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Wildcat Acadamey

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:41 pm

Angela nodded and followed. Her brushed her hair back aross her shoulder. She felt her heart begin to slow down from the uneaisyness. "What fun places?"
Alice ran faster and faster. Her little heart gained speed and she was enjoying this.
Me is happy! She thought with a joy. She stopped and looked up a tree.
Me can climb Alice jumped on the tree and her claws got stuck. She moewed in frustration.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:46 pm

thanks ang! my senior pic Smile

I mumble, ears flicking back unsure of what to do.
Faylinn sends me, a teasing tone in her tone.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:47 pm

(Aw Smile lucky! im a crappy sophmore -_- )

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:48 pm

(Me a Junior. XD)
Nico gave a laugh, but sounded more like a cough as he expertly went into a brach above her. He grabbed the back of her neck with his mouth and carefully pulled her up beside him. He gave her what could be described as a stern look. "Careful." Rusty grinned and chuckled, falling into step beside her as they entered the Acadamey. "We've got a pool, you know for fitness but me and the others hang there and have partys every once in a while. We've got a game room, and a awesome training grounds. It's hard work at first, and you'll hate it, but once you've gotten use to it, it's quite fun."

Gina glares at Nieve. "Don't mind her, she's just a meaner." Nieve huffs and jumps off bench to give chase to a rabbit she saw.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:52 pm


Angela smiled and nodded. "Im the kind of party type girl but I guess I would like to see one..." She said. She could feel Alice's joy. She shook her head again and looked at Rusty. "What... um grade are you? Sorry I dont know if its grade or levels...."

Alice purred and rested against Nico.
Pretty! She thought her childish mind going.
Pretty like Angela!

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:56 pm

I blink after her charge.

That was the thing with Faylinn. Always saying 'i told you so'... At least it has gotten better since she was younger...

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:03 pm

Rusty laughed. "I'm not a student. I graduated two years ago. I' well the gym instructor. Though when classes are over I'm just a gaurd." He slung his bow back across his bare back, hiding his family's crest, and sighed as he looked about him. He spotted the hall to the girl's dorms. "There are grades here, though some call them levels of sorts since this, well isn't exactly a normal school." Nico blinked and sighed, shaking his head in amusement.

Gina sighed and looked at the gate of the school longingly. "I wanna go home." She gave Isabelle a small smile.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:24 pm

( mur -_- )

Angela looked down mentally kicking her self. Nice job smart one crushing on the Gym teacher which is uh illegal! she thought. "Oh..." She said looking over. "Show me the pool."

Alice purred and gave Nico what looked like a smile.
Angela pretty? Angela pretty right? She kept asking.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:51 am

Shadow approached the grounds, his already dark eyes searching for....nothing in particular. Luke shoved him forward. "Come on! You're with your own kind now." Shadow shook his head and turned around. "You haven't endured what I have," He said softly, speaking for the first time in a month.

Annabelle climbed up a tree and wished she was at her clan. Her clan was....well gone and she had no one except for Neva. Neva jumped up in the tree, right on top of Annabelle. "Oh geez Neva! How much do you weigh!?" She moved herself so she was leaning back on Neva's belly.
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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:21 pm

Rusty nodded and made a right, before taking another right, and a few other directions. One could easily get lost in the Acadamey, and not all the rooms have yet to be explored. That was why the headmaster had made it to where gaurds and instructors off duty were to roam the halls to make sure no students were lost. He opened a door to a room whos whole left side was nothing but glass that showed a beautiful garden where future healers went to learn different herbs. The pool was large, and to the right were two large hot tubs. Nico gave what could be called a laugh and nodded. "Yes."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:41 pm

Angela walked in and smiled. "Wow.." She said with a small laugh. "This is... beautiful..." She looked around and took in the sight. Everything was so much bigger then she had expected and sighed contently.
Alice nodded in aproval.
Good 'caus if you didt think that Alice would jump on you!!

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:45 pm

Rusty leaned against the door's frame and frowned as he watched her. He knew it was wrong of him to get so close to a student, and have such feelings. He sighed and looked at his feet. "What's your first class?" Please let it be gym, please let it be gym, please....
Nico chuckled and carefully swiped at her, mindful of his strentgh.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:50 pm

Angela shrugged. "I really dont know yet.. I have to look at my schedule which I need to get from the office." She said with a small smile. Angela leaded against the window and looked at him. "Why?"
Alice jumped and landed on his head. She gave a small what sounded like a giggle.
Alice is too fast!

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:53 pm

<Please now, Faylinn....> I glance back at the tree, jumping up next to the girl on the bench and curling up beside her. <A friend won't kill you...>
<No. They just double cross and back stab.> The anger in her voice makes my ears flick back for a second. Even being her charge, she kept things hidden from me. Worried me, how much she bottled up. Always thinking something to make sure I can't delve too deeply into her thoughts...

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:12 pm

Gina was tempted to reach over and scratch her behind the ears, but it was considered rude to do so without the charges or its humans permission. She looked up where she was looking and smiled at the girl. She looked just as bored as her.

Rusty shrugged. "Just curios." He grinned. "I've just noticed we haven't told each other our names. Rude of me." He chuckled and gave a small bow. "I'm Rusty, but you'll be calling me Mr. Silvertounge."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:15 pm

Angela looked a thim and got off the wall. "I am Angela... um call me Angela...." She did a awkard curty (Sp?). She looked up and turned her head to the side. "Silvertounge?" She said looking at him strangely. Her last name wasnt as near crazy at that one.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:23 pm

His lips twitched. "My they're part of the royal family." He was not about to say exactly HOW close in bloodline they were, that's why he usually hid his family's crest, but thankfully their were a few who didn't know it. He ran his hand through his black hair. "Everything's crazy in that family." He smiled and motioned towards the door. "Come. I'll show you to the office."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:26 pm

Angela nodded and didnt push no matter how much she wanted to. She wanted to know everything about him. He seemed like the kind of guy who had his secrets. She walked behind him and she watched his muscles move and she shook her head and looked down.
No crushing on the teacher Angela!

((Do you want Gina to talk to James???))

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:39 pm

(*shrugs* Idc)

Nico snorted and jumped out of the tree, landing neatly on his paws.
Rusty murmured hellos to a few students who knew him and a few of the staff members. He then found the office and opened the door for her. He smiled, his grey eyes light. "Right this way m'lady." He gave her a lopsided grin.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:43 pm

(Otay.. were is she?)

Angela blushed a deep scarlet and hide her face beind her red hair. She went over to the desk and asked for her schedule. She got it and smiled softly.
"First class in Gym... but the lady at the desk said it was a all guys class..." She said feeling scared. She didnt like being around guys that much.
Alice purred and jumped off Nico.
Me is a tiny thing! We run to Angela!!! She took offf looking for Angela.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:44 pm

<Oh bother...> Where did this girl's charge go? Didn't say much, simply disappeared. My eyes stay on Faylinn in the tree until she stirs from her branch and jumps down as easily as I, watching us cautiously. Dreadful trusting issues, I'm afraid... But carefully and hesitantly she approaches.
<Not much of the curious type, hm?>
<I'm no cat, Isabella...> Until she was standing in front of us, looking at her feet passively.
"You're new?" She questions the girl, glancing up for a moment before going back to count the blades of grass. I knew. Her head was full of numbers to block my prying. As I said, trusting issues, even for her own charge...

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:51 pm

(With Faylinn on a bench in front of the school.)
Gina nodded and sighed. Nieve came bounding back with a large rabbit in her mouth. She licked her lips before digging in.

Rusty chuckled at her blush and nodded. "Tis usually. One semester for boys, the second for girls. Somtimes when we're out of room we mix. Don't worry, I'll protect you." He laughed and winked before slipping out the door again. He held it open for her. "I'll show you the way. We must hurry or we'll be late. First years are about to start."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:58 pm


Angela nodded and followed him. "So Im in a class... with a bunch of guys..." She tried to picture the thought. Angela shook her the thought out of her head. "Bad idea... but whatever I guess with will just have to deal with it.." She played with her snakebites awkardly.

James walked with Jerrod at his feet. He sat down at a bench and looked at the girl sitting next to him. Her turned his nose up at her. He hated girls that looked... well like her. His snobby-rich-guy status was more important.
Jerrod rolled his eyes at James.
Pretty girl... He thought towards James.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:03 pm

Gina looked over, a bit annoyed as it was becoming quite crowded on the bench. Then her eyes opened wide as she saw the white lion. "An albino lion? Do you know how rare that is to be found as a partner to any kind of albino?" Nieve lifted her head and hissed, seeing the larger cat. She picked up her rabbit and dragged it away quite a bit, then started eating, though her hackles remained up.

Rusty chuckled then led her to the gym room. "Your gym uniform is down there. I'm going to meet with the guys and lay down some rules while you change." He pointed towards the ladies locker rooms.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:13 pm

James looked at Gina. "Do I look like I really care? We have a connection and he has protected my life..." He said looking at Jerrod with a passion in his eyes. Jerrod understood and looked up at the bunny with a funny expression.
Me dont eat living things....

Angela nodded and followed him slightly. Once she was in the locker room she felt tiny. She took in a small breath and looked for the uniform. She found black shorts and a white tank top. She shook her head and sighed. "This will suck." SHe qucikly changed and put her hair back and she showed her black gadges. She went into the gym and waited feeling antsy.

Last edited by X_xFallen Angelx_X on Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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