn't last for long. "Is it not presumptuous to assume that we would all be willing to work in such a team?" her voice was loud enough that she drew a good amount of attention to herself.


Rúna was right in assuming that Dri knew more about what was going on. He knew the teens well enough, both from meeting them, and from what Thor had told him throughout his training. He surely knew enough that it was no real surprise that somebody eventually managed to get ahold of Tony Stark's daughter. What WAS a surprise, however, was that they brought in the teens to handle it. Dri's first assumption would have been that Tony himself would go out after the kidnappers. Everyone was surprised once in a while, he mused, though he didn't much enjoy the feeling.

Rúna spoke up, and Dri found himself rolling his eyes. Of course she would be the first to speak out in objection to this fancy team they were trying to put together. She did make a good point, however. The original Avengers did manage to work together, though it was far from a perfect team. They didn't get along all the time, instead managing to balance each other out through stalemate-type battles that didn't get anyone anywhere.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 2 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:44 pm

The woman shifted uneasily at the children's questions. "I'm sorry for all the confusion," she muttered softly, before straightening herself out and looking at the kids. "I hope you all know of tony stark. He has asked that you lot be recruited for a mission of sorts. His daughter has gone missing, and because Director Fury will not allow him to go after her, he has asked that you guys be pulled in as well. Fury does not know of this yet, but that will not be a problem. If you succeed along side of the small group of super heroes already formed, the Young Avengers i believe, you will not only be paid for your duties, but be honorary Young Avengers, and given the opportunity to join the team, if you so wish."
The lady finally looked up from her papers and watched the kids around her for their reactions.

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