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Angel of Darkness...

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:33 am

Lorrick bent down and handed her a book that had fallen to the floor. "What next?" he asked her, taking her bag from her again and slinging it over his shoulder.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:40 am

"" Kylia rubbed her eyes and shook her head a few times before forcing her body up and out of the chair and streaching with a yawn. "Now I go to rehursal. I'm a music major, voice with a minor in piano." She shrugged. "So now I go to rehursal for an hour and then I'm done for the day until about seven. That's when I have to go to..Charlie's I think it is. I get gigs all around town and preform so I can get money for school and stuff." She said as she walked out of class yawning.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:45 am

Lorrick nodded, slightly impressed. "I was going to wake you," he said when she yawned again. "But you seemed to really need it." He glanced down at her, running his fingers through his hair.

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:50 am

Kylia shrugged and blinked a few times. "I guess. I got about three hours of sleep last night. I think that's the most I've gotten all week." She walked down the hall and stopped at the water fountain, getting a quick drink and then out the door and up to the top of the hill. The campus was set on probably one of the largest hills there was in the city and each time Kylia climbed it, she cursed the names of those who built it. She didn't get very far up the hill before someone grabbed her by the wrist, and yanked her off the sidewalk, slamming her into a tree. She yelped as the pain seared through her body and a malicious chuckle filled her mind that was now fogged with pain.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:55 am

Lorrick immediately spun around and kicked the person who had grabbed Kylia in the back of the knees. He pushed him away from her none too gently, stepping in front of her as he did so. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he spat.

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:01 am

The man fell to the ground and spun and looked up at him, then to Kylia who was collapsed on the ground, cringing in pain, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Landon sends a message, Kye. Says he can't wait to see you tonight. Says he'll be expecting you in the outfit he sent." He chuckled again as if none of this phased him.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:05 am

Lorrick bent down and picked the man off the ground by the neck of his shirt. "Get the hell out of here before I send your body to Landon as a warning," he muttered, pushing him away from him again. He took another step back, keeping in front of Kye.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:10 am

The man backed away chuckling his hands in the air. He made eye contact with Kylia and winked at her then turned and walked off. Kylia couldn't get the pain to stop. It hurt way to much. It was like someone had just beat her all over again. "I want to go home." She said through clentched teeth and tears.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:15 am

Lorrick turned toward her and gently helped her stand. "You okay to walk?" he murmured, quickly checking her head for any bleeding.

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:20 am

Kylia nodded, biting her lip in pain as she tried to straighten out her back. Tears continued to make their way down her back as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to internalize the pain and make it not real. "Just get me home. Please?"


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:27 am

Lorrick nodded, picking up the bag he had dropped when he kicked the man in the back of the knees. "Come on," he murmured, ever-so-gently placing his hand on her lower back. He started back toward her appartment, his eyes darting back and forth, waiting for another attack.

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:31 am

Kylia winced with every step and as soon as they made it to her apartment she went straight to her room and grabbed the hot pad and a bottle of Asprin and laid down. She wasn't sure which would be better for the wound, heat or cold, but she didn't really care. Just as long as it quit aching. She burried her face in her pillow, trying to stop the tears, but it wasn't working. She had really been hoping to go to rehersal too. She had a new song she wanted to try out and everything.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:34 am

"Where's the outfit he sent you?" Lorrick asked her gently, but his tone was all buisness. He was standing in the door to her bedroom, his body tense.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:40 am

Kylia point to a box on her desk. Not moving from her spot on the bed. "My life is a black hole." she muttered under her breath and into the pillow so he wouldn't hear.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:44 am

Lorrick strode over to the box and looked inside, his anger hitching another level when he saw it. "Please tell me you weren't planning on wearing this to appease him," he muttered.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:47 am

"Not in this demension." Kylia muttered and turned her head to look at him, her eyes rimmed red as she sniffled a little. "It's absolutely appaling, not to mention that it's not even my style." She rolled her eyes and reached for one of the many water bottles by her bed and took a few..ok more like five or six, asprin.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:41 am

Taylow wrote:Axel rolled his eyes as they reached the top floor. "Just focus alright? You're an angel not a prostitute." He grumbled and walked towards his room at the far end of the hall.

Aribella - I gave him a glare, "Just because I flirt doesn't mean I would sleep with any of them."
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Location : In the shadow lands <3

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:42 am

Kara_17.02 wrote:Ivory was instantly serious as she turned the corner to her street. "He killed my brother," she said, walking briskly.

Eric - "Oh," I said without any emotion. I couldn't say I was sorry, because I didn't know if I was.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Age : 28
Location : In the shadow lands <3

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:10 am

Axel walked into his temporary apartment and shrugged. "You never know." He muttered. "Might, whether you want to or not." It was more of an attempt to get her to watch out and be careful, but he wasn't sure it had come out that way.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:27 am

Aribella- I walked with him into the apartment and put my stuff down, fuming with anger. This is going to be the worst deal I ever made I thought to myself
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Location : In the shadow lands <3

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:31 am

Axel frowned as he realized it hadn't come out quiet as he meant it. He let it alone though. He never had been good with words and that just seemed to prove it, beside he didn't want to mess up more than he already had.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:33 am

Aribella - I sighed, "How much longer until nightfall?"
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Location : In the shadow lands <3

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Kara Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:38 am

Taylow wrote:"Not in this demension." Kylia muttered and turned her head to look at him, her eyes rimmed red as she sniffled a little. "It's absolutely appaling, not to mention that it's not even my style." She rolled her eyes and reached for one of the many water bottles by her bed and took a few..ok more like five or six, asprin.

Lorrick put the 'outfit' back in the box before taking it into the kitchen and throwing it away. He came back into her bedroom, his hands in his pockets. He studied her, worry for her settling in. "Is there anything else that you need right now?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:40 am

Axel dropped onto the couch and propped his feet up, laying his head back. "Only a few more hours. You can go grocery shopping if you want. We're out of food." He muttered, closing his eyes.


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:42 am

"besides a boost of self-esteem and a horse pill pain killer? No. Not really." Kylia muttered and burried her head back in the pillow, letting herself reval in her own self pitty for a moment. "Want to hand me my guitar? It's in the corner there standing up."


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Angel of Darkness... - Page 5 Empty Re: Angel of Darkness...

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