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Blood Mansion (billion.0)

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:56 pm


"Sometimes you do." She sat up a bit and looked down at him, but refrained from touching him again.

"Werent you the one who basically dared me?" He laughed. "Anyway, I was just discussing how it was quite normal for us to get locked away for hours on end."

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:02 pm


He pursed his lips, but didn't move. She had a point.

"I suppose," he replied. "But it doesn't mean I don't typically dislike it. I imagine you're thinking of the one exception."


"True. Wow, that feels like forever ago," she mused. "Hm... I suppose a game, then. Those always passed the time. Since I got that blush out of you, I'll let you pick the game."


Technically, she supposed she was supposed to call ahead, Manami mused as she tugged open the front door. Still, she doubted Sebastian would turn her away. He would pitch a fit no doubt, but she had left something here last time she left. He would understand her dislike of leaving something of hers behind, wouldn't he?

"Now... what room was his..." she mused, dropping her bag in the doorway and, without waiting for someone to notice her arrival, starting through the building. Her lips twitched up as she realized there was always the chance of him, the thing she'd left behind, noticing her arrival before she remembered. The question was, how would he handle it?

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:47 pm


She nodded slowly and stood from the edge of the bed. "Did you uh...can I leave?" She didn't know if he wanted her at his side the entire weekend or if she was free to roam and do her own thing.


"You know, it isnt quite fair that you cant blush. Undead creatures," he rolled his eyes and flopped back on the bed. "I dunno, what would you want to --" his question was cut off with a short knock on the door. A few quick hits on the door with the back of someones hand. He looked over at Cami and closed his mouth slowly, unsure of what to do.

He relaxed on his bed, his hands folded over his chest. Faint music played from the radio on his desk and he tried to ignore the impending drama that would overtake the entire mansion.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Post by Bells Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:33 pm


He frowned, staring up at her.
He could have expounded a little, but he didn't. He figured he didn't have to, because she'd listen either way.


She stiffened, staring at the door for a moment.
"I... um... hide somewhere. Yeah, do that," she said, slowly uncurling form her position so she could climb off the bed. "Better yet, never mind. Don't do that. That's stupid. Um... just... don't look cute."
With those lovely words, she went to answer the door.
"I figured you'd be with Sebastian."


Once she'd found his room, she opened the door without bothering to knock.

"Nero~ Did you miss me~?"

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:42 pm


She glared back at him and frowned. "What, am I just stuck here for the entire weekend then? Can't have any time to myself?" The whole idea of hiding herself in a dark closet out of sight was incredibly tempting.


He bit back a laugh at her cute comment and propped his arms under his head, stretching out a bit on the furniture. Anxiety rose in his chest but there wasnt much he could do about this situation and it would probably be best for his sake to keep out of sight.


She beamed at Cami when she answered the door. "Cam, how wounderful it is to see you again. I just wanted to check up on my girl and see how you were doing." She sniffed the air a few times and tilted her head.

"You have a human with you."


He couldnt stop the groan that left his lips upon her entrance into his room.

"No. Leave." His words were clipped short and to the point. "You have no place in here."

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:47 pm


"Yes. You are."
He frowned up at her.
"Or would you rather end up as Victoria's plaything for the weekend?"


Being the inconspicuous person she is, she attempted to bodily take up the doorway.
"Yes," she replied. "And he's mine. Nice to see you, too. Great chat. See you in... some large number of years?"


She pouted and leaned against his doorway.

"But Nero, I came all this way to see you."

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:27 pm


"Pardon my language, but that's bullshit. I can keep to myself just fine, I've done it for years." She snapped at him, her attitude flaring up for a few moments at his possessiveness. "Maybe I would rather deal with her than be locked in a room with you for days on end."


"In such a rush to get rid of me. Worried I'll take him?" A toothy grin spread across her face. "Don't worry, darling. I have my eye set on another one here. You and your play thing should be just fine."

"It was a wasted travel on your part. I dont want to see you." He snapped back at her, sitting from his bed slowly and crossing the room to turn his music up louder as if that would get rid of her.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:55 am


He scowled, but rather than budge form his position on the bed, he closed his eyes.
"Reminded me when it became important what you want to do when I've already said no?" he retorted. "And good for you. Look how taking care of yourself ended up."


She frowned for a minute, then relaxed just the slightest degree.
"Right, Sebastian's more interesting," she said, then hesitated before continuing. "... his name's Nick, and he's a friend of mine. He irritates Sebastian to no end, so his presence here should be something you like anyways."


With that pout still in place, she pushed away from the doorway and sauntered over to where he stood with full intentions of hooking her arms around his neck from behind.
"But, Nero," she complained. "We were so close before~"
Mentally, she was rather amused. She'd gotten such a rise out of him already and she'd only been there two seconds.


Her arms piled up on the counter, the girl eyed the fridge with just the slightest bit of a furrowed brow. With everyone busy with their masters, she'd decided to cook something... but had no clue what to cook. Given the circumstances, she figured that drawing attention was a bad idea, but she doubted anything would come of it, given the fact that she wasn't really important enough for it to be a problem.
So... the problem became what she was in the mood for.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:06 am


She tensed at what he said and narrowed her eyes once again, jaw clenched. Part of her wondered what he would do if she just left, its not like the door was locked.

“What if I want to take a shower? Or use the bathroom? You going to escort me like a child?”

“He bothers Sebastian? My, my, what did he do to manage that?” She moved to brush past Cami to enter the room, reaching out to put a hand on her shoulder to physically move her aside.

he growled at her touch and spun to grab her throat with one hand.
“I wasn’t strong enough to end you when I was human. But you fixed that problem, didn’t you?” He spoke lowly, careful to annunciate every word as his fingers tightened around her neck.
There was a residual tension between them, back before he despised her as much as he did. Back from when he was infatuated with her.

((i'll bring in Kaleb soonish. Hes like 18 years old, with short curly brown hair, green eyes and pale skin that initially might be covered in a layer of dirt and grime which might make him look tanner than he is. he has a decent amount of freckles and a slightly crooked nose from when it was broken in his younger teen years))

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:21 am


"I have a bathroom," he replied, waving towards it without opening his eyes. "It's not like you have to leave the room to do either one of those things."


Reluctantly, she allowed Victoria in her room, watching her carefully as she moved.
"Um... by existing," she replied honestly. "Sebastian doesn't like him."
At this, she looked to Nick for help. It wasn't as if she was privy to the most recent reasons they disliked each other. She'd only mentioned it because she knew that Victoria liked bothering Sebastian and figured that there was a better chance of Nick being left be if he was seen as useful in some regard.


A small gasp of surprise escaped her lips, but then she simply grinned, making no move to try and release herself.
"I did," she managed to get out. "So... what will you do?"
She wasn't against letting him. She'd long since lost attachment to the world. Still, she doubted he would. He would have had to have changed vastly since their last encounter.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:28 am


"Alright so what if I'm hungry? I do need to eat. And so do you for that matter. Feeding off me once might work but multiple times without me having food? You are just asking to kill me at that point, and i really dont think thats your goal or you would let her take me.

She crossed into the room and studied the boy who longed on Cami's bed.
"You let him relax on your bed and sprawl out however he pleases?" she asked, nearly appalled.

"I'm like a space heater for her. Keeps the bed warm and I've been told i'm a comfy pillow." He sat up slowly and cracked his back as he stretched. "Sebastian and I dont exactly see eye to eye with how he treats a few of the residence. I speak my mind, which is probably idiotic for someone of my standing but he hasnt killed me yet. He wont admit it but I think he knows I'm useful around here."


He glowered at her, his grip tightening for a brief moment before dropping his hand and turning away once again.
"leave my room. You have no right being in my space without my permission."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:00 am


He growled under his breath.
"It isn't as if I won't allow you to accompany me outside of the room," he retorted. "You're simply not to go on your own."


She hid a grin behind her hand. Nick had a way of putting his relaxing on her bed that made it sound much better than, 'we were best friends, before, so she lets me do whatever I want.'

"You know how Sebastian is," she added as if to verify Nick's words. "If everyone doesn't pretend to see his way, he gets pissy."


She rose one hand to rub her neck, a rather smug smile on her lips. She'd been right, and she was rather proud of that fact.

"Well, I suppose I could leave you alone for awhile," she consented. "I do still have to alert the man of the house that I've arrived~"

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:13 am


She continued to frown at him despite what he said about allowing her to leave with him. She huffed softy and walked back over to the bed. She crawled onto the edge and curled in on herself, careful to try to not touch him.


“He also gets pissy when people get close to his property. And I’m sure you’ve met Thea and seen how possessive he is of her. He didn’t, uh, enjoy our closeness.” He chuckled again and shrugged, watching as Victoria raised an eyebrow at what he said.

“I see. How…intriguing.”


“Have fun with that.” He knew she might’ve been trying to take a stab at his pride but he honestly didn’t care. “He might be a bit preoccupied. Someone else, someone much more important to him, is visiting this weekend, So he might not have time for you.”

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 25 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:33 am


He might have rolled his eyes at her response, but that would have taken more effort than he cared to give at the moment. So, he simply sighed once again and relaxed. For the moment, at least, he was comfortable. Hopefully, even with Victoria in the mansion, it could stay that way.


She bit her lip at that comment. She had an extremely bad feeling about the way that Victoria had replied. Hopefully, that didn't bode as bad for Thea as she felt like it might.

"How long are you going to be here?" she asked, hoping to change the subject. "Sebastian never said."


She shrugged, making her way towards the door as she released the hand from her neck to wave over her shoulder.

"All the more time to spend with you, then~" she said.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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