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DWMA (Bells and Momo)

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:56 pm

Death wrote:Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy. More commonly known as the DWMA. It stands as a defense against the forces of evil, which would plunge the world into chaos and drag humanity into the very depths of fear and madness: the demons known as Kishin, and their eternal hunger for destruction. To ensure that the Kishin never regain their hold on this world, this Academy was founded by the Grim Reaper, Death himself. So basically we're an organization that serves to protect and preserve peace! I guess it's not exactly a typical school. Oh well, that isn't important! For now, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!"
A chat about Soul Eater for Momo and Bells because we are bored.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:42 pm

Name: Yumi
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Weapon Form: Different types of bows. Compound and New Scythian. She shoots compressed soul wave lengths (like Kid's guns)

Description as Human: he is tall with a slender frame. Her shoulders are narrow as well as her hips, giving her an almost weakling look. Yumi has a high metabolism which is her excuse for why her hip and collar bones are both so visible. She hate that her frame makes her look so fragile and breakable (in her opinion. She has been put down in the past for how thin she is).
Yumi fights against the weakness her frame gives by trying to look tough on the exterior. She has short, black and purple hair that reaches just past her chin and spikes out at odd, somewhat fashionably messy angles. Both ears have multiple piercings and a cartilage piercing that she loops a chin through that connects to her bottom most earring. She wears little make up, only accenting her dark grey eyes with a touch of black eyeliner to make them stand out. Her eyes usually give off a cold feeling, almost like she is uncaring of others. She has lightly tanned skin with a soft golden undertone.
She wears a dark purple shirt under a black leather jacket and a pleated black and purple plaid skirt with combat boots. she tries to go for a more "hard core/intimidating punk" look, but its up to other characters if they think she pulls it off or not.

description as weapon: The body of which ever bow form she takes is always black, shiny, and sleak with purple trim to accent it.
New scythian
DWMA (Bells and Momo) Scythian%20Bows
DWMA (Bells and Momo) DCA-BOW-0036-2

Yumi i very independent. part of her hates that she is a bow because in most cases it means she has to fight with someone else, She will often either think of herself as lower thank everyone else, and feels the need to work along so people wont realize it. Or she will be the complete opposite and find others below her and frustrating to work with because they will hold her back. Either way, she isnt much of a team player. That is mostly because shehas yet to find a suitable parther. Someone who wont let her think of herself as inferior or superior. She needs someone to keep her level headed.

Soul Traits: She has a smaller purple soul that has the same outline as her hair. She has small stitch marks, as if she broke and tried to mend herself, but they are faint now.

Backstory: Both of her parents went to the DWMA (her dad is a meister and her mom was a weapon). But she never knew much about their time there because her dad never talks about it. Her mom passed away in a battle with a witch soon after her birth. Her dad doesn't talk about her mom much, and she never asks. But she did swear to herself that she would take down the witch that killed her mom and use that soul to become a death scythe. She grew up an only child with he father. She didn't have many friends when growing up, and those she were friends with didn't supply healthy friendships. Most either put her down or caused her to look down upon them. There was never anyone who treated her like an equal.

enhanced abilities: enhanced soul resonance (once she actually gets a partner she can resonate with)

I'll post susi and shaw's shortly

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:55 pm

Akio Takama

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapon form: Ninjatō

Description as Human: Akio has a very slender frame for a boy, although he makes up for it with his height. He stands at 5’8” and has compact muscles from working out. His hair is a messy navy blue cut that covers one eye since he keeps the bangs swept to one side. His eyes are a bright blue tone.
He normally wears a light tan hoodie over a white tank top and a nice fitting blue jeans. He rarely goes out without a set of earbuds stuck in his ears with the music turned up just loud enough to tune out most people.

Description as Weapon: His hilt is a navy blue that matches his hair color. His scabbard is a hard metal and is the same color as his hilt, and can be used when fighting as a block, seeing as it’s just as hard as the blade.
DWMA (Bells and Momo) MC-FMT-011S

Personality: He’s rather reserved, like his meiser, but it’s not really because he’s anti-social. He just doesn’t know how to deal with people, hence his tuning them out with music. He has practically no temper, meaning it takes a lot to set him off. When it comes to girls beyond Hisoka he has an issue speaking to them and takes to looking away when he does, giving him the reputation of a girl-hater, when in reality he’s normally rather embarrassed because of his lack of knowing how to deal with them and just doesn’t know how to show it. He deals with Hisoka easily because he doesn’t really see her as a girl.

Soul appearance: His soul is actually mostly bright red, as if to show how strong his hidden emotions are. It’s outlined in black as if showing how he hides them.

Backstory: Akio was raised by his older brother and father, their mother having left when he was a year old. Both older guys are more interested in their work than in fixing the family, so the house tends to be very silent and cold. It’s from this that Akio ended up with his reserved, unsure of how to deal with people nature.

Any enhanced abilities: He has an extremely high level of resonance with his meiser until sheathed, allowing for swifter movements on meiser’s side, making it rather hard to keep up with.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:14 pm


Hisoka Hano

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Hisoka has mid-back length black hair and violet eyes. Much like her weapon, she allows the hair to fall into her face and for the bangs to block view of her eyes. She’s of a rather average build, standing around 5’2”. She’s a little pale due to her tendency to stay inside and read instead of go out and socialize with people. Hisoka is normally wearing some sort of dark colored dress with an offsetting, bright toned cloth belt. Around her neck is a golden key necklace.

Personality: Hisoka has an honestly antisocial personality. She’d rather not have to talk to people if given the choice, although she gets along rather well with Hiroki and Akio. Akio it tends to just be because he’s not good with people either, making it easier for her to handle him. She’s actually told him quite a few times that she doesn’t view him as an idiot, which is how she sees most people. She’d much rather be studying or reading something than conversing with someone. Most of the time she allows Hiroki to handle the speaking part of things, although she’ll hit him when he says what he pleases about her opinion on things.

Soul appearance: It’s small and dark, reflecting how she keeps to herself and has a rather dark worldview.

Backstory: Hisoka and Hiroki are the children of a meiser weapon pair, and have had a rather easy life. Their parents spend as much time at home as they can, ignoring the fact that the antisocial Hisoka would rather they stay away. When they entered the academy to follow their parents footsteps, her parents weren’t sure if she’d be able to find someone to pair with her and were surprised to hear that she found someone rather quickly.

Enhanced abilities: N/A (I can't think of anything right now)

Name: Hiroki Hano

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has shaggy black hair that is cut so that it has no chance of hiding his face, but is rather long otherwise. His eyes are violet like his sisters and he has a rather tan complexion from time spent playing outside. He normally wears a tee shirt and jeans or jersey shorts, he doesn’t like to take too much time getting ready to go out. Despite his sporty appearance, however, he does wear a pair of black framed glasses, seeing as his eyesight is rather weak in bright lighting.

Personality: He’s very outgoing to make up for his sister’s personality. He easily makes friends with most people and doesn’t really care who they are, just that they’re another person to talk to. He does have a bit of a temper, but is just as quick to forgive as he is to get ticked off. There is a slight perfectionist side to him, when he’s working he has to get things done to the T, but he just laughs it off if someone points this out to him. Inwardly he’s holding a lot of pressure from his family, but he does his best not to show any of it.

Soul appearance: It’s a bright, silver color with little hairline marks as if to show cracks from the pressure he’s under. I want to give a better description, but I can’t think of one right now so this will have to do.

Backstory: Again, he’s had a rather easily life. Their family is far from poor and far from broken. His parents have always expected the best from him, especially in comparison to his sister. It could be said that he has a bit of pressure from that side of things, his parents fully expecting him to be able to take on the challenges of gathering all those souls. He hasn’t ever allows this pressure to show outwardly, however, doing his best to appear to be the perfect child/brother. The night before their first day at the academy he promised his sister that he’d make sure to look out for her, no matter what happened.

Enhanced abilities: He can match up with almost anyone.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:04 pm

Name Susi
Age 18
Gender Female
Weapon form Double bladed scythe
Description as Human Susi has long Pink hair that is pulled into one long braid that reaches just past her knees, strands sticking out from some layers. Her eyes are a bright blue. No hair falls into her face because of the nature of her braid. It frames around her face, gathering all small strands (She has sort of a braid crown thingy....) She stand roughly 5'8" and has a very slender frame yet still has some curves to her. She wears mostly turtlenecks and jeans with some tennis shoes. Every now and then she will throw a black vest over the turtleneck.

Description as Weapon She turns into a tall, 6' tall double bladed scythe with a pink ribbon that raps around the handle of it.

DWMA (Bells and Momo) Scythe
Personality She is very focused and to the point about everything. she wants to become a deathscythe and thinks it should have happened like yesterday.
Soul apperance: She has a pink soul with her long hair around it. You know how sometimes on the show they will have faces? Her soul is usually scowling.
backstory: She is very closed off and reserved from others. her parents always pushed her to be the best and because of how she had to take care of her little sister, she never really had time to be a normal kid. And that shows with how she carries herself and acts towards other people. She will often treat her friends like children she has to protect and take care of (especially Shaw, her meister).
any enhanced abilities: N/A as of now

Name Shaw
age 17.5
appearance Shaw has dark red-orange hair that is long enough to spike out but too short to fall into his face. His eyes are a bright green, usually half closed with tired or laziness. despite his utter laziness with everything, susi forces him to train which has given his a very nice physic. He has a very strong build and nice lean muscles under his baggy clothing. He slouches a lot, but that doesnt hide how tall he is at 6'3". His hands are on the larger side and calloused from Susi pushing him in training.
personality He is very lazy but very kind. And if one of his friends is in danger or needs his help he will be the first one to try to fix the situation. although, he may whine if he is to help with something he thinks is minuscule or stupid (mostly labor work)
Soul appearance His soul is a bright, radiant orange. Nothing really seems to be wrong with it.
backstory he grew up in a wealthy family and his parents really didnt make him do much. More to come later.
enhanced abilities He has a very strong soul wave length, even without Susi to amplify it. He could fight just hand to hand with someone and shoot them with his soul over and over again. but this takes energy so he rarely does it unless someone is in danger or his enemy has pissed him off.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:08 pm

Yumi watched as Susi lectured Shaw once again about the importance of training. Those two could be such a pain. Her voice seemed to carry across the courtyard and inturupted Yumi's studying.
"Idiots." She mumbled under her breath, closing her book and packing it away in her bag so she could find a new place to go study. Maybe she would go into an empty class room or even a broom closet if she had to. She stood to walk away from the area, watching as Susi somehow managed to whack Shaw over the head. "Cant those two just find a room?" Again, it was mumbled under her breath.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:21 pm

Hiroki raised a brow as he studied his sister. By this point he decided it was useless to be surprised by how boring she could be. Sitting in a secluded part of the courtyard, she'd taken out a book on some subject he doubted he would even be able to understand, and had started reading. Her weapon, Akio, was seated next to her, his head tilted back and his eyes closed as he basked in whatever he was listening to.
"You two are boring," Hiroki announced, allowing his eyes to slip away from them to scan the rest of the courtyard. "Do something besides read. We're at the academy, let's have some fun! Do some training or something! Talk to some people, make some friends!"
Hisoka glanced up from her book, her black bangs blocking him from seeing her eyes, "Says the boy who doesn't even have a partner yet."
Hiroki gave an overly dramatic flinch.
"That really hurts, sis."

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:23 pm

As Yumi tried to walk to the door, a group of kids blocked her path, most likely by accident. She waited a few seconds for the small crowd to move, and when they didn't she snapped.
"Would you please just move! Get out of my way!" Her voice raised a few pitches and it felt as if everyone in the court yard and turned to look at the noise. That might not have been true, but Yumi did feel the gaze of the people around her. Hating the stares, she pushed past the crowd and tried to weave her way to the door.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:28 pm

Hiroki glanced away from the boring duo as he heard a commotion happening not far away. His eyes caught sight of a girl, curiousity surging a moment later. It was one of the few people in the school who's name he hadn't caught yet.
"Hey, I'll catch you in a bit," he told them, rolling his eyes as Hisoka simply waved him off, not even raising her eyes from her book. "Love ya, too."
Jogging across the courtyard, he put on a friendly smile as he easily caught up with the girl.
"Hello there, I don't think we've met, yet."

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:31 pm

Yumi groaned as another person seemed to appear at her side. This was just wonderful. Perfect even. Just what she needed, someone else to bother her.
"There is probably a reason for that," She told him honestly, her voice harsher than she meant it to be. The door was just a few feet away, if she had just walked a bit faster she might have been able to avoid this person trying to talk with her.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:35 pm

"Really?" Hiroki asked, grinning. "And why would that be?"
He picked up on the harsh tone, but couldn't really bring himself to care. After all, he needed more people to hang out with then just his sister and her boring weapon.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:41 pm

"Ever think that maybe I dont associate with most people?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at him. She continued walking towards the door, decided that if he honesty wanted to continue talking with her, he could follow along. If he did continue to follow, maybe she would actually tell him her name, if he didnt already know her from rumors that had spread around the school.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:50 pm

"Really? Why?" he asked, easily tagging along. "The more people that you associate with, the more fun school will be! Just think, after meeting me you have one more person to do things with outside of class."

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:52 pm

Yumi rolled her eyes at him, hiking her heavy bag up her shoulder. "Because everyone just loves hanging out with other people out side of class. Being social. Yay. Always totally fun." She walked through the halls of DWMA, dodging the occasional passerby who either didnt notice or didnt care that she was walking. "Do you even know my name?"

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:06 pm

"I will when you tell me," he replied cheerily. "I can't know everyone's before I meet them," Hiroki paused, tilting his head a little as he studied her. "Besides, I bet you don't know mine."
As they walked, he also dodged random people, waving at most of them. He'd made it his business to meet as many as he could.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:09 pm

"You're Hiroki. Your sister is a pain in my ass." Her voice was blunt and she kept walking. "Yumi. Weapon. Bow. Lame as fuck, I know." She checked the doors of class rooms as they walked, hoping the find an empty one, but striking out each time.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:14 pm

"What did my sister do to you?" Hiroki asked curiously. He was rather used to Hisoka annoying people in one way or another, it just depended on how rather than why. "I'll apologize for her, by the way. Also, bow sounds pretty neat! What's Lame about that?"

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:16 pm

"Cant fight on your own. Makes you dependent. Offers weakness." There she went, starting to sound like that smartass Susi. "She is just overly annoying and awful to have class with." It was probably clear by now tha Yumi just didn't like people. At all. On any level.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:29 pm

Hiroki laughed, running his hand through his hair as he thought about that. A second later he shook his head, still offering that friendly smile.
"Annoying? I bet she hasn't even spoken to you. As for the not being able to fight on your own, isn't that what a meiser is for?"

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:32 pm

Yumi stopped when he mentioned having a meister. She swallowed and continued walking. "You dont need to talk to someone to annoy them." She refused to touch on the matter of a meister. Or her lack of one for that matter.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:34 pm

"What'd she do? I can ask her not to if you tell me," he commented, keeping his tone lighthearted as he noted the lack of response on the other topic. "Who's your meiser?"
He was rather certain he knew the answer, but he figured he might as well ask.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:41 pm

Yumi shook her head and continued to walk, hoping he would just leave her along and drift off. "It is none of your business what your sister has done to bother me. And it is also none of your business who my meister is. Or If I have one for that matter." She bumped into someone as she walked, unable to dodge them. This caused her to stumble and lose her footing, allowing her to fall to the ground.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:51 pm

Hiroki immediately reached out to catch her, that friendly smile still in place.
"Why say she's annoying if you don't want someone to do something about it?" he asked cheerily. "Also, she's my sister, of course it matters. And I find you interesting, so it also matters if you have a meiser."

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:54 pm

Yumi blinked when the boy caught her, her arms instantly going around her bag to protect it. She sighed and straightened herself out, moving away from his grasp. "I just speak my mind a lot," she grumbled softly as she brushed her skirt off. "I dont have a meister, alright? Haven't found someone stupid enough to partner with me." And it wasnt like many people could shoot a boy these days.

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DWMA (Bells and Momo) Empty Re: DWMA (Bells and Momo)

Post by Bells Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:24 am

Hiroki grinned at her, spreading his hands once he was sure that she was stable enough to stand on her own.
"Well, oddly enough, this friendly guy doesn't have a weapon yet either," he said, making his tone flippant.

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