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Whitecap Bay

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:46 pm


I smiled, watching her. "Good job." I pulled her forward, trying to get us toward a big rock to sit on. "... You scared?" I whispered, tripping a little myself.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:54 pm

Wordlessly, i simply nod again, thankful for the rock. It was hot from the sun and the air was chilly from being soaked. The surface was smooth from the water, so it wasn't uncomfortable to sit on or anything. Absent mindedly I play with one of my short auburn curls. "What are we gonna wear...?" I mumble slightly, looking down at ourselves. Humans seemed to change their clothes daily, so wouldn't it be odd for her to wear the same thing? And then my top, though long enough to cover, still made me feel very self conscious.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:17 pm

I blinked, sitting down besides her and staring at the water.
"Um... Gee, I don't know," I replied, perplexed. What would we wear? "What about... ... ... ... what about that boat, the one that sank last month down by the booie, we could check there for clothes?"
There had been a family on board, three girls and one man. One of our sisters had found them. Lucky her, she didn't need to go on land for her piece of immortality. But with that many girls, there had to be /something/ there to help us, right?

Last edited by };--- Ella Rose on Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:21 am

I nod again, still hesitant of the whole thing. "'re sure we can get the man tomorrow?" I ask quietly, staring at my feet, wriggling the toes into the sand. They were so uncomfortable.... didn't like them one bit.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:25 pm

"I don't know. I hope so. I think so. We just... have to get him alone, right? It shouldn't be so hard," I teased, "You are alluring." I nudged her, staring at her feet as well. "Would you like to find a man too?"


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:47 pm

Suddenly its like there are sea urchins all over me and i shiver slightly. "I - I dont....know..." I manage to mumble, biting my lip nervously. "Within all reason, the more blood we get the longer we won't have to venture out again. And...I dont want to be a burden..." My lips starts hurting again...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:48 pm

I snorted, standing up and walking a few steps back and forth. "You could never be a burden, Anat." I stopped in front of her. "Besides, when was the last time you got a man? You need this just as much as me." I offered her a warm smile and my hand. "One day on land, and then we're safe. We won't have to use legs again."


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:27 pm

I smile back, take her hand and stand again. Less shaky slightly, I let her go and stand on my own. Felt like a burden. I never had a man. Not by my own doing. I've always been so skittish and scared of this. Moving my feet for careful steps by myself, simply thinking as I make sure not to step on any rocks still. "...I want my own man," i mumble, not looking up as I say it. I want to stop being so weak already...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:07 pm

I hid a smirk, watching her walk. "Alright. Tomorrow, keep your eyes out. If we can lure him safety, he'll be yours." I walked to her side, watching her carefully. "We can do this, you'll see. There's nothing to fear."


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:11 pm

"Nono, he's your prize," I say quickly, looking up at her. "It wouldn't be fair if you did all the work and I just got the end result. I'll get my own." I nod, to her and to myself. No more relying on others so much. I had to do this myself.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:15 pm

I frowned, studying her for a moment before nodding. "Alright, if you're sure... We might have to come back though, if you can't lure him in one day." I warned, not sure how effective this would be on land. I was use to luring them off boats. But now even that seemed too dangerous.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:01 pm

I nod slowly this time, chewing at the small cut on my lip from before. "I...understand...." I mumble quickly, going back to the cut after I said my part. One foot in front of the other... until rock. ...I suppose I couldn't go the whole time without stepping on one, but i didn't expect the sharpness of the pain. I go down fast, biting down on my lip again. Stupid habit. Had to stop doing it...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:26 am

"Anat!" I quickly bent down, offering her a hand up. "Are you okay? Told you those rocks were deadly." I sighed, staring at out bare, tender feet.
"... We'll need covers too, like the men. They have coverings for their feet to stop the rocks from hurting."
I frowned, glancing up toward the town anxiously.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:15 am

"Yeah..." Covers for feet would be nice. I stand again with her help, sucking at my lip which, again, brought on the taste of blood. "The wreck might have those too..." But I sort of just wanted back into the sea. No more of this land stuff.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:02 pm

I nodded, holding her so she could take more steps. "Are you getting it?" I glanced toward the sea, already disliking being out. "We can come back up to practice, if you want, but we should get to the wreck before dark." It would be hard to find what we need then.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:37 pm

"I think I'm good. I'll figure it out more tomorrow," I say, trying not to sound too desperate to be back in the water. The sun was starting to dry me, the salt bothersome now. I supposed a shower would be in order tomorrow too, if we weren't going to be completely uncomfortable all day...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:05 pm

Thelios smiled. "Eh, I'm just a fisher. Nothing spectacular about me." He shook his hand, giving a poliote smile. "The name's Thelios Hart." He then looked out at the sea and took a deep breath of the salty air, the scent making him relax.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:12 pm

I nodded, leading her to the water line and slipping in. I sighed happily as my tail returned and splashed her, waiting for her to follow. "Come on, to the ship wreck!"
I slipped under, not waiting for her to respond before darting toward the familiar sunken boat.

"Aren't we all?" I chuckled, following his gaze out to the sea.
All there really was to do around here was to fish. That or run a shop.
"Andros!" A voice called out, and I turned.

"Andros, come on back to the port, Mr.Flake returned early. He's got a big haul!" I called out, eagerly bouncing on my heels.
"How big is big?" He asked back, shooting the guy besides him a glance.
"Nearly as big as me," I called. "Come on!" I didn't even wait for him. I just shot back to the docks, eager to help.

I sighed, watching him go. "Little bro," I explained, chucking one last rock before setting off after him.
"You coming?" I called over my shoulder. "If it's really that big, I'm sure we could use a hand."


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:21 pm

I ease in to my knees before diving in, shivering slightly as my tail comes back before darting after Arabelle. Smiling to myself, comfortable again in my home, I speed to catch up with her. How could humans stand legs? They were so... I shake my head to rid myself of the memory. Horrible limbs...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:48 pm

I made my way to the boat, staring at it curiously as we approached. "Well... here goes nothing." I shot her a look and slipped in, rummaging around the place. "... Any idea where they would be?"


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:33 pm

"Not...really," i say, sticking my head through the door to look inside the little cabin space. Wasn't really big enough to fit the two of us; it was just a little sail boat. "The cabinets?"

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:20 pm

"The what?" I asked, turning to look at her. Ugh, this was impossible. "Know what, here, you check."
I squirmed out, allowing her to slip in and look around.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:46 pm

I give her some room to get out and then hesitantly go in afterwords, looking around the little space again. "These things," I say, opening a cover and looking in. Pulling out clothes, I toss them out through the nearly opening to the outside.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:55 pm

"Oh..." I fetched the clothing as it drifted around me, tilting my head at them and holding them up. "Think this will do?" I held up two tops that went down to what I assumed to be our knees. At the very least, they covered more than our tops.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 4 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:25 pm

I look over and nod, gathering the others and stuffing them back inside. "We'll keep our stuff in here then?" I swim out, happy not to be in the confined space anymore, looking over the shirt-dresses Arabelle was holding.

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