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Wildcat Acadamey

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:37 pm


Rusty tightend his hold on her. "What's wrong?" They weren't far now and he stopped near his office's door. He cornered her there. His brow furrowed as he looked into her eyes and read her emotions there. He shook his head slowly, his grey eyes turning sad and angry at the same time. The anger was at life for having them like each other like this. "We can't do this." His voice made it clear he knew her feelings.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:40 pm

(mur Sad )

Angela moved out of his arms. "ou dont anything.." She whispered. She felt her heart break. "I dont need a nurse..." She turned to him hurt filling her eyes. "Leave me alone forever... but Nico can play with Alice and he is the only one welcomed." She turned to walk away.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:43 pm

Rusty grabbed her arm and paused. Conflict was clear in his eyes. "If we did...." His voice was hopeful. "How long do you think we could keep it secret." His voice was straind. He knew he must be confusing her. Heck, he was even confusing himself.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:45 pm

Angela didnt look at him. "As long as we needed to..." She whispered and jerked her arm away. He was the kind of guy she thought she could be with but.. he was so bi polar with his feelings.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:52 pm

Rusty moved back in front of her and leaned down so they could look eye to eye. "Do you know what they'd do to me if they found out?"

( have idea. *frowns* Now I really have to go. Good night!)
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:59 pm

( *feels like crying* bye Sad )

Angela shook her head. "No I dont..." She whispered looking down. She didnt want to have this conversation right now. But she stayed and looked up one more time feeling hurt.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:06 pm

(*keeps eyes peeled for parents* *tackles*)
Rusty closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. The look she was giving him reminded him so much of her....He let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. "They'd kill me. The only reason I'm working at this school is because my family was the leaders of the Shadows." He gave a dry laugh, his fangs glinting, making themselves noticed. "The Council finally defeated my family and I've been their 'slave' since they caught me when I was thirteen." His familys cresent burnt slightly on his back, as though reminding him. "I'm not good." He took a step away from her and shook his head. "I'll always be a killer."
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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:08 pm

(*Ish tackled* DONT LEAVE Sad )

Angela looked at him and stepped up to him and took his hand in hers. "I dont believe that you are a killler...." She whispered. Her heart was pounding and she couldnt breathe. "I dont believe it.."

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:12 pm


Rusty shook his head sadly, slowly. "I've been killing since I was ten." His grey eyes were hard, and he was determined to let her know exactly what kind of man he was.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:14 pm

(Sad Sad Sad )
Angela looked at him pain filling her eyes. "No... Its not your past that makes you... its the present... andthe future.." She whispered. She stepped away form him. "I can get a hint... I will be going.."

Last edited by X_xFallen Angelx_X on Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:45 pm

I nod. "It is," I confirm, not hiding the facts. Best she learned first so questions wouldn't pop up later.
Isabella patronizes me with a small flick of her tail.
I look down at her and give her a small smile.
A small grumble from her and she winds around my feet.

Alfred asks, blinking up from my lap.
Haven't moved from the room, ALf. Doesn't really matter.

I send back. And yet my arms tighten around the little cat. Little wildcat. Father had been disappointed, Grandfather even more so. We were a family of big cats. Tigers and lions chose us. I got the little black Jaguarundi.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:34 pm

Rusty shook his head. "I'm not trying to disuade you little love." How long had it been exactly since he'd used that name? Two years? Three? "I just need you to know what you're getting into."

Nico ran behind Alice.

Gina looked around her and winced a bit as Nieve jumped from a nearby table and landed on her shoulders. The african wildcat yawned and laid across her shoulders, purring softly.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:01 pm

Angela shrugged. "I dont want a hint... nor to know that." Angela turned to leave but Alice jumped into her arms.
Me ran fast!!! She thought her little heart pounding. She gave what looked like a smile.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:31 pm

I glance over at her cat. Well, might as well attempt it... "Isabella thinks your cat is antisocial. She's rather well spoken compared to other cats around here."

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:08 pm

Gina shrugged as Nieve continued to ignore everything. "She's not a social cat." Her sharp green cat eyes softend as she thought of the reason Nieve had given her.

Rusty sighed. "I need to get you to the nurse, no arguing." Nico went to stand by Rusty and his ears flickered as Rusty showed him what had happend.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:11 pm

Angela shook her head. "Too bad..." She started to walk off with Alice who looked at Nico.
Alice bite big beautiful man? Anglea shook her head as tears started to fall down her cheeks.
ALICE WILL BITE BIG BEAUTIFUL MAN!! Alice jumped out of Angela's arms and ran towards Rusty wit hher teeth out.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:39 pm

"She thinks everything is antisocial..." I murmur, to which her ears flick back a moment and she struts away to our common room.
I send, watching her go.
And on cue the bell rings, and the few girls in their room on this beautiful day go out and head downstairs.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:47 pm

Nico stood in the way and showed her everything that'd happend as he easily pawed her away, careful not to hurt her. "Help me to get her to trust him again? He not trying to push her away, just telling her his past so she knows who and what she getting into." Nico touched her nose, his pale gold eyes pleading.

Rusty shook his head. "Yes you are." He wrapped an arm around her waist and scooped her up and opened the door to the nurse office. He blocked the way from the room as they entered and sat her down, the nurse hurrying over.

Gina sighed. "She is though." Nieve's ears flicked and she jumped from Gina's shoulder to explore their surroundings.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:51 pm

Alice looked at Nico with burning eyes.
He hurt my Angela!! My Angela is hurt!! Alice thought. She looked at Nico's eyes and sighed.
Alice will help pretty Nico but if he hurt Angela Alice will bite him!

Angela fought and told the nurse she was okay. Her eyes burned and she didnt look at Rusty. Her heart was broken and all she wanted was to be alone.

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:00 pm

Rusty...Angela.... still the first day.... this is all sort of extreme for a "relationship", if you could even call something that after a day.

"Me too," I say simply, turning back again and heading away. "As a first day student you don't have to go to class if you don't want. But that's optional."

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:05 pm

lol yeah.....

Nico shook his head. "He no wanna hurt, he likes her."

Rusty sighed and kept a firm hand on her shoulder as he stood behind her. "Please just make sure everything's fine. She almost drownd in the pool." The nurse nodded. Rusty leaned down as she went to get some supplies in whispered in her ear. "I do want you. Why're you acting like this? I only want you to know exactly who I am, not who I act like as a teacher."
Rebel Wolf
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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:08 pm

Its not a relationship yet... they like each other but Angela hates him right now... if it was a love thing well... O_e mor ethings would happen. heh heh

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:12 pm

lol! ^^
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Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:15 pm

alright... just talking of 'little love' and breaking hearts and such.... >.>

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Wildcat Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:24 pm

Yeah I know but if it was.... O_O heh heh... well anyway!!! Its like she likes him and she thinks he dont its like a crush thing I guess.

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