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Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:01 pm

"That I must," he replied, amaused.
Serpent's tongue flicked out as he studied her for a moment before speaking once more.
"I was the one who carried you to the stretcher when we arrived. You wouldn't remember that, I suppose."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:08 pm

Michi shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry to say I don't remember that." She glanced down at the ground and put her hand to her chest and rubbed the small area with the blue glow. "I don't remember much, and what I do remember I'd rather forget." most of what she remembered was pain. And fear. She remembered being afraid and the pain of the gun shot. She remembered Speed. But after that, after when they put her on th jet, she remembered nothing until she finally woke back up.

"Thank you. For helping save me." She kept her head down. "I wish to repay you guys. So, if there is anything I can do for you, anything youd like me to build once I'm allowed back in my workshop, I can do it."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:14 pm

Serpent allowed his brow to raise, interest flickering across his gaze.
"That's a mighty offer towards someone you don't know at all. Shouldn't you wait to see who you trust before flinging around words and promises?"
Amusement was clear in his expression, Serpent figured that wouldn't hurt anything to allow that to show. His hands were settled at his sides, eyes settled carefully on her.

Amina hesitated just a little, glancing at the tall tower then back towards the streets. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to find her way back. Nodding to herself she smiled, turning and starting down the sidewalk. Sightseeing it was.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:22 pm

Michi shrugged and glanced up at him. "The way I see it, first off: fury wouldn't have called you in if he didn't trust you. Secondly, my father wouldn't let you stay if he thought you were a harm to me. Thirdly, we are my on home turf, you do anything to me, and my father and mother and Jarvis will hall have your hind. And I'm not sure who anyone hurting me should be more afraid of: my dad, the computer, or my mom. So, looking at all those factors, I say I could trust you, for the most part. And if I am wrong, prove it to me, now." she strained her neck a bit to look up at him. A smirk slowly worked its way across her lips and her glare challenged him to argue with her in the slightest.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:25 pm

Serpent met the glare for a moment, raising a brow further as he stepped closer, raising a hand curiously. Pausing, he chuckled, watching for a reaction.
"You're an interesting child."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:29 pm

"I would gather so. I am somewhat socially awkward, seeing as my only friend is my 'cousin', Cassie. I've never gone to real school, and I spend my spare time learning quantum physics and building something in my workshop. Those things dont exactly add up to a normal girl. Quite the contrary, actually, in my opinion." she glanced up at his hand. "If you are going to hit me, I ask that you try to not disrupt my reactor. I am still healing, after all." she brought her gaze away from his hand and to his face, arms crossed in front of her chest, Somewhat protective of her glowly circle.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:27 pm

Sooo....It's been a week away from home... Mom's been calling me relentlessly, and mostly I leave my phone off...but when I turn it on one of those rare occasions and see forty seven messages, eighty six missed calls, and eight borderline death threat voice messages directed at Uncle Tony, well...
I walk out of the elevator, smiling politely at Serpentine and Michi. "One moment~" I chime in a singing voice, continuing on out to the deck. Pitcher stance, a few skips to give it more momentum than necessary, and off my phone goes...into the wild blue yonder~ I watch it go smugly, letting out a breath in a quick sigh while fixing my shirt feeling very proud for no reason. "That was an accident, if anyone asks," I tell Zell, gesturing off to the falling phone. I pause a second, watching her. "Why don't you come in?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:34 pm

Serpent didn't pay too much attention to the girl who entered, focusing on Michi still. To his surprise, he laughed instead of doing anything else, the emotion causing his eyebrows to shoot up further if possible. He was tense for a moment before hos lips dissolved into a evenness, emotionless look.
"You're... interesting, along with the strange. I'll be watching."
With that he dismissed her from his attention, focusing on the other girls, watching for any signs of interesting things to come from them as well.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:42 pm

Zell glanced up at Cassie. "I'm fine out here. Not the most... Social of people." She thought that she would get in the way of something most of the time, and had a slight history of doing so. So after a while, Zell learned that it would be best to stick to herself and out of the way. "If anyone needs me, I'll most likely be out here or the ranges stark had put up on a lower floor for me. Thanks though." Zell looked away from her again, looking out into the city. She watched the ant sized people move on the ground and wondered what it would be like to be like them. Just a civilian, not what she was now.


Michi blinked a few times and nodded. So, she was interesting AND strange. That was better than just strange, right? She sighed and went back to getting herself some breakfast.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:51 pm

Serpent watched her for a moment, amused, before going back to the shadows were he had been before. His thoughts rested for a moment on the fact that it was no longer a hidden spot, seeing as everyone would obviously know that he was there. Still, he mused, it was better than sitting out among them. That would place him as "one of them", which he didn't consider himself to be.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:52 pm


"Ugh, Zell...I need ya to lighten up a little," I play, childishly sticking my tongue at her slightly as I walk backwards towards the door again. For all the years, she's always been so careful not to make connections... Always very...shallow...which I didn't want to think, but I didn't really have any other word for it. Not at all acting her age, ignoring me not acting mine... Walking back into the door for it to open, turning with its swing to face at the gathered company: Michi and Serpentine. "Hi!"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:15 pm

Zell sighed and stood up. Why did she /need/ her to lighten up? Her personality shouldn't effect the other people here much, especially if she spent her time away from them. She shook her head and started down the stairs of the tower heading to the shooting rangers.


Michi smiled at Cassie. "Hi! I'm finally up and about." She grinned over to her best, and only friend. "what has happened around here lately? What are you all still doing here?" The fact that the team was staying together, and that she might be adding onto the team, wasn't told to her yet.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:34 pm


"Mom's more than a little pissed at me..." I start, giving a theatrical look of innocence. "So, you know...just weathering out the storm and claiming sanctuary..." Hoping Uncle Tony can get me some kick ass lawyer and have me disowned from her care - but at this rate, Mom might just do it for him.


Whistling a tune, hands in my pockets, going about a normal pace down some hallway of this ginormous place. Eh, it was nice to slow down every now and again, I guess. Not that I needed to.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:38 pm

Michi rolled her eyes. "You mom needs to chill. Big time. It's not like you being here means you will die. and you didn't come close to death on the rescue mission.... did you? Oh gods.... please tell me you didnt." Michi rushed out the last part, worrying that her mistake could have actually cost any life besides her own.

Zell left the stair well and started down the hallway to the ranges. She heard whistling down the hall and pulled her bow out. Seeing it was just Speed, she put it down and watched him for a few seconds. "What are you doing down here?" She finally asked, her voice somewhat accusing.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:28 pm

"Uhhh. I was chillin' on Tommy's shoulder. More than a few men with guns, but I really don't think they could have hit the broad side of a barn let alone a two inch tall target going some speed of sound er whatever he does." I grin. Laugh in the face of danger, haha~ Not really.

I look up at her, the note of my whistle raising a few octaves before cutting off. "Pardon me, I understood it to be a free walkway," I reply. "Y'know, getting from point A to point B...?" My eyebrow raises at her, doing a once over of her with an appreciative three note tune. "Do I get a fancy smancy outfit too, do I, do I?"

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:16 pm

Michi laughed softly and shook her head. "They managed to have pretty good aim earlier...." She glanced down at the reactor and covered it with her hand again. I'm never leaving this place again. her fingers traced the outer glowing ring.


Zell took a step back from him at the whistle and rolled her eyes. "Such a smart ass, aren't you?" she put her bow down at her side and laced up her shoepalce that came untied. "and this is standard uniform for Hawkeye and myself. Protective material and whatnot." she grabbed her bow again an looked at him. She had no idea how he managed to make her feel so awkwardly uncomfortable.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:47 am

I go over and smile kindly, taking her hand to see the light. "I think it's pretty. Personifies the glow you had already!" I say chipper, meeting her eyes. This was why Zell should be here... Support friends, and not act like an unemotional friendless secluded blob. She's grown up here with Michi and I, she had to have had made some sort of connection with us. Or she's, it wasn't in my nature to insult people. But she didn't have to act like such a loner all the time when there were and are people clearly around her who want to talk and everything... "Now no being depressing like that! You're alive, everything's in the past, stuff's all better now, and I'm here on a pretty permanent sleepover..." My smile just turns into a guilty-as-charged grin at the bribery. "...And there's everyone else of course..." I look back and smile to Serpentine.

"I can be nice when I want to be..." I say, leaning in closer to her with a smirk. "So fancy outfit, but no special name? Just Zell... Not going into the legacy of Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant Man... Hm." I turn around, walk the other way since that was the direction she had been heading and I could just talk to her more that way.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:41 pm

Michi smiled back to her, the smile growling slowly. "That's awesome that you are staying! You'd never believe how lonely it got when you weren't here." She glanced over at Serpent and gave a half wave. "But...what about everyone else....Are they staying? I figured Zell would have disappeared by now at least. She hates sticking around."

"Just Zell. No fancy name. No need for one. I'm not trying to make myself known. " She sighed when he turned and seemed to walk with her now. "Is there any reason you are tagging along with me?" She snapped at him accidentally. Her tone wasn't meant to be harsh, it just sorta came off as that. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound so...."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:56 pm

Serpent raised a brow at them, considering his position for a moment. He could enter the conversation and have to interact with the humans, or he could stay back here and watch. If he watched, though, they might just prattle on about nothing and there wouldn't be anything of consequence to be heard.
Dipping his head slightly, he stepped forward, tongue flicking out and tasting the air.
"I am currently planning on staying," he said.
At least until things were no longer interesting.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:10 pm


I shrug. "The usual." Training and books. Trainingandbookstrainingandbookstrainingandbooks. It's like there isn't a building full of people she's been around since living here that she could have gotten to know and befriend. I guess she's always been more mature than us, but that didn't mean she couldn't talk to some people older than us. There were many around. Agent Coulson was the nicest person ever, I thought... Maybe the same with Michi... It isn't lonely at all for me when I'm not around her, but that could just be because I was more outgoing than her with talking to people.

With Serpentine's statement, I look over and nod, getting back to the first question. "Seems the others are staying, too. Billy's the only other person with out of the abnormal parents, so he hasn't really been around a lot. Trying to keep that secret identity thing up. I think Gavin goes back to the Fantastic Four building every now and again to see his family. He's not exactly a socialite though, so I don't exactly see him around all that often. Tommy's sort of locked here in service. Amina's here, Black Panther's daughter. So we got another second gen. 'Young Avenger'." I give finger air quotations. That's what the building was calling all of us, anyways, and it felt nice. Living on with Dad's work... "And the mutant girls are very nice." Once you get past the oddness of Monica, she does make interesting conversation... Very intellectual. I would think Michi would like someone to talk science with, since I had no idea what she was spurting on about sometimes...

I ignore it. Plenty of people have been pissy and snarky with me, so I didn't really care. "Eh. Seeing the sights..." I look at her with a smile. You know, the pretty girls... "Trying to get an idea of what's fun around here, if I'm stuck not going outside for whatever amount of time." But I got my speed back after a week of good behavior~ Still couldn't leave though.


I'm in some sort of lounge, sitting on a couch looking out the wall of glass at the city. Patterns in buildings and street configuration were easy to find, and sort of beautiful to me. I liked architecture. There wasn't a lot of complex math involved, just geometry, so allowing myself to see it didn't consume me as much other advanced things. Fury continues to be a ghost, not showing himself despite my having stayed in sight among high trafficked locations. I didn't see the point in hiding like Annabella, as this would be the man giving us missions, correct? Although we were supposed to be under contract by Stark, so perhaps he was our leader. I wouldn't care either way...

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:22 pm

Annabelle walked the halls for awhile, avoiding the spot where she knew most of them would be at. She didn't exactly want to talk with all of them, more interested in finding Monica. After all, she was the sort of friend like thing that she had here, so it was the more appealing option.
Eventually she managed to find Monica, sweeping her eyes over the rest of the room rather quickly before crossing it and plopping down in a nearby seat.


Serpentine nodded slowly, taking note of each thing that she mentioned about the members of the team. It would be good to know something about each of them beyond what he could learn by simply watching. Sometimes that wasn't enough, after all.
"Have you heard of anything planned, for anyone?" he asked after a moment. "It is rather boring just being here, even if everyone has decided in one way or another to stay."

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:22 pm


I look up at the sound of steps, seeing Annabelle. ...Music was like architecture. An easy beat to follow, like footsteps. But I close my eyes at the sight of her. Patterns in clothes, some sort of equation for the features of her face...who knew what i might get absorbed into... "Hello," I reply, tilting my head to where she had sat down to not appear so rude.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:26 pm

Annabelle smiled, turning her head to look around the room once again before speaking. She couldn't help but feel uneasy here.
"How are you doing?" she asked. "Haven't seen you much since, you know, we got here and all."
Although, she had to admit that was mostly her fault. She didn't exactly find her way around this place too well, always running into the wrong people.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:41 pm


"I've been mapping the layout of the building tiers, floor designs, and observing room aesthetic for minimal difficulties while traversing like this," I answer monotoned. Didn't like moving places, it involved too much sight. I understood the answer to be abnormal, and I pause a moment. Annabelle had been polite in listening to me like this, where some students at Xavier's tended to avoid confrontation with me. After a beat, I give a little smile, trying to shrug off the automatic formalities. "...So we will be less likely to be disoriented and walk astray of the correct path..." Lost, couldn't simply say 'lost'? My smile fades slightly in frustration.

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Next Generation Avengers (marvel) - Page 9 Empty Re: Next Generation Avengers (marvel)

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:36 am

Zell shrugged and kept walking down the hallway. "You could probably get your hands on any video game you could possibly want." she muttered to him, softly. "Not like it'd be that hard at a place like this. I bet if you just asked tony he's be all 'sure. What do you want? Thanks or saving my daughter, blahblahblah,'." she pointed out, turning into to range room. "He had this room set up for me. Not much, but enough to train."

Michi nodded and looked down. "So... The Young Avengers? Is that what you guys are?" she looked at serpent and then Cassie. "That's.... Uh.... Cool!"

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