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Whitecap Bay

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:06 am

I pause as she tries to get back up, but falls down again. "Here..." I take off my backpackers for a second and then take off my jacket, gently putting it around her shoulders. Slinging my backpackers back on, I look up at the white building before looking back down at her. "I can take you to the marine lab? You'll be save there, we can look if you've got any injuries or anything. Give you time to recoperate and get your balance back..." Maybe she was stung by one of the jelly fish? Having a bad reaction to their venom or something?

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:15 am


My eyes widened as he slipped the jacket over me and then managed to widen even further at his offer.
"No, I.... I should-" - be getting back.
That's what I almost said. But I couldn't do that. I couldn't go back.
Strong, Arabelle, be strong. That building was private, right? That's what you were looking for?

Maybe, once I was done with this human, I could lure another to the shore line. My sisters needed them too.

"Okay." I made my voice sound strong, pushing myself up once more. I was wobbly, but at least I could stand. Now for the walki- plop.
I really needed to stop falling.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:19 am

A small amused smile comes to my lips. "Okay," I say back, carefully hooking an arm around her shoulders and under her knees. Slowly I stand, going back up to the gangway and continuing on to the lab. "Where you from?" I ask to pass the time, eyeing her face.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:29 am


I squeaked, gasping as he lifted off the ground. "The cove," I replied mindlessly, to proccupied with the fact that I was on land, talking to a man, and what's more? He was touching me- to think out my answer properly.
I blinked, eyeing him back cautiously. I tried to keep my fear from my face. Was I successful? I'm not sure.
But crap, this was scary.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:39 am

hm. Must have just moved here then? I didn't recognize her, but then I only came when school was out. "I'm from Virginia, but I come up here to study at the lab. And my aunt runs the Inn on the fluid, by the lighthouse. So free room and board," I lightly joke.
I turn around and open the front door with my back, walking in backwards to the lobby. "The hell, Aiden. Were supposed to be catching sea creatures, not ladies!"
"Hello to you too Mr. Phil," I say back with a slight smile. "Relax. She was stuck on the beach, its a good deed." He opens the employees only door for me and I go over and set her on the couch carefully. "Need anything? A glass of water or something to eat?" I ask, taking my backpack off again and setting it on a chair by the kitchen table.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:49 am


My eyes fluttered everywhere. Around the strange room, to the doors, to man. Especially the other man, I stared after him curiously for as long as I could before I was brought out of sight and placed on a strange seat.
"Um...." I breathed, flustered. "W-water?"
I wasn't exactly thirsty per say, I just needed something familiar right now. Can you blame me?
I shivered into his coat, still staring around.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:55 am

I nod, getting a glass from the kitchenette cabinet and fishing in the freezers for some ice. Going to the sink to fill it and then going back to her, handing it over with a slight friendly smile. "Anything else?"
"Maybe getting to work..." Phil ppipes up in the backgroung but I ignore him for the moment. He was always the jokester ...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:02 am


I accepted the cup, sipping at the water and crinkling my nose. Yuck, tasted off.
"No, I'm fine."
I smiled back, sitting up straighter as I turned my gaze from the room, back to him.
This place wasn't as private as I thought. The other man would surely hear if....Aiden, screamed. I couldn't walk, never mind fend two off.
Plans, plans. Man, I really should of planned.
"This place is.... nice."
Was that my real opinion? No, not really. I think I was hating land already. But I was flailing to fill the silence as I brain stormed.
What do?


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:20 am

My smile widens slightly. "Its /okay/..."
"Its the most modern station of its kind, its more than okay!" Phil busts in all official like. "Now c'mon. I don't pay you to look after pretty ladies. The turtle needs its checkup and birds need to be fed." Hes already got his gear on as he goes throught the back door to the lab and specimen tank. I sigh going to the closet to get my stuff as well. "You need anything just call alright?" I tell her. "Ill be just in the other room."

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:35 am


"Alright..." I watch him gather his stuff then leave the room, my heart heart racing wildly.
Whew. That went... well, could of gone worse. Where was I anyway? I could still hear the lapping of the waves off in the distance, so that was reassuring. If worse comes to worst, at least I have a quick escape.
Now for the planning.
... I got nothing. Crap.

I sighed, slipping off the couch and onto my own two, wobbly feet.
Still weird to think of myself as having them. But I did. And if I wanted this to work, I had to get use to them.
So I started to practice, fumbling quietly all over the place like a newborn learning to walk.
I felt like a fool.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:45 am

She was... /in/ there.... the place ate them...
I keep going around, trying too see...anything... There's a space for a boat on the harbor side, open to water though closed overhead. I'm too scared to go close...

"So who's your mystery beach girl?" He asks me as we check up on the sea turtle with the injured flipper.
"Arabelle. Shes new around here," I tell him carefully. Phil was always the superstitious one. Everything held a double meaning for him...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:53 am


I managed shaky steps forward to a hole in the wall. I pressed my face to the hole, wanting to see the ocean but being stopped as my nosed pressed up again an invisible wall. An invisible wall that I could see out of...
It was cold and my breath made it fog like morning dew.
Men own strange things.
I ignored the wall and stared out at the ocean, letting the sight calm me as I listened to the low murmur of talk in the other room.
Two men. One of me. Maybe if I separated them? Maybe if I got the young one... Adian, back down to the water... Maybe.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:02 am

I dive as a boat goes through the harbor entrance, coming back up again when it got a good distance away. Looking at the place again. Arabelle....was there. In its...mouth.... only visible... but not coming back to the water.... I stare for a moment, absolutely pleading with my expression, until another boat comes to leave and I need to retreat back under the waves.

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:12 am


I blink, pressing my face harder against the wall as I spotted my sister's head poking out of the waves in the distance.
What was she doing? She could get caught.
I shook my head slowly, ignoring her pleading gaze. "Go," I mouthed, making the shooing motion as she dips back under.
I stared for a moment longer before pushing off the wall and making my way to that strange spongy seat, still stumbling slightly. But hey, at least I wasn't faceplanting every other minute. That was progress.
I listened closely to the other room.
Unable to help my curiosity, I stood back up, leaning against the wall for support as I followed it to the cave both men disappeared to.
I hesitantly poked my head in.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:17 am

"Alright. Heavy lifting, that's on you."
"Of course. Give me the hard jobs..." I frown at him, but bend down into the shallow, small tank to pick the turtle up. Semi awkwardly, since it was flipping and flopping to get put down again, I set it on the large scale we had to weigh, then checked its flipper.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:36 am


I blinked, his coat falling to my feet as I stepped fully through the door. They were putting the turtle on... a trap? What was that? i wasn't sure. But it looked dangerous. I couldn't just stand by and let them harm the poor thing.
Men were such barbarians!
My steps were realitively stronger as I scurried over, trying to pull the turtle off the scale. "What are you doing?!"


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:27 am

I blink, before quickly putting down the clip board I had and going over. "Hold on a minute, we're helping her," I say gently, taking her hands lightly.
"Aiden, get her out..." Phil says impatiently.
"Hold on Phil..." I didn't want to scar the girl. Must have been a midlander before this... "Here, come see." I point to the fin. "She got caught in a net, then grew bigger so she couldn't get it off. It would've cut off the circulation if we hadn't found her, and she would have needed the limb removed.
"But we caught her early, managed to take the net off. We're just making sure shes eating well and is a healthy weight before letting her go back to the ocean. Might be this week, the rate shes going." I look down at her, making sure she understood.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:47 am

(James: Anat is free for your mermaid. Ella said she'd throw in her guy to meet yours)

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:04 pm

(Thanks. Sorry. Youngest sister was staying the night at a friends house then ended up calling me to pick her up and I was too tired afterward to get on. -_-)

Shelby watched all the humans before going off towards an unpopulated spot. She slid out of the water and laid there for a bit, waiting for herself to dry a bit then her tail started itching terribly before turning into two legs. She wiggled her twos and smiled. She went up to her knees and clung to a large rock near by as she tried to stand, unuse to having legs.

Thelios stood and brushed the sand off of him. He walked along the beach, his bare feet dragging in the white warm sand. He watched as little white crabs spun onto their backs and burrowed under the sand. He blinked and tilted his head, having not seen these species before. He saw another, but stopped a few steps away to study one walking through the water.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:22 pm

(What she said ^.^ )


I frowned up at him, eyes shooting between the hurt fin, then back up to him.
Ah, yes, this wouldn't be the first time I had come across a poor creature stuck in some hazardous human device. They needed to stop throwing things into our home.
How was it that they could swim and do whatever they pleased on our turf, but we were afraid to even step foot on theirs?

"It shouldn't have even been hurt in the first place," I breathed, nearly glaring up at him. It was his fault. Him and his fellow brothers.

I walked down the docks, helping a fisherman load his supplies before pushing him off and giving a small nod of goodbye.
The warm sun warmed my shirtless back, a nice contrast against the crisp, morning air.
I watched him hoist the sails before snatching my shirt and stepping back onto the sandy beach. Well that was an easy day.
The town was barely rising and I wasn't expected back till at least noon when the boats returned. So what to do with my time now?
I shrugged off my perdicument and made my down to the rocks, near a guy watching the tide pools.

(pst, james. the mermaids are scared of men and the land xP also, anat is in the water so it would be hard for her to talk to shelby if she was on land )


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:30 pm

(Haha, K. ^^)

Thelios looked up, ocean blue eyes studying then looking back to the tide pool, his face as usual stoic. He buried his toes into the white sand and he staid on his knees, trying to seem small enough that proably someone would talk to him. "Hello." He said but didn't look up, still curios as to the breed of crab this was. It wasn't no bigger then the inside of hsi hand and it was the same white as the sand.

Shelby felt slight fear coarsing through her veins. Maybe it wasn't worth it. She pulled herself back into the water and sighed happily as her legs turned back into her dark green tail with random blue scales here and there, her brown hair crowning out around her.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:13 pm

"I know," I reply quietly, letting her go again since she wasn't trying to push the turtle anywhere. "Some people just don't care. So its up to those that do care to make things right again." Phil looked up at her frowning, but didn't say anything more. Unauthorized people weren't really supposed to be back here.
"You seem better on your feet," I comment off handedly, leading her back to the employees' breakstation, picking up my jacket at the door.

what could I do, exactly? I wasn't about to go on land. Nonononono..... And...if she came back then... she wouldn't like me staying around all day with so many boats around to possibly spot me. Hesitantly, not wanting to go really, I leave with the tide through the harbor and go back around to the cresent shapped cove, the cliff on one side and the lighthouse on the other. I try not to worry, really.... but to lose a sister...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:26 pm

What? Oh, yes, my feet. The walking. Well, practice helped. I still felt clumsy, though I hoped I didn't appear so.
"Yes... thank you, the rest helped."
I stared at the cave we had come from, eyebrows furrowing.
"There are so many animals in there. You will let them go."
That was partially a command, partially a question. They deserved to be free, I had no patience for men and the harm they cause.


I glanced at the guy, taking in his posture and appearance.
He was ... tall.
Don't get me wrong, I was too, but he even dwarfed me.
Better stay on his good side, eh?
I watched him for a moment before picking up a rock, weighing it in my palm, and skipping it over the small pools.


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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:22 pm

I blink, setting my jacket on the chair back with my backpack. "We set loose those that we can, yeah. There are those who are too injured though; they wouldn't be able to fend for themselves in the wild. So we send them to people who will care for them too, in guarded places where they cant get hurt again," I explain carefully. I glance back at the door, glance over at her again. "If you're feeling better, you're free to go. Not that I'm...pushing you out of the door or anything... But its not much fun around here when you aren't allowed to see most of it..."

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:44 pm


I watched him, eyes flickering to the invisible wall. I could still see the ocean, so that was reassuring, but what should I do now?
I had no clue. This was a heck of a lot more complicated than I had originally thought.
"Okay... walk me back?"
A thought; a sudden small plan dawned on me as the words left my mouth.
What if... what if Anet is still waiting for me by the shore? If I can get him there, surely two of us could over power him.
Then... Then we could get what we needed.
"Please?" I added, batting my eyes.

Last edited by };--- Ella Rose on Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


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