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Death Note!

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:59 pm

Himali: I knew that my search wouldn't end in failure. After being beat by Near and Mello, I couldn't let myself be shamed like that anymore. How could I have been close to L all this time and not be smart enough to succeed him? I walked around, searching in probable places. After all, Kira had found his outside his school.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:00 pm

PavoLights wrote:(Ok. How are we gonna get everyone to meet?)

The shinigami's will lead them together. I'm not sure abotu those who don't have death notes...


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:08 pm

"I'm so fuckin wasted!" Anderson let's out a loud laugh as he wonders through the halls of the hotel, vodka bottle in hand. A ghostly pale hand touches his forehead as brittle lip travel along his jaw line. "Uroo..." he starts before taking another gulp of the bitter alcohol. "Go away." She smiles an makes him look at her. Her bloodshot yellow eyes look him over as she presses her ashen lips to his forehead. "You made the deal," she murmurs.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:05 pm

The horrible face looked at Mara almost curiously. She stared at it the same way. Normal people would have been terrified, but she wasn't normal. Her large black eyes studied the purple ones. The thing was about 10 feet tall, and one side of its body was grotesquely twisted and green, while the other half was like a skeleton with skin covering it.
"Hello." She said to it.
A deep, sultry voice (one you would never expect to come out of this monster) echoed her. "Hello."
Mara stared down at the death note in her hands. "Are you my shinigami?"
He set her down and floated around to face her. "I am. My name is Kano."


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:17 pm

"No," says the shinigami frankly. The girl looks over her shoulder at the strange birdlime creature covered in gold and jewels and rotting flesh. "You wouldn't even consider it, Haitiru?" He shakes his head no, the gold he reportedly stole from the dead jingling around his neck. The girl frowns and gets back into her room. "Why do you hate me?" she asks. The bird man inclines his head away. "Enough of your games. We have things to do."

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:25 pm

Mara stood, her excitement growing. "I've done it....2 years and I've DONE IT!! HAHAHAHA!" She jumped up and down, happiness showing in every corner of her face.
"Come on Kano! We have to get back home!!" She yelled at him as she scampered away to her van. He floated along behind her, looking amused.


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:32 am

Himali: I knew that I would have to keep looking, even if I spent the rest of my life doing so. I turned the corner into a parking lot of a corporate building. It was there I saw it. A small black notebook with strange markings written in white. A death note. I quickly scooped it up, just wondering what sort of Shinigami dropped it.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:25 am

Mara sped down the road, going about 30 miles over the speed limit. The road was deserted anyway. When police sirens went off behind her she groaned and was about to speed up, but she got an idea. She pulled over and waited, death note and a pen in hand.
She rolled down her window, and the police man said in a drawling sourthern accent, "Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going?"
Mara didn't reply. She was too busy looking for a name tag. She found it and n a flash, the death note was open and she wrote down his name, and next to it nothing. Picturing him in her mind, she waited. The man, Spencer was his name, was moving his mouth, yelling at Mara, but she didn't hear him. she didn't want anything to go wrong.
She looked at her watch. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....When she looked over, he was no longer standing by her window. She peeked out to see him dead on the ground.
A wide grin spread across her freckled face. "HAHA! It actually worked!!"
"Well done, Mara." Kano said from beside her.


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:35 pm

"You haven't used you book yet, Anderson," coos Uroo as she hangs from his neck. Her yellow eyes stay closed as her rotting teeth come bear his ear. "What are you afraid of?" He leans against the door to his hotel and takes another swing from the bottle in a brown paper bag. "I'm nit afraid of anything," he says after a gulp. "I just don't believe in believe in being reckless." He gently places the bottle on the floor before moving to open his door. Once his mother found out he'd been drinking again, she'd get upset set and fore his nanny. Eighteen years old and she still thought he needed one...if she wanted to keep an eye on him, why not come spend time with her own son?

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:49 pm

She unlocked the door to her apartment and stepped inside the dark room. It was exactly like she had left it 6 months ago: shitty, tiny, filled with newspaper clippings about serial killers, and sketches of grotesque monsters.
"These are my shinigami drawings...I've been drawing them just so I'm not as surprised when I finally see one." She explained to Kano, who was munching on an apple.


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:32 pm

Himali: No shinigami had appeared, so I figured it would come within the 5 day time period. I can't believe I had finally found one. . .now how to destroy it was the next task.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:53 pm

She plopped down on the old couch and stared at the death note in her hands. "I...don't quite know what I'm supposed to do now..."
Kano floated infront of her, "What about...making a deal?"
She glared at him, "I'm not stupid!!! I've studied death notes! I'm not giving up half my life just for that."
He huffed, "Well. You realize that you can't take over the world on your own?"


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:10 pm

The smack rings in his ears. His little sister huffs as she takes in his pitiful form lying on the couch before rearing back to smack him again. This time, he catches her arm. "That's enough," he murmurs. "Don't get carried away with yourself now. I'll snap your little arm in half and never think twice about it." She blinks and slowly pulls away. He's never like this...not in front of her. "Anderson, what's going on with you? Why do you keep trying to make mom cry? Does she even know you're drunk again?!" She watches as he slowly gets up, his dreads out of place. Suddenly, he pulls her down on top of him, like he would when they were little. She distantly feels something brush up agaist her arm, a paper or something from his jacket. He leans down and looks at her, his face blank and emotionless. After a moment, she sees something wrapped possessively around his neck. An arm? "Cassandra," he murmurs. Her eyes immediately snap to his. "I'm dying."

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:29 pm

"I wonder if my mother's listening," murmurs Adrienne as she boredly scrolls through radio stations. They'd just come back from a walk to a few radio stations. It was time to begin her reign. The radio suddenly cuts off, replaced by an adrogynous mixture of voices with opera music playing in the background. "Hello, if you are listening to this, then congragulations. You are now a player in my games. But don't worry." "That's me!" says Adrienne. She pirouettes before flopping down into her couch. She closes her eyes and mouths the words. "Here, the kings are the pawns and the pawn is king. Everyone and everything is up for gain."

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:25 pm

Himali: I walked back home, hoping to come up with a good way to destroy the small murder weapon I now had in my possesion.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:51 pm

Mara eyed the shinigami, "What do you mean? There are others??"
Kano nodded, "Others with deathnotes. They only just found them. None are as powerful as you though. You could use them as your pawns, and when the time came you simply write their names in your death note."


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by PavoLights Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:07 pm

"Are you sure you want to do this, little girl? For him?" Cassandra looks at the thing er brother has called Uroo and nods. "If it means saving my brother..." she says...

Anderson smirks from behind the couch as he watches his little sister's eyes start glowing red. The idiot...

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:09 am

Woaaah that was pretty cruel.
So guys here's the idea. the shinigami's lead them together to...(random location time) uhh Chicago!


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Paper~Cranes Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:27 pm

Himali: I was pretty sure that my shinigami would show up soon. From what this Death Note was, I'm pretty sure the shinigami would want to find it as soon as possible. I sat in my desk chair and I flipped open the note book. It was funny how something so plain could be something so deadly. I grabbed my pen, and was about to write a name. . ."No, I can't do this just to test if it is an actual death note. I can't take human lives. . ." I muttered to myself. I knew that L wouldn't hesitate to make sure it was authentic. I knew it. . .I wasn't good enough to be L.

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:14 pm

Mara couldn't help but grin, her eyes were filled with delight, "Oh! Kano, you're brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT!"
He gave a twisted smile, "I know."


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:04 pm

can i make a shinigami?

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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:20 pm


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:36 pm

Oh hi. xD I've been busy, sorry.

Uhm yea sure, you kinda have to make him/her find a human though. It can either be someone elses human (i could make another character) or one of you own. Smile


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:42 am


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Death Note! - Page 2 Empty Re: Death Note!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:45 pm

So, how ya wanna do it? (Twss)


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