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Can't fight this anymore....

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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:38 am

You know, all I wanted was one normal day. Just one. But did I get it? No. I ran into them and now my life is a chaotic cyclone of drama! Why me? I have my own issues!

^ that is Alice Marklin. And you are them. It's a beautiful summers day, but what happens that day will not only change your life, but Alice's as well.

This is sort of free range.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:40 am

Wait, so what exactly is the idea? xD


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:46 am

They idea is, that you come up with what happened on the summer day haha and you play it out.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:47 am

Alright. So you want me to make a dude for Alice? ^_^
Or maybe it should be a group that she runs into?


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:56 am

Name: Alice (al-ee-ss) Bennton
Age:17 almost 18
Looks:  Can't fight this anymore.... Drowning-dreams
Description: Golden hair with natural curls that falls just below her shoulders. Her slight frame stands at 5'5" and you could say she is well endowed with curves. She has pale blue eyes that look like the first frost of winter, and pale skin with a silver undertone making it look like her skin's been touched by the moon. She has thin pale rose petal pink lips, though the top lip seems fuller than the bottom. She has a slightly angular face, but it's soft as well, making the angles not so noticeable. She often wears baggy ripped up jeans that are slightly to big for her, and a form fitting band t. Unless it's a special occasion, then she wears her pink dress with white lace ove the top of it. It has no sleeves, and has a wide V that comes down pretty low on her chest. She always keeps her flask on her person.

Personality: She has a firey temper and honestly doesn't give a **** anymore. She could careless if she just fell down and died, and usually she wishes she would. Life seems to have gotten so out of contol, that she just can't handle it anymore. But the outside world doesn't see the depression raging inside her. Instead they see a happy girl with no apparent problems

((It doesn't matter, I'll be making a boy as well so you can make a girl and boy. Your skeleton doesn't have to look like mine, I just put extra description because of the picture not seeming so clear))


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:57 am

(Alright, that's what I'll do then Smile)


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:04 am

Name: Tucker Riley
Age: 18
Looks:  Can't fight this anymore.... Blonde-guy-torn-jeans
Personality: TBD
Bio: Is a hard working farm kid that hates shirts. If it was up to him, he'd always wander around without one. He has a taste for alcohol and chewing tabacco. He loves to work with his hands and if he's not working, he's trying not to go nuts because he doesn't know what to do with free time.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:33 am

Name: Blake Morris
Age: Just turned 19
 Can't fight this anymore.... Tumblr_llu2lsyEdj1qe4nyno1_500_large
Personality: He's very different depending on who he's around, so it's hard to say.
Bio: Lives with his cousin, Bonnie, and their Aunt. His parents died in fire a few years back, and then his girlfriend died in a car crash last year. Though he still misses his parents, it's nothing like with his dead girlfriend. She haunts his dreams, though their really just hallucinations on his part. She was the only girl he ever loved, every other girl has just been a fling.

Name: Bonnie Kane
Age: 17
Looks:  Can't fight this anymore.... Miranda-kerr-2a
Personality: Grounded, but when you get closer to her she'll relax and loosen up a bit. Can be sarcastic, but never snarky. Has a fairly even temper, or so she likes to think. Is a fairly open-minded person.
Bio: I want this to be slowly revealed. Hehe.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Avery Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:41 am

*stalking* He's gorgeous, Spire...

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:41 am

Alice was hiding behind her hair, her body screaming at her as her clothes rubbed against her sensitive skin. She could feel the wounds opening slightly, just barely trickling blood. Her body ached as well because of the buises that riddled her. None of them visible of course. She was wearing a black thermal long sleeve that had Maroon 5 on it, the end of the shirt barely meeting her baggy pants as she walked through the park. The summer sun beat down heavily on her, though she ignored it easily.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:46 am

(Avery: I know <3 -drools-)

Blake had a football under his arm as he rode through the park on his skateboard. He'd come here on it, yeah -- even at 19 he didn't have his own car. Not that he'd asked for one. His Aunt did enough for him that he'd feel bad asking for one. There was money in his savings account, money he inherited from his parents. Maybe he'd use that for a car?

Bonnie was sitting on a park bench on the opposite end of the park from Blake, talking on her cell phone. Well, more like laughing on her cellphone. She was talking to some boy she'd met the other day. He kept trying to make her laugh, she could tell, so she went along with it. But she wasn't sure about him, Bonnie was a picky girl.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:50 am

Tucker was at the park with his three year old niece who was waiting for him to get to the bottom of the slide to catch her.

Alice looked up just in time to see a skateboard coming at her. She scrambled out of the way, falling over and wincing as she hit the grass.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:56 am

Blake noticed the girl a second to late and hopped off his skateboard when she hit the ground, letting his football fall from beneath his arm. He knelt down next to her. "Really sorry about that. You okay?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:00 am

Alice jumped when he appeared beside her. "Ya, I'm fine." She muttered as she moved away and stood, her shirt lifting slightly to show a bruis, her hair falling from her neck and showing the same. "Just watch where you're goin." She turned to keep walking. They had opened more, she could feel the searing pain from them. She relished in the feeling though her mind winced at it slightly.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:03 am

"Sure, talk to you later, bye," Bonnie said as she hung up with the guy. He was a definite no. Why did it seem like there were so few decent guys left. She dropped her phone into her purse and shouldered it, starting off down the path to go home. She was about to come to the children's park.

Blake knelt there dumbfounded, staring after her, for a moment. Had she really just brushed off his apology like that? And what were those things on her neck...? He stood up. "Hey wait. Are you sure you're okay? It looks like you're already bruising."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:08 am

Crap. He saw them. Alice turned and gave him a small smile, her lips slightly discolored. "Ya, I'm fine. Really." She rubbed her forearm absent mindedly. Relief flooding through her as she got some of them to open, the ones on her hips having not been enough. She turned to keep walking.

"Catch me Tuck!" His little neice called.
"I got you Bailey, don't worry." Tucker chuckled as she pushed away from the top and threw her hands in the air crying "WEEE!" the whole way as if she was on a roller coaster.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:16 am

Blake gave her one last odd look before shrugging and kneeling again to grab his football. He flipped his skateboard so the wheels were on the ground like they should be, then hopped on. With another glance over his shoulder he was off.

Bonnie glanced over at the slide with a slight smile as she passed, hearing the little girl happily screaming on the way down like that. She remembered those days, when the little kids' slide seemed like a mountain to slide down. Her phone vibrated in her purse and she stopped, fishing it out, but as she tugged it out the rest of her purse spilled, the contents dropping onto the path. A tube of lipstick, a pack of tissues, her glasses she never wore, a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer...she sighed and bent down, gathering the items up.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:20 am

Alice looked at her hand as she pulled it away from her arm. It was discolored with red. She bit her lip then winced because it was bruised. She didn't dare go home to fix it though. She had just came from there. She found herself a tree and curled up beneath it. She wished she had a propper long sleeve, but those had all been torn. The buises were visible as her shirt rode up some. But she didn't think about it to much. Instead, she drifted to sleep.

Tucker noticed and went over to her, Bailey running back up to the top of the slide again. He kneeled down and gathered some of the things and handed them to her. "I think you dropped some stuff." He smirked.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:24 am

Bonnie laughed slightly, the kind of person that let things roll right off of her.
"I'm used to it...I need a bigger bag. Thank you." She took the things he handed to her, and shoved them back into her purse. Her phone was now closer to the top and she popped it out. 1 Missed Call. Huh.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:27 am

Tucker chuckled and nodded. "That might be a good idea." He scanned the area for anything else that she might be missing. A small tug came at Bonnie's shirt, Bailey staring up at her with wide, curious eyes.
"Who are you?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:30 am

Bonnie looked down at the little girl, and wanted to hug her. How could you not want to hug adorable little kids? She crouched down a little. "I'm Bonnie. What's your name, sweetie?"

Blake found his friend, and then they went back to a big, open area near some trees to pass the ball back and forth for a bit. Usually there was big groups of them at the park, but today it was just the two of them.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:33 am

"Bailey." She said with a large smile as she slipped her hand into Tucker's. "This is Uncle Tuck." She watched Bonnie for a moment. "You're pretty."

Alice was still asleep, curled up. Even when the ball accidently hit her, she stayed asleep. She hadn't slept in days.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:36 am

"Oh...thank you," Bonnie said with a smile, showing her dimples. Little kids were so cute when they were blunt. She glanced at 'Uncle Tuck' "So she's your niece then?"

Blake winced when he saw the ball hit somebody, and ran after it.
"Sorr -- Oh."
It was the girl from earlier...and she was...sleeping? He paused, wondering if he should wake her. Falling asleep in a public park might not be the best idea.
He shook her shoulder a little. " up."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:41 am

Alice squeaked, moving away from him, her eyes wide with fear. She winced as she moved wrong, though she didn't say anything. She was more afraid of why this guy was touching her.

Tucker chuckled and nodded. "Ya, she is. I'm Tucker by the way, Tucker Riley." He held his hand out to her, Bailey beaming up at her.
"Want to come play with me?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:45 am

"Bonnie Kane," Bonnie said, feeling a little odd saying it after she'd introduced herself to the little girl. She shook his hand, letting it drop before it seemed like an awkward handshake. She looked down at Bailey, then to Tucker, then back at the girl. A smile slid onto her face again. "I'll play with you for a few minutes, sure.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

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