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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Ravyn Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:44 pm

Lets face it....

Life sucks.

Yes, there, i said it. Maybe you were stabbed in the back, maybe you were cheated on or lied to, maybe you just want to curl up and die, or maybe you feel smothered, need to break free. But for whatever reason, if you're here, its because the world's broken you down. All the happy people, they dont get it. They say they understand, offer sympathy, but it just doesnt work. Because you cant truly understand what its like to be broken until someone or something comes and breaks you. So here we are, we lonely broken few. Will we be able to find someone to put us back together?

So, obviously, this is a chat where everyone's well..... going through a very rough patch. For some reason (that reason being to aid the plotline), all of us broken, depressed, or generally sad individuals have gone out for whatever reason. We all live in the small town of Blackthorn. Its a tiny place, a coastal region (think like, British Columbia. Lots of woods and ocean and stuff). A small town out of the way, and there arent too many places to be. So pick a place and go find your saviour.....

---> The Beach!
Yes, yes, the wonderful beach. Waves, sand, and lots of nice secluded caves and cliffs off the beaten path Wink on this particular night, there's a small party happening since everyone's on summer break and noone's got anywhere to be. Are you there to try and cheer yourself up, or do you just have no better place to be? Whatever the reason, you can come here if you wish - every teen in town is automtically invited.

---> The Local Club
Yes, there is one local club/bar place. Its a fairly decent hotspot for teenagers, although there're sometimes adults here too. But there's also live music and a nice back alley almost noone ever really uses...

---> The Woods
So, maybe you've just decided to go for a walk? There's lots of woods around. There's not much chance of you running into anyone, but maybe if you're lucky......

---> The Park
Yeah, there's a small park with a few open fields and some more trees and benches and a few monuments and stuff. Sometimes people like to hang out there. Worth a shot.

So who are you going to meet? A mysterious stranger? A long-time crush you've never had the guts to talk to? An old friend? Who knows! Just get out there, oh wounded character, and find another wounded. Together, you can stitch each other's wounds, and who knows? Maybe your life will get better Wink

*** Oh, and obviously, we cant have too too many people in any one place. There's room for lots of people at the Beach or the Club, but the Woods and Park are more secluded and not as many people are liable to go there. Also, please try to write posts that are as long as possible. I know sometimes its hard to write a lot, so i can understand if its a bit short, but please try to avoid one liners and quality is a MUST, please, try to use proper spelling and grammar (i dont mind typos since i make lots of them, but try to keep things as literate as possible)


My Characters:

Name: Luna Enterei
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hair: Long, layered, has a double tone effect where her upper layers are black and lower ones are silver. Silver tipped razored black bangs.
Eyes: Stormy gray
Skin: Pale
Height/Build: Average height, slender, nice figure, pixie-like
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: Has a silver lip ring, double pierced ears.
Personality: Used to be more friendly and outgoing, ha since become more quiet and reserved, andxious around people. Practical and quick witted, occasionally sharp tongued.
Background: Her dad left the picture when she was very little, and her mom became an alcoholic. About two months ago, Luna came home to find that her mother had committed suicide. She was placed with an adoptive family, but her adoptive parents try far too hard to be nice and make her feel good. She knows its strained and that they really have no idea what to do with her. Since her mother's death, she's become far more quiet and reserved, disconnected from everything. She's either wandering aimlessly around town, at the barn to see her horse, or locked in her room. They've been having problems getting her to eat and she hasnt been able to sleep much either. Was prescribed sleeping pills, but ignores them. Has considered suicide herself but has decided to keep going, for the moment.
Other: Owns a black warmblood mare named Raven at the local stables.

Name: Skyler "Skye" Pearson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hair: Long shaggy razored snow-white emo-cut mess.
Eyes: Pale ice blue
Skin: Pale
Height/Build: Fairly tall, built long and lanky, lean muscled.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: Has a silver barbell through his right eyebrow and silver snakebites.
Personality: Always very artsy, loves to sing and play guitar as well as draw. He's usually happy-go-lucky and friendly, outgoing, likes to get to know people, very kind, has a massive protective streak. Places others wellbeing above his own. But lately he's been quieter, less social, more tense.
Background: His parents always wanted him to become a lawyer or go into politics or something, to be neat and respectable. They already disapproved of him because of his hair colour and were always trying to get him to dye it a 'normal colour' or cut it decently, trying to change him, make him study. He was always fighting with them and finally they kicked him out of the house. He has no money and nowhere to go, just whatever he could pack. He has no clue what he's going to do now.
Other: Plays in a band which has a gig at the local club tonight. He's the lead singer and does backup guitar.

This chat is starting off at night, just after the sun's gone down. Also, we MUST have an equal male-female ratio so please make at least one boy and one girl!

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:46 pm

-saves spot-


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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:51 pm

Name: Angela
Age: 17
Gender: female
Hair: black, cut emo style
Eyes: icy blue
Skin: ivory
Height/Build: fmeine with sharp face
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: has a tatto on her wrist with the words to die has snake bits and nose pirceing
Personality: shy and stand offish
Background: Mother died and father abuses her. She cuts to get rid of the pain.
Other: N.a

Name: James
Age: 19
Gender: male
Hair: blonde
Eyes: green
Skin: tan
Height/Build: muscular and strong
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: n/a
Personality: loud and crazy is the jock
Background: His father and mother are drunks and drug users and he has to take care of his little sister Sofie who is a baby.
Other: N/a

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:17 pm

Gah! *saves spot while she searches for her creativity that went missing this morning when her brain died*

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by flaggirl3 Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:02 am

Ahhh! I wanna join this! Very Happy I'll join later.


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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by flaggirl3 Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:51 pm

Name: Trintan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown hair cut relatively long. He keeps it back in a low pony tail most of the time.
Eyes: Stormy Grey
Skin: Tan
Height/Build: About 5'6". He has a semi-athletic build. He has broad shoulders and his body is shaped in a loose V. His arms are muscular, but they're not up to body builder par.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: He has his left ear pierced twice and usually keeps a flat green circle up top and a small red hoop at the bottom.
Personality: He's not extremely agreeable at first, but the closer you get to him the nicer he becomes. He doesn't trust people and he strives to not be a hypocrite. He's not into any sports other than volleyball, he loves to read, he enjoys learning. He loves culture, language, and psychology.
Background: Trintan lives with his mother and younger brother. His father acquired alzheimers at an early age and at the moment is being cared for at their local hospital. Trintan is extremely close to his father and spends most of his time at the hospital visiting him. His mother finally told him that he needed to get away from it all. Just for a short while. After some convincing, he agreed and packed his bags.
Other: Trintan's one of those guys that has been there, done that. It's definitely not a show.

Name: Fable
Age: 18
Hair: Mid-neck length, curly blonde hair.
Eyes: Dark blue
Skin: Ivory
Height/Build: She's short, about 5'1", with a feminine build. She's curvy despite her lack of body fat. She has short limbs that are somewhat stocky rather than slender.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: Fable has her ears pierced and is contemplating getting her belly button pierced.
Personality: Fable is a fun-loving friendly girl and she loves drama. Some people think she's too innocent and question her motives, and sometimes they're right to doubt her kindness. She can be conniving when she wants to be and she knows how to stand up for herself when necessary.
Background:A natural born actress, Fable, never got a chance to show her talent to the world. Her father and mother tried the best they could to make her happy, but never could fully succeed, making Fable the wild, unsettled, chica she is now. Her father is a rich ranch owner in Texas, but they are originally from the New England states. Fable has just broken up with her boyfriend, who had been cheating on her. In a depressed, trance-like state, Fable made a spur of the moment decision to go on a vacation.
Other: Fable has traveled all over the United States and is now wanting to venture over seas.


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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:46 pm

Name: Mai (Plain and simple :3)
Age: 16 (Looks about 13-14)
Gender: Female
Hair: Waist-length, chocolate brown
Eyes: Grayish brown with a tint of warm cinnamon red
Skin: Pale but not albino
Height/Build: 5'2, slender to the point of being almost frail, but not disfigured. Delicate.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: Small, but still noticeable scars everywhere on her body, with a fair amount being on her hands and wrists
Personality: Mai is, and always has been, a fairly quiet and introverted girl. She doesn't express much in terms of emotions, so her face tends to stay blank the majority of the time. She doesn't necessarily like being alone, but feels out of place in the company of others, so she finds herself being by her lonesome quite often. Not much is known about her aside from the fact that she's quite the student, being smart beyond her years, and she tends to get teased due to the fact that she appears so young, as well as because of her condition.
Background: Born blind, Mai lived with her father-her mother dying shortly after giving birth to her-up until about three years ago, when the man was murdered in a house robbery gone horribly wrong. She lives on her own (unknown to anyone) with her wolf-german shepard hybrid, Yami. She doesn't have any luxuries (TV, cable, ect, ect.) due to a limited income with just trying to keep the water and electric on, along with keeping food in Yami and her mouths. As a result, people see her as sort of the shut in type.
Other: She's blind, takes Yami everywhere with her, and works at the town's bookstore.

Name: Ashton Bryers
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, emo cut with bangs often falling in his eyes. Natural raven black with dyed red streaks
Eyes: Dark navy blue, appearing almost black
Skin: Fair
Height/Build: 6'1, lean, muscular
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: Has a massive, jagged scar down the center of his chest. Has multiple piercing in his ears, and a few studs on the piece of flesh just below his nose. Has a tattoo cross at the top of his arm by his shoulder with 'Emmalee' scribed in elegant writing across it.
Personality: Is primarily closed off, with an explosive temper-often triggered by the simplest things-that can easily turn violent. He has a tendency to insult those around him, and has an extremely hard time being social and expressing himself. However, if by chance someone is able to get through to him, he possesses a surprising soft side to him.
Background: His parents died when he was thirteen months, leaving him in the care of his older brother Marcus. He was rarely paid attention to, and had multiple death experiences growing up because of this. It didn't help that his brother was a drunk, and often beat him in his alcoholic daze. The only thing that got him through his life was Emmalee, his best friend/little sister that Marcus had decided to take in after finding her outside his regular coffee pit-stop. She had a condition that left her paralyzed from the waist down, but that didn't seem to stop her. She was outgoing, fun, and just as sweet as they get. She wormed her way into Ashton's heart, being the only thing to make his true potential shine. They did everything together, were inseparable, and Ashton soon found himself falling in love with her. But...everything turned upside down when it was revealed that Marcus had been raping Emmalee. His brother was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but that did nothing to stop the damaged that had been inflicted upon the two left behind. Emmalee's health was rapidly fading, and she was in and out of the hospital-both psyche ward and emergency room-which lead Ashton to begin reverting to a cold, hard, antisocial once more. She died two years ago...and now he lives alone in the same house of horrors, doing nothing but drinking away her memory and working as a carpenter in the neighborhood.
Other: Smokes, drinks, is a pyromaniac, and works as a carpenter

Last edited by .Fragile_Wishes. on Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Ravyn Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:28 pm

Awesome, thanks for joining guys! We will start when !nspired and Bells post their characters.

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:29 pm

okay Razz

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by flaggirl3 Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:16 pm

Cool! Razz


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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:28 pm

Sounds good to me. x)

-sits and munches on cookie while waiting-

I'm excited! xD

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:29 pm


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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Ravyn Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:37 pm

By the way, Fragile Wishes, i love your pic Wink incidentally, im currently wearing my BVB t-shirt and i got a poster signed by the whole band @ Warped Tour a few days ago ^^

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:43 pm

I love bvb XD I wanted to go to warped tour Sad

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:56 pm

@Ravyn - Oh, thank you. I love them. Really? How awesome =3 You're lucky, getting to go. It makes me jealous~ Razz But thank you ^.^

@ Alice - I'm sowwy...I had to go do some things earlier... v.v I'm back now, though. Will you forgive me...? -puppy dog eyes- Missed you too Alice-chan~ Razz You have good taste in music too ;] I wish I would have gotten to go, too...

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Ravyn Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:04 pm

BVB is amazing ^^ and yeah, it was awesome. Although i got very, very badly sunburned :S

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:09 pm

D= I'm's no fun to have such a fun experience, and something like that happen.

Are you all right?

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:21 pm

Yay Very Happy Your forgiven Razz I missed you mucho!!! I love Bvb and stuff like hollywood undead and the used and linkin park and this christian band called demon hunter.

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Ravyn Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:24 pm

Yeah, im used to getting burned Razz i knew it was gonna happen. Im super pale so i burn in an instant. Haha, you can still see where my sunglasses were and where my BVB Andy-style stitch was painted on ^^ Its starting to fade/peel now though, so hopefully it'll be gone soon. The peeling's annoying though.

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:06 pm

@ Ravyn - I burn like no one's business. -_- Yeah. Like you said, hopefully it'll get better. What I hate is the itching AS it's peeling... At least you have The Stitch~ =3

@ Alice - Yeah. I like The Used and Linkin Park too. My favorites have to be KoRn and Flyleaf. And yay! Alice forgives!

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:35 pm

I LOVE KORN AND FLYLEAF!!!!!! Very Happy but you keep leaving me Sad Sad

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:15 pm

I really have no idea why it's doing that... Maybe due to posting...? I'm sorry. I'm here! I'll tell you when I have to leave, how's that? ^.^ Omgeeeeeeeeeee~ Lol. What's your favorite song by Flyleaf?

I really hope this thread doesn't die before we even start it... >.>

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:16 pm

haha i know right xD I LOVE AGAIN by flyleaf i also like everything on there flyleaf album with im sso sick sorrow and ect.

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by Sweet Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:28 pm

*saves place*

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When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together Empty Re: When You Start To Fall Apart, You Find Someone To Hold You Together

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:34 pm

Ahhhhh...~Again~ =3

And hooray! Another person!

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