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Can't fight this anymore....

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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:19 am

"Oh, right." Lou looked at him and smirked as she rolled down the sidewalk next to him. "It was just my brother." She shrugged and glanced at him. "I live with him. My parents died two years ago, so here I am, stuck with him and his hore." She smirked. "She aparently thinks that I'm coping by using and sleeping around." She rolled her eyes. "That woman reads to many self help books I swear." She sighed. "Anyway, that was him, yelling at me for using and sleeping with people. I didn't know I was a slut...did you? It's news to me."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:25 am

Blake raised his eyebrows, running a hand through his hair. "She's probably just trying to cover up her own whoreness."

He felt a pang, thinking of how Alice basically thought of herself as a whore. Alice...he felt empty as he thought of her. Did she realize how much letting herself go hurt him?


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:29 am

"Oh, she is." Lou smirked. "I've caught her more than once with some other guy in the bed, but my brother doesn't believe me. The fat cow just tells him I'm tramatized from the wreck and that I'm imagining things, or that I hate her so I'm making things up about her because I'm apparently determind to ruin their relationship." She shook her head a small laugh forcing its way out. "Anyway, feel like burgers? I'm starved." Her eyes searched his, almost begging for a change of subject, though she wasn't entirely to worried about it. She had no problem dissing her brother's wife. It was the whole thing with her parents that she minded.

Tucker woke a few hours later with a small groan. He shifted slightly, though he didn't really move that much, his eyes fighting to stay open.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:34 am

That was random. This chick was so trusting in people. What if she'd just asked a serial killer to get burgers? Blake shrugged, hands shoved in his pockets. "Sure. By the parents are dead to, killed in a car crash...just thought you'd like to know we have something in common." He smiled easily. "The people I live with are nice, though -- my Aunt, her girlfriend, and my cousin Bonnie."

Bonnie's eyes fluttered open when she heard him groan.
"What's the matter, Tucker?" She murmured, half-awake.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:39 am

Tucker shifted slightly, though he kept his arms around her. "My body hurts," he muttered as if it was nothing to really worry about. "It's ok, go back to sleep hun."

Lou smiled at him. "Mine too, car crash I mean." She stopped at the edge of the street, pressing the button for crossing and looked at him. "I bet that's a blast. Do you like 'em?" She asked curiously as the walk sign came on and she headed across the street. Some guy slammed on his breaks just before he hit her and she glared at them, flipping them off and gesturing towards the crosswalk. "Idiots," she muttered as she reached the other side of the cross walk.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:44 am

Bonnie blinked, sitting up slightly but still in his arms. "Why does it hurt? And where?"

Blake chuckled, surprised when he flipped them off. Lou was definitely a character, a refreshingly blunt one. He shrugged as they made it across. "They're pretty cool, I guess. The only problem's money. We don't have a lot of it."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:50 am

"Oh, I see." Lou said, easily falling back into the happy mood she was in before the idiots tried to plow her over. "So, how old are you Blake? Where do you come from?" She smiled at him, her chocolate eyes seeming to smile slightly too.

Tucker shook his head. "Everywhere. I'm sure I'm just sore from working so hard around the farm. We had to lay off some of the hands so we had more money for Bailey, so I've been picking up the slack."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:54 am

"Nineteen...and I came from here," Blake chuckled. "Though I was meaning to ask WHERE you come from...?"

"Oh, Tucker," Bonnie whispered, for some reason tears /finally/ coming. One slid down her cheek. Tucker was overworking himself for a cause that was pointless now, for a loved one that was lost. "Can't you hire them back now?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:58 am

Tucker shook his head slightly. "No, now we gotta pay off the loans we took out." He murmered, his eyes closed again. His brow furrowed as he heard the tears in her voice and he shifted slightly so he could see her, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Hey, what's with the tears?" He kept his voice gentle, loving.

Lou smiled at him. "Ipswitch, though I spent most of my life in Oxford." She went to the drive through for a burger joint, ordering a number one (double bacon avacodo burger) with medium drink and fries. She glanced at hime. "What do you want?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:04 am

"What's /with/ them?" Bonnie said, she bit her lip so no more would come out. "I'm crying for a lot of reasons, Tucker. For one, Bailey's gone when you gave everything you have for her to live. Second, we hardly talked for months, and when we finally do you're all broken -- which is heartbreaking, but I can deal with it. And then Blake's acting all weird because his friend died, and I'm not sure what's going on with my mom and -- sorry. You didn't ask for all of that. Never mind. basically, the tears have been bottled up and that's what's 'with' them. They needed to come out."

"Eh...." Blake ordered just a plain burger with medium fries and medium drink, then pulled out his wallet. Just because they didn't have a lot of money, didn't mean that they didn't have any. He handed the person at the counter money for both of their orders, without even notifying Lou, then looked at her and shrugged. "Ipswitch? Never heard of it."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:08 am

"It's in England." Lou said as she pulled out her velcro Wolverine wallet to pay, not noticing that he had already paid. She was to busy looking around the place. "It's fairly big, close to the sea."

Tucker looked at her for a moment, then pulled her into a hug and sighed. "I'm sorry Bonnie," he murmered quietly. "You can cry all you need, I was just wondering. I'm sorry."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:14 am

Blake put a hand over her wallet and her hand. "I already got it. And I know it's in England, from your accent." Blake chuckled, grabbing their food and handing her her's when it was done, then starting off again. "Should we sit somewhere to eat, or are you a fan of eating while you skate?"

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," Bonnie's words were muffled as she buried her head in his chest. Well, most of it wasn't his fault, anyways...Bonnie just didn't want him to take any of the blame.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:19 am

Tucker held her close, kissing her forehead gently, fighting to stay awake. "I love you, Bonnie." He murmered softly, feeling as though he could never tell her those words often enough.

Lou grumbled something incoherent as she shoved her wallet back into her pocket and took her food, following him. She pulled out a few fries and popped them in her mouth and shrugged. "Whatever. Probably sit since I've got guac on my burger."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:25 am

Bonnie wanted to say 'then where were you these past months, when I needed you?' but didn't. He'd probably needed her too...or she'd hoped he did. She'd tried to help him, tried to be there for him. But for whatever reason it hadn't worked. As he murmured to her she just stayed silent, trying to will away the tears before she said anything else.

Blake chuckled. "I was kidding, I don't know anyone who can eat while on their board...well, without making a mess." He noticed a bench down the sidewalk, and plopped down when they got to it, resting his board on the ground by his side. "How about here?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:29 am

Lou smiled at him and sat next to him, keeping her board under her feet. "Works for me," she said as she dug into her bag of food. She was starved. The stupid cow had decided that she was going to be vegitarian and so she only made crap food. She bit hungrily into her burger, letting out a happy sigh. Now that was what she called good food.

Tucker held her tight, his phone falling from his pocket as he fell asleep.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:33 am

Blake was amused by how happy the food made her. He began to eat his own, wondering what he should talk to her about...or maybe the silence was okay. Why was he worrying? She was just some chick.

Bonnie sighed when he fell asleep again, sitting up and pocketing his phone so he wouldn't lose it. She'd give it to him when he woke up. For now she hugged her knees to her chest and stared out at the water.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:37 am

Tucker kept his arm around her as he slept, unwilling to let her go.

Lou reached down and moved her boared beneath the bench then folded her legs beneath her, the bag of food resting in the middle of her lap as she at the whole burger, then started in on the fries. She was so she didn't stop smiling. "I love junk food," she said before she popped some fries into her mouth.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:40 am

Bonnie sighed. Some date. Even if she said he could sleep.
Gah, she was turning into a whiny bitch.
Let him sleep, Bonnie.

"What? Does the whore not let you eat it?" Blake asked as he finished off his burger and took a gulp of his drink.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:43 am

Lou shook her head. "I've been sneaking it because she's decided she's vegitarian. So now we all have to be vegitarians. Tonight we are having celery and pumice. I told her she could stick it up her ***." She gave a small smile as she happily continued to eat her fries. "So, I don't eat when I'm home." She shrugged as if it was just that simple.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:46 am

Blake laughed, but then it was cut off by her last sentence. She didn't eat? Alice didn't eat, Alice wouldn't eat because of the ...thing. Not a baby, just a thing. His smile was still there, thought it didn't reach his eyes. "I see. How old are you? Won't you be able to move out soon?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:50 am

Lou shrugged. "I'm 18 but I have no where else to go at the moment. So, I'm sorta stuck. Best part is, I've had the cops called on me at least three times in the last two weeks that I've been 18 and I've even been kicked out of the house." She shrugged. "I've got quiet the colorful record. Fortunately none of it is on my perminants." She sighed as she finished off her fries, a content smile on her face. "I love food." she said happily. She hiccuped and then laughed, smiling widely.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:11 pm

Blake laughed with her. "I can see ready to go?" He stood up, tossing his trash in a near-by garbage can and hopping back on his board.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:13 pm

Lou looked up at him, then at her stomach that felt like it was bloated and sighed. She stood, tossing her garbage away and taking a drink of her soda. "So where we headed?" she asked, obviously not planning to head home. She hopped onto her board and followed him.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:15 pm

"Uh..." Blake rubbed the back of his neck, looking up at the sky. "Why don't we just ride around some more?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:19 pm

"Sounds good to me," Lou said as she drank her soda, following wherever he lead her. "So, I've got a question for you." She said as she tossed her empty cup into a garbage can as they passed. "What's a good lookin guy like you doin without some girl attached to his hip?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 22 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

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