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Come hither for another charrie chat~

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Come hither for another charrie chat~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Come hither for another charrie chat~

Post by Jacky K. Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:57 pm

I might have to soon, just a warning Razz If I mysteriously dissapear, that's why.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Come hither for another charrie chat~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Come hither for another charrie chat~

Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:05 pm


I pull myself up on the stage, the band looking at me stunned a moment.
"Hey, girly, whatcha doing?"
I go for a mic. "Mind if i speed things up again? This party's boring." The singer smiles and hands me the microphone. "Start whatever, boys. I'll go with it."
They start playing Madina Lake

I hang at the bar, looking around. The girl up on stage is pretty good, though i smell her as a vampire.

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Post by Jacky K. Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:09 pm

darn, gtg Razz Save a spot for me?
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Come hither for another charrie chat~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Come hither for another charrie chat~

Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:14 pm

((Do you want me to hold off on this post for now? I think I should. Read it and tell me watcha think, and if you agree, I'll strike this and pretend it didn't happen yet.))

Even with my eyes shut tight, I could still see the lights as they faded. Once everything was dark again, I opened my eyes again and looked around. Night had long since fallen over the city street I now stood in. Or was it a town? Fog momentarily set over my vision; I shook my head to clear it.
Gods, my gut hurt.
I pulled off one of my gloves and gingerly placed the bare hand on my stomach area where the fabric of my shirt was torn. My fingers brushed on something warm and wet, and as I pulled my hand away, it glimmered crimson in the dim light from the street-lamps.
A new taste entered my mouth, salty and metallic. I knew that one well enough. I pulled my scarf down under my chin and spat the red liquid onto the sidewalk. My legs felt numb, and as I tried to take a few shaky steps forward, I collapsed to my knees.
You need to find help, the worried voice of my companion spoke. I couldn't see out of the corner of my eye for the hood I was wearing, but I knew she was in her usual spot on my shoulder.
No, Sesria, I thought back sarcastically, I was just planning to sit here and bleed.
I staggered to my feet, one hand wrapped around my wound. I looked around, but my vision was swimming. I spotted a blur some ways ahead, a group of people heading into a building. Groggily, I began walking towards them. Blackness pulled at the edges of my vision as I walked, but I fought to stay conscious. Just a little further...
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:23 pm

The song ends and i toss the mic back to the singer. "Better keep this party exciting." He laughs and i jump down from the stage. The smell of blood permeates the air in the club and i zero in on a guy. I roll my eyes and eye him. For barely being able to stay up, he was hiding it pretty well. Maybe because he was around a bunch of drunks that were swaying as much as him though.

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:27 pm


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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:31 pm


I stumbled into what looked like some sort of nightclub.
Heh, I thought as I stood near the doorway, I'm hardly dressed for the affair. Not to mention that I'm underage.
I can sense that your head is getting cloudy, Sesria pressed, but try to stay focused. Worse comes to worst, I'll switch places with you.
That won't work forever.
Which is exactly why you need to get looked at!
I know, I know.
Sesria was right; my head was getting cloudy. I was pretty sure it was the bloodloss. Those godsdamn Sybek! It was all their fault. I looked around, but it was getting hard to make out shapes through the blur. I attempted to say something, anything, but try as I might, I couldn't get my mouth to form words. Blast it... Passing out here was the last thing I wanted. I'm a Scout, for crying out loud! We're supposed to be invisible. I was doing a great job with that one.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:03 pm

As i walk by him i grab his arm, take him out of the club. "You're going to attract some monsters with that scent on you, ya know." The clean air clears my head as i take him around back, my eyes dark from the blood. My fangs extend and i bite into my hand, then offer him my blood.

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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:13 pm

((I think I'm gonna do present tense from here on out.))

I barely react as some girl grabs my arm. As she pulls me away, I feel as though I'm floating. Monsters? What does she mean, monsters? This is clearly a human plane. I can't think of any creature in the suburbs (though I'm still not totally clear on where I am) that would be attracted to the scent of blood. And did she just bite her hand?
"Uh, s'rry," I slur. I sound like an idiot, but I'm glad that I can at least talk. "I dunno what y'expect me t' do wi'that."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:21 pm

I roll my eyes again and pinch his nose with one hand, press my bleeding hand to his mouth. "You that close to death you don't know what i am? Drink, idiot. My blood will heal you."

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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:35 pm

((I don't know if my description of the healing process is entirely accurate since I haven't read your story, so tell me if it needs fixing.))

She puts her hand to my mouth, and her blood trickles in. The worst part is that I'm too weak to fight it. It's all I can do just to keep from retching.
Disgusting! I shout in my head.
What the hell is her problem?! Ses demands.
Then something weird happens. And I mean weird by my standards.
I actually start to feel better.
I can feel the fog in my head lifting, and there's this strange sensation where I'm injured. What in the name of the gods is she doing? I touch my wound again, only to find that it isn't there. I'm serious. It isn't there. My strength begins to return, and I shove her hands off me.
"What. The hell. Did you just do?!"
She's obviously a Part, Ses begins, but I don't know what.
Dragon maybe? I ask. Does their blood have healing effects on humans? Gah, I wish I studied harder.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:49 pm

no, that's pretty spot on.

I snicker and flash my fangs as i lick my hand, the twin bite marks disappearing quickly. "Jeez, human. A simple thank you would be appreciated. How manners have left society over the years."

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Post by Jacky K. Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:52 pm

Hi people! to come in...
Jacky K.
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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:01 pm


"Fine. Thank you. Although I think you could cut me a little slack, seeing as you just fricking healed a gaping hole in me with your blood. That defies all kinds of natural laws!"
I realize that I sound less than polite, but the condescending way she says "human" is ticking me off a little. It's not like I haven't been addressed as such before, but still. Yeah, I know I'm a human. I know that a bunch of the other species could snap me in half if they wanted to. I don't need to be reminded.
She said the word, though, Sesria remarks, which means that she differentiates herself from the regulars of this plane.
That's what I was thinking, I answer. Out loud, I ask the woman, "You wouldn't happen to be a bonder, would you?"
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:03 pm

Lawliet is still free~

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:07 pm

i blink at him a moment, frown, and bat him over the head lightly. "You shouldn't be yelling at me for saving your life, idiot. Not every vampire would have let a human reeking of blood go that easily."

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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:19 pm

((I should've asked this sooner, 'cause it's important for me to know: if your characters could be any animal, what do you think they'd be?))

"Okay, not a bonder then," I say more to myself, rubbing my head. Then, to her, "What do you expect of me? It's not like people make me drink their blood every day!"
She thinks herself to be a vampire, Sesria mentions.
Yeah, I heard that. It makes sense, anyway. I mean, vampire stories originated because Parts showed up in human planes. If she's that kind of Part, it's only natural for her to think that she's a vampire. It still doesn't answer the question of what Part she is, though.
The fact that she's not a bonder doesn't help.
"And pardon me," I say to the woman, "but that hurts. I might be human, but I think I could hold my own against vampires."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:24 pm

hmm....i have no idea....XP something hyper active

Okay, i had to laugh. "You? Take me?" I flash him a fanged smile. "Sorry mister, that ain't happening. Did i hit you too hard or something? I sometimes forget my own strength."

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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:27 pm

"Well, I'm not your average human," I answer with a wry grin. "And I find that, no matter the species, most people don't react well to spontaneously combusting."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:40 pm

I narrow my darkening eyes at him, my anger growing. I growl frustrated and turn to leave. "Try it, idiot. I'll snap your neck so fast you won't even see me." I don't take kindly to threats, but then i was never one to give them. I wince at my own harshness, hoping he didn't see.

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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:45 pm

"Oh, I wasn't threatening you," I explain. "I just have my pride to defend here. I don't particularly like burning people to death." ...Not that I haven't done it before. I shake my head, trying not to allow those memories to return. They're not ones I enjoy reliving. "And by the way, my name's not 'Idiot.' It's Peter."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:49 pm

I turn back and sigh heavily, still eying him suspiciously. "Quincy." I study him a moment. "You're not a big believer in supernatural things like me, huh?"

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Post by Echo Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:53 pm

"Ha! Do I believe in supernatural things? My existence is supernatural. I certainly believe you exist, but I don't think you're actually a vampire. I know you're not human--that much is apparent--but I find it hard to imagine that an organization billions strong would miss something like that. Granted, I'm open to possibilities. The Planar Universe is a big place, after all."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:02 pm

I sit up on a dumpster, swing my legs. "Well, there aren't a ton of us anymore. I suppose we've finally learned." I roll my eyes and look up at the moon through the tall buildings.

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Post by Black&White Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:04 pm

g2g. bye

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