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Wildcat Acadamey

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:45 pm

Hasn't even known her a day and already he's acting like a damn bull in season... "Moving a little /fast/ aren't you, bucko?" I ask with a returned smirk. And the girl swooned like a Disney Princess...

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:50 pm

Rusty settled a glare on the kid then slowly smiled. "Please do take out these boys." The bell rang. "Eh, first time I can say 'saved by the bell'." He smirked at this and ruffled the boys hair before moving on out of the room.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:53 pm

Angela nodded still shocked. The boy rolled his eyes and flipped her off. "Well... that was.. new?" She said shaking her head. She never liked guys that like anyway. She looked at Rusty. "Are you okay? You seem hurt by something..."

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:55 pm

Rusty shrugged. "I'm going for a swim. You can join if you wish." He looked at the other guys. "You guys too." He slipped out the doors and walked down the halls as the other students filed out of their first hour classes. He wouldn't need to return untill 7th hour for his younger group of students.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:06 pm

Angela hurried and changed and found her bikini. She ran to the pool and changed. She walked out and hid herself behind her towel. She sat down by the pool and let her red hair fall over her shoulders.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:53 pm

((Are any charries free? Both of mine are....))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:54 pm

I continue on with the girl following me, Isabella pacing by my feet. "It's big, but don't worry. You learn your way around fast." Going up to the second floor in silence where all rooms were, girls divided from the guys, of course. "What's your room number?" I ask over my shoulder.

More like wanting to see the girl in less clothes. Like you. Damn shirtless... no one touches me.... But I hang around as the room empties, being the last one, still leaning on the wall with my arms crossed until Alfred comes in. Sighing heavily, sliding down to the floor where he crawls into my lap, sensing my troubled thoughts. Missed Father. Even missed my damn brothers. Why the hell did Mother have to run away /with/ me... Could have just stayed with them. Have been perfectly happy.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:02 pm

Gina blinked as she looked around them, trying to remember some markers so she could remember her way back. "Ummm..128 I think."

Rusty slipped into his dorm and changed into his swim trunks. He made his way to the pool and didn't stop as he entered. He took a running leap for the pool and dove in, feeling better as the water eveloped him.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:01 pm

((James is Egale if you want to talk to himz he is sitting on the bench but beware *looks around* HE IS A SNOBBY RICH BOY!!))

Angela saw Rusty dive in and she gave a small laugh. She sighed and laid down. The sun brushed her shoulders in a warm light. She closed her eyes and felt the towel slip from her hands. Her black bikini shown but she didnt care for once. She was in a nice place.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Stark Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:35 pm

(Can I still join or is it too far along?)

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:46 pm

I nod. "There's this main hallway that extends the width of the Academy. From it are common rooms, that separate the students in tens. Each common room has its own bathroom, and five branching rooms to share a room with one of the ten. Kitchen's at the end of the main hall." I gesture down, glancing back.
"You're with the 120s, twelfth common room. Inside you get the eighth bed, rooming with whoever is seventh, but you technically don't have to follow that if you don't want to. Sleep anywhere, really. The common rooms have couches for guests and such. Boys can visit until eight, same goes for us in the boy's dorms. They are very strict about that, so don't dilly dally if you go over." I stop, the twelfth common room, turning back.
"I'm 19th if you need me. Higher numbers aren't a privileged, they simply mean you've been here a while. I've...been here a while..." I murmur the last bit, looking down to Isabella. "So...need anything else just find me. I'm usually in my room when I don't have classes..."

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:56 am

((Ah ok))

Annabelle jumped out of the tree, landing gracefully on the ground. She turned toward her charger as she too landed on the soft grass. Annabelle looked around and saw that most people were already being shown around or had found someone to talk to. She spotted someone on a bench and walked over to the person. She saw it was a guy and froze, her icy blue eyes fixed on him. Her heart seemed to have stopped and reawakened the past.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:59 pm

Rusty felt annoyance as the need to get air burned his lungs and he resurfaced. He shook his hair out of his eyes, his black hair in a dissaray. He swam to the sides and slipped out and sat with his feet in the water as he gave a long sigh. The pool was where he went when he needed thinking, and the sounds of the boys and girls swimming in here didn't give him much chance to.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:56 pm

Angela fell asleep in the sunlight. Soon she was having the worst nightmare. She started to scream and thrash around until she fell into the pool but didt reserfece.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:02 pm

Rusty startled and without thinking dove into the water after her. He easily swam back to the surface, her body tiny compared to his and he was able to get her back onto the cement surrounding the pool. "Angela?" He focused his sensistive hearing on her heart, trying to hear if she was still alive and if their was water in her lungs.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:07 pm

Angela came up trying to get a taste of the sweet air. She tried to cough up the water but nothing happened. Am I going to die? sshe thought her mind racing.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:12 pm

(0.O Just found out today my mothers side of the family is Greek and my father's Italin,Russian, and i have the undeniable urge to look up Greek history and mythology and a whole lot of other stuff... -.-)

Rusty panicked as he heard the water in her lungs and struggled to remember CPR. His face became determined and he started to do so. ( I have no idea how. OO)

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Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:16 pm

( O_o well isnt that interesting lolz I found out that I was Jewish last year -.0 so much fun lolz so im Jewish Smile lolz)

(lolz me either muhahaha)

Angela came up gasping for air. All the water was gone and she felt better. She took in a beautiful breath and looked at Rusty. "Th-ank you..."

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:58 pm


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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:10 pm

(Oops! Sorry. ^^)

Gina nodded, trying to take it all in. "Ugh..." She smiled and chuckled. "That's a lot to take in."

Rusty breathed a sigh of relief. "Lets get you to the nurse." He scooped her up and weaved his way through worried students. He assured them she was fine and made it out the doors finally.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:17 pm

( WOLFE *tackles* muahahha)

Angela snuggled against his hot skin. She tried to warm her cold cheek on him. She finally closed her eyes and let out a soft breath. "Thank you so much.." She whispered.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:21 pm

(hehehehe ^^)

Rusty made a noise in his throat and then cleared it. His lips twitched. "I couldn't let you drown, and I'd have been fired if I had." He chuckled. "But that's not the reason I saved you, I promise."
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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:22 pm

(lolz ^^ me iz happy u iz here *smiles and hugs*))

Angela looked up at him. "Then what was the reason?" She asked almost falling asleep. She was going ot tell him how she felt... or maybe not.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:26 pm

(^^*hugs* *whines* I might dissapear soon. =( Getting up early for a test I need to make up the days I was sick. XC)

Rusty reajusted her in his arms so he could carry her easier to delay having to answer. "Well...." He sighed. "I just can't sit back and watch people die." His voice made it clear he wasn't going further on the subject.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 4 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:33 pm

( NNOOO!!! *huggles tightly* YOU CANTZ LEAVE ME Sad )

Angela's heart had stopped and hit the bottom of her stomache. So basiclly he was putting her off. She nodded and tried to get out of his arms. "I can walk.."

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