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Welcome to Mysterium academy!

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Karma =) Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:05 pm

Alexis: "Yeah and I know that the girl is from Nox." I say pointing to Ayalies.
Karma =)
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Age : 29

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:27 pm

Ayalies came up beside Alexis, the shadows immediately following. She gave a nod to the girl as her greeting. "Ayalies," she spoke, looking her over, a small smile coming to her face at the sight of the dog. She made no move to approach it though, not wanting to frighten it. "Duke is a nice name." Her thoughts went to back earlier, when Alexis had invited her to visit her home realm. It was a nice idea, at least.

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Karma =) Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:39 pm

Alexis: "Where do you think they are?" I ask to Ayalies.
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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:52 pm

She glanced at Alexis, "Where do I think who are? The others students? Maybe we're the only ones."

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:06 pm

Drake continued to follow silently in the back ground, feeling odd out of water. He kept his head low and his mouth shut, though his eyes darted around, ready for anything.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:29 pm

Well this was just perfect. Jean rolled her eyes, trying to ignore Soda as they walked. She was day dreaming, which resulted in the shuffling of her feet. Her foot caught on her pants, almost always another result of day dreaming, and sent her flying into some guy that did not look comfortable at all.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:23 pm

Drake's head snapped up as he felt someone fall into him and he atomaticly raised his hands to steady her.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:06 pm



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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:12 pm

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Karma =) Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:53 pm

Alexis: I was feeling weird this felt like a set up or something. I just want of the this place, I start pacing like a animal trapped in a cage. Then the intercome came on again and this time a guys voice rang trhough.
"Welcome boys and girls to the Mysterium Acedemy! You are here because a war is coming and I am going to prepare you for it, but for now to look around, eat, and get to know one another because tomorrow training will begin." Then it cut off and doors in front of us open to show a banquet of food.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Age : 29

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Karma =) Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:37 pm

Karma =)
Karma =)

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Age : 29

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:16 pm

Name: Cody
Realm: Nox
Power(if any): He can control spirits. Dead ones, ones inside of people, etc.
Look: Night black hair, light blue eyes, veryyyy fit, a little taller than average. He's the type of handsome that people do double-takes of down the street.
Age: 18
Bio: His father is the most powerful business dealer in all of the realms, and Cody was raised to be exactly like his father. But he's not. The business is basically... Well, think Mafia. He didn't get a childhood. He had to grow up quickly. He was forced to kill his own mother when he turned 10 to prove his loyalty to his dad.
Other: He's quite self-reserved and either likes a person right away, or dislikes them. He disassociates when he has to kill and can be very cold-blooded.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:19 pm

hiiii :]

Melodie: I looked over at the new guy, mildly interested. Admittedly, he was drop dead gorgeous, but still. He looked like a bit of an asshole.

Cody: With disinterest set in my facial expression, I appraised my surroundings. I had no clue how I got here, but I would be out. Soon.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:23 am



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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:10 am

"Sorry!" Jean said as she held her arms out, steadying herself even though Drake was doing it for her. "Sorry," she glanced at the guy she had fallen on, her face beet red. "I..uh...sorry." You are so sucking at this Jean, she thought to herself. Soda was just watching them with an amused look on his face, shaking his head.

Last edited by Taylow on Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:17 am

Cody: I glanced over at the girl who kept apologizing and stopped short of rolling my eyes. Pathetic.

Melodie: I walked over to the girl. "Hey there!"


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:24 am

Shit, Jean stared at the girl, the two boys, her mind spinning slightly. There were so many...people. She just froze up. She always hated being around so many people. She was use to being under her bed with her comics where no one would bother her and life was just dandy except or the occasional bad guy in her comic book world. But no. She was now forced to be here with only her one copy of Xmen she had managed to save. "Hi," she managed to squeak out after a long pause of silence, wanting desperately to hide behind the boy who was still steadying her.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:33 am

Melodie: I sighed and backed off. Okay than. She was apparently not a social animal. I looked at the new boy for a moment but didn't feel like approaching him. Seems like it's just me and Duke. As usual.

Cody: I looked over at the shaking girl and the one with the dog. Shaker wasn't even worth my time. At least, my dad would say she wasn't. she looked like she would scream if I went near her. doggy girl looked useful, but I wasn't entirely convinced yet. She looked like she was from Flamma, but I could swear I'd seen her face before...


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:36 am

Jean felt her head spinning more and more, her body growing tired. Crap. Her skin paled, her eyes turning scared as she fainted. She hated Lukemia. It was killer. Litteraly.

Soda frowned, to engrossed in a conversation with the shadows to notice that Jean had just passed out.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:59 am

Cody: I raced forward, catching the girl right before she hit the ground and glared at the shadow boy. Being from Nox, if he didn't recognize me instantly I would have to remind him who I was. I was the spitting image of my father, and my father's pictured were all over Nox. He ran a business similar to the mafia, and was well known in all the realms. However, everyone in Nox knew about him. Everyone.

Melodie: I watched with mild interest as new guy caught the Lukemia girl and shrugged. I had expected pop boy to catch her but he was obviously oblivious.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:23 am

Soda turned and froze. His eyes weren't on Cody, heck they didn't even really notice him. They were on the unconcious Jean. He couldn't move, he just...stood there. It wasn't that he didn't care for her, she was the closest thing to a sister he had. She had helped him when he had accidently gone to the wrong realm. It was that he wasn't use to seeing her like that. He didn't know she was sick, no one did. She hadn't told anyone and she had only known herself for three weeks. But when he had met her, she wasn't sick. She was healthy. He could almost feel the sickness in her shadow and it scared him.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:25 am

Drake looked at the girl he'd just caught and frowned. Usually he'd make a smart remark like 'Been walking long?'but he shook his head and frowned. "I can carry her untill we get to wherever we're going." Having already been a warrior Drake was strong and quick.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:40 am

Soda stumbled foreward, still ignoring the fact that Cody was there. He patted Jean's face, his eyes begging her to wake up. Why did she look like this? Why had she fainted? Jean never fainted. She groaned, slowly starting to come around.


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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:43 am

Drake found himself leaning forward, curios as to wether or not she was alright. "Hey? You ok?" His black hair fell in his face and he blew it back.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Welcome to Mysterium academy! - Page 4 Empty Re: Welcome to Mysterium academy!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:50 am

Jean's eyes fluttered open, turning wide as she saw three faces. She blinked a few times, only recognizing Soda. She looked at the boy with black hair, he was the one that asked the question...right? She swallowed hard. How do you answer a question like that without people thinking you're trying to throw a pitty party for yourself? "I'm sorry," she said finally, after she found her voice. "I'm just not feeling well."


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