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Adamantis: The Elementals

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:46 pm


"No..." I said, hanging my head and shuffling my feet. "It's just me."
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:43 am

I frowned and dug around in my pack, finally pulling out my sandwich. "It hasn't got meat, but it's basil, tomato, mozzarella, and olive oil. I think you'd like it."


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:56 pm

Kat Roswell wrote:
condog wrote:Kiera:
"David doesn't really mind about his parents, he never met his parents before they died. Well that he can remember, its his brother John that he misses dearly" I say looking at the dust cloud in the distance that was David.
"I can understand that," I said, readjusting myself in the saddle. "I've got five older siblings and I can't imagine life without any one of them, much less none at all."

"Sometimes when we are in a big city I'll find him on the roof of a tall building just looking up at the sky. When he is up there I know he is thinking about John. They lived on the roof tops of their home country. They were thieves and were the best at it in the city" I say smirking. "Also the most cocky"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:18 pm

"I can see how the speed would come in handy. How did you meet him?" I asked. The wind was starting to pick up and my hair was suddenly in my mouth. "Oh for Pete's sake," I grumbled, reaching around to braid the rebellious strands.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:40 pm

(... Here I have some conflict... do you want me to make something up because they met while Kiera was in human form in my book)

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:18 pm

(Well, you could just change it so she was always a dragon, unless that completely screws you up, or you could possibly pull an enchanted-maiden-that's-been-turned-into-a-dragon type of thing)


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:34 pm

condog wrote:(here)

I laugh then say to the girl. "Just a bit of a joke. I am no human however, I'm an elf". Why had I told her I was a Numarian? Stupid and sloppy!

Megan looked at him and said "You a elf?" She asked raising a eyebrow. "Well im just a regular human." She said with a sad smile. "I wish I was something diffrent.

(Thanks Very Happy)

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:33 pm

"Being a N-... elf isn't all its cracked up to be, I would much rather be human" I say. I sigh. "I do not like all these people looking at me"

"Well, I don't know his side of the story but I'll tell you how I saw it happen" I say, "Well, I was being attacked by some dragon slayers and I was sure I was dead, but then David appeared, he killed all the slayers and freed me. He's been my rider ever since"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:45 pm

"Welcome to my world." Megan said looking at the people and she lost it. "GET A LIFE ALL OF YOU!" She yelled.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:24 pm


Was she offering me her food? Why would she do that? This was the second winged lady to offer me some food today, too...

"N-no thank you, that's alright," I told her.
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:13 pm

"Awww! That's so romantic! I mean..." I paused, struggling with my words. "If you had really been a damsel in distress, you two might have fallen in love!"

"No? 'Kay then," I said, biting into it myself. Then I stopped. A tiny vibrating was comeing from my pocket. The indicator. Instantly, I inspected Drek. It was possible... there was no rule that an Elemental had to be humanoid, or even sentient for that matter... Pulling the indicator from my pocket, I muttered a few words and tapped it. Immediately, it began glowing red.

(Winter, if it's alright with you, I'm making Drek the Fire Elemental)


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:27 am

animealice1003 wrote:"Welcome to my world." Megan said looking at the people and she lost it. "GET A LIFE ALL OF YOU!" She yelled.

"Well, I could always cast a spell and make them dissapear. I'm good at magic" I say grinning.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:28 am

Kat Roswell wrote:Kitri:
"Awww! That's so romantic! I mean..." I paused, struggling with my words. "If you had really been a damsel in distress, you two might have fallen in love!"

"No? 'Kay then," I said, biting into it myself. Then I stopped. A tiny vibrating was comeing from my pocket. The indicator. Instantly, I inspected Drek. It was possible... there was no rule that an Elemental had to be humanoid, or even sentient for that matter... Pulling the indicator from my pocket, I muttered a few words and tapped it. Immediately, it began glowing red.

(Winter, if it's alright with you, I'm making Drek the Fire Elemental)

"Romantic? I'm a dragon... its not like we fell in love or anything" I say chuckling at the idea.

(Actually because Kiera has a human form in my book they do fall in love lol and are all the Elementals taken)

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:12 pm

"Yes, but you could have," I said, waving my animatedly. "Besides, there are plenty of interracial matches. Look at the Lumenors, look at the Numarians." Course, Numarians are regarded as abominations, I mused.

(Uh... no. Kitri's the Earth Elemental, Anastasia Rumerov, mentioned at the beginning, is Water, Drek will be Fire, so we've still got Air and Spirit. I think I'm going to make Spirit an angel, but those two are open)


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:05 pm

condog wrote:
animealice1003 wrote:"Welcome to my world." Megan said looking at the people and she lost it. "GET A LIFE ALL OF YOU!" She yelled.

"Well, I could always cast a spell and make them dissapear. I'm good at magic" I say grinning.

Megan gave him a smile that said 'Do it!'.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:10 pm

(Could David be the Air Elemental?)
I smile and mutter an ancient word of power. Suddenly all the people around us have disappeared. "I haven't killed them or anything, I am strictly against murder, I just transported them across the city" I explain.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:16 pm

Megan smiled aand nodded. "Finally peace and quiet"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:50 am

"It certainly appears that way" I say. I look around and see that there is not a single soul on the street except for me and Megan. I yawn and say, "Magic on that big of a scale usually makes me a little tired"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:56 pm

condog wrote:(Could David be the Air Elemental?)
I smile and mutter an ancient word of power. Suddenly all the people around us have disappeared. "I haven't killed them or anything, I am strictly against murder, I just transported them across the city" I explain.
(Yeah, that's fine)


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:01 pm

Kat Roswell wrote:Kitri:
"Yes, but you could have," I said, waving my animatedly. "Besides, there are plenty of interracial matches. Look at the Lumenors, look at the Numarians." Course, Numarians are regarded as abominations, I mused.

(Uh... no. Kitri's the Earth Elemental, Anastasia Rumerov, mentioned at the beginning, is Water, Drek will be Fire, so we've still got Air and Spirit. I think I'm going to make Spirit an angel, but those two are open)

I cock my head to one side and say, "Look its not like the thought never crossed my mind. Its just that, well I don't know how he would react if I was to confess something like that to him. Also, its not like Lumenors or Numarians. Both species at least have the same anatomy as each other. I am nearly twenty feet taller than him, weigh three tons more than him, I have wings and a tail, I am a reptile and he is a mammal. I do actually love him but I know it can't be, we are too different"

Bored of simply running I start to do flips back hand springs and different stunts. When I have finished, my stunts I looked back to see Kiera talking to Kitri. I wondered what they were talking about.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:05 pm

"Yeah, I guess. Still, I think it's romantic," I said, finishing the braid and tossing it over my shoulder.

"Ladies," I interrupted, riding up between them. "We're coming up on a town and I think we'd better stop for supplies. Food, maps, whatever else we need. Also, we should probably start thinking about setting up camp for the night."


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:16 pm

condog wrote:Alistair:
"It certainly appears that way" I say. I look around and see that there is not a single soul on the street except for me and Megan. I yawn and say, "Magic on that big of a scale usually makes me a little tired"

Megan nodded and held out her hand. "I know a place to sleep."

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:25 pm

I nod and yawn again. "That would be nice" I say.

I see the town. I turn around and speed back very quickly. "There's a town ahead" I say stating the obvious. I take my sword belt back from Kiera and I put it back on. Kiera is looking at me with something strange in her eyes. "Um... Kiera? Are you okay?" I ask.

I had been thinking about what it would be like if I had been an elf or a human or if David had been a dragon. The thought made me smile. When David asked the question I snap out of it and say, "Um... yes, I'm fine"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:03 pm

condog wrote:Alistair:
I nod and yawn again. "That would be nice" I say.

I see the town. I turn around and speed back very quickly. "There's a town ahead" I say stating the obvious. I take my sword belt back from Kiera and I put it back on. Kiera is looking at me with something strange in her eyes. "Um... Kiera? Are you okay?" I ask.

I had been thinking about what it would be like if I had been an elf or a human or if David had been a dragon. The thought made me smile. When David asked the question I snap out of it and say, "Um... yes, I'm fine"

Megan nodded and lead him to a inn. She lead him up into a room with a huge window looking over the place. "You like it? This is my usal room when I dont want to be at home but I think you need it more then I do."

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:02 pm

"Kiera, not to sound rude, but what do you usually eat?" I asked, speeding into a light trot.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 7 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

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