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Darkness Descends

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:35 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:Alexander nodded. "Alright Megan. I'm Alexander." He stood and took the knife. He moved to unlatch the door between the counter and the rest of the store. "Follow me, you can keep me company while I sharpen this."

Megan wanted to protest but she held back her smirks. She walked with him and looked around the store puzzled on why he had the store so opened.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:37 pm

Ollie shook his head. "Nah, I haven't seen it," he sihed. "Did you loose it in your car?" He asked. Kai shook her head. "I don't think so," she said, turning to Amelia. "Hey," she smiled. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years." Ollie's jaw dropped a little. "Wait, you two know each other?"

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:38 pm

>.< That dunn help me at all, Avery! D: I dont know what to writeeee DX I.... cannot post....

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:42 pm

Sabre is in a music shop.

Wren is in the forest, hunting.

Will has a post on either the previous page or page 5.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:43 pm

(Kay, thanks Avery Wink It helps if i ahve some sort of setting! I will try to get a post up in a sec.)

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:45 pm

Alexander went and sharpened the knife. He glanced at her. "What are you thinking about prin- Megan?"

Amelia watched Kai as her and Ollie spoke. She smiled. "That's because it has been years. How have you been Kai?" She bit back a laugh at Ollie's reaction. "Yes, we do."
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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:49 pm

((hahaha xD Alexander :3))

Megan glared at him and asked "Why are you holding this store where... the vampires can see it?" She asked curious of his answer.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:55 pm

"Fair, I suppose, though he sent me for a loop," Kai said, motioning to Ollie. He instantly looked busy examining the floor tiles, his cheeks turning a light pink. She chuckled and glanced back at Amelia. "How about you?"

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:58 pm

(Avery, im just thinking.... Sinder was pestering Benjamin but i still dont have a reply for Benjamin. I may swap Sinder for Thea and edit Sinder's post to fit Thea and have Sinder run into Will? Since they're both witch/warlock plus im not sure Thea's personality matches too great with Will's.... i know we were discussing Sinder running into him earlier, d'you want me to edit my post?)

Drake: Out of sheer boredome, i decided to explore a music store id come across. It was fairly empty, except for the bored-looking guy behind the counter and a strawberry-blonde girl. I ignored the girl and began poking through the CDs absently, seeing if there was anything worht listening to.

Lance: I needed blood, plain and simple. So i was out in the woods, poking about, looking for an animal that would stave off the blood hunger until i could get to a blood bank. I was reluctant to drink from a living human unless they were a willing donor, and those could be hard to find. So here i was out in the middle of the forest, hoping to catch something ot other. Lovely.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:02 pm

Alexander blinked as he finished the knife. "Because I sell to all species. This is a store for weapons... as in weapons for anyone who needs them Darling."

Amelia shrugged. "I've been... so-so I guess. How come he's sent you for a loop?" She raised an eyebrow. She glanced at Ollie and smiled slightly at his reaction.
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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:09 pm

"Dont call me darling." Megan snarled and said looking at him. "Good well then thats where they come and get weapons and kill my people."

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:12 pm

(I think that would work :3)

Sabre's eyes flicked up and she saw the cds that the guy who had just walked in was scanning. She wondered if she should tell him that the music he was looking at sucked. Something about his demeanor, though, told her that her opinion wouldn't be welcomed.

Wren bounded through the woods, chasing after a deer, her nails sharpened into claws. She was, surprisingly, a vegetarian, but she couldn't resist the thrill of a hunt. She caught a hold of the deer and they tumbled through the forest, stopping in a small clearing. She froze and turned, her eyes unnaturally wide, as they were when she was in her demon form, and saw a boy.

Kai shrugged. "The whole emotional thing of being with a person and then breaking up with them. It's draining," she chuckled.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:14 pm

Alexander clenched his jaw and gave her the knife. "Darling. If you mean humans, I'm a human too. It would be the same even without the different species."

Amelia nodded. "More draining running from someone you were with after a breakup, but I know what you mean."
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Team Sherlock

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:23 pm

Kai fought the urge to roll her eyes and then she looked back to Ollie. "You sure you haven't seen it?" She asked. Ollie nodded and shrugged. "I haven't seen it anywhere. But, why don't you two catch up. I'll go get the key, Amelia," he said, leaving before either could protest.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:28 pm

Sinder: I stopped playing with my fire when i got bored. I extinguished the ball of flame that had been in my hand and began heading home, humming a song under my breath absently as i walked. Id been so spaced that i ran into someone on the street. I jumped back to reality, glancing up at the guy id run into (Will). "Oh. Sorry." i said bluntly.

Drake: I began looking through a rack of foreign death metal when i felt eyes on me. I glanced back, spotting the girl id noticed earlier, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

Lance: I was surprised when some girl popped up out of nowhere, practically tackling a deer. "Er.... hello." i said. One look at her eyes told me she certainly wasnt human. Demon? Probably.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:28 pm

Amelia looked at Ollie and blinked slightly. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be left alone with Kai. She glanced at Kai.
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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:29 pm

Whoops! Forgot Thea....

Thea: On my way home, i passed through the park, and i noticed some guy laying under a tree (Benjamin). Was he dead or passed out or something...? Curious, i walked over. I looked down at him. "Er... are you okay?" i asked.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:34 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:Alexander clenched his jaw and gave her the knife. "Darling. If you mean humans, I'm a human too. It would be the same even without the different species."

Amelia nodded. "More draining running from someone you were with after a breakup, but I know what you mean."

"No it wouldnt and what did I saw about calling me darling?" Megan snarrled at him with a fire in her eyes. She wanted to kill this boy but she took a deep breath and let it out.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:42 pm

"Fine then, Megan." He turned and headed back to the counter. "Have a good day."
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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Avery Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:43 pm

Kai threw her a rare, breathtaking grin. "So, it's weird that we both know Ollie... Small world," she mused, mostly to herself.

Sabre raised her eyebrows in return and turned her head, examining the CD cases in front of her. She was slightly embarrassed that she had been caught staring. She had always been too curious for her own good.

Will's smile faded. "Nah, it's fine," he said, ducking his head. He didn't know if she was a snitch or something... After all, he was smuggling magic. He couldn't afford to get caught, especially if he wanted to keep his reputation. The girl was a witch, his female counter part.

Wren smiled, her teeth shining brightly. "Hi," she said, wiping bloodied claws on her jeans. "I don't supposed you're a vampire," she said hopefully. Normally, she would have just let her deer bleed out, but why let it go to waste?

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:48 pm

Megan stood there and felt her heart dropp slightly. "Sorry..." She mummbled and turned to leave. Nice going you idiot... she thought walking ot the door.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:50 pm

(Actually, Sinder's an elemental Wink )

Sinder: "Thanks. I do that a lot... run into people. I get spaced out often." i mused. "I set my blinds on fire once by accident spacing out.... i think i need to learn to pay better attention...." i admitted.

Lance: "Hello." i said. "And i am, unfortunately, a vampire." i added, sighing.

Drake: I pulled out a few CDs and moved over to where the girl was. "So. Anything better over here?" i said, tone flat, cold, and unemotional as usual.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:59 pm

Amelia nodded. "It is." She looked down and then back up. "So, how's life been over the past several years?"

Alexander sighed. "Megan?"
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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Alice Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:06 pm

MEgan turned and asked in a small voice. "What?" Her eyes were glued to the floor.

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Darkness Descends - Page 5 Empty Re: Darkness Descends

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:07 pm

Alexander had no clue why he was about to say this, but he said it anyway. "How about we have a redo on introductions and whatnot?"
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