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Adamantis: The Elementals

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:06 pm

Okay, so this is a story idea I've got bouncing around. Please let me know if I can use your charries in the book.

Adamantis. The mythical country, home to a variety of creatures, is undergoing civil war. The Council, made up of selected leaders from the intelligent races, are desperately trying to abolish the Thydisian Syndicate, a rebel alliance led by the infamous Archlord Denver.

Recently, due to the Council's spy in the Syndicate, a plot has been uncovered to control the Five Elementals, creatures that embody and control the five traditional elements: earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. Now the race is on to get to the Elementals before the Syndicate does. There's only one problem.

No one knows who they are. Not even themselves.

Well, okay, one. But she, Anastasia Rumerov the Aquamantress of Soondan, has already signed up with the Syndicate. So it's up to the Council and a motley group of adventurers to prevent the other four Elements from falling into the wrong hands.

Elves- typical Tolkien elves.
Angels- Tolkien elves that focus on light magic, live longer, are generally "wiser" and have wings.
Dragons- Nuff said.
Humans- ...really?
Numarians- elf-angel hybrids, have wings, generally considered unstable because of their immense power, extremely rare.
Lumenors- elf-human hybrids, very acrobatic, protects the Council

1. Correct grammar, please.
2. Posts must be at least three sentences long.
3. Try to keep the guy/girl ratio even.
4. Have fun!

Can Kat Use Them (Y/N):


Characters So Far:

Last edited by Kat Roswell on Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:12 pm

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:18 pm

These are the charries I've already got in the story.

Name: Kitri Goudge
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: White-blond hair, a little longer than her shoulders, dark blue eyes, pale skin, small and slender.
Personality: Outgoing and cheerful, has a bit of an attitude, likes being a leader.
Bio: Lives in the small town of Hollowbee where she and her mother run the local inn. Is actually the Earth Elemental, but doesn't know it. Has several older siblings, and is currently travelling to Venituce with her brother's friend Brent as her chaperone.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yes...

Name: Linnea Malkof
Age: 223, but looks twenty
Gender: Female
Species: Numarian
Appearance: Shoulder-length black hair, clear eyes, tall, tanned, has a set of black wings.
Personality: Reserved, calm, doesn't anger quickly, strong motherly instincts.
Bio: The spy for the Council who discovered the Elemental plot. Her parents were killed because she was born, and as such, grew up by herself in A'nivirlin Forest. Probably would've been on the Council if she wasn't a Numarian.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yeppers.

I promise I'll make my boys later, but it's past midnight in Scotland and I need to get up early tomorrow.


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:19 pm

1. Can I use her?
2. Don't forget your dude!


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:22 pm


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:41 pm

(If I can join this I will use two of my charries from my book that I just want to develope in a myhtical scenario, so I am sorry but have to say no for you using them. BUT! To make up for it I'll make one or two that you can use!)

Name: David
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Half human, half elf (tell me if this is ok, if not I will change it, cuz he isn't a Lumenor, his mom was just an elf and his dad was a peasant human)
Appearance: Blue hair yellow eyes
Personality: Funny kind, but deadly serious in a fight
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): N

Name: Kiera
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon (In my book dragons change back and forth between human form and dragon form, is this ok? Or no? I will abide by the rules)
Appearance: Red scales when dragon, a large four legged type dragon, in human form long brown hair and green eyes
Personality: Kind and always joking, even in a fight
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): N

Name: Alistair
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: Numarian
Appearance: Black hair blue eyes
Personality: Deadly, begrudgingly friendly but if you don't know him or if your not a friend your a potential enemy so you will be treated coldly
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): YES!

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Location : The Soul Society

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:41 pm

(If you want, I'll make another charrie for you if Alistair isn't enough)

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:50 am

I. AM. SO. IN!

Name: Shynai
Age: 197, looks late teens
Gender: Female
Species: Angel
Appearance: Silky, white hair that flows in gentle waves to her mid-back; silver eyes; grayish-black skin; slender yet solid build; on the tallish side; has a set of silver wings
Personality: Carefree and fun-loving, likes to go where the wind takes her--often literally, enjoys learning new things
Bio: Shynai was born to a middle-class family, and never really had a terribly hard life to speak of. Her story was never...exciting, which wasn't something that ever sat entirely well with her. She craves adventure.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yup!

Name: Drek'nya'tlan (Drek for short)
Age: The dragon equivalent of 10...whatever that may be
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (but you knew that by now Razz)
Appearance: Small--about the size of a dog--because he's still quite young; brown scales; golden eyes; quadruped; has frilled crest starting from top of head and traveling down spine, shrinking down to nothing where it ends at low-back; frill-tip tail to match; small wings that do not yet support him (or can young dragons fly by this point? Do they even have wings at this stage of growth?), wings are leathery with a feather covering on the outside that reaches about halfway--so they're almost a combination of bird and bat wings
Personality: Timid, inquisitive, generally quiet, observant, naturally fearful of humans
Bio: While exploring his family terrain, he got scooped up by a group of adolescent humans and terrorized. He escaped in a fright, but he became lost and couldn't find his home again. (Does this bio work with your 'Verse, or is this not something that a group of humans might do to a young dragon? Let me know, and I'll fix it if need be.)
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Sure thing!

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:43 pm

Yay, people! I'll answer everyone's questions in one post.

The dragons in Adamantis can't change, but you could make her a shapeshifter or a mage who focuses on the same magics that dragons use, or something like that.

And about your hybrid: The Lumenors, after awhile, were able to reproduce by themselves, very few are actually elf or human anymore. They've become an entirely separate race. So David should be just fine.

Typically, humans do not attack dragons, simply because the dragons are, you know, bigger and breathe fire. However, there are always those groups that do attack others in real life, so I think that'll be fine. I might make him the Fire Elemental in the book.

I think the angels I have are generally very light or very dark. So, like, black skin and white hair, or white skin and black hair, or grey skin, or silver hair, and the same usually goes for the wings. They also live on the highest point in Adamantis, Mt. Caelus, which I probably forgot to mention in the beginning.

AND AS A NOTE: If you've created a Numarian, I might change them into an elf or angel for the book, because part of the plot will circle around Linnea believing she's the only one currently in existence.

But other than that, I think we're good to go! I'll start us off in a new post.


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:44 pm

(Ok so Kiera will just be dragon, and David is fine right?)

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:54 pm

Whoops, once I bring in my men... ^-^

Name: Brent Gavins
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: Short, dark red hair, hazel eyes, Mediterranean skin tone, tall, a bit burly with wide shoulders.
Personality: Really doesn't talk all that much, and I'm still developing him. Quick tempered, but doesn't really have a sharp tongue.
Bio: Grew up in the Foothills (the beginnings of the Crescent Mountains), where he met Kitri's brother Piers while they were both apprentices at the local blacksmith. Is currently taking Kitri to Venituce, the capital.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): I hope so.

Name: Lord Denver
Age: Unknown, but doesn't look more than forty.
Gender: Male
Species: Elf (or so we think)
Appearance: Very long silver hair, some smile lines, green eyes, tall and well-build, but still slender, lightly tanned skin.
Personality: Quite kindly to those whom he likes and who are loyal, but shows his fouler side quite frequently. And it's not a side you want to see.
Bio: I've actually got no idea about his bio yet, except for the fact that he leads the Syndicate and was once a member of the Council.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): *nods*


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Some New Stillettos Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:58 pm

Name: Kaylee
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: human
Appearance: has long curly black hair that goes to her waist, light green eyes, petite, fragile
Personality: She is very easy to upset because she is extremely emotional. She really cares about the world and hates hurting others.
Bio: She was raised by her aunt and uncle until she ran away from home because of her need to explore. While running away she was hurt by a lot of people who still hunt for her, so she is very distrusting.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yes you may Very Happy

Last edited by Some New Stillettos on Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:01 pm

condog wrote:(Ok so Kiera will just be dragon, and David is fine right?)
Yes, David is perfectly fine.

The dull clop-clopping of the horse was starting to put me to sleep as Brent and I finally reached the Nenatarn Plains. An endless sea of waving grass met my eyes and I went slack-jawed. "How far does it go?" I asked, incredulous.

"The Plains cover most of Adamantis," I told her, tapping my horse's sides. Kitri was a good kid, and her brother was great, but the girl just asked too many questions. I mean, she reeled them off like a fisherman with a net.

Shoving clothes in my knapsack, I stretched my wings carefully, so as not to wreck the room. It really was a small room, with no windows. Well, the headquarters for the Syndicate were in the Cliffs of Eglane, so it wasn't much of a surprise. Sighing, I reread the small slip of paper for the fifth time. I'd been ordered to locate the Elementals and bring them to Lord Denver, and the Council'd told me to go along with it!


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:04 pm

Some New Stillettos wrote:Name: Kaylee
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: Angel
Appearance: has long curly black hair that goes to her waist, light green eyes, petite, fragile, transulent white wings
Personality: She is very easy to upset because she is extremely emotional. She really cares about the world and hates hurting others.
Bio: She was raised by her aunt and uncle until she ran away from home because of her need to explore. While running away she was hurt by a lot of people who still hunt for her, so she is very distrusting. She is the water elemental but doesn't know it (((IF THAT"S OKAY WITH YOU)))
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yes you may Very Happy
Alright, just a few things. First, yes angels almost never come down from Mt. Caelus, but only the incredibly stupid would hunt one. They're extremely powerful and Kaylee could probably kill six large men with one spell. Second, I'm afraid I've already got the Water Elemental. I guess I didn't make it clear, but Anastasia Rumerov, who I referred to in the first post, is the Water Elemental. Sorry!


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Some New Stillettos Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:06 pm

oh alright sorry :O I'll change her!
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:37 pm



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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:56 pm

((How can i jump in?))

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:07 pm

(Waves hand widely* am I too late? If not here we go...))

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Angel
Personality: Sweet, quiet, easily angered. Very impusive, doesn't get along well with other angels because of her temper.
Bio: She left Mt. Caelus after a huge fight with her parents over wither she would marry the guy they chose for her. She ran away but quickly found herself unable to get back, not knowing where she was. So she found a job at an inn in some unremarkable town.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yes

(make the guy in a sec))

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:15 pm

Name: Logan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Personality: Solitary, hard worker, loves nature, kind, doesn't talk very much.
Bio: Logan was rescued from his burning house when he was three, his parents didn't make it. Raised by a horse trainer Logan grew up learning nothing but hard work. When not working he sneaks off to the woods behind the farm and just sits enjoying nature.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yes

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:54 am

(Sorry, no time right now, I'll make my first actual post later!)

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:34 pm

I lie on my back looking up at the clouds in the Nenatarn Plains. I sigh and close my eyes and nod off to sleep. I dream of the Elementals, the beings powerful enough to wipe out cities and entire countries.

I lay next to David. Him being my rider I was always with him. I pick my head up hearing voices. I see two people on horseback. (Brent and Kitri) "David" I hiss, nudging him awake, "There are people on horses coming..." as an after thought I add, "and their horses look very tasty"

I jolt awake after the nightmare, more like the memory of my village in flames due to what I thought was an elemental. I had traveled to an elvish city there they had taught me to forgive and forget, but how could I forget the pain that had been caused? "Where?" I whisper back to Kiera.

I stay low and use my front talon to point towards the horsemen. "One male and one female by the sound of their voices, they are headed this way" I whisper.

(Ok, things I must add and ask. I never asked, is it ok for David to be Kiera's rider? and David's village was in fact destroyed by a bad elf using fire magic)

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:16 pm

Celia picked up her tablet and made her way over to the table she desperately wished she could stay away from. These men already looked drunk. She sighed quietly and pasted a smile onto her face.
"What would you like?" She asked politely.
"What's an angel doin' here?" One of the men exclaimed rudely and pointed at her wings, which she then tucked behind her back.
"Aren't your kind spose to live on some mountain." Asked another through a noisy burp.
"Yes." She said quietly, trying to reign in her temper. "Do you want something?" Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Mr. Lenet, the owner, lean against the counter and narrow his eyes at the men.
"A little of you sounds good." Answered the first man and the second nodded his agreement. The third eyed her appreciatively.
Her temper snapped, "Off the menu sir!" The mood of the room seemed to darken and one of the men shrank in his seat. The rest of the room went silent.

Logan pulled himself off the ground and dusted the dirt off his jeans. Without a word to the few people watching he grasped the mustangs reigns and swung himself back onto its back.
"Where'd you find that boy at?" Asked a man.
Master Samuel grinned, "His parents died young, I raised the boy as my own."
The man pursed his lips, his wife quietly watching Logan as the mustang tried to throw him again. Their child stood excitedly watching as well.
"Would you be willing to let him go?" Asked the man finally. "He looks like a strong, hard working lad. I would love to have someone like him to help us out." Master Samuel's eyes darkened.
"He is not mine, I raised him as my own son. Not a slave, if you wish to hire him, you ask him. But I highly doubt he would go with the likes of you. Take your horses, talk to him if you wish, and leave." Master Samuel turned on a heel and headed back towards the stables.
The family continued to watch Logan.

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:23 pm

Gazing off over the grass, I slowly fingered the tiny sapphire necklace Piers had given to me. "Brought it all the way back from the Crescents," he'd said. "Thought it would bring out your eyes." I sighed and turned to Brent. "How much longer is it to Venituce?"

"A week in good weather, maybe three with bad," I said, eyeing the slight shift in movement about a quarter of a mile out. "Kitri, I think there's a big animal over there. Not sure what it is, but be ready to make a run for it. We won't be able to fight it off."

"I've got my sling," she said, untying the weapon from around her waist.

"That's wouldn't do much against a bear, or a plains lion."


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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:28 pm

Winter Dragon wrote:Name: Shynai
Age: 197, looks late teens
Gender: Female
Species: Angel
Appearance: Silky, white hair that flows in gentle waves to her mid-back; silver eyes; grayish-black skin; slender yet solid build; on the tallish side; has a set of silver wings
Personality: Carefree and fun-loving, likes to go where the wind takes her--often literally, enjoys learning new things
Bio: Shynai was born to a middle-class family, and never really had a terribly hard life to speak of. Her story was never...exciting, which wasn't something that ever sat entirely well with her. She craves adventure.
Can Kat Use Them (Y/N): Yup!

Just so you know, Kat, I changed her appearance to match your specifications. And I changed her name, because it didn't fit properly after I changed her looks Razz

By the way, there was one question you didn't answer, concerning dragon wings. Would Drek, at this stage of life, have wings? And if so, would they be big enough to render him capable of flight?))

I soared overhead, feeling the sun on my back and the wind on my face. I loved the feeling of flying... I looked down below, spotting some people on horseback. Hehe...they looked so tiny!

I scuttled through the shadows cast by the buildings, trying to keep out of sight. Food...I was after food. Ah, there was a tavern up ahead! Those places usually had lovely food scraps. I headed over there, taking a peek around the back of the building.

((Shynai is flying above Kat's characters. Drek is hanging about near the tavern where Celia is.

Just to clarify Smile))
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:34 pm

Celia glared at the men, "Well?" She said angrily. "Are you going to order?"
The men finally seemed to realize what exactly they had angered. One by one they each shook their heads and ran/stumbled from the room. She sighed and made her way back towards the counter. Mr. Lenet tried to give her a stern frown.
"If you keep chasing the customers away we're going to have a problem."
Celia shrugged with a small grin, "They mad me mad."
"Everyone makes you mad." Mr. Lenet replied with a chuckle.
She shrugged again and walked over with a pitcher to fill someone's drink.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Adamantis: The Elementals Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

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