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Blood Mansion (billion.0)

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Wed May 11, 2016 5:31 pm


"I am interested in the matter, fairly deeply interested. She is part of your life and that intrigues me. Even after all these years you still intrigue me, Sebastian. You and your brother both.... how is Alec doing? I haven't heard from him lately." She watched him closely to see how he would react to the mention of his brother. He was a little talked about subject of Sebastian's life and few now a days even knew that he had one. Sometimes she wondered if he remembered.


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Post by Bells Wed May 11, 2016 5:37 pm


Sebastian stiffened, a scowl coloring his expression.
"Alec is fine," he snapped. "Last I heard, he was comfortable wherever the hell he ended up. He hates you, as you very well know, so it would be strange if you had heard from him."

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Post by Momo13 Wed May 11, 2016 5:41 pm


"I'm glad to hear my boys are good. I worry about you two, you know." She turned upon hearing someone enter the room again. Thea had returned with a cup of blood and Victoria noticed that the poor girl was still trembling. She took the glass from the girls shaking hand and nodded to her, a kind yet uneasing smile filling her face. "Thank you, darling."

Thea nodded back and Victoria watched as she took her spot beside Sebastian once again, practically hiding herself behind him, one of her hands grabbing onto the back of his shirt. This girl seemed to assume that staying close to her master would keep her safe.

"Whenever you two would like to show me to my room that would be wonderful," Victoria murmured before taking a sip from her glass.

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Post by Bells Wed May 11, 2016 5:44 pm


Without hesitation, he started towards the stairs, one hand having a tight hold on Thea's wrist. He wasn't about to have her lingering too close to Victoria, that would have been just asking for trouble.
"We'll do it right now," he muttered. "Please be certain to notify someone when you've finished resting. It'd be annoying to have you wandering about."

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Post by Momo13 Wed May 11, 2016 5:51 pm


Thea hissed softly as he grabbed onto her injured wrist but didnt pull away from him. If anything she quickened her pace to keep closer to him. Victoria watched as the two interacted, wondering if the girl had actual feelings for her Master. That would only end all too interestingly.

"Of course, Sebastian. I have no want to get lost in your dwelling." She told him softly before taking another small sip of blood.

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Post by Bells Wed May 11, 2016 5:54 pm


At least somewhat pleased at her announcement that she would behave, Sebastian lead the way to her room. He couldn't be bothered to adjust his grip on Thea's wrist, it wasn't as if it was his problem that she was injured. Once he'd reached the place, he paused and gestured towards the door.
"This is it," he announced.

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Post by Momo13 Wed May 11, 2016 6:08 pm


She nodded before going towards the door and pushing it open. She inspected the room before walking in and gesturing for the man carrying her bags to follow her.

"Thank you, darling. I'll be sure to send someone once I am well rested. I simply cannot wait to see what you have created for me." She turned to look at Thea who hovered beside Sebastian, fighting and somewhat failing to keep her pain hidden. "Wonderful to meet you Thea. I hope we have more chances to talk, hopefully without this grump around." She pointed Sebastian and winked at the human who seemed to nod back slowly.


As soon as Victoria closed the door to her room Thea took a deep breath and tried to pull her wrist from Sebastain's grip. Her legs felt as if they would give way under her any second and she needed to sit down.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:11 pm


He released her wrist, if only to run his hands through his hair and take a deep breath. Within seconds, realizing how vulnerable he was making himself look, he shot an annoyed look towards Thea.

"Come. We're not standing near this room a second longer. She knows where my room is, so we'll go there."

That said, he started walking.

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Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:15 pm


She looked over at him as he walked away, her chest tightening slightly. She did not want to be around him any longer than she had to be. Instead, she would much rather go find a dark corner and hide there for the remainder of Victoria's stay.

After a few awkward moments of silence on her end, she finally started following after him.

"...Alright, Sebby." Now that they were alone she fell back into her normal habits of addressing him.

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Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:23 pm


He checked the urge to tell her not to change her way of addressing him just because She was here, but held back the urge. He might not have liked this small "victory" on Her side (although he was aware that she didn't know the difference one way or the other), but he was aware that having her call him by his name in front of Her would only cause more problems. So, he swore under his breath and trudged back towards his room. Once there, he threw himself on his bed and glowered at the ceiling. The painting he'd prepared for her was settled on an easel to the side of the room and he had to resist the urge to throw something at it.

It was always hell for his temper when she was in the house.



She sat awkwardly at the back of her bed, hands dropped in her lap. Honestly, it'd been her idea for him to be there... but what exactly was she supposed to do alone with Nick for days? It didn't help that he was human, not one bit. It was only the water bottle (filled with blood) in her hands that made this matter annoying rather than impossible.

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Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:28 pm


Thea stood just beyond the door of his room and stared at him, unsure of what to do. She glanced around before walking over to his bed and taking a seat on the ground beside it, her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

"You wont let her take me...right?" The question was soft, almost left unspoken, barely a whisper in the quiet room.


The sun would be rising shortly and Nick remembered his promise of staying with Cami during daylight hours. He made his way over to her room and stood outside the door for a few minutes before knocking.

"Cam? Still want me here?" He asked through the door, leaning his shoulder against the wood.

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Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:33 pm


He swore under his breath.

"Like hell," he snapped. "She doesn't get everything she fucking wants."

A lie, he knew, but it wasn't like Thea had to know that. He always gave in, in the end. Still, he didn't think she'd truly ask for Thea. She'd gotten bored of Cami, which meant she had to be tired of playing with the slaves for now. Or at least, he hoped she was. He wasn't fond of giving away his toys so often. He ground his teeth, glaring daggers at the ceiling. He wasn't fond of giving anything of his away, period. Especially to her.


She nodded, then checked herself.

"Of course. Hurry and come in. She's around here somewhere. You're better off where she can't see you."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:46 pm


Thea looked up at him as he swore and nodded, closing her eyes and curling in on herself again.

"You want to keep me?" She knew she was his, and that he was possessive so that probably wasn't something that needed to be questioned. It wasn't like she wanted to stay here, but she had to wonder if other places be as safe. If she could really call this place safe.


He snorted softly under his breath and walked in, shutting the door behind him. "Alright, I'm here. I dont know why you are so worried about her, what would I possibly mean to her? She's probably never heard of me."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:55 pm


"... you're not her's," he grumbled, not moving. He then sighed, closing his eyes, hands curling into the blanket. "... and you're not the worst thing I've ever claimed."

Sure, he could have come out and said that he wanted to keep her, at least for now, but that wasn't something he would say. Still, having Her around made things feel off-kilter, so perhaps that was why he'd gone as far as to say what he did. Either way, he wasn't going to take it back. That'd be worse than almost admitting it.


Cami hesitated, fingers curling tighter around the bottle.

"Just... history," she answered vaguely. "That's all. I've dealt with her a lot. She's... unpredictable. Who knows what might catch her attention while she's here. I'd prefer it not be you is all."

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Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:02 pm


She looked back up at him as he spoke and swallowed softly at what he said. She hated it here and hated him, but maybe they finally got to a point where he was willing to protect her to keep her his.

She stood from the ground slowly and moved to sit on the edge of his bed.

" aren't the worst person who could've claimed me, I guess."


Nick nodded at what she said before walking over to her bed and taking a seat on the edge of it. "Well, I'll try and stay out of her way if that'll make you feel better. she'll only be here for a few days, right?"

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Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:08 pm


He snorted, never opening his eyes despite the fact he'd picked up on her joining him.

"There's someone here you would have hated more?" he challenged.


She nodded, relaxing just a bit.

"Hopefully. She gets bored easily, so unless she finds something to entertain her, she'll probably move on soon."

That said, she frowned slightly.

"Although, I'm not really sure what to do to keep from being bored until then."

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Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:16 pm


She laughed at his commented and shrugged before laying down beside him, curling in on herself.

"No, i guess you have a point there. I don't think I'll ever hate anyone as much as I hate you." She fell silent for a few moments before continuing. "But someone, somewhere, could have been much worse."


"What, already forgot the endless ways to entertain oneself while locked in a room?" He joked and shook his head a few times.

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Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:21 pm


"Thank-you for those kind words," he replied sarcastically. Still, he didn't tell her to move. "I'm so touched."


Her face flushed.

"Well, I was supposed to tie you to the bed," she retorted. "I guess I could get started on that."

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Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:23 pm


She snorted at his sarcastic response and glanced up at him from where she was curled up.

"I do always know the way to your heart," she joked before closing her eyes again. "It's through my neck, right?"

"Oh man, we are going 0 to 100 real quick. I thought you'd only tie me down if i misbehaved." He laughed, raising an eyebrow slowly.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:28 pm


He peeked open one eye, cocking his brow as he did.

"Isn't that the way to yours?" he retorted. "And didn't you know? I don't have a heart."


If anything, the shade of her cheeks only deepened.

"You made an innuendo, if that doesn't count as misbehaving, what would?" she challenged.

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Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:32 pm


She snorted at what he said and shook her head slowly, not sure how to really respond to that. So she elected not to.

"According to lore you do have a heart. Just aint beating or something." She absentmindedly reached over and tapped his chest a few times with her fingers.

His brow furrowed slightly at her innuendo comment and then his own cheeks flushed. "I ... that is not what I meant!"

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Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:37 pm


He caught her hand with his, if only reflexively. Someone touching him without his permission wasn't exactly something Sebastian usually allowed. Still, in the mood he was in, he didn't hurt her hand.

"I was speaking metaphorically," he replied, both eyes open now. "Obviously."


Heat seemed to creep over her entire face.

"That's what it sounded like you meant!" she shot back.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:41 pm


"Metaphorically, of course." She stopped moving when he grabbed her hand, making no move to pull her hand away. "So you are fine with me on your bed but still no touching?"


"Well its not! wow get your head out of the gutter." He could still feel the blush that spread across his cheeks and looked away from her.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:52 pm


Sebastian released her hand, dropping his own back down to the blankets.

"I don't like being touched. Ever."

Call it a side-effect of the last person who voluntarily touched him being Victoria.


She stuck her tongue out at him, her own blush unfading.

"It's your fault for kissing me before," she declared. "Fine. What were you thinking about doing, hm?"

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:54 pm


Name: Manami Yamasura
Age: 21 (uh... old.)
Gender: Female
Appearance:Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 24 8b49119759ec98c5c88c55bd06d5ff74
Personality: Strong willed. Gets what she wants. Not afraid of violence, but looks like a angry kitten.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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