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Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:25 pm

Annabelle --

"Let me get this straight," I snorted, pushing my chair back further, making sure not to let it go back enough to fall over though. "You want us to join a group that didn't even deem us worthy enough to be there when the meeting began? It's already formed and we're being issued our invites away from them because some prejudice bastards didn't think we should be with them? Sure sounds like something I'd want to do..."

I dropped my chair to the floor with an audible thump, pushing away from the table a bit as I glanced at the others then back to her.


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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:29 pm

The lady bit her lip and looked around the group. "Tony Stark wants you to find his kid. This offer is just whether or not you wish to work with the young avengers. But he has asked for you lot specifically. so that has to mean something. He does his research. I am not asking you to join the avengers, i am telling you that it is an option if you wish. The real offer is to find his daughter."

Tony stood up and went over to the bar, not looking at any of the teens in particular as he walked. "Since last night. When she didnt come back this morning....well, thats when Jarvis called in fury and he called you guys."
Fury looked at the kids.
"What do you think about it? Going to take on this mission or walk away?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:08 pm

If I can get out of these cuffs and into some sort of available space to move. Goddamnit, just sitting here was murderous! I groan impatiently, leaning my head back to look at the ceiling and just...sit there more. You know. Just chilling here.
"Do we even know where she is?!" The blonde continues to freak, walking up to Stark. "Uncle Tony - " She sputters for some words, though she fails. I peek over at her from the corner of my eye. She wasn't older than me, certainly. Genetics certainly weren't working to make the two of them related or anything.
"...What exactly is wrong with a night out by herself?" I suddenly interject. Blonde just gives me a glare and I hold my hands up in innocence. Er. Try to. "Not like I know the girl, but it seems a wee bit paranoid of a parent to call in and make an entirely new team of Avengers for the personal business of finding his daughter. Don't you have a homing beacon to call little miss runaway back home?"
"It's...not really just that though..." The new voice surprises me, and I look over to the patio doorway to see that guy. And again...dejia vu... "Imean, sureit' Stark," he quickly adds, like he said something wrong. "But...I - I mean...The world needs the Avengers. You people got together to protect it, and you broke up for selfish and mundane reasons compared to that. I'm sure. Not that I know the real reasons, I'm sure their important too."
"Kid. Learn how to speak," I fire at him, impatient still.
He blinks surprised, looking over at me. "Um. I was just going to say that I'd be willing that. Take on that responsibility..." There's a momentary doubt that crosses his face, though he doesn't make it stay for long. "...And I can find Michi, if you don't know where she is. ...Mostlikely."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:51 pm

Annabelle --

"Oh that makes it so much better." I growled. "I'm feeling so much better now that Iknow that. Just show me here to sign."
Leaning one hand on the table I sighed, glancing at the others.
"What's in it for us? Besides the stupid Avengers thing."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:59 pm


"It's a debt from Tony Stark. What's more priceless?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. "Get it in writing. I don't want to deal with hypocritical Fury. Not once." He's going to get chewed out if he even speaks to me.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:00 pm

The lady sighed and pulled out a few packet of contracts. "Written, word for word of each detail of what is wanted from you guys and what is in it for you. It says everything I have." She passed out the small packets. "And if all goes to plan, you won't have to deal with Fury. And if he does speak out of turn at your help, Tony will step in."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:27 pm


I pull up my blindfold at the sound of papers, grabbing one from her to flip through. "I can defend myself just fine. I don't need Stark as a baby sitter. I can put Fury in his place myself," I manage to say before turning analytical, computerlike, taking in the information. I didn't have normal photographic memory, so I didn't remember the things I saw forever. I could still retain the things I read and process it quickly, even if it wasn't a skill I was learning but a mission I could possibly do.
So why not? In writing, all laid out black and white, and didn't have to deal with Fury. My skills could be used elsewhere. I close my eyes to get my senses back. "And if I were to say yes, when would I be needed?" I ask after a moment.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:52 pm


I reluctantly took the papers when given them, flipping through it with a narrowed gaze. I knew pretty well that people only sometimes did what they said, even if this lady seemed alright, I couldn't completely trust her. The papers though, it was all there.
"What she said," I muttered, sitting back down and laying the papers on the table. "When do we leave or whatever?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:38 pm

Zell looked at the boy who had tried to speak. "Look, kid, it obviously wont be that easy to find her. First off, we dont know where she is, secondly we dont know who has her. So it might not be the best idea to mess around with powers and what not in a situation we have no idea about. Maybe they have something or someone who can track magic or powers. Where would that put us? They would find out about us before we could do anything about them. they would be suspecting us." After she finished her mini rant, she pulled her hood up and went back into her shadow.

The lady looked at the kids around her. "Well, as soon as possible. by the end of today we hoped to have you packed and ready to head to new york." She looked around at the packets being passed around.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:47 pm

So the red scarfed look alike uses magic? How'd she know that... whatever. He looked about ready to break into tears or something at her 'amazing' outburst, and hastilly he started gushing apologies and 'I'm not worthy's...
"Shes a billionaire's daughter! Forget that shit. Shes /Iron Man's/ daughter. obviously they'll be suspectting someone to come get her back. How idiotic do you think criminals are?" I ask her skeptically, rattling my chains to excentuate the insult. "They managed to kidnap the girl. They're smart enough, in my opinion. They'll already be looking out for incomers to destroy their ransom attempt or whatever. So it wont really matter. I think they'll be expecting us anyway. But they wont be expecting /us/. Our powers and skills. So surprise is still in our favor."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:56 pm

Zell rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the wall again. "And you would be willing to give them even more information about us? Maybe if you thought things through -- " Fury stopped her and put a hand on her shoulder. A sign to shut up. She huffed softly and ripped her shoulder out of his grasp. "You know I am in, Fury," She didnt have a choice. "If you need me, I'll be training." And with that, she left, walking past Speed with quick steps.
"Zell, stop right there. You are staying for this debriefing and you will act civilized." Fury called to her, making her stop in her steps.
Dont make a bigger scene. Just sit and listen. It's the reason you were caught, wasn't it? The reason they managed to find you?
She sighed and turned back. "Sit, Zell." Slowly, she lowered herself onto a bar stiffly. She hated Fury right now. Almost as much as she hated her mentor.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:52 pm


I just sort of fall back into silence, awkwardly standing at the doorway. Times like these I really should assert my idea. I had the ability. Ive done it before, in practice, but never very far. Like...outside of my town. I could stretch it, I know I could. I just didn't know how widespread I could go before powers decided to flip out.

"What debriefing?" The other guy goes on. "We got the gist, let us go off and do our thing. Mystic Man over there can do his thing, and then Cupid over there can shoot everyone, while I obviously get the girl. You other people can do whatever else, I'm sure..."

It was Wiccan. He just kept rattling off nonsense, and I just felt like a nail continually getting hammered. I stare at my boots, not really sure where else to look. Scarlet Witch gave me these abilities to stand up for myself as an individual. Yet this kept happening to me, it seemed. Things just didn't come out right.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:25 am


I raised a brow a little, watching the others fight this out. It would be interesting to be sure, something worth watching at least. If I grew bored...

Well, there were many ways to entertain oneself with a situation such as the one that had been placed before me. Ignoring the others I looked to the one that seemed to be in charge, Fury.

"I'm in," I said, tongue flicking out as I spoke. "Looks to be ... interesting."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:12 pm

Zell had her bow out and pointed at the boy in chains within seconds of what he said. "Call me cupid one more time," she growled. "Maybe you shouldnt be so damn arrogant. I DOUBT you could get her by yourself. And dont count the others out, they do have abilities as well!"
"Zell!" Fury exclaimed at her. But the girl made no move to put her bow down. She was done with this kids attitude. "Zell." She still made no move.

Gavin sighed and went up behind the girl, yanking the bow out of her hands while invisible. He shimmered back into view and looked around.
"Would you both just GROW UP. We actually have something to do. Someone's life could be in danger. So get over your petty problems, stop having this superiority complex and work. Together." Wow, probably the most words he had ever spoken in one go.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:33 pm

Amina --

I'd sat there as everyone argued, keeping my fingers pressed together. It wasn't my place to enter into pointless arguments, long ago Father had taught me that someone who listened and spoke only when needed was far better than someone who spoke before they knew what they were speaking of. Among my people I'd seen it only gain him respect, which was something that was valuable to a monach, although no one would dare not respect T'Challa. The King who made his thrown through the tests given to our leaders was no one to laugh at.

All this went through my mind as I watched, thinking. When the invisible boy made himself visible and spoke, I saw it was time for me to do the same, despite my wish that I could just fade out of the picture as that boy had done. I would have also liked to go home, but that was out of the picture as my father had made clear to me earlier.

"I agree with him, it is useless to stand here arguing when someone's life is at risk. Wouldn't it be best to save the insults for later, when you are sure it doesn't mean worse for her?"

I did my best to word it how my father would have done, but I am not used to attempting to defuse an argument. He normally allows me to watch as he does, but expects me as I have stated to be silent and listen.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:57 am


Some team... They couldn't stop...just... augh! This was wasting time. "Well Fury?" I ask, crossing my arms at him. This was the team you wanted, what'll you do with us?

From the patio doorway, the brunette boy hesitated before raising a hand towards the criminal in orange still. There's some weirdness that suddenly...emulates about his hand, like blue smoke or something. And then there's blue around the one who started all of this arguing before his cuffs suddenly click open and fall to the floor useless.

"Then we're a team," the one says quietly as his blue...whatever disappears. Criminal's busy rubbing his wrists. The agents behind him look semi uncomfortable with this change in scenario. Even the boy looked sort of doubtful of the move, but he stood firm and confident.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:45 pm

Zell scoffted at the word. Team. Like she could ever team up with any of these people. "Fine. Let's head out and save the girl." she snatched her now back from the bow who took it and pulled her hood up. "and touch my Bow again, and expect a knife through your heart. Got it, boy?" She brushed past him and was out of the room an to the hover crafts and jets. She climbe into one an started the engine, waiting for te others to follow suit.

Fury sighed at Zell's reaction to everything. "You lot go down to the jets and get ready to start hunting. Best of luck. Call in if anything goes dramatically wrong." and with that he dismissed them.

The women stood. "if you will all just follow me, we will head out to the jet and go meet up with the rest of the teens working on this mission." She held Her hand out for the contracts and pens that had been passed around. "the sober we get out of here, the sooner we will find the missing girl and the less time you will have to deal with people you would rather not want to."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:57 am

Annabelle --

I glanced at the papers that I hadn't bothered to sign, then back to the woman with a narrowed gaze still.
"I don't see the reason we have to be under contract. Is this something you made the others do? If we agree to work for you then that should be enough. I'm not signing anything. I for one understand that there could be loopholes in that thing that I didn't pick up on, so I'm not signing."

Amina --

I watched the girl leave, and gave Fury a small nod. Standing I frowned at the door, playing with my hair. I didn't understand how someone could act like they were in charge but then act like that as well. Leaders had to keep a hold of their tempers and think things through for the better of the group.

Letting my eyes flicker over everyone left in the room I gave a little sigh. It wasn't a good idea to just leave everyone here, they might not know how to get to the jets. I didn't know how to get to the jets. It didn't clarify something for me. I wasn't sure which of us was supposed to be in charge, but I wouldn't be following her.

"How do we-" I cut off as a boy brushed past me, ignoring the fact he caused me to stumble and opening the door.

The boy cast one look over all of us, his lips twitching just slightly before he exited the room. Fine, I now knew two people I would't be following. Straightening myself I once again turned my attention to the others.

"How do we get to the jets?"

Serpentine --

I didn't see reason in sticking around the room any longer. If I was going to stick around and gather amusement from this little adventure then we might as well get started. I called up the blue prints of the building that I'd memorized, and walked out the door. Once I arrived among the jets and crafts and such, I looked around to find the girl that had already left. Upon locating her I just looked her over lazily and stood there, waiting for the others.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:29 pm


I watched Zell storm out, frowning slightly before returning my attention to the kid in the chair -

Who wasn't there anymore.

...Well that's fun... Let a criminal go on the loose, why don't I? Real professional, Billy...

"I'll take you, Anima," Stature says, giving a hesitant smile. Ant Man's daughter, who was killed by Scarlet Witch... Ahhstopthat. I know her better than that. She gave me this, after all. ...And I half wondered if I reminded her of her father's supposed murderer.

She walks off to the door to lead; I pause a second before going forward to follow. Needlessly guilty... But I didn't think Wanda guilty...


I whistle an impressed note at the ship, meandering inside as miss arrows goes about her rather stiff movements. "She's real pretty, Cup'," I comment with a smirk, glancing over at...what was it...Zell? What sort of name was that?

Orange jumpsuit's been replaced by whatever 'regular' clothes I could find around the building. "Maybe I'll get a fancy uniform too. You superheroes are into that whole thing, right?" I ask her, plopping down in a chair.

Private conversations just couldn't last... The other guy who had asked about my chains came in.


"We're mutants," I say simply to Annabelle. "We're untrustworthy, in Fury's book. This is 'policy', but it goes both ways. We're doing this optionally. Trust we'll do our job, and we'll trust that your offer is honest..."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:56 am

Zell set up the controls of the jet and put a head set on. Once the criminal boy walked in, she had decided it would be best for the both of them to just ignore him and anything he had to say.

Her bow and quiver sat sniffly on her back, ready to use at a moments notice if need be. And with Speed around, that need to use them could come very suddenly.

She spoke a few clear commands into the head sento test That everything was working properly.

"Wiccan, will you tell me when everyone who is on this mission is her and seated?" She didn't even bother glancing over at him as she spoke, to preoccupied with the controls in front of her. Hawkeye had taught her how to fly one of these things a while back, but this would be her fear time without and sort of guidance by him.


Gavin walked out of the room and followed the others to where he guesse the jets were. Why was he doing this? He wasn't one to fight. He was the kid who hid from conflict most of the time. And now here he was, diving head first into it with a bunch of kids who didn't get along. This was just a recipe for disaster.


The lady sighed. "The contract is for your benefit. To make sure stark doesn't try to skip out and to make sure fury will have to let you join the team after you complete this mission. If you have a problem with that then stay. Everyone else, follow me to the jet." and with that she walked off. The kids could decide what they wanted to do, but they needed to decide now. She was tired of waiting around.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:02 pm

Annabelle --

I sighed, looking it over once more before dropping my chair back to the floor again and signing my name to the papers. Might as well see what happens. Holding the papers I looked at Monica, then at the door.

"You're coming, right?" I asked.

I didn't really think she wouldn't come, but you know, I'm supposed to be learning better manners. Although... I wouldn't say that the manner things was a success.

Serpent --

Trailing my eyes over the other two I found a seat for myself and promptly took it. The most amusement, I had decided, would be found in watching these two. I could already feel the tension between them, it was amusing. Perhaps it wouldn't be the best and I was simply being hasty, but time would tell that. I only knew that this... team was promising to hold my attention for some time.

Amina --

I turned, smiling at the girl who offered.

"That would be nice, thank-you." I said, following her without hesitation.

Perhaps some of the people here were nice. I wouldn't mind finding a few I would be able to trust enough to work with. It was a shame that I'd already had to eliminate a couple form those I'd be willing to take orders from. When we reached the jet I paused inside, looking around quietly. I definitely didn't' want to place myself where I'd be between arguing people.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:56 am


I leave the papers. People had a problem with me, I'd make sure it was solved myself. People cheat me, I cheat them. "I'm coming," I say to Annabelle, standing and pulling my cover up to see as we walk.


"And who're you?" I ask guy-who-asked-about-imprisonment. "We didn't even play the name game; don't know any of you people..." Pretty problematic, eh? 'Hey you with the hair, watch out for that bullet' doesn't really work with such a big group of people.


"M'name's Cassie," I share, "Daughter of Scott Lang, Ant Man. So I know a bit about a few people. Not much about others..." I look at the brown haired boy from before, with the weird blueness ability, with a smile. "But I guess we'll fix that..." Partially, I was attempting to give a better name to those who have experienced the past Avengers... Fury was just Fury, Zell was...bad with smart alecks... I knew Amina, daughter of Black Panther. Gavin, son of Invisible Woman. The others were basically question marks...

Welcoming party, definitely not me. I hoped my power wasn't acting up, as it usually did when I got withdrawn. If it did, I hoped it wasn't so noticeable. Suddenly shrinking to the size of a three year old in public...not handy...

I enter the hanger with the group, going to the jet already started up. Zell then snapped something at...Wiccan...? The brown haired boy jumped slightly, looking up to the cockpit. "Here! Imean,everyone'sherewhowas...there..."

Sheesh, she could be nicer... I sigh, going up to copilot. "Nice, Zell," I mutter to into the mic, switching things as Uncle Tony showed me to.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:51 pm

Annabelle --

I hesitated when she didn't sign hers. I mean, if I wouldn't be facing the results alone, then I definitely would rather not deal with a contract. Trust wasn't something I had in abundance.

"Not signing?" I asked, fingerings my own papers as we walked. "I'd rather not do it myself...."

It was never too late to just tear the papers in half, seeing as the lady didn't have them yet....

Serpentine --

I supposed that in a situation such as this that would be a necessity. Still, giving my name out wasn't a practice of mine. Eyeing the boy for a moment I made my decision.

"Call me Serpent."

Flicking my tongue once I watched as the others entered, takng note of all of them. It wouldn't do to miss anything.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:14 pm

The women walked to the jet and sat in the pilot seat "Whether you signed or not I dont care. It was for your benefit, not mine. Now get in so we can make the meeting point." she started flipping controls quickly.


Gavin walked in and took a seat in the back. "My name is Gavin, if anyone cares." he looked around the group. This was a not so great idea.

"And you can call me Zell." the girl from before said, flipping the last of the controls and turning to face everyone.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 3 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:44 pm


"I don't need a paper to fight for me," I murmur, keeping my eyes on the ground as I walk in. As soon as I find a seat I move to pull my blindfold back down, but the clicking of controls draws my attention. I feel myself go into that mode... Can't blink, can't look away. Just gonna learn everything of every movement she makes...


"Tommy Shepherd. ...What, no fancy codenames?" The white haired boy asks, plopping down in a seat.
"If you really would want one..." I answer. "They aren't totally required, like...Mr. Stark made a point of showing." Wow, that was weird... "Press usually makes them. S.H.I.E.L.D. makes a point to protect who we are though. They call me Stature."
"...Billy...Kaplan," the kid speaks slowly, unsure. "...Wiccan."
I smile back at the bunch, pulling over the seat straps. Going...okay?

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