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Can't fight this anymore....

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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:28 am

(What about an almost roll of the car? I had one of those last night. Scariest thing ever, well besides the moose incedent...but that's another story)

Tucker smiled and held up his hand counting to three, then pushed off and into the tank with her. He adjusted his mouth piece so he could breath and looked over at her, holding up his thumb to ask if she was ok.

Alice slept soundly, her breathing slightly shallow. She didn't care though. She was getting rid of it. The thing inside her that didn't deserve to be called anything else.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:30 am

(what's that? Sorry, I feel stupid asking.)

Bonnie stuck her thumb back up at him, then looked around for the shark.

Blake needed to talk to her eventually, so he hoped she'd wake up soon.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:38 am

Half an hour later, Alice stirred, her eyes fluttering open slightly. She glanced around at where she was at and sighed. Why was she back in Blake's room?

Tucker smiled slightly and swam over with her, adjusting her mouth piece so she could breath as well. He then took her by the hand, swimming towards the large whale shark. Fish were attached to her back as she moved slowly through the water. He looked at her and winked as they reached the large animal. He reached out and grabbed hold of one of the fish, motioning for her to do the same.

(the other day I went tubing down the river and a large bull moose came running out of the bushes. He stared at me and the people I was with, and then moved down the river some, but the current was strong enough to carry us with him and then he just decided to cross the river despite us and was only like twenty feet infront of me)


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:39 am

(That's scary, but I meant an "almost roll of a car" << What is?)

"Alice, have you been starving yourself to get rid of the baby?" Blake asked her when she woke up.

Bonnie followed his lead, taking one of the fish.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:46 am

(oh, well we came rocketing down a back road in a little mini coop and didn't notice the cattle cross gaurd, so we went flying over that and towards a stop sign that also was not seen by the driver. When we landed, the tire caugh and we spun out into the middle of the road and almost tipped over and into the ditch. Luckily no cars were coming)

Alice looked at him for a long moment, then looked away, not wanting to answer that. Why did he call it that? It didn't deserve to be called that. A baby. was a leech growing inside her, only reminding her of the hell she'd been through since she was fourteen.

The fish held tight to Jodie as she began to swim with them holding on, the fish acting like reins. Tucker kept a good hold of Bonnie's hand, glancing over at her to see how she was doing.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:51 am

(Wow. 0.0
So you were thinking maybe that would happen here?
I just feel like maybe Bonnie and Tucker's relationship/thingy is going too smoothly, you know? They're too good for each other. x3)

"Fine. Are you purposely starving that /thing/ Alice? Because that's not doing either of you any good. I mean...I guess that's sort of the point for the thing but..just answer the question." Blake sighed.

Bonnie's eyes were wide in surprise, but this was kind of neat. She squeezed Tucker's hand to tell him she was okay, more than okay.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:55 am

(hmmm...I has an idea...and evil evil idea *goes to find Nellie*)

Alice rolled so her back was to him, but gave a small nod. "It can't stay there," she murmered. "I'd rather die."

Tucker squeezed her hand back as they traveled all through the tank like that. After a while he nodded towards the surface and let go of the fish.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:05 am

(Gah I'm scared D: who's Nellie? O.o)

"You didn't answer my question about abortion earlier. We could get it out of you, Alice, without wasting your life. What do you think of that?" Blake asked, gently turning her back to face him. He was getting more and more comfortable with touching her everyday. He wouldn't push it, however.

They swam back to the surface and over to...where it was they had jumped off of. Bonnie took her goggles off and pulled away her mouthpiece. "Wow. That was so cool, Tucker!"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:05 am

Name: Nellie Pratts
Age: 18
Looks:  Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Ffxiii_vanille
Bio: she's a co-worker with Tucker at the aquarium and is SUPER jealous of any other girls that he brings in. Not that he's brought in many.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:07 am

(she's gorgeous! But it's freaking me out a bit how she looks so real. 0.0)


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:08 am

Tucker smiled at her and chuckled, his googles resting ontop of his head. "Wanna go see the tide pools?" He asked happily. She would get to use the swim suit later today as well...she never said he couldn't take the whole morning with her.

Alice stared at him, biting her lip. "I'm scared of needles." She said quietly as she watched him, her eyes searching his face.

(haha, she's from final fantasy. She looks the closest to my charrie Nellie)


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:10 am

"Yes!" Bonnie said, flipping her flippers a little, excited. She giggled, feeling like such a dork. Oh well.

Blake fell back on the floor, exasperated with her. He didn't say another word.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:14 am

Alice watched him and bit her lip, closing her eyes. "Would I be awake?" she aske quietly.

Tucker chuckled and smiled, lifting her up and over the edge of the tank, back onto the platform. He then pulled himself up and out, slipping out of his gear.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:15 am

"I don't know, I've never been through it. They could probably put you to sleep for it," Blake said, sighing.

Bonnie pulled off the gear stuff, feeling her ponytail. Ew, she probably looked like such a mess now, all wet. Sigh.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:19 am

Alice nodded thoughtfully, curling in on herself and took a deep breath. "I don't have a way to pay for it."

Tucker smiled as he pulled his shirt back on and grabbed the bucket, taking her hand and walking with her from the tank and down the hall, dropping off the bucket.

Nellie was walking down the hall, coming from the opposite direction. Her eyes caught sight of Tucker and another girl, and their hands linked together. Jealousy raged through her and she smiled widely, walking faster. "Tucker!" She squealed, throwing herself at him and kissing him deeply. Tucker's eyes were wide with shock and a slight fear as he tried to process what was happening.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:22 am

"I'd pay for it," Blake decided. "If you want to do it."

Bonnie instantly dropped his hand, a bunch of different emotions playing across her face. Her mouth worked up and down as she tried to think of something, anything to say. Him kissing another girl, the other girl acting like it was a normal thing to do. If Bonnie were braver, she might have asked who the girl was, but in her current state she just kept walking. "I'll be at the tide pools...if you need me..."

She managed to find them on her own somehow, following signs and things.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:25 am

Tucker shoved Nellie off. "What the hell was that?"
"What? Just a friendly greeting!"
"Friendly greeting my ***. Knock it off ok?"
"But Tuc-"
"I said knock-it off Nellie. What if Axel caught you doin that kind of ****? Huh? Now knock-it off. I like her. Now, she probably hates my guts. Thanks alot." He growled, running off to find Bonnie, catching up to her. He stopped at the entrance and walked over to her slowly. "Hey.."

Alice's eyes got wide. "'s so expensive. You don't have the money for that."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:34 am

"Hi...who was that?" Bonnie asked, knowing his voice and not having to turn around to confirm it was him before speaking.

"I'd find it." Blake shrugged. "Somehow. We'd figure it out."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:36 am

Alice watched him, pursing her lips. "You would go with me? So I wouldn't be alone?"

Tucker rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "That was Nellie. She works here. I swear, I have no idea what just happened back there. I don't even like her. I am so sorry."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:57 pm

Blake nodded. "Of course."

"If you say you don't know, then I believe you," Bonnie said, looking up at him and forcing a smile. She had no reason /not/ to trust Tucker. And technically he could kiss whoever he wanted, it wasn't like they were official.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:02 pm

Tucker looked at her and sighed as he slipped his hand into hers and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as he swayed slightly as if they were dancing. He let his chin rest on her head, his eyes a little distant. He didn't say anything though because he wasn't sure what to say.

Alice stared at him and chewed her lip for a moment. "How long until I can...I can do that?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:06 pm

Bonnie smiled, she liked this even though she wasn't sure what exactly it was...not dancing but not hugging...hmm. She wished that Nellie girl from the hallway was here to see them /now/. But then Bonnie realized that was a spiteful thought and shoved it out of her mind.

"When I can figure out the money," Blake said with a sigh. "So hopefully very soon."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:10 pm

Alice watched him for a moment and opened her mouth to answer but was cut short by her stomach churning. She lept up, stumbling into the bathroom. She didn't know why she even bothered, it wasn't as if she had anything to puke up.

Tucker held her and sighed, kissing her forehead tenderly, his eyes closing for a moment. "Bonnie," he said after a moment. "I like you...alot...I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:12 pm

Blake squeezed his eyes shut and stayed put. He hoped she wouldn't pass out AGAIN. She needed to start eating...if they were getting her an abortion anyway then there was no reason to starve it.

"I didn't think you would, though the Nellie thing freaked me out a bit," Bonnie muttered.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:25 pm

"You freaked me out to," Tucker chuckled and looked down at her, a small smile on his face, his eyes still begging forgiveness. "Here, I want to show you something," he smiled and pulled her over to the 'touch tank.' He took her finger and gently set it ontop of a purple urchin. The little fingers inside the spines reached up, latching to her finger.

Alice sat back against the wall after a moment, trying to catch her breath. She glared at nothing as she fought to keep tears back, her stomach crying out in pain. She gritted her teeth as she did her best to push it from her mind, anger at her old home and the people that resided in it filled her.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 16 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

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