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World War: Menos Van

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World War: Menos Van Empty World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:00 pm

This is Tara as seen from Venus Tran, Tara's third moon (she has two suns and four moons in all) :
World War: Menos Van 3327-Alien_Planet_1.alien%20planet%201

Tara's people and creatures are as diverse as her landscape. The people, the Methos's and the Tiran's were once united under one great ruler. Mistarith. And then he fell and the world plumeted into a new revolution. The worlds surrounding Tara are looking on as the revolution progresses, rumors of invasion and control have reached her shores, though not many of her children heed them. War and desolation now sweep over Tara's beautiful landscape. A battle for government. A battle for power. But most of all, a battle of freedom.

Which side are you on?

Methos Leader- Chiranta Mel-ka (female priestess)

Tiran Leader- Mihino Farmir (male war lord)

Short bio:

Give me a moment and I will post a small dictionary of words you will need to know and you can refer back to seeing as how they have a seperate language other than English. Tara was settled by the humans on Earth, though Tara's atmosphere has given a slight genetic twist to her inhabitints have grown and multiplied through the many decades. This allows for MINOR powers and slight genetic quirks such as rigged ears, lepard spots on the back of the neck, once again, MINOR genetic quirks.

My rules are the ones that have followed me through out all the chats I have created recently. If you do not follow them I will not hesitate to correct you. Three strikes and you are out. I do reserve the right to remove anyone or anything from this chat as I see fit.

just because I like the song

The Taran Encyclopedic Dictionary

Menos Van (men-os Vien) – War of Ages

Venus Tran (Ven-ass Train) – Beautiful Light

Marki (pronounced as spelled)- Lord; sire

Metutha (meh-to-the) – Mother

Pardono (Pair-doe-no) – Father

Marissa (mair-iss-ai) – sister

Reperto (reh-purt-oo) – Brother

Malkini- common eatable fruit that is found on Tara

Neykri- black leathery demented dog looking creature. You can see the bones of this creature through its tight skin and its call sounds like that of a screaming child. It tracks fear, bleeds a yellow mucus like substance, and hunts in packs. The blood of this animal helps to heal minor wounds.

Jarmis (harm-ees) - the blood of a Neykri

Almeka menoto tran (Al-meek-ai Men-ought-o Train)- this is a greeting which when translated means “May the light bless you.” The person receiving the greeting must then reverse the phrase. “Tran menoto almeka.”

Tran (train) – light

Kikiro (kick-ear-o) - idiot; stupid

Ustana (pronounced as spelled) – Love and/or peace it depends on the context of the sentence

Heiro (hair-o) - Help; mercy

Maltos (Mail-tuss) – please

Bartoss (bear-tuss) – Thank you

Takara- Goddess of Light

Meh terro ased (meh terro *roll the r* ah-said) - I'm going to keep watch

Last edited by Taylow on Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:53 am; edited 4 times in total


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:18 pm

Name: Capella
Age: 17
Looks: She has long, black hair that falls to her waist in curls. Her skin is pale like the moons and has deep purple eyes. Her eyes tend to reflect her mood. If she is happy, they become a light violet. If she is mae, they almost become black. She is pettie and is almost always in a dress.
Side: Chiranta Mel-ka
Short bio: She doesn't have parents. She's not exactly sure what happened to them. She lives with her aunt and uncle who raised her. She loves the moons. And she loves to dance. Ergo, her greatest joy is to dance under a moonlit sky. Though she never lets anyone see her dance. If anyone where to spy her dancing on one of those moonlit nights, they would no doubt feel her wrath.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:51 pm

Name: The Hailspar Brothers
Age: 19

World War: Menos Van Vincent-valentine

Side: Tiran
Short Bio: The brothers grew up under the careful guidence of their train Mekino and when he was killed by a Methos they swore revenge on them. The revolution broke out when the boys had turned 14. They both joined the Tiran regimands and have since trained with them. They have now struck out on their own as "vigilantes" in their eyes but are more like opressers to the Tiran.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:56 pm

Name: Meliah (may-lee-ah) Terkani
Looks: World War: Menos Van Thumb3_warrior_girl_1
Age: 18
Side: Tiran
Short bio: was orphened during the first dispute between the Tiran and Methos which eventually erupted into Menos Van. She grew up on the streets and was taught how to fight by Michael, another boy on the streets who was trampled to death during a riot when she was seventeen. All her equipment comes from a smithy at the edge of her city that never keeps his amory locked.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:11 pm

"Get yur ass off 'o me!" Adam growled as he shoved Alex away, Alex having rolled ontop of him in the middle of the night. The boys had been camping out in the woods along the Methos boarders, trying their best to find ways to infiltrate the closest camp and, of course, burn it to the ground.
"Oi! Watch it! Thas my sensitve spot you're kickin'!" Alex grumbled as he blocked between his legs with his hands and rolled over sleepily. Sometimes it seemed as though he could sleep through anything.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:21 pm

It's night, my favorite time of the day. It wasn't exactly dark. All four moons were out, lighting up the landscape with their pale glow.
I crawled quietly crawl out of bed and slipped on my light flowy skirt, tucking my ivory dagger into it's holder on my upper thigh. I shouldn't be going out. There are rumors of Tiran's nearby. But I don't pay it heed. There were always rumors.
I couldn't sleep and the moons were out. So I did the only logical thing to do- I went for a walk.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:27 pm

Adam froze after a moment, hearing something in the distance. "Oi! Get up. You 'ear that?"
Alex groaned and lifted his head in a sleepy daze. "'ear what?" He froze as he heard branches snapping. Adam got up, quickly putting out the fire and moving away from the site, followed by Alex. They snuck up behind the trees, keeping out of sight. It was some...girl. That was it. Just a girl. The boys looked at each other, seeming to debate whether or not it was worth it. Both being undecided they decided to just watch her for a moment. (such contradictions in their logic)


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:36 pm

(heh, you're telling me. For some reason 'going for a walk' was logical to Capella)

I made my way through the village, careful not to wake anyone, hands glued to my dagger. finally making though to the outskirts, I relaxed considerably, rolling my shoulders to let go of tension as I gazed up at the moons happily. It's like they sang to me, the moons, I mean. Not literally, of course. But if you listened closely enough, you could hear the soft whispers of their songs, the gentle rustle of the pale light. It was so beautiful, I felt the need to dance to it; to it's call; it's sweet voice. So I did; picking one foot up and then the other, I twirled and leaped under the moons glow, it's song guiding me.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:40 pm

"She's mine," Adam declared in a very small whisper, barely loud enough for Alex to hear.
"Oi! 'oo says you get first pick?" Alex said with a frown.
"I do," Adam grinned and with stealth and silence on his side, he quickly made his way to the strange girl dancing in the moon. Alex followed behind, of course, staying in the shadows just incase something happened. Adam came up behind her, his hand sliding quickly over her mouth and his arms around her pinning her hands to her chest before backing her into the trees.
"'Ello." He whispered in her ear.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:45 pm

I stiffened, fear filling me like ice as rough hands dragged me into the tree line. Instincts kicked in and I began to struggle, kicking and squirming, trying desperately to get to my hidden dagger. But he was too strong. Dear Tran, what was going to happen to me? Finding my struggles useless, I did the one thing left in my pathetic arsenal. I opened my mouth, and bit the hand smothering me.

Last edited by Ella Rose on Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:51 pm

Adam growled as she bit his hand, giving a swift jerk to "accidently" run her into a tree and make her loose her breath. At least that way she wouldn't struggle for a bit. "Pack up camp, we got to get movin'." Alex quickly grabbed their stuff, throwing it into the leather Neykri bag they had made the last time they had encountered one. Adam continued to drag Capella into the forest and out of hearing range of the village.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:56 pm

"Omph!" My sight flickered for a moment, my head bouncing off a rough surface as he dragged me along. I blinked, dazed, finding it hard to keep up my struggles. My head was pounding now. Everything was slow and sluggish. I'm sure my lack of sleep wasn't helping my brain function, but I felt like drugged doll, being dragged along. Where was I again?


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:05 am

Adam threw the girl over his shoulder after checking her for weaponry, taking the dagger and putting it on his own belt. He wasn't stupid. Methos always carried something to kill with. That's what they did. Kill. He carried her farther into the forest, followed by Alex. They finally came to a cave and they both moved to the very farthest reaches of the cave they could. Adam tossed the girl to the ground before binding her hands and feet, then stood and grinned as Alex built a fire.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:08 am

I blinked, suddenly finding myself in a cave and then the next moment, bonded. Tran, my head hurt. (what would be their god's name?) I looked around, trying hard to make my eyes focus and my head clear. "Wh-who are you?" I managed, my voice cracking and ruining my attempt to sound strong.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:10 am

Adam grinned widely as he crouched down a little ways from her so as to be out of hitting range. "Better question is, who are you?" He gave her hair a light tug, then stood and went over to help Alex with the fire. They finally got it going, the warmth of the green flame filling the cave almost immediately.



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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:14 am

The tug seem to help clear my head, oddly enough. The confusion was quickly replaced by anger. I eyed the two men for a moment, my fury so intense, my eyes must of looked black.
I fumbled for my dagger, cursing as I found it's familiar weight was lacking on my thigh. I aimed carefully and spitted their way. "Release me! Now!"

Last edited by Ella Rose on Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:19 am

Adam laughed as the spit hit Alex in the face. Alex growled and glared at Capella, his eyes seemed like cold smoldering embers of anger. "How about I just kill you?" His voice was dangerously low and calm. Adam glanced at the girl, wondering what her reaction would be. She was...spunky to say the least.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:24 am

I managed to re-position myself so I could stand at any moment, taking in his threat calmly. I stayed quiet, choosing my response carefully. "You won't though. So why don't you just save us both the trouble, and release me." I held his gaze, eyes narrowing, not backing down.
In all honesty, I just wanted to live to see tomorrow. And I wouldn't mind doing it in my own house, either.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:27 am

Alex stood, a dagger in his hand with a blink of an eye. He grabbed her hair tilting her head back, the dagger pressing into her neck enough to draw blood, his anger seething through. "Don't tempt me Methos," he growled in a low, menacing voice.
"Hey, settle down," Adam said moving forward, looking slightly concerned. Out of the two, Adam was probably the most compassionate. He at least had some feelings outside of his brotherly love for Alex. Alex, on the other hand, felt nothing for anyone except Adam, which of course was a brotherly love and loyalty.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:33 am

I held back a grimace as I felt the skin of my neck split open under his blade. I kept my will stead fast, my face blank as I stared him down. "Go. Ahead. Kill me. I'm just a girl. Just a girl who was dancing in the moon. Who's going to know? You're a big bad warrior. I can't stop you. I'm helpless after all." I waited expectantly, my head throbbing with a vengeance as he tugged at my hair. (insert god name here), I really hope he didn't take me up on that.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:43 am

"Repurto," Adam said, putting his hand on Alex's shoulder. "She's just trying to get under your skin."
Alex growled as he stared the girl down. He then slammed his fist into her stomach before making a large slash across the top of her arm and walked away. *"Meh terro ased." He went to the entrance of the cave, sitting on the ground far from them. He could only barely hear the flicker of their voices, not really able to make out what they were saying.

Adam sighed and looked at the girl. "Sorry about that," he muttered and dug in the bag, pulling out a jar of a yellow mucus like substance. He began to rub it on the cut that Alex had given her.

*I'm going to keep watch


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:48 am

That second I was able to catch my breath and uncurl my legs from my stomach, I jerked away from his touch, glaring at him. "What's the point of cleaning that if I'm not going to live to see the morning? Infection won't get to me that fast."
I squirmed away from him as best I could while still bounded, struggling to free my hands. I had various things I wanted to use them for at the present. Slapping him silly was one of them.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:51 am

"That's a nice thing to say to a guy that's only tryin' to 'elp." With one quick movement he wiped the jarmis onto the cut on her neck, then went and put the jar away. Adam sat against the wall and glanced over at her. "Do I get ta know your name?"

*jarmis is the blood of a Neykri


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:55 am

I nearly snorted, his statement was so preposterous. "Trying to help? You just kidnapped me. I don't want your 'help'. You want to do something useful? How about you cut these bonds and let me go. And no, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't allow my kidnappers the honor of knowing my name." I glare at him, seething.


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:01 am

Adam looked at her and grinned, chuckling. "Well, it was either us get you, or let you get caught by the Tiran soldiers that were on the boarder. They're not as nice as I am. You probably wouldn't even have your clothes on at the moment." He glanced at the fire and streached. "And if I let you go, then you would just run home and tell everyone and that wouldn't be very good for me or my brother."


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World War: Menos Van Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

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