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we are your new pet or your slave?

fallen rose
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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:29 am

Ash was silent for a moment, "Yeah."
Brooke frowned, "That's not right."
Ash smirked, "Never said it was, just that they did it."

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:57 pm

(Can I join? If so here are my charries)


name: David
age: 15
gender: Male
looks: Brown hair green eyes, 6' 2"
do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one: Looking (If anyone wants to be Davids thatd be cool)

half breeds:

pet name( its the name that human gave them like fluffy or spike): Spot
name: Zak
age: 15
gender: Male
half animal: Wolf
looks: Black fur, one white triangular spot on his chest
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner: Pet store


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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:46 pm

OOC: Condog if you need people for your characters, i can probably find inspiration for another human/halfbreed. Ive only got two characters going right now, so yeah.

Kane: I nodded. "Of course." i said. "Obviously we're in the kitchen now, the backyard is out through there, we came in the front entrance hall....." i started before leading the way aorund the house, pointing out various rooms and places. I ended at one of the upstiars rooms. "This room is yours, there's an attached bathroom and everything. If you need anything, let me know and i will pick it up for you next time im out." i said.

Vayle: I walked slightly further into the room, but winced when i walked into a patch of sunlight, raising a wing to shield myself. Echolocation couldnt spot sunlight. I wished it could.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:51 pm

I angrily look at the stupid collar on my neck that says the name that the human pet store owner had given me. Spot. Oh! How original! I think as I look at the huge white spot on my chest. Humans could be so stupid sometimes. I wanted to yell, 'My name is Zak retards!' But I knew if I did I would either be studied or punished. I knew that all of us could talk but we never did either fear or it had been beaten into us I didn't know. I just did as the others did.

(I'm changing David a little, now he is anti having the half breeds as pets)
I walk down the street looking at the people with their "pets". More like slaves. It just didn't seem right to me. They seemed too human. They didn't act like animals at all. I shuddered at the thought of having to be someone's slave while entirely conciouss of the fact that I was slave. I hated the idea.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:15 pm


name: Celeste
age: 17
gender: Female
looks: Long snow white hair, blue eyes, average height, nice figure.
do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one: Looking to get one.

half breeds:

pet name( its the name that human gave them like fluffy or spike): Thorn
name: Rin
age: 15
gender: Female
half animal: Black Panther
looks: Long blue-black hair, luminous cat-like gold eyes, her nails are large semi-retractable claws, and she has a long panther tail that matches the colour of her hair. Her teeth are rather sharp, less like human teeth and more like panther teeth, especially the canines.
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner: Pound - her owners left her there after she ran away.

Celeste: I wandered into the pet store that day with the express intent of springing one of these half breeds from this awful place. As i approached the store, i almost lost my nerve, feeling sick looking at all of the half breeds in cages. But i strengthened my resolve and walked in anyways. One half breed seemed particularly angry, and my curiosity was piqued. Half wolf, apparently. Interesting.

Rin: I paced my cage in the pound restlessly, sheathing and unsheathing my claws. It was wierd seeing cat-like claws on human hands and feel, but i was a bit of a freak, so why think too much about one wierdness in particular? I growled menacingly (i believe panthers do growl...) at anyone who dared come too close to my cage. Various plots for escape or revenge ran through my head. But i was certain none woul ever be put into practice.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:23 pm

I look up. A human was looking at me. I just stared at her. I cocked my head to one side. I was confused, usually the half wolf thing scared people off. They thought wolves were unstable. Not this human. She seemed just as puzzled as I was.

I yawn. Bored I look up and see I have come to the pound. Why? I think to myself. I shrug and go inside might as well see if I could help any of the poor creatures out. Maybe take them to the woods and let them go or something. Isn't that what animal rights activists did? Whatever, just getting them out of the pound would help. I knew what they did, my father had been one of them. Until, I chuckled thinking of his ironic end, until he had his throat torn out by a half lion. I had always hated my father. I walk inside and see an angry half panther. I walk right up to her cage, no fear in me at all. I hear the guards telling me to keep my distance that she's dangerous, I ignore them. She doesn't look dangerous.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:29 pm

Rin: I looked up as someone actually came up to the front of my cage, ignroing the warnings given by the slavedrivers who worked here. Hmm. The guy had guts. I could respect that. I walked right to the front of the cage and stood with my arms crossed, eyebrow raised as if to say, 'well, you've gotten this far. what are you going to do now?'.

Celeste: "I dont think you like it much in there...." i said, voice soft and quiet, as usual. "Neither wolves nor people should be kept in such a cage." i murmered sadly.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:34 pm

I understood her words but I couldn't make any sign that I did. Instead I just looked down and avoided eye contact. If she got me out of her, I was running the first chance i got.

I turn to the guards. "How much for this one?"
One guard says to me, "Oh you don't want that one, she is far too violent"
I walk up to the guard shove my finger in his chest and I say, "You are not one to tell me what to do! I said I want that one! Now are you gonna take my money or not?"
The guard seems to be shocked at my anger, "Fine" he says. I pay for the panther girl and they give her to me on a leash of all things, disgusting.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:41 pm

Rin: I glared, snarling and struggling as they attempted getting a leash on me, mutinous thoughts running through my brain at a million miles a minute, flashes of rage and blood and razor sharp teeth and claws embedded in flesh flashing through my brain like lightning before disappearing. But in the end my efforts were not enough. They managed to get the wretched thing on me and hand me over to the guy who had actually bought me. For now, i did nothing but glare. When i could make my move, i would run.

Celeste: I sighed a little bit and turned to the owner of the store, asking about the price of the half-wolf. He was surprised i was looking to buy it, since i was a quiet, exceptionally gentle sort. He seemed to think the half-wolf would be too much of a handful. But i insisted and finally he accepted my money and handed me the half breed on a leash, allowing me to take it home. I was hesitant to take the leash, but i couldnt look like a sympathizer right now. I led the half-wolf, apparently called Spot, out to the car, opening the door for him. "Sorry about the leash." i said quietly. "I'll take it off once we get home." i promised.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:42 pm

Nikki watched and hurried to the windows upon seeing her reaction to the light.. " I'm sorry, let me fix that." She quickly shut all the curtains.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:46 pm

I sat down in the car. I remained silent during the car ride. Why had she talked to me like she had understood? That was a first.

"Sorry about the leash" I tell her as we walk to my house. "When we get to my house I'll let you go". I didn't know if I just meant off the leash or actually free her yet. How could I be sure she wouldn't kill me or just get caught again?

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:57 pm

Rin: I remained silent through the walk, thinking about running but figuring it was probably a bad idea. But a jolt of surprise went through me as he actually apologized for the leash and even suggested taking it off once we got to wherever he was dragging me. That had certainly never happened before. But i would believe it when it happened.

Celeste: I finally pulled up to my house, a small-ish place on the edge of some woods with a lot of open space. Id never liked crowded cities or overly-perfect suburban areas. The country was my place. I stopped the car and opened the door for the half wolf, immediately taking the leash off and stepping back so he could come out.

Vayle: I relaxed, moving my wing back. "Thanks. Sunlight bothers me quite a bit, and i cant detect it with my echolocation...." i said, slightly embarassed.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:04 pm

We arrived at my apartment. I opened the front door and say, "Home sweet home" I look around my tiny apartment. I turn back to her and I pull the leash of of her. "Do you even want the collar on you?" I ask.

I hopped out. I smelled the air and looked around. I see the house. I stalk towards it unhappily.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:49 pm

Rin: I was glad to have the leash off. In response to the comment about the collar, i unsheathed one razor sharp claw and sliced it off, letting it fall away. I wouldnt tolerate being caged, even if the cage was just a strip of cloth around my neck.

Celeste: I threw the leash and collar away as soon as we got inside. I wouldnt use them. EVER. "Well, this would be home." i said quietly. "You're free to go outside whenever you like and you can go wherever you want in the house, just knock if a door's closed." i said. "I wont starve you here, i wont cage you or otherwise restrain you. You're a person and i will treat you as such, all right?" i said.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:07 pm

I sit down on the floor. I don't really know what to do. I've never had an owner before. I just sit and wait for something to do. Running wouldn't be much good. Where would I go all the way out here? Sure I had heard the rumors, but I didn't know where the rumors would take me.

I swallow hard. "Um... ok" I say, "Make yourself comfortable, what's mine is yours, I guess..." I sigh. "Can you even understand me?" I ask exasperated. I roll my eyes shake my head and go sit down on the coach.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:12 pm

Rin: I thought about talking. It would be interesting.... besides, he'd gotten me out of that living nightmare...... "I understand you perfectly well." i said coolly.

Celeste: I wasnt exactly sure what to do. Spot seemed unsudre of what to do as well. "Hmm.... are you hungry?" i asked. I wasnt sure what they were fed int eh stores or how often, so i figured it would be good to ask. Although i wasnt sure if i should expect an answer or not.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Stark Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:21 pm

I look at her. I stand up and walk into the kitchen where I know food is kept. I think that should be answer enough.

"Oh, ok... JESUS CHRIST! YOU TALK?" I say astonished. I had thought that they were smart but I didn't know they could talk.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:02 pm

Veronica: I nodd as I followed him " okay and it's strange to have my own room" I said as I look around the room

Cassie:" that's sad but now your in a better now " I said with a smiled
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:45 pm

Rin: "No, i obviously cant talk. That's precisely why im talking." i said saracastically, crossing my arms. I had been right - his reaction WAS funny.

Celeste: I smiled a bit. "I suppose that means yes...." i said, following him to the kitchen. "Hmm..... ive got some beef in here. And bacon. I dont really know what you want..." i said, rummaging through the fridge.

Kane: I laughed a little. "Is it really that wierd?" i said, raising an eyebrow. I hoped it was at least wierd in a good way. I felt she deserved her own space.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:56 pm

veronica:" i'm just not used to this i never had space of mine "
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:02 am

Kane: I nodded. "That's too bad. But now you've got lots of space to yourself, so you should likely get used to the idea." i said, smiling a bit.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:04 am

veronica:" thank you kane " i said after i look around my new room
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:07 am

Kane: I smiled. "Its not a problem. And like i said, if you ever need anything, just let me know." i said. "I'll be around if you need me." i said, disappearing down the hall. I entered my own room and picked up my guitar, sitting down in the window seat and beginning to play absently. It'd been far too long sicne id been able to practice.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:12 am

veronica: after kane left i kept looking around room all curiousily until i heard a guitar been played which made me more curious so i follow the sound of it until i came to a door that was crack open because curious got to me i look in the room and i saw kane was the one who was playing the guitar
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 5 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:23 am

Kane: I glanced up as i got the feeling i was being watched, spotting an eye at teh door, which was slightly open. i smiled a bit. It seemed i had an audience. "You can come in." i said.

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