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mirror world

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mirror world Empty mirror world

Post by fallen rose Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:18 pm

you look everyone around you thinking you see their real self but if you look at their reflection then it will change you mind

we are mirror creature from the mirror world. we might look human but our reflectiongs tells thing different. we was chased out of the mirror world but mirror hunter into the human world. once in the human world we lost our mirror form and gain a human form and try to rebuild ours life in the human world. but the mirror hunters slowly figure out that we escape from the mirror world and started to come to the human world to find us here and kills us off one by one. so the mirroring elders created rules to protect us from the hunters

1 human can't ever see a mirroring true form
2 mirroring can't ever talk about the mirror world or what was their life in the mirror to a human
3 the mirror shouldn't ever fall in love in human or a mirror hunter
4 if any of these rules are broken the punish will be death to the mirroring and the human/hunter

(but the rules will be broken )

info about mirroring

in one of mirroring eyes has glitter spot or off colored of the eye that show up in both mirroring true form and human form. a mirroring true form can be very different from their human form sometime in rare cases a mirroring change genders. a mirroring has talents or gifts but for some reason they only can have two.

info on the mirror hunter

mirror hunter are actually a minor mirror or weak mirror that looks human and have no talents or gifts so they have that glitter spot or off coloedr like mirroring and onl if they a pure mirror hunter but once the mirror hunter came to the human world they started family with human and pure mirror hunter blood less as time pass so the non pure blooded mirror hunter are not as stonge as the pure blooded and the non pure blood has a less noticeable glitter stop or off color or don't have one at all

(try to get even amount of hunters and mirroring )

mirroring fill out
human name:
human age:
human gender(if that rare case of mirroring):
human appearnce:
the bio we tell the humans:
mirroring name:
mirroring gender( if the rare case):
mirroring appeance:
the true bio:
glitter spot or off colored:

the mirror hunter fill out
weapon they are train in:
non or pure blooded

my characters-

human name:afterlife lost
human age:15
gender: female (both forms)
human appearnce:black shoulder length hair,blue gray eyes, wears a black skirt, a red shirt
personatily:she is wise but sometime she is cold heart
the bio we tell the humans:her family die when she was yound and she lives with her best friend courtney
talents/gifts: her gift is that she can't feel pain and she can control fire
mirroring name:loveless
mirroring appeance: is a kitsune and her fox ear and 9 tails are black that are tip with red, long black hair that stops at her hips, sliver eyes
true age:she is a very ancient so she kinda forgot her age
the true bio:she is one of the elders but she only elder that don't like the rules are created for the mirroring and she has a guard which is eros
glitter spot or off colored: glitter spot

human name: courtney fear
human age:18
human gender(if that rare case of mirroring): female
human appearnce:long red hair, green eyes, taller than afterlife, black pants, purple tank top
personatily: protective, smart, curious
the bio we tell the humans:she live with her best friend afterlife
talents/gifts: controls darkness and super speed
mirroring name: eros fearless
mirroring gender( if the rare case):male
mirroring appeance:short brown/red hair, golden eyes, wears all black and has black wings
true age: eros is very old but much younger then loveless
the true bio:he is loveless guard and he listen to loveless in both form no matter what
glitter spot or off colored: off colored.

appearnce; shot blond hair, light green eyes, tall, muscular, wears mostly black
bio: he was trained since a early age to hunt down mirroring and has no future plans to changes his mind about hunting down mirroring
weapon they are train in: swords
non or pure blooded: pure blooded

fallen rose
fallen rose

Posts : 8036
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 29

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