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~Character Chat~

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:45 pm

(The three start rifling through the stuff in the room, snatching anything that looks valuable. They take great care not to disturb things heavily, and replace any objects they move.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:32 pm

Riddle: ( after some time rifling through things.)Ok...what have we got? (she is holding several sets of earrings, a almost new set of combat boots which she seems to want to keep for herself and has a fake gucci bag hanging off one shoulder.)

Meanwhile downstairs...
T. Mor: ( Is inspecting pipes...for...something.) Erm. It seems that...( Intentionally knocks something loose just to be able to say something. Water starts shooting out of...a pipe.) this thingy has gone all...explodey...I can have him fix it for you(nods toward Peter.)...and uhh...yeah. This one is on the government I guess. (Has no Idea whether SInk Pump even has a legit government.)
Dude: I didn't even know that could leak...Thanks.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:54 pm

((Sooo sorry! I've completely been meaning to reply and then either forgetting or thinking I've already done it (don't know how that happens). Also, you should totally join the Good Can't Always Win chat Very Happy))

Sarah: This stuff looks pretty shiny. (She holds out various shinies, as does the rest of the team.)

(Downstairs, Peter tries to fix the intentionally broken pipes to the best of his ability. He has a pretty good idea of how things work, and at least knows that things shouldn't be leaking and what he should do to prevent said things from leaking.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:05 am

(That's OK! I had a whole lot of stuff going on on my end for a bit as well!Smile
After I respond here I will go find it. )

Riddle: (Oggles the shinyness.) YES. THAT STUFF WINS. I guess we ought to go rescue T.Mor and Peter from plumbing...

(T.Mor and the Dude are sort of just standing around awkwardly watching Peter fix.)
Dude: Man, I never noticed those before this morning...
T.Mor: Yes, that seems to be how it works these days...I mean plumbing is quite a---
(Knocking at door. Dude answers it.)
Dude: Hello?
Riddle: HI. (Stands there and smiles wierdly- she had no plan other than just walking in there and hauling T.Mor and Peter out. The owner of the apartment was NOT part of this plan.)
Dude: Hi. (Awkwardly) Can I ask who you are?
Riddle: I am a small malaysian boy...(Rather loud. It catches T.Mor's attention.)
T.Mor: (Comes to the door.) Riddle, there you are...How was the plumbing upstairs?
Riddle: There was all sorts of wacky things going on in there...but- It all worked out in the end...I mean...Yeah. The government called. (Suddenly getting back on track.) And they want us all to go clean out the SECRET MOOSE PIPES...We need to go
T.Mor: (Has no idea what that means, but is figuring it's an easy way out.) Ok...Erm...PETER! HURRY UP! We need to to go back to the do things.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:34 pm

Peter: (annoyed with the whole situation, not to mention the fact that T.Mor didn't do one bloody thing to help) No need to shout, I'm coming... (He grumbles.)
(The rest of the team follows Riddle from upstairs and walks out the door.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:50 pm

T.Mor: (As they enter the eleveator.) Sorry for being short with you...(Awkwardly- He sees Peter's agitation, and doesn't want him to continue being angered.)
( They casually pick up August on the way out the door, Riddle hands him the Gucci knockoff.)
August: You really did it...I can't believe you guys...(Surprised. Notices Peter's wet-ness.) What happened to you?
Riddle: Yes. We did. What did you think, that I LIED? (Laughs as though this were an impossibility.) Let's go get that train! (Turns and proceeds out the door without waiting for anyone.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:57 pm

(The whole team follows.)
Peter: (as he's walking, still annoyed) Broken pipes happened. Water happened after that. And I hate being wet.
Sarah: (clapping him on the shoulder and grinning) Look at the bright side! Now your clothes won't catch on fire if you get pissed like they usually do!
(Peter gives her a look akin to ">_>")
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:28 pm

August: Oh. (Using his middle school powered logic skills.) And being a fire guy...That must suck. I'm sorry...
Riddle: Your clothes catch fire? (Chuckle.) That's inconvenient...Imagine getting sock ashes out of your shoe...ugh.
(They have made their way back to the train station by now.)
T.Mor: (Talking to the sketchy station dude again.) Uh-huh...Ok...Riddle what all did you get?
Riddle: (Walks around to everyone and takes whatever they took out of the room. She hands August the combat boots.) Keep those safe. (Seriously.) Erm...I have 150 rectangles..and uhm...a gucci...and shinies...and you know what? HERE. Take it all. It's a bloody one way ticket anyway. (She shoves all the stuff at the guy. He looks at her in shock.)
Guy: So...7 tickets then?
Riddle: YES.
Guy: Platform 1. (Handing Riddle some tickets.)
Riddle: YAY! I SUCCEEDED AT WINNING THE MISSION! (Jumps up and down triumphantly.) Come on guys!
T.Mor: Should Not have let her have coffee earlier...
(They board, and after a bit the monorail starts rolling. Riddle has started peeling off her old combat boots and removed a large brick of lead form inside the left one.)
Riddle: T.Mor? Do you still have your knives? I need one real quick...
T.Mor: (Taken from watching fascinatedly out the window.) What? Oh...For your boots? (Checking to make sure it's JUST for the boots.)
Riddle: Yep.
T.Mor: Fine. (Pulls a large knife from the inside of his boot.) Here.
(Riddle goes to work disassembling the inside of the new left boot to make space for the large brick of lead.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:30 pm

Sarah: Ah, it's nice to not walk everywhere!
Nike: (not bitingly; more like an offhand comment) You're so soft, Sarah.
Sarah: Hey!
Nike: Well, you are the newbie.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:09 pm

T.Mor: If you think that was a lot of walking...(Grin.)
Riddle: T.Mor had an unfortunate case of foot rot once...But he could complain because he'd just spent like 3 days straight patrolling in the rain. For minimum wage. It sucked.(Reminiscing.)Decomposing flesh only looks good on me. (At T.Mor, Jokingly.)
T.Mor: (Somewhat disgustedly.) No. Decomposing flesh doesn't look good on anyone. INCLUDING you.
Riddle: (Wriggles her decomposing fingers at T.Mor tauntingly. He retreats.) They don't BITE.

(Time lapse. They get off the train and oddly, the world is rather pixellated now. Somewhat like Minecraft...if you know that game.)

Riddle: HA! RIGHT AGAIN! the world does stop happening if you go too far out! HA!
T.Mor: OH GOD. Stop. Stop now.
Riddle: (Continues dancing and whatnot.)
T.Mor: I'll shoot you in the foot. (Only half serious.)
Riddle: But...These are new boots...(Resignedly) I'll shut up now...
T.Mor: So...To A-3? or...erm wherever you guys need to be to do stuff...

(Invisimort hands the plot back to Winter Dragon. It's now slightly covered in internet goo, but still plot shaped.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:16 pm

(Winter Dragon takes the plot, grimacing at the sticky substance covering it. She reaches into her pocket, pulls out a bottle of hand sanitizer, pours the stuff on, and rubs it around.

Winter: Well, that's slightly better...)

(Everything they know is wrong. Black is white, up is down, and short is long~ <--Weird Al Yankovich...sp?)
Peter: WHAT THE...
Nike: This is...
Senet: JE...! ne...
Peter: (trying to regain his senses) We're...we're jumping to a plane that's closer first... We'll have to do that a couple of times, actually... Team, know...
(Peter puts a hand on T.Mor's shoulder; Nike does the same for Riddle, and Sarah for August.)
Peter: I'll go first... I'll leave my signature flared for one second. Track me and follow. (He closes his eyes for a few seconds. He and T.Mor vanish in a blast of blue and white light and an earsplitting CRACK!)
Senet: Was eet me, ohr deed ze chrack not sound quite like eet was supposed to...?
Sarah: Dude, there are fucking PIXELS, EVERYWHERE.
Senet: Yeah...
(He also closes his eyes before vanishing in the same way. Nike follows, and then Sarah.)

Plane C-2,017

Peter, Sarah, and Nike all fall to their hands and knees upon arrival. Senet is only mildly fatigued; he helps his teamates to their feet. The surrounding area appears to be a small wood that encompasses a baseball field part of the way around. The group stands right where the grass gives way to trees. Thankfully, no one is playing here. Beyond the miniscule field are some roads and houses. The whole place seems suburban.

Peter: (panting and bending over, his hands on his knees, much like Sarah and Nike) And now...(pant)...we wait.
Senet: I'll sheeft someone next time. We can take tuhrns.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:55 pm

Riddle: (Excited to see trees again.) Hey August. (Pokes as he stands up.) Those are trees.
August: (Shocked and amazed at the whole shifting thing.) That's what you notice? Not that we just got like...I dunno...thrown into another universe?
Riddle: I've done that before... But THIS- this is only my second time seeing trees. IT'S MONUMENTAL.
T.Mor: know- just mental...
Riddle: (Eyeroll.)
August: (Notices that the team is rather exhausted.) Uhm...Are you all ok?
Riddle: They just haven't invented soul caffeine yet. You have to let them recharge. Like batteries! (Cheerfully.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:45 pm

Peter: Yeah...shifting for two is...kinda hard...
Sarah: Shifting for worse...
Senet: Sheefteeng fohr fouhr ees leazal.
Nike: Unless you're...Sarah...
Sarah: Yeah...
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:57 am

Riddle: Why is Sarah special? Is she like a magical freight train of shiftiness?(Has a thought.) Are you immortal too?!

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:14 pm

Peter: Sarah's The Mana Type.
Nike: For whatever reason, Sarah can control every form of element and energy. And she has crazy-ass amounts of soul.
Senet: She's ze only one out of all ze planes zat we know of 'oo can do zees. Stop a moment and zeenk about zjust 'ow many people zat eencludes.
Peter: No one knows why this is, either.
Sarah: (bashfully) Guess I'm just special...
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:23 pm

Riddle: That's kinda awesome. You could travel transdimensionally to a place with a good coffee shop and kidnap the barista, and you wouldn't even have to make him invent soul caffiene...

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:18 pm

Sarah: Not that I'd even do that anyway... Hold on, did you feel that?
Nike: Yeah, a couple of Sybek just shifted.
Peter: It's no big deal. They aren't very powerful.
Senet: Nope.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:51 pm

T.Mor: (Is concerned.) You're sure there's nothing to worry about?
Riddle: They said it's no big deal. Remember, they're PROFRSSIONALS.
August: (isn't entirely sure what's going on.) something wrong?
T.Mor: (Somewhat reasuring in a lying sort of way. Especially for having just asked the same thing.) We're fine. Nothing is wrong.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:05 pm

Peter: See, these Sybek are different from the ones we encountered before. Those guys were pretty highly ranked, and there were several of them. These new ones...well, their power is actually pretty pathetic. And there's...what, three of them?
Nike: That's what I thought, yeah.
Peter: So really, we could kick their asses if we needed to. Scouts, however, aren't supposed to engage in combat unless they're attacked. Although, some things supercede this mandate.
Senet: Like unhregeestehred mana types een dangehr.
Peter: (scratching his head) Yeah, like unregistered mana types in danger...
Sarah: (confused) But wait, the day I met you, you went to the Sybek first. You didn't even know I was a mana type then!
Peter: I was off-duty, remember? And actually, I was worried that the Sybek would attack the mana type I was searching for. It seemed plausible, especially since they popped up in the same general area that I jumped to. (more quietly) Besides... (He trails off.)
Sarah: Besides what?
Peter: Didn't want any more kids to end up like me and Senet...
(Senet doesn't comment, but his oft-happy face darkens a little.)
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:22 pm

T.Mor: Oh. I see...
Riddle: (To Sarah.)So before you were awesome and just were some normal chick doing some normal stuff in a place with trees? And HE (Points at Peter) just showed up and started being a ninja? Wow. I like that story.
T.Mor: It's not a story when it has actually happened to someone.
Riddle: Oh.
August: Are we just going to pretend they don't exist unless they do something bad then?
T.Mor: Probably...(Looks to Senet or Peter for confirmation.)

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:42 pm

Sarah: (to Riddle) Well, I wasn't exactly normal. I could actually see souls before I became a bonder. I couldn't hear them until the day that Peter came to my plane, but still. I was doing some pretty normal stuff, though. In fact, I was out for a morning walk when I met Peter. Okay, well, "met" isn't quite the right word for it. He showed up nearly passed out after escaping from a Sybek ambush on another plane. He used so much energy in such a short time that it nearly killed him.
Peter: Yeah, well... (a little hurriedly) We don't need to get into this story. (to August, at normal speed) But yes, we're basically just going to pretend that they don't exist unless they do something bad. I don't think they will, though. Their power is too weak for them to be in such a small group. What I mean is that rookies usually travel in large groups, so this is an abnormality. I suspect that they're running away from a fight with bonders, and that they'll leave as soon as they're able. We have to be careful to leave after them, though. If they feel us shift, they'll contact higher-ranking Sybek when they go back to their academy. I have no clue just how high-ranking those Sybek will be, and I don't want to find out.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:00 pm

August: So we just chill here until the "disturbance in the force" goes away?(Is somewhat impatient.) We should play a game.
Riddle: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!(throws herself down and rolls on the floor in agony.) I JUST LOST THE GAME!!!!!!! NNNNRRRRGGGGGHHHHH...
T.Mor: (Is totally embarrased at this outburst.) Riddle. Get up. Stop it- it's not that bad...We all lose the game eventually...(Somewhat frustratedly.) GET UP.
Riddle: (Continues carrying on.)
T.Mor: UGH. (Eyeroll.) Look- Behave. Or I will hurt you.
Riddle: (Continues carrying on.)
T.Mor: (Calmly and detachedly stamps on the hand that is constantly giving Riddle trouble. This shuts her up effectively.)
Riddle: Ow. (Sitting up, and popping fingers back into place.)
T.Mor: I warned you. (Pause where he tries to be all hardcore. He fails.) Sorry 'bout the hand.
Riddle: You softie.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Echo Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:14 pm

((Godammit, Riddle! Made me lose The Game too...*grumble*))

Sarah: (tipping her head slightly to the side) The Game? What's that?
Peter: I think Izzy's mentioned it a few times. She gets all frustrated when she loses it.
Senet: Whatevehr "eet" ees.
Winter Dragon

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Invisimort Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:23 pm

(I almost put something in parenthases to warn you...but then I couldn't figure out how to phrase it...I lost it too when that came to me.)
Riddle: (Quite seriously.) You are all now playing the game. The object of the game is to not think about the game. If you think about the game you lose. The only way to win the game is to get the prime minister of Britian to publicly acknowledge the game. Or if you are Chuck Norris.( Pauses. She clears her head for a bit.) SO, erm. TOAST.
T.Mor: Yep. This pause isn't awkward.

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~Character Chat~  - Page 13 Empty Re: ~Character Chat~

Post by Banshee Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:41 pm

Did u move the chat here?

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