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The World of the Fay

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The World of the Fay Empty The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:21 pm

Well, since you are here my wonderful character I have some news to give you....

You're dead.

Oh, don't worry, its not permanent, you'll wake up again. Just, not as you were. See, sometime between live and death you were chosen to live again, just in a different form. Not human, habui, vampire, whatever you were.

As a Fay, wings and all. Get used to it kid, you're kinda stuck like this.

So, welcome to my world dearies, I hope you have a wonderful stay. There are very few dangers in this world, and more freedom than you will find most anywhere else. Oh, wait, I forgot something. See, deep in the woods, there sits a cave. In the cave lives a women, she goes by the name of the Dark Lady. Stay away from her, she enjoys killing Fay, particularly removing their wings, or having someone do it for her before ordering them to be killed by a friend.

Yes, this world is safe, as long as you stay away form her, the bugers, the starlighters, and oh.. a few dozen other creatures you'll be just fine.



For the Fay your soulmate is the one who makes your light glow. They're your perfect match, wither you agree with that at the time or not. Older Fay will see their lights glow once again when they come in contact with their soulmate, like..touch their hand or anything like that. It has to be skin, you can't just touch their clothing and glow. New Fay will see their lights get brighter than ever before, it can sometimes be almost blinding to those looking on depending on the strength of the soulbond.

★Soulbond - The connection between Soulmates. If attended by a matchmaker it can become a mental link between minds.

★Matchmaker - Those with the ability to strengthen the bond between mates, can not make the bonds without black magic. They're highly respected.

★Black Magic - Can be performed by those who have been touched by TDL's power. Is a struggle to resist using once aquired. Also enables her to control you easier each time it is used. (BTW, I will only use this for the chat. It is just..hard to completely explain so I didn't want to use it in the chatbox)


Lights are a big deal to the Fay. The color could set you towards you're calling, the strength show how strong of a Fay you are. Each Fay's color is different in some way. After a few years the light will fade till it stops completely, it has been this way since the Dark Ages began. New Fay's lights are very bright.

★The Dark Ages - The period of time when TDL has control and the White Lady is missing. No Fay have been born till now, lights fade.

‡Callings - I will provide more information about there when needed.

The Birthing stones.

This is the waking place of all the Fay. It consists of a large meadow that never recieves the darkness of dusk time. Ten large stones lay in a circle, a hundred feet between each of them. The stone is smooth and bowled, most waking up curled into a ball in the center of the bowl. It used to be watched by a Stonekeeper, but now he only comes by once a month to clean the stones.

★Dusk Time - The short time when the sky is empty, the two suns being down at the same time. Takes place once every Month towards the end.

★Stonekeeper - Used to watch over the new Fay and wait for them to awake. Now just takes care of the site.


Some Fay are so strong in this new life that their color is everywhere, in their hair, changing the color of their eyes. These particular Fay have a chance at developing an ability over a certain thing. Such as the matchmaker and the bonds. Or a flowertender and the roses.

I may add more information later, actually, I will but that's later. For now.. lets get started shall we? Here's the sheet:

**General Appearance:
Light color:
How you died:
Ability - (this is optional, I don't care if the abilities are given this chat, we'll just see how many people want them or don't)

**On General appearance please make it a text description unless you have like.. a drawn picture of your charrie.


**No Powerplaying or Godmoding.
**Posts at least two lines, unless circumstances don't allow for a longer one.


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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:21 pm

Name: Martin Blackard
Age: 19
General Appearance: He's tall and lanky, standing at about 5'11, usually wearing glasses. He has, however started reverting to contacts...but I doubt those will work here. His glasses are thick rimmed, large, and black. He has dark brown hair that usually looks like he just woke up and bright green eyes. He's...slightly lean but hasn't ever really had to work out in his life. A work out for him would be writing 30 pages on his type writer at home. He usually wears a smug look and a fez. The fez is very important to him. Don't. Touch. The fez.
Wings: The World of the Fay Backlit-moth-wings
Light color: Bright Orange, but not neon colored *shudders*
How you died: Martin, being the snooping amateur reporter he is, stumbled on something he wasn't exactly suppose to. When the gang that committed the crime found out, they hunted him down before he could publish the information. He was then beaten to death and left to die in an alleyway, doused in acid.


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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:32 pm

Name: Ripley
Age: looks to be about 17
General Appearance: Ripley is about 5' and has long golden hair that reaches to the middle of her back. Has bright eyes the color of a tiger rock and fair skin that has a silver undertone to it. Full, pale lips. Her eyes are framed by thick lashes and she has slight curves, but nothing major. She's very petite, even as just a normal being.
Wings: The World of the Fay Butter10
Light Color: The same red that's in the picture
How you died: Ripley exploded while saving her cell. Her cell is sort of like her family, it contains a variety of cybernetic beings along with a few humans who have decided to accept their existence in the world as equals. Ripley had found a live bomb in their safe house, taken it, and ran, hiding it in her shirt so no one knew she had it when it exploded on her about ten feet from their safe house.


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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:51 pm

Name: William Cox
Age: 16
**General Appearance: Raven black hair, tall about 6'1, has dark grey blue eyes
Wings: black
Light color: dark blue
How you died: Um....the enemy killed him...
Ability - (this is optional, I don't care if the abilities are given this chat, we'll just see how many people want them or don't) Seer

Name: Eric "Unknown" Brown
Age: 18
**General Appearance: tall, almost pure white hair, dark eyes
Wings: white
Light color: yellow
How you died: The Area caught him
Ability - (this is optional, I don't care if the abilities are given this chat, we'll just see how many people want them or don't) Has control over light

Last edited by gh3325 on Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:37 pm

Name: Chelsea Turrow
Age: 15
**General Appearance: mid length,straight blonde hair with red eyes. On the small side (5'- 5'3'' in normal form), with fair skin and slight freckles across her nose. Thin as well
Wings: The World of the Fay Green-12
Light color: pale green
How you died: murdered while on the wrong side of town
Ability - Can read and slightly control the fears of others

Last edited by Black&White on Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:17 pm; edited 3 times in total

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:39 pm

Name: Danae Blake
Age: 16
**General Appearance: She has short, very curly blonde hair to her chin. Her skin is a milky white color and her eyes Icy blue. Dani is short and small, could easily be mistaken for someone younger. Normally has around eight daggers on her person. She has scars everywhere, the most noticeable being the brands, one on her right wrist, the other on her upper arm.
Wings: The World of the Fay Danaef11
Light color: Icy Blue
How you died: Well, lets just say her father found her hanging around with the freaks.. and really didn't like that.
Ability - Control over flowers.

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:50 pm

hehe...cant resist this...

Name: Damian Wayne
Age: 10
**General Appearance: short, boyish cut to his jet black hair. Dark blue eyes, black unless in the right light. Darker skinned thanks to his Arabian mother. Strong despite his size.
Wings: The World of the Fay 11419910
Light color: very pale, light yellow
How you died: Well, he had to lose a fight /sometime/...
Ability - N/A

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Regret Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:02 pm

Name: Stan Wade, a.k.a. "Fucking Wade..."
Age: 25, when he died.
General Appearance: 6'2" and weighing about seventeen stone (before he died. Scale down for preference), Wade consists of a LOT of muscle. He wears battered camouflage combats, a black t-shirt, black gauntlet-gloves and a huge pair of steel-toecapped boots. His hair and eyes are brown, and his face is broad. He would look amiable if he wasn't almost always sneering.
Wings: Irritatingly sparkly, like something you might see on a kids' show. Iridescent and translucent, but he should be thankful that they have a pastel blue tint rather than pink. Needless to say they fill him with pent-up shame and rage.
Light colour: Black.
How you died: Gave his pistol a blowjob so that he didn't turn into a zed. He took sixty, yes SIX-TY, of them with him using only a combat knife. Everyone jokes that he's in Valhalla now.
Ability: SHOTGUN.

Last edited by Regret on Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:14 pm

Name: Peter
Age: 16
**General Appearance: Peter's appearance. The only difference is that his eyes are now light yellowish-gold.
Wings: These
Light color: Light yellowish-gold (like his eyes...or rather, his eyes are like this)
How you died: Danae's father really doesn't appreciate Danae hanging out with freaks... Peter went down fighting, at least. Really, he's Peter.
Ability - Same bonder stuff
Winter Dragon

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:19 am

Name:T.Morbid Namechov
Age: 19
**General Appearance: wicked skinny, black hair, grey eyes... YOU KNOW THE DRILL.
Wings: I'mma get you a picture eventually, once the homework sucks less... but until then: They're rather torn up and at the moment the sketch is of butterfly wings.
Light color: Silvery Grey.
How you died: Well... Mr.Face raised the taxes... without actually... publicizing that least...over any means of communication that anyone but him could comprehend... and erm... Well... Incendiary Tax Collection is...kind of...bad... isn't it.
Ability - Is ellipsis an ability? ... ... .... .... .... ... ... ...?

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:16 pm

**General Appearance:You know... seven foot tall faceless man with pointy teeth and white skin that habitually is in need of a laundromat for his armani suits.
Wings: Greyscale, 8-bit butterfly wings.
Light color: The colour of oxidised blood. Or my chatbox colour. Same thing really.
How you died: Some kind of... governmental mishap involving a gun and an idiot holding the bloody thing. And the lack of proper healthcare in Auda.
Ability - Echolocation, as per usual.


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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:23 am

Hello? This going somewhere?

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:44 pm

Oh, sorry for not saying anything earlier than now. Winter and I thought it would br a. Good idea to make it so that Peter and Danae had been here for awhile when the others arived. And because of that we were going to CC JF to a point where we could make it a pre thing to this.

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:02 pm

But I'd thought we were doing the two things simultaneously... o3o;
Winter Dragon

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:12 pm

*wantz Damian's reactionz to wingz.....*

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:19 am

The Stonekeeper

Once the stones had been great, the pride of the city. Stonekeepers were prized above almost all callings, for we knew when the new Fay were coming. And that is why I was making an unscheduled trip to the stones, for I could've sworn that among my duties the day before, I'd caught a glimpse of the stone lights that only the keepers could see. That was the stones way of saying ..they're commingle.

And I would be there to welcome them.

((For an idea on how do first post check out JF or Wotf in Fantasy. ))

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:28 pm

Alright, you son of a bitch, whoever the hell decides to knock out Damian Wayne has another thing comin to him...
Instinctively going for my katana, always at my side, even before my eyes open. Sitting upright in a rush and pulling it from its sheath, a fierce look on my face.
Only... Not in a back alley of Gotham's crime streets anymore, heavy rain coming down with an ambush of gangsters around me and Grayson. Nooo, some sunshine and dancing flowers place on a rock instead of concrete. The fuck.
This is obnoxious. Damn... /sun/.... I /sleep/ during the day, alright? So that Father might take me out on a patrol instead of with Grayson when he decides to play pity party. I reach for my hood but find it missing. What, Harley decide to steal my cape too? But that's stupid, I still had my cape right here -
... "What the FUCK?!" Honestly... the universe hates me...

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:37 pm


I woke up, lying down on a hard surface. Gah.....wait hold on. I bolted uprightwhere the heck was I?. But where was here? And how did I get here? was bright. I held up a hand to shade my eyes so I could look around easier till my eyes adjusted. It was a circle of stones... strange. I got up and streatched, feeling an odd fluttering behind me. I wipped around, half expecting someone to be there was wings...and they were me. Holy crap!!! How'd I get those?!

Last edited by gh3325 on Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Regret Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:35 pm

Wade wakes and stretches. Suddenly, he clasps his hand to his head, feeling for the bullet exit wound. Nothing. Without scars or even pain, he stands up. His weapons are missing.
He raises his hands into the air and swears as loudly as he can.

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:30 pm

Martin groaned, rolling over to try and go back to sleep. It was all just a bad dream, they guys never got him..but his body seemed to tell him other wise. Then he noticed he was laying on something green. When did his bed become green? And since when did it smell like...outside? He frowned, realizing that the sun wasn't coming through the windows, but was actually coming from the sky. "What the hell?" He muttered, looking around. "What kinda crazy ass dream is this?" He felt his shoulders flex and a slight wind form behind him. His eyes went wide and his face paled. "Oh hell no," he said as he glanced over his shoulder, his eyes resting on the things attached to his back. "HELL no."

Ripley stirred and frowned, sitting up. She blinked, feeling...odd. She didn't feel stiff, like she needed oiling. She felt...human. She looked down at her body, confusion fluttering across her face. That's when she felt it. The heart beat. Her eyes widened. What was happening?

Neither of them even bothered to notice that they were trapped in bowls of green moss. They were so engrossed in their new parts that that small thought was on the very edge of their minds, almost lost to the abyss of thoughts.


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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:18 pm


So...erm... I was dead again. Or I guess... I had been dead and then I respawned? Uhm. Or... something. I mean... I remember the knock at the door that morning and...well.... being tied down and fire...uhm... fire.. burns.

A lot.

I mean... How was I suppoused to know that the taxes had been raised again? No one had put out an announcement... in you know... a language...people could uhm... understand... I mean.. I had been so confused at three AM...

But now the feeling of burning was all gone...and I was lying on...erm... like... ground or something...Something not the floor... Something outsidey or something. Uhm...erm.

And...I was realising that even though I wasn't all feeling burnt up... I mean, I felt...really a lot better than erm... how I was usually... uhm... like... no random feet aching from scars being ripped open or feelings of acid burning into my arms... There was still this little like... not pain really...just kind of discomfort... Like I was lying on something or something...Weird.

I opened my eyes...and... the sky was... not.... not like... anything. I was so confused... why wasn't it grey? What... There were two big round things... like... in it. IN THE SKY... what... I didn't even... What was this? Where was I?


Alright. I have accepted the fact that society in general is intolerably stupid and not worthy to rot on the ground they walk on. I am alright with that fact and have been for quite some time.

I was unaware however that society was capable of producing the sheer stupidity that brought me to be in this situation.

Whatever this situation was, precisely.

See, one does not typically find it useful to carry around their gun in their hand for their entire shift. Nor is it really well looked upon to be flailing about and being generally negligent of work safety. Especially when I am on the block in question. And particularly not when one is already a bit trigger happy to start with.

And so now I was here.

Wherever that happened to be.

I clicked experimentally... where was this? I heard grass... I heard some stone something or other... and most alarmingly, I did not hear any kind of ceiling. This was a problem.

Quickly what else is there to focus on? No bullet wound, so nothing to say there...perhaps I could try to divine what exactly I was lying on, aside from grass... Some kind of... thing... was throwing my back slightly out of alignment or something and making things kind of... uncomfortable.

I would have investigated more probably had I not been so... There were no ceilings.

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:15 pm

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Age: 14
**General Appearance: Long blonde hair that reaches a little past the small of her back, hazel eyes (but now purple), lightly tanned skin, and... very short. Like... moreso than normal fay. She is a short person.
Light color: Purple
How you died: TBD, we're working it out in the box >.>
Ability - Her habui abilities


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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:58 pm

Waking up to Damian cursing out the world was not unusual, coming from BW's head. I simply murmur a few choice words of my own, turning over to try to find my pillow for covering my ears and muting the noise. No pillow...?
I didn't...remember going to bed...
I didn't go to bed...
Didn't...didn't even get back home.
My eyes blink open, and I sit up slightly to look around. Wasn't my comforter, but some moss stuff. And the bright, warm sun. But something was over me. Lying on my stomach, I get up to sit on my knees, looking around questioningly. Damian was over there, and others around were in their own rocks whom I didn't know. But whatever was over me was staying put. And...looking at the others, I could probably guess it with one go.

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:11 pm

The Stone Keeper

I watched the fay, keeping myself out of sight. My curiosity was burning, but I resisted the urge to immediately reveal myself. That would only cause I panic. Yes, I must wait for the perfect time. Young Fay were fragile, not yet prepared for what they were to learn. The fact they were dead tended to be the hardest, but even that almost never compared to the fact of what they'd become.

One of us.

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:25 pm

"DAMIAN. SHUT UP." Needed to think, and he was busy cursing his life. Needed...needed Tim. He was always the detective, not me...
"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO, FATGIRL!" He snaps back, his yellow and black..../wings/ bristling. I can feel mine on edge too. Light green. My favorite color. The opposite of red.
He's still got that damn katana... But...I haven't seen anyone else here, on these moss covered rocks. Scarecrow's illusions were only filled with people you knew.
I didn't go to bed...

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The World of the Fay Empty Re: The World of the Fay

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