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Adamantis: The Elementals

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:57 pm

Celia paused in the doorway, what was that? She peered around the dark as she dumped the plates. Wait a minute, she blinked, Was that a....dragon? She hesitated, "Hello?"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:11 pm

I nod and smile, "As I said I am David. I am from a place far far away. I am not in fact an elf, my ears may decieve you however. My mother was an elf and my father was a human. We are also travelling to-" I stopped mid sentance. I had realized that I had said we insted of I. "Stupid!" I mutter to myself.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:13 pm

A dragon a few months old would probably be about the size of a golden retriever to a small pony, depending on the breed.

A largish shape was coming down not far from us, and I squinted at it. Maybe it was a bird? A bloody big bird it'd be then. Maybe an angel. Or maybe, I thought excitedly, a Numarian! "We?" I asked brightly. "You're not alone then?" Brent stiffened slightly.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:35 pm

"S***" I mutter. "Sword!" I bark. My sword flies from the grass and flies into my out stretched hand. Kiera had flung it up. I put it on my belt. "No, I am not alone" I say quietly, then I say "Kiera, the jig is up! Show yourself"

I raise my head, which is almost as big as Kitri's horse out of the grass. Then I stand up all the way revealing my massive red scaled body. "Hello" I say smiling, which looks ghastly on a dragon, "I am Kiera and the second person in David's party, we are also on our way to Venituce"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:52 pm

This time I frowned slightly. "Calm down, we're not going to attack you. I meant come on. You were freaking out about two teenagers with a sling and a couple of big sticks could take a half-elf with a sword and a dragon? Paranoia is a crown none wear well, so you should take it off." She let out a small huff and her tiny body inflated slightly, the way a very small bird does when faced with a hawk.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:56 pm

"Oh I'm not worried that we can't beat you. I just don't want to have to kill you and I don't want you telling anyone about Kiera. Dragon slayers hear almost everything these days" I say. "I'm just trying to protect Kiera from dragon slayers, they are always well prepared the only reason I beat them last time was because well, I had magic and they didn't"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:04 pm

I tilted my head slightly. Dragon slayers? What? Weren't dragons part of the Council? "But... isn't a human killing a dragon like a human killing an elf or an angel? It's against the law to kill other people, isn't it?'


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:07 pm

"There are anti dragon activists out there, they say they are nothing more than animals. People will do anything for the right amount of money" I say. I look back at Kiera. I see a large scar across her front leg. I look away quickly that memory always made me angry.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:12 pm

I was about to say something when, "So you're going to Venituce too? For the festival? Wanna come with us? It'd be nice to travel with more people and safer too, I'd imagine." I groaned inwardly.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:14 pm

I look at Kitri. I smile. "Sure, that would be nice" I look up at Kiera, "Are you particularly attatched to your horses?" I ask.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:23 pm

"We are, actually," I said, noting the hungry glint in Keira's eyes. Kitri looked completely appalled by the idea and tightened her grip on the reigns. As Piers had told me, she'd raised her horse from the day it was born three years ago. "Anyways, I'm not so sure you'd want to carry us," I told the dragon.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:24 pm

"Actually, I wasn't going to let Kiera anywhere near them" I shoot the red dragon a glare. "It's just the horses would only slow us down, if you rode Kiera it would be much faster. But, I guess Kiera and I can walk. She needs th excercise"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Alice Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:37 am

condog wrote:Alistair:
"So she is a bastard child? I see no problem with that, it is not her fault" I say. I look at her. I still don't understand the issue. "Why is her father not the one being persecuted for being unfaithful to his wife"

The gentleman shook his head "Her father was never married..."

Megan felt tears comming as every eye was on her.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:50 am

"Then why is she the one being persecuted. There is no reason for this torture" I say. I look at the girl again seeing she is about to cry I pull out a handkerchief and give it to her.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:18 pm

Kat Roswell wrote:A dragon a few months old would probably be about the size of a golden retriever to a small pony, depending on the breed.

Ah, good. I was going for dog-sized Smile))

Looks like she spotted me. I wasn't surprised. Head low, I shuffled out into the open.
"Sorry," I mumbled, "I'll leave."

I sat in a patch of grass, looking up at the sky and taking a breather. Wow, that was a big dragon... I'd never really seen a dragon up close before, so that was pretty neat.
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:22 pm

Celia hesitated, showing a rare moment of kindness. "No, wait here for a moment. " she went back in and found a plate of food then came back out and gave it to the dragon.

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:50 pm

I nodded and stirred Liro into a brisk trot so I could travel next to Kiera. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to ask them all at once. Piers said that was always my greatest weapon, the ability to irritate anyone into making rash actions. "So, why are you two going to Venituce?" I asked her.


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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Stark Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:29 pm

"We heard of the festival and wanted to see it for ourselves" I say. I walk next to Kiera. She continues to eye the horses hungrily. "Kiera stop looking at their horses like that!" I bark.

"Like what?" I say smiling sheepishly. I look away from the horses and flick my tail back and forth, bored.

Last edited by condog on Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:12 pm

"Oh, um, thank you!" I said, coming forward to eat the food she'd given me.
She was nice, this angel...not like those humans. I didn't like humans...but they didn't like me. At least, those ones didn't. But I didn't want to meet any more to find out if they liked me or not; I didn't want to risk it.

Feeling refreshed, I gave my wings a pump and took to the skies again. To Venituce...
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:07 pm

Celia nodded feeling aquward, "yeah, um, your welcome." She looked at him and sighed a little. "How old are you?"

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:12 pm

"Um, a couple of months..." I said, feeling just about as awkward as the angel seemed to feel. "" I thought it was appropriate. You ask people stuff back when they ask you stuff like that, right?
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:29 pm

Celia smirked, "17." Inside she was fighting a battle, he was only a few months old? She sighed, "Where are your parents? "

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:32 pm

I looked at the ground, shuffling my feet uncomfortably.
"I...don't know," I admitted to the girl. It made me sad just to think about it...
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Bells Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:35 pm

Celia frowned, then sighed again. "You have a place to stay kid?" She couldn't just leave him out in the night, could she?

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:38 pm

"Um, no," I mumbled.
She wasn't going to offer me a place to stay, was she? She'd already been nice enough to give me food...and I didn't want to be a burden.
Winter Dragon

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Adamantis: The Elementals - Page 3 Empty Re: Adamantis: The Elementals

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