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Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:53 pm


"Your ignorance is truly baffling in such a belief then, if this is the so beloved realm of my uncle..." The spear's head carries its momentum to carry on its spin in my hand, and with the time I have grown up with this weapon I know it nearly as well as I know my siblings. Its weight is completely natural feeling within my hands, I know its center of balance. It is but an extension of my strike, even carrying my venom. Its blade arcs above my head to strike at him again, and from its end position it is easy to jab out.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:06 pm


I barely managed to dodge the first thing, that time, not even bothering to try and reply. It was the jab that got me, catching me on the edge of my suit and tearing into my side a little as I tried to get out of the way.
I managed to keep from making a noise, although I kept my teeth clenched tight to make sure of that little fact. Big boy, you know? Had to impress the ladies, even if it was a bad lady who probably already bailed on me when she got the chance.
"Uh, nice toy," I said, resisting the urge to drop my hand to my side. Instead I shot a web towards his hand, hoping to surprise him.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:39 pm


The substance surprises me, making me step back. Just a parlor trick... Father had said the humans enjoyed them. I watch the small scrape to his side gather blood and spill over. He would not be able to pursue very well in a few moments... My poise relaxes as I watch him. The snake of my spear swallows the blade as I reach over to tear off the web. The staff then coils to a ball. "You should start believing, young hero..." I murmur, bringing the silver mass to my mouth to slip past my now needle-like teeth. "...You would fair better if you did not follow. You are merely a trifle to ebb away my time."

I wished to be out of this place... There was nothing more to benefit me here. My armor clung close to me, robes molding together to create my natural skin's pattern and scales. Bones changed and grew to display the Serpent Son.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:52 pm


I snorted, watching him with wary eyes. I couldn't under estimate the guy- I'd already figured out that it was a bad idea. One cut is something, another is something else entirely, now that I knew to watch out.

Then he started doing this trippy thing where he changed shape and the world went loopy and it was like some cheap film on a computer or something. I took a step back and the world just did some more trippy stuff, making me spin a little, attention flickering away to what was going on with my vision. Did that just... what was that? That... I dunno man. It was epic looking with its swirly colors. Shit. Something wasn't right here.

"Hey... um... you're not supposed to lea-" I broke off, surprised. Was that my voice? Who made the crappy voice over for this thing... it wasn't good... like... whoa. Voices weren't supposed to do that. It was epic though...

Shit. Shitshitshit. What the hell did he put in that-oooooh, the rooms still doing its color thing. Hahaha it's so-shit. Why the hell did I come here alone? I fumbled with my web things... haha... web things... and started to try and remember where I left my stuff. I had a phone in that and it would have people in it.
Heh, people in it...

People. Bad guy.

"Not supposed to leave," I managed to repeat, snorting at the way my voice sounded. Triipppyyyyyy.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:27 pm

I didn't care at all what the human had to say to my leave. If he persisted in being a pest, then of course I would do away with him. He was certainly not able to interfere now, however. The ruling hand still had punishments for stepping out of line, which that scratch would deliver in due time. Not enough for death, but enough to know how death might be delivered if he chose to protest again. Slow and steadily building pain, no clear cause except his own misfiring nerves.

More comfortable in the shadows, I steadily find my way out by tasting the air for the escaped boy's scent as a guide. Now that I was in Midgard, there would need to be time for planning...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:34 pm


And then the guy left. I started to take a few steps after him, but stopped as the world did some weird things and lagged.

Hehe, lagged. My world was a comput-shit. Phone. I needed to get to my phone.

Somehow I managed to make my way out of the museum- I honestly couldn't say how. Once outside I paused to watch everything with wide eyes. It was about then I noticed my heart was racing. I should have noticed before, it was weird. It was all thumpthumpthu-right. Phone.

I'd left my stuff in an alley a few blocks away. It would be easy to swing down there, if I could manage to do that better than I could fly.

This in mind, I started to climb the museum wall. It only took me a minute to lose track of what I was doing and fall back on my butt. I cracked up laughing, the sound of my laugh only making me laugh harder.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:48 pm

The active mind continued to be quite the rival to sleep, which made most nights unbearable. Staring into the darkness of my room or the backs of my eyelids was headache inducing, as the habit of attempting to find patterns even in nothing persisted. It was much easier to wander the tower, which was how I so quickly memorized the layout of the multitude of floors. Reading tended to be somewhat difficult, so I mostly avoided the library lest I needed to look something up. Under extreme bouts of boredom I would sometimes attempt an encyclopedia or study the blueprints stored in public access of the tower, of the Fantastic Four building, the plane, or simply the city in general. And...other times the not so public records through cracking the security locks into the private documents of old Iron Man models, Bruce Banter's Gamma formulas, designs of various weapon arrows or special suit materials in testing... Working off of tapes of Black Widow, Hawkeye, Zell, and various other members' fighting styles...

But it remained most easiest to simply go up to the patio and find patterns in New York lights and sounds. It was counter intuitively more calming than being in the country of Professor X's school. I did want to return at some point to see if he could possibly quell my power's effect more so. Merely waiting for the average fifty seven hours to pass before staying awake became too exhausting even for my mind was entirely too unhealthy and counter productive if I was supposed to be an asset to this team.

A clearer and more striking pattern of sound made me jump, open my eyes, and look at the glass wall between outside and within to see the blinking light of a home phone in time with its ringing. Curious...

Quickly, for I didn't know if anyone actually lived this high on the tower - it was just the meeting room with the large table in the middle except for this counter top island to the side for computer towers and a usually silent phone - I go inside to get the phone off of the receiver to quiet its sharp noise. Even the best money could buy couldn't change that noise to something more aesthetically pleasing.

"...Stark Tower, what might I be able to assist you with?" Who exactly calls at this hour...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:03 pm


"Shit," I muttered under my breath, sliding down the side of the building I'd been leaning against. Of course it wasn't one of the Starks.

Funny name...starks...hehehe...

"I... I need help."

Heh, my voooice~~ Ugh. Screw whoever the hell it was. I didn't have time. A pain had begun to spread over my body, causing me to grit my teeth as I struggled to keep my attention on the phone. The earlier feeling of... I'm not really sure what to call it... trippy-ness was still there, but the pain was more mind drawing than it.

I was able to pay enough attention to rattle off the address without waiting to hear from the voice on the other end.

"Bring Michi," I said at the end, flinching as a particularly painful feeling shot through me.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:32 pm


Michi was in her work shop when she heard the house phone go off. She reached over to pick it up, but someone had already answered it.

"Hey, Jarvis, who answered the call?" She asked, looking up from her table. Who else was even up?

"It seems to be that Monica has. She is in the upper meeting room." Jarvis responded to her.

"Alrighty. Thanks." She put her tools down and started up to the meeting room. "Who's calling?" she asked when she walked in.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:57 pm

I know of the location from my map studies, two hundred West Central Park Ave. Forty seven blocks away. I am typing away at the projected screen of a computer as Michi comes in to create orders for down below to have an emergency vehicle ready to depart to a distress message. The first order of business was checking if there was anything even happening, and from the tower it was easy to access street or building cameras in the vicinity of the Museum. Except most were off, but it did not take much time to activate them once more through the city's mainframe. "The Spiderboy has requested assistance, a vehicle is most likely ready by now downstairs," I tell her, grabbing my black and yellow X-Men jacket from one of the meeting table's chairs to shoulder on and grab her arm as I walk towards her to turn the girl around and guide back into the express elevator. "Your presence is preferred."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:04 pm


What was with the touching? and the messing with the computers . . . where those the security cameras for the city? What the hell was going on here!

"Alright, alright. You don't need to touch me." She pulled her arm out of Monica's grasp and blinked at the last statement. "Why me? I cant fight or anything like that." She grabbed her own jacket. No weapons and no powers. This will be a whole lot of fun for her.

"B - Spidey's in trouble? What did he get himself into this time?" She walked along side with Monica to the elevator. "And shouldn't we call Zell or something like that?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:22 pm

"I determined the time in asking for the cause would be wasteful when it would be more useful to worry about the possible effects he is currently suffering. Whatever might have harmed him does not appear to be present on the cameras any longer, and he does not appear to be outwardly injured in any way. The team on call downstairs and myself will surly be enough to protect you, if you are hesitant in coming," I state bluntly, watching the numbers for the floor tick down to the basement level parking garage. "We are accompanying you on the mission." There was no pause in walking while saying the fact and sliding into the van's back seat. My authority was false, these orders to assemble a ready vehicle were frauds to appear to be from Fury.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:57 pm


She looked at Monica and sighed. She really wanted to argue and say that she would feel safer with Zell around, but they didnt have time to really argue. Ben might be in trouble.

"Alright. Lets go then. I dont feel safe with you, but that doesnt really matter much, does it?" She grumbled softly, pulling her hoody on as the elevator went down. When they got down to the garage, she climbed into the car with Monica without another word.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:28 am

Is that not why there were the other agents around? I, among the members of this team, am probably the least irresponsible. I may act upon my own accord, but I will not do something purposefully detrimental to the scenario. There was the chance of mistake, which I would learn from. My thinking was difficult for others to follow, I knew, but I was efficient with executing a given process. I always have been. It is the nature of my power to watch, learn, and copy in a perfect manner. When I was younger that included repeating mistakes that I watched, but with Professor X's help I am able to think through most of my actions to omit insane practices. I would never consider myself perfect however. I severely envied any show of normality around me, which even included making mistakes. Admittedly, I was rather fascinated with watching mistakes to repeat. I felt it was a way to forcibly experience my delayed humanity, still entrenched within the throws of my power.

I did not know how to take her confession. I did not give a sense of security? It was logical, I suppose. I stayed unattached to most things, seemingly disinterested, but it was really my cluelessness on how to approach social situations. Perhaps it read as if I did not care for her safety, but I did. I recognized that I cared an extreme amount for those around me. I took personal fault if something were to happen to them, since I was the supposed computer minded girl. People thought I could plan for anything, but I only planned for the most expected outcome. Really, I craved making mistakes of my own...but they were never done in a purposeful manner.

A woman in the passenger seat got off the cell phone. "The medical staff is prepped," she informs and I just nod, adding the factor into the calculations of this boy's survival. It left the space in an awkward quiet until the museum came into view. "You will contact the Spiderman to inform about the future whereabouts of his partner," I order someone, getting out. A gurney is brought out from the back.

"You may stay in the backseat," I suggest to Michi, although it comes out in the same tone to perhaps twist the meaning.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:49 am


"I'm coming with you." Michi said sternly, climbing out of the car. "If Spidey is in trouble, I want to help him. He is my friend." Part of her wondered why he wasnt on the team to save her. If anyone would come for her, she always thought it would be him.

"So, lets go, Mon."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:32 pm


Part of my mind was wondering where my phone had gone. After hanging up I'd gone to stand and found it practically impossible to accomplish, the pain making it too difficult.

Sometime later, though, among the vision and voices and trippy crap, I managed to draw the thought up again that I should stand and maybe make it easier for them to find me.

I'd managed to pull myself to my feet, and take a single step, when I toppled over again, cursing as my knees struck the concrete.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:20 pm

I stick by Michi as the crew approaches the downed hero. There was only the nick on his side, so it could not have been a physical opponent. Clear muscle spasms gave hint to something neurological. A mental attack? Or a toxin...

He was in view of the front doors of the museum. Security should have spotted him. Someone should have been outside with this commotion by now. "Contact museum security, get a team inside for an investigation," I tell someone standing by as Spidey was latched to the gurney to be taken into the back of the van.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:57 pm


Oh this looked very not good. Very not good at all. Spidey.... Spidey was really hurt. Really really hurt.

"Spidey!" She rushed over to his side, pushing past those who tried to keep her away from him and grabbed his hand. "Hey, I'm here. You asked for me, right? Better tell me why you dragged my ass out of my workshop." She fought to put on a smile and kept a grip on his hand. "You'll be ok. Because if you aren't, I'll find a way to bring you back just so I can kill you myself."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:17 pm


I stare at her a while, not really understanding the need for the melodramatics. So long as the neurotoxin did not incapacitate his heart, and if that hadn't happened by now I didn't believe that whatever the attack might have been was enough to kill him. He was also a superhuman, his reaction was most likely dulled down from what someone normal would experience. The statistics were in his favor, so there was no reason to worry... And you were blocking the crew from doing their job. Why indeed did he request you?

"Take him to the tower," I order, crossing my arms.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:46 pm


I snorted, staring up at Michi. Die? Why would I die? I was perfe-
Ow. That hurt.
"Not dying," I struggled to say, then chuckled softly at my words. They sounded so funny. I mean, awful, and slightly worrying at some part of my consciousness-
It had all these colors and they mixed and they looked like-
Michi's voice had been weird too. It was all weird. The sky and the voices and-
Hehe... city lights.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:51 pm


Michi stuck by Spiderboys side as they went to the tower. She stayed out of the way of the people working on him, but kept a gentle grip on his hand.

"Monica, call Zell. Tell her what is happening. Or fury. Or someone." Michi said softly, looking down at her friend.

((tell me if you want me to change, i just figured it would be easier to have them heading to the tower.))

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:14 pm


"Fury is aware," I say blankly, giving her a hard look over. I was not stupid enough to bypass the computers to form my own crew without informing the man in charge of my presence in this building why the situation could not wait for his approval. In any scenario I was sure I would get some sort of reprimand for acting on my own. "But I do not think his hand will be detaching from his body any time soon. If you wish to help, perhaps review the present film at the museum for a hint of what could have caused this to him? You have no qualifying skills to give in this situation." The medical back of the car became a hub of activity suddenly, and people simply standing around would only prove to be an obstacle no matter how much they attempted to stay out of the way. His chest would need to be bare for the heart monitor, mask off for the oxygen mask. My know how was lacking as well in this department, so I would quickly get in the way as well. It was better that I leave and find Fury to inform him of the museum investigation when we arrived.

Last edited by Black&White on Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:03 pm


You have no qualifying skills to give in this situation.

That irritated Michi. What gave Miss Braniac the right to say that? she told a deep breath and tried to call her rising anger.

"Have them send all the footage to the tower and I'll review it there with my equipment. Unless my equipment is under qualified for this situation a well." She snapped at Monica, keeping close to Spidey, but letting go of his hand. She took a few steps away to let the medical team do what they had to.

(Are they actually on their way to the tower yet?)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:47 pm

The Spiderboy was secured into the back medical bay of the van, although there was something wrong now with Michi. "I never implied that they were not up to date," I state as I grab the door to open it and climb in. What was with the sudden defensiveness of her computers? I had said nothing against her computers. She was awake and immediately available to review the footage, and the quicker that could be done the quicker we could possibly find out some hint of what was ailing our comrade. This was a good thing?

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 16 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:10 pm


I wasn't keen on being around when the freaky guy decided to leave, so as soon as I'd gotten out of the room, I split. It was relatively easy to get out of the museum without any issues, seeing as we'd already taken out the guards, and once I was outside I crossed the street into the dark alley I'd waited in earlier. Not sparing a glance back to see if the other part of the duo made it out, I continued running until I was a safe distance away.

It was only then I allowed myself to pause and breathe, mind flickering over what had just happened.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, leaning against the side of a building. Just... "Shit."

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