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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Jacky K.
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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Mon May 30, 2011 10:19 pm

The scent of blood, so close under his skin... and my mouth is so dry. I don't care about the silly conversation. "Agreed." I study him a moment more, him and his nonface. But I can't get his shirt dirty. Crazy...
Carefully, i reach out and touch his shoulder, down his arm to his hand lightly. Tall...
i carefully unbutton his cuff, rolling his sleeve up to his elbow, eyes still on his nonface. His pulse is calm beneath my hand. Carefully take his wrist. Carefully draw my claws. Study the blue highways of his wrist, quickly drawing my thumb down across them.
Lean in and study the red line bursting. Lean in and let it fill my mouth. Dreamy and sweet. My fangs grazing his arm but I should not bite him.
/You/ deal with the deer, stupid vampire girly...

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Jacky K. Mon May 30, 2011 10:21 pm

*pops in again* I must get re-involved! But apon reading the last post I feel a random burst-in would ruin the moment!
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 10:27 pm

Mr.Face: Well. This was uncomfortable. Not exactly painful as I had expected it to be...but certainly uncomfortable. I scratched my hairless head with my free arm, my hand resting on my empty face. The hand was heavy. My head was heavy. My hearing me somewhat distorted illusions of space. It was massive for a moment, and I was a helpless agoraphobe. Alternately, it would shrink, and The claustrophobia was stifliing. I suppouse this effect was blood loss. I wondered if I was paler than usual. Was it possible to be paler than what I was told was the colour of paper? I did not know. Time also seemed to undulate...I couldn't tell if it had been minutes or hours. Irrelevant I suppouse, I would be late to the meeting either way.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Echo Mon May 30, 2011 10:28 pm

"Go abahd ahr daily lives...?" I responded, not sure how receptive he'd be. "Zjusd like anyone else."
Winter Dragon

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 10:33 pm

Mr.Face: I heard someone speaking in an accent...It sounded so odd. So distorted though my loss of blood...Hmm...I cracked a smile. It was uncontrolled, I couldn't say what it looked like if I tried. "Daily lives huh?" I asked, still with what I was sure was a stupid smile on my face. "What sort of activities does that denote?" I asked the swirly voices. My head was swimming through what I assumed was an Auditory hallucination. It was kind of...Dare I say...Neat.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Mon May 30, 2011 10:44 pm

I watch Mr No-Face carefully. Shall I just kill him? Would he really notice I was taking more than what I agreed to...? The red is flitting on the edges of my vision though, making it harder to think. Make the decision. Now or after when its done and its too late to change.
Ah well...I wonder what honesty feels like... I pull away, licking his cut of the red rubies, the sweet nectar, sealing the wound.
"Mr. No-Face?" I ask hesitantly, a playful smile on my face. Funny, his face. He tries to smile. Fails horribly.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Echo Mon May 30, 2011 10:47 pm

"I don'd know," I answered, cocking my head to the side. "I don'd know hahw du describe id, I mean. Zjusd...normal sdahff. Wahd du yu du frohm day du day?"
Winter Dragon

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 10:54 pm

Mr. Face: "Hmmm..." I mumbled, still feeling the stupid expression making itself at home on my face. "Was that it?" I asked, somewhat less...idiotically. I touched the arm. Nothing, not a mark. Not a scar...No staining on my shirt...Wow. "Did you just call me Mr. No-Face?" I asked curiously, pulling myself up into a more dignified sitting position. My hearing still swam, but It would get over itself eventually. I pulled myslef back to the small talk. "Day to day? I kill people, I sentence people to death, I eat things...I pass laws...You know...That sort of beureaucratic stuff. Oh, and I code." I told the foreigners, carefully measuring out my tone. I am not dizzy, I told myself.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Echo Mon May 30, 2011 10:59 pm

"Ooookay..." I replied, weirded out. "Well, we don'd du...mosd ohf dahd, ordinarily. I mean, de Sybek kill people, ahnd Na'arsif ahnd I ahre Sybek, bud dypical people don'd du dahd. Bud we ead, ahnd we shop fohr dings we need, and go du zjobs, ahnd dalk du friends..."

((EDIT: 1500 posts! 3/4ths of the way to 2k Very Happy))

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Mon May 30, 2011 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Mon May 30, 2011 10:59 pm

Another giggle bubbles up. "Yes," I answer. "What's it called...Thank you. Mr. No-Face." I remember that, from when I was six. I haven't said it in the recent eight years since then.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 11:07 pm

Mr.Face: "She has Manners!" I exclaimed, surprised to hear those words, and too light headed to temper my tone. "I'm guessing the mouth doesn't count as a face?" I asked, pointing to my serrated smile. "That's a shame."
Why on earth was I being so...nice? This was highly atypical.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Echo Mon May 30, 2011 11:08 pm

"I dink id cahnds, personally," I commented.
Winter Dragon

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Mon May 30, 2011 11:11 pm

I study his teeth curiously. Like mine. I smile lightly, reaching up and brushing a light finger at where his nose should be but isn't. "No...Can you smell?" He couldn't see, obviously, otherwise he wouldn't have asked what a deer was. He'd be able to see it then.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Echo Mon May 30, 2011 11:14 pm

How many of us here have really sharp teeth? Na'arsif thought to me, amused.
Well, there's you, me, the werewolf, the vampire, and the faceless guy, I thought back, a slight grin to the sound of my head-voice.
Winter Dragon

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 11:16 pm

Mr.Face: "No. I Can't smell." I said, with a grin. Basically all I can do- Grin. Or raise a brow. "I can hear you. I can taste...And I can sense touch." I informed her. "Funny...No one at home knows that..."

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Mon May 30, 2011 11:24 pm

I giggle childishly. He's funny all around. "I'm Wolf, Mr. No-Face. You know what a wolf is?" I ask, a slight tilt of my head at the question.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 11:30 pm

Mr.Face: She moved. She moved...her head. Good. I was getting my Hearing back in order. "No. No I don't. I have never heard one. Nor have I had one described to me. You could do the honours, I suppouse...While I am sitting here, against this wall, in an ambiguous hallway that was not of my own design." I rambled in a verbose manner. I really ought to get my balance back enough to stand up and put on my suit jacket....I am quite cold.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Mon May 30, 2011 11:36 pm

I run my tongue over my fangs again, studying him still curious. I giggle and catch his skin goose bump. "I can do better," i say, shifting to my wolf state and laying down beside him, resting my head upon his leg. Ears listening all around, nose twitching. Those two really do not smell human now....foxes, which confuses the heck out of me.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Echo Mon May 30, 2011 11:40 pm

"Zo RHAK?!" I demanded as the girl who drank the faceless guy's blood frickin' turned into a wolf. "Ah, ah, I mean, 'de FAHCK?!'"
Na'arsif was simply dumbfounded.
"She said she was a werewolf," the blonde girl said with a shrug, as if the whole situation were totally normal.

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Mon May 30, 2011 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Mon May 30, 2011 11:42 pm

Mr.Face: Alright. Now I was confused. Simply perplexed. She just changed. Tangibly. There's a head on my leg. Not human...I touch it. Fuzzy. Warm. There are ears protruding from the top of the head...Like an advice dog I guess, from what I've had described to me. There are shoulder blades. Still fuzzy. "Hmmm." I said, enjoying the warmth. "How did you do that?" I asked, moving my bony hand back up to her ears.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Tue May 31, 2011 8:54 am

My ears prick up at the fox's outburst. Is it so strange? I didn't think so. The other one didn't seem to think so. And then mr. No-Face. Still calm. Not outraged like the foxes or nonchalant like the other girl. Just curious. No ones reacted this way to me I don't think. I give a small huff at his question though, not able to speak in this form.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Tue May 31, 2011 6:20 pm

Mr.Face: I heard a little exhale. "You can't talk like that I gather..." I conjectured from what I knew about animals. "Interesting." I continued rubbing her ear. It was so...soft. "Are you colours? If so, which ones?" I realised the probablilty of a response was minimal, if I was correct in concluding she couldn't communicate with me as she was. "You might want to change back...It would make communication infinitely easier for me..." I suggested. Even so, I would miss the fuzziness.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Tue May 31, 2011 6:32 pm

I flick my ear out of his hand, just because it tickled and not because it annoyed me. I nose his hand and shift, head still on his leg, giggling slightly. "White, like you. Yellow eyes. My nose turns black."

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Invisimort Tue May 31, 2011 6:39 pm

Mr.Face: "Ah. I see." I really couldn't see literally, but I wan't one to mix metaphors just for accuracy. My hand fell from where it had been, and landed on something I recognised as a face. Most faces feel generally the same, and this was no exception. There was a mouth...Eyes...Nose...All anatomically correct I guess, based on other people's faces whom I have touched. "You have a face." I told her simply. "Good job on that I suppouse." Compliments were never my strong point, along with small talk. I noticed that my head was clearing up massively, and decided to make an attempt to resume standing. "I am going to stand up now..." I said for anyone who would be potentially affected by my shift in position.

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Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!) - Page 9 Empty Re: Good Can't Always Win. (Evil is the New Black 2!)

Post by Black&White Tue May 31, 2011 6:47 pm

I close my eyes and blink them open, smiling. "You've got a mouth. And ears," i tell him just as randomly with a giggle before taking his hand upon my face gently and sitting up. "Be happy with those fact, yes?"

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