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Whitecap Bay

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Whitecap Bay Empty Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:50 pm

The Past
Whitecap Bay was a feared place for all, the legends and lore speaking of blood thirsty and vicious mermaids that would lure men in with their song to drag them under the waves to eat them. Very strong and fast beings, that could tear through the wood of a hull, sink ships with their bare hands and jump out of the water to snatch men from boats. Deceivingly beautiful; girls with long, flowing hair the colors of the sea and pearly-white skin, their eyes as deep as the ocean and possessing the power to entrap any adventurer.

The Present
Mermaids have all but faded into extinction. Many hunted and killed because of the nasty legends about them, only a few have survived and are starting to die out. The next generation is born now in the fabled Whitecap Bay, now populated by man.
The old lighthouse has been replaced on the peninsula to the west, shining out to the sea every night. White sanded beaches line the crescent of the cove, a New England style Inn sitting up on a small cliff to the east of the bay. Behind the Inn, the only building seen from the beach and sea, lies the town of Whitecap. A classic fishing town, the cobblestone streets coated with light fog most of the time. Just past the cliff is a deep inlet bay that is largely trafficked by fishing boats and research vessels up to the town's docks, fish markets, and taverns. A town lost in time, one could almost picture it as the old whaling stop it had been in its heyday. Mostly old buildings except for the new lighthouse and the small marine biology lab at the fisherman's wharf, with a large tank for specimens collected at sea, its own deck, and a sea-garage for their seadoos and boat, a popular place for marine biology or ecology students to gain experience and work at during the summer months. The town a common tourist attraction for those who knew of its secret existence, a good place to just forget the world and ease into peace. It's the type of town where the locals know each other by name.

The Problem
With the older generation gone, today's small population of mermaids did not learn how to hunt man. They know they must be careful of these humans, the past showing what man can do to mermaids when they become disliked and hated. They also know they must survive; they may be blood thirsty but there is a reason. Human blood makes a mermaid's immortality last, which is why the old generation had died. They face the problem of staying in the water to live a limited life or venturing on land in their human form.
But mermaids have their own fearful legends of what life on land is like. The feared warmth of fire and sun that can dry a mermaid out and cause death. The problem of the moon, which forces them into their true form. And most foreign and nightmarish to them - loving a human and giving their kiss away. Kissing a human will give them the ability to breathe underwater for a limited time, but to love a human and kiss them will mean the end of their immortality forever. However there is a hidden magic of a mermaid's kiss to the human. The lover being able to turn to a merperson to stay with their mermaid to the end of their days together.


Major Characters:

Name -
Age -
Species -
Gender -
Personality -
Appearance -
Tail: (any color, but they tend to want to blend into the ocean so usually darker colors)
Other - (history and whatnot, if you'd like to add it in)

Minor Characters:

Name -
Age -
Gender -
Relation to Which Major Character -
How They Are Related -
Role - (impact to your plot or to Whitecap as a whole, such as if they work/live there or are just visiting)

- May I ask each writer make a guy and girl? Obviously the girl will be your mermaid, but you can also have a human girl for added drama (this will require you to make three charries). Just so everyone has a match up.
- Mermaids are very protective of their immortality. They will not give it away so easily, so this is a REAL tough decision for 'em. So don't just do a 'let's run away together because i love you soooooo much' deal. once again: love is foreign, nightmarish, and scary to a mermaid.
- Guys, be nice and don't Power Play the kiss onto the mermaid. This is her choice, not yours.
- The big secret of mermaid-um can be told. Guys, please react normally, not just 'oh that's pretty...'
- obviously the moon rule doesn't apply if its a new moon, but it ain't going to be a new moon every night. This leads to time apart from guy and mermaid. Leads to interactions with other characters (such as those human girls, family, friends, other mermaids, etc). PLEASE don't just end the day with their separation and start up again in the morning with them meeting again. Mix it up a bit, don't just ping pong between two characters. Make this world, you know, interesting
- Speaking of family and friends, if you know the girl's a mermaid, guys, and she offers the kiss, make this a hard decision on your part as well. Once again, try for realistic. If you even want to play a family member, or want someone else to, feel free to add in minor characters or ask other writers to play them for added effect!
- AT LEAST THREE SENTENCES A POST. <-- Important. You don't follow, you're character's getting some bad voodoo sent their way. If you persist at least five times, I'm something bad...
- Love at first sight? Please... Back to the love being nightmarish? No matching up with the first guy you meet, mermaids. Unless you meet some other guy for a while, then go back to the first.
- Fear of fire, the moon rule, and the blood lust applies to ever mermaid. No exceptions.
- Murder in the air? Maybeeeeeee.... this be a warning of possible blood and gore to minor characters. Want to kill off a major character then feel free to do so for your characters, but ask if it applies to someone else's characters. Killing off a character requires you to make another, however, if you kill your mermaid or guy.
- and idk if I need to say this, but mermaids' true form will come out with contact to water. Not like...a glass of water or rain but like...a dip in a pool. So they're cautious of large amounts of water around humans as well.

That's all, my friends! Have fun!

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:59 pm

Name - Sapphire
Age - 17
Species - Mermaid
Gender - Female
Personality - Sarcastic when she does talk, which isn't often. She's pretty shy and avoids conversation on all levels, is easy to get angry but also calms down just as fast. She's scared of the humans like most and is hesitant about going on land but knows she has to.
Appearance -
Hair: Long brown hair with little streaks of blue in it. Looks soft and silky.
Eyes: ...Sapphire blue...
Skin: Tanish, that color between pale and tan.
Tail: (any color, but they tend to want to blend into the ocean so usually darker colors) Dark color between purple and blue..
Other: She has a small tattoo of a golden star on her shoulder, she thought it was kinda neat and rebellious.
Other - (history and whatnot, if you'd like to add it in)

Name - Riley Brown
Age - 17
Species - Human
Gender - Male
Personality - Riley is sarcastic, loud, and outgoing. When around his friends he can be rude but when they aren't around he can be pretty nice and a little less noticeable. He seems to act differently around different people, trying to please everyone. When his friends aren't around he tends to go hiking and read, more quiet things that don't seem to fit his public person.
Appearance -
Hair: Copper colored shaggy hair, his mom will get onto him for it when it will get in his eyes but its the length that is popular these days and he refuses to cut it.
Eyes: A beautiful grayish blue.
Skin: A slight tan, more red than anything else.
Other: Riley is pretty much your typical jock. He hangs with his friends when he isn't practicing or playing some sport. He has the over barring parents who expect him to be the perfect athlete and get the best grades. He often tries to sneak off and be alone but doesn't manage it very often. He seems to date lots of girls, has been faithful to all of them. He is never the one to break off the relationship without a reason. Most of the time its because he wanted a serious relationship and the girls didn't. His friends make fun of him for it.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:00 pm

Name - Anat
Age - 17
Species - mermaid
Gender - F
Personality - rather timid and shy, careful and cautious around humans at first. becomes more angry and harsh when she gets to know they aren't deadly.
Appearance -
Hair: auburn, slightly wavy to her shoulder blades. Cut in layers, parted on the side
Eyes: bright green
Skin: fair, slightly freckled.
Tail: dark red at her hips, fading to black at her fins
Other: n/a
Other - n/a

Name - Aiden
Age - 20
Species - human
Gender - M
Personality - kind, strong willed, quick thinking
Appearance -
Hair: Dirty blonde hair, longer, straight
Eyes: brown/hazel
Skin: tanned, very freckled
Tail: n/a
Other: n/a
Other - came to Whitecap for school, at the marine lab. Stays with his aunt, the owner of the Inn, and helps her out when he's not at the labs.

Name - Anne
Age - 45
Gender - F
Relation to Which Major Character - Aiden
How They Are Related - Aunt
Role - The Whitecap Inn Owner

Name - Phil
Age - 56
Gender - M
Related to Which Major Character - any that visit the Marine Lab
How They Are Related - see role. depends on the character
Role - The caretaker and person in charge at the Marine Lab, boss for any student working there. the superstitious kind, knows most of the local legends

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:32 pm

I open bright green eyes to the shifting light filtering through the water, morning coming over the horizon as my hair sways in the current around me. My sisters are around me, sleeping in the small caverns of rock the cliff offers beneath the waves, the jagged rocks that the lighthouse warns of above them as the light cycles around again, losing strength as the sun rises. Carefully, i wriggle out of my space and swim up to the surface, hiding against a rock to see if any humans were on the beach today. Though I wouldn't know the first thing of making them come to the sea.
No one is present though, too early for them still though a few fishing boats are starting to leave. But their metal hulls are too strong to break, no hope of sinking one. The sky is an early gray color, the sand whipped clean of any foot marks from the day before. I purse my lips, disappearing beneath the waves again. What a predicament for all of us. The few remaining mermaids.

"And did you change that lightbulb I couldn't reach on the staircase?" Aunt Anne asks me, bustling through the kitchen and getting some breakfast ready for the guests.
I grab my bag on the chair and nod with a slight smile. "Yes. And updated the website for you too." I look over at the oven clock and she follows my gaze.
"Alright. Anything else, I'll tell you tonight. Go ahead." She waves me off with a kitchen towel, turning back to the eggs on the stove.
"Thanks, Aunt Anne, See you then," i murmur with a slight wave, heading for the door to walk to the marine laboratory across town. Not that that was such a long walk.

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:49 pm

Sapphire sat quietly letting her hair float between her fingers as she attempted to pull it into a tie. The mess was annoying her half-to-death and she was about to go get something to hack it all off. A pleased smile fell to her lips as all the hair finally agreed to the imprisonment of the hair tie and she let it go. Her eyes rose to a black shape crossing the top of the water and she swam up a little, not daring to go to the surface. Tracking it with her eyes she sighed knowing nothing would happen if she tried to wreck that boat. Sighing I rose the little distance between me and the surface, peeking my head out to consider the land.

Riley stared ahead of him, sweat dripping down his face as his eyes fell determinedly on the net. Letting the ball fall from his hands to the floor of the gym he ran forward, smoothly avoiding his teammates before easily landing the ball in the net. Coach sounded the whistle and all the guys gathered around him.
"Man Riley!" Ari complained slapping a hand on Riley's back as one of the players ran off to get the ball. "With you on the team again this year we aren't going to get any girls, there all gonna be fallin' all over you like last year."
Riley grinned and started towards where his water bottle sat on the bench. "Well, you can always claim All-stars best friend, chicks seem to dig that."

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:49 pm

Name - Ari
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Relation to Which Major Character - Riley
How They Are Related - Best Friend
Role - He tags along with Riley almost everywhere, barely ever seen apart in public. He lives down the street from Riley.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Jacky K. Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:54 pm

Name - Lily
Age - 17
Species - mermaid
Gender - gal
Personality - timid, but curious enough that she can sometimes get into trouble.
Appearance -
Hair: strawberry blonde, large waves down to her mid-back
Eyes: pale green
Skin: very pale
Tail: amber around her hips, which fades down to dark red

Name - Casper
Age - 18
Species - human
Gender - dude
Personality - He's kind, but tends to keep to himself. An artsy fellow that easily opens up, if you just go say 'hi'.
Appearance -
Hair: sandy brown curls
Eyes: hazel
Skin: average caucasian
Other: He lives an average laid-back life in the town, working at a local fish n chips resteraunt

Name - Buck
Age - late 30's
Gender - guy
Relation to Which Major Character - Casper
How They Are Related - he's Casper's boss
Role - oversees everything that happens near the fish n chips joint

Name - Isabella (Izzy)
Age - 6
Gender - gal
Relation to Which Major Character - Casper
How They Are Related - his little sister
Role - she's a curious spectator to things that go on around the island. It's a small town and everyone knows her, so she's pretty much allowed to roam free.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:15 pm

I allow myself to drift down through the waves, only giving small flicks of my tail to steer myself. There's a jemlike sheen of bluish purple on the underwater rocks below. My older sister, looking to the boat above that Ive learned to ignore. There wasn't a chance in them anyway.
She ventures up and I pause to watch her, waiting for her to come back. It felt too exposed up there for me. I didn't like staying near the surface so long.

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:58 pm

Sapphire sighed again, peering out at the surface once again before turning and swimming down into safer waters. Spotting Anat she smiled, giving a small wave before making her way over to her.
"Hello." She said, glancing up at the surface once more. "There isn't anything up there but boats."
A bit of irritation dawned on her face as her hand reached up to push back the hair that was already coming loose from the tie.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:59 pm

Name - Arabelle
Age - 17
Species - Mermaid
Gender - female
Personality - Would ya kill me if I said I'm still working that bit out? >.>
Appearance -
Hair: Long, slightly frizzy when on land, falls to her waist in banana curls. Ish a blondish gold.
Eyes: Like to change between green and blue, but neutrally, it's like a teal.
Skin: A light, subtle tan. Freckles decorate her nose.
Tail: Gold at her hips which fade into a dusky, bronze- black

Name - Andros
Age - 18
Species - Human
Gender - Male
Personality - Quiet. Introverted. Sees a lot. Hates being betrayed.
Appearance -
Hair: Aburn. Looks kinda tosseled. *wonders why all these words are getting red squigglies >.> *
Eyes: A light brown
Skin: Tanned from the sun
Other: Works part time on the docks

Name - Alex
Age - 14
Gender - male
Relation to Which Major Character - Andros's younger brother
Role - Tags along a lot. Is nosy. So... depends


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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:25 pm


I sighed, sitting up as I watched my sisters timidly drift toward the boat.
I got why they were scared, but... now wasn't the time to for hesitation.
Being scared wouldn't get us our immortality. Doing something would.

I slipped out of my small alcove, watching the shadow from the ship pass over me.
Golden locks floated around me, briefly hiding my hesitant stare back up at the boat.

I bit my lip, my frustration spilling out into one rash and stupid action.
With a huff, I propelled myself forward, quickly making my way past my sisters, a determined look about me.


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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:08 pm

I nod to Sapphire in recognition, watching the light flit through the surface until a shadow makes me pause. Arabelle, going to the cove. We ventured there sometimes, but not usually now when the fishermen were all around getting ready to go out. They might spot her. They would kill her then.
"Arabelle!" I call suddenly, a slightly panicked tone to my voice. I glance at Sapphire briefly before dashing off through the water to try and catch her.

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:33 pm

First off- look what I made o3o


I faltered for a moment, turning to meet Anat's gaze as she rushed forward to stop me.
Wait, she was coming to stop me. Well that wouldn't do.
With I huff I turned and propelled myself forward, trying to make up for the distance she was quickly gaining.
I couldn't let her stop me. In fact, she shouldn't even be following. She could get hurt. But someone had to do this. Someone had to suck it up and face the men. I couldn't just sit here and watch us all die. So... that someone would be me... provided she doesn't catch me and I don't chicken out...


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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:57 pm

She was older, the more powerful swimmer. I was small, not as strong. Didn't have the same endurance. "Arabelle, they cant see us! They'll hunt us again!" I shouted after her, trying to make her rethink going after the humans. We had agreed wed make a plan. We just...needed to think of a plan...

I step down into the docks from the sloping path down, stepping quickly between the fishermen and their ropes as they busily worked to get out of the harbor before shallow tide. It was a shortcut to the laboratory on the right end of the harbor, before the entrance. I return the pleasant greetings as I continue on down the metal gangway, enjoying the scent of salt from the ocean breeze.

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:27 pm


I ignored her, for once no longer afraid. This was something I needed to do. No more procrastinating. No more planning and stalling and planning again. I needed to find a man, and the sooner the better.
I swam harder, finally breaking the surface. My hair stuck to me as I bobbed with the waves, trying to gather my bearings.
I spotted rocky, almost hidden part of the shore, just off a deserted path, and swam toward it.
I pulled myself onto the shore, my tail now useless on dry land. I sprawled out on the hard ground, my arms sore and breath heavy from the effort.
I felt my scales give way as two very foreign limbs take the place of my beloved tail and I couldn't help but to shudder.
... What now?


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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:46 pm

I follow still, though slightly out of breath. I had lost sight of her in the murky water, and now as I near the boatsi take more caution, diving down deeper. But Arabelle wasn't down here. Wasn't by the docks...
I find a chain going down to the depths, follow it up to a moor. Listening for any boat engines, I surface again and look around for her, spotting her blonde hair on the shore. A cold jab of fear hits me. She was on the shore. With the humans. She...not alone!
Despite my fear, I force my tail to move me closer. "Arabelle, come back... please..." I go until I feel the sandy bottom on my fin from my down strokes and freeze, not willing to go any closer. "We need to think this out still, not rush into it like this!"

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:05 pm


I pushed myself up, turning at staring at the voice. "Anat, what are you doing? Go back, they'll see you!" I made a shooing motion and sat up fully, looking around. "I'll be fine," I reassured her, forcing my voice to sound sure.
I didn't feel so sure. In fact, I felt rooted down in fear. But my stubbornness was pushing me forward. I had gotten this far. Now was not the time to turn back. Besides, I already had my legs. For now, I was safe.
"Go," I repeated sternly, pulling my dress top firmly down over me.


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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:17 pm

Is it to late for me to join? Smile
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:25 pm

(Course not, rebel. : ) )

"But Arab -"
there was the metal clanking of someone walking over the path to that far white building. I bite my lip so hard I taste my blood, but flick back fearfully in a flash or red and black scales. Though I didn't disappear totally. I stayed beneath the waves hesitantly, everything telling me to bolt.
Through the water and tide, I hear the muffled words: "Miss? You okay?"

The harbor wasn't the best place to swim after all... it had strong rip tides and powerful waves from the ships. She looked exhausted and shaky on her feet, completely soaked. And with morning temperatures, she could not be comfortable in.just that cover...

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:39 pm

Name -Thelios
Age -19
Species -Human
Gender -Male
Personality -Very quite, but dosn't stand for anyone being bullied. People tend to be scared of this friendly giant, but once you get to know him he's quite kind.
Appearance -
Hair:A blonde that is almost white with a few golden streaks in it.
Eyes:Startling ocean blue
Tail: (any color, but they tend to want to blend into the ocean so usually darker colors) mmm...if he was ever to be a mermaid??? uh...dark green.
Other:Loves to fish and swim despite the legends of the mermaids.
Other - (history and whatnot, if you'd like to add it in)

Name -Shelby
Age -17
Species -Mermaid
Gender -Female
Personality -Sweet, but firey spirit
Appearance -
Eyes:blue green
Tail: (any color, but they tend to want to blend into the ocean so usually darker colors)green with some blue scales mixed in.
Other:Is very interested in the humans. Has good control of her blood thirst but somtimes is close to slipping.
Other - (history and whatnot, if you'd like to add it in)

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:54 pm

Oki. Just do an intro post, we'll work ya in

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:00 pm


I watch Anat disappear with relief, thank g- "Miss? You okay?" I froze, my old fear filling my like ice as I turned to face the voice.
A man.
I almost scampered back into the water. Screw the hunger. Screw immortality. It was a man. But once again my stubbornness had me rooted in spot.
So close. I was so close to my goal. I'm not a wimp. Besides, a mysterious women fleeing into the ocean, never to be seen again might cause alarm. I had to be smart.
"I'm-I'm fine."
Strong, Arabelle, be strong.
"Who are you?"
I pushed myself onto my feet, trying to take a step forward when, wham. I stumbled back down.
Heat flooded my cheeks. Walking was much more difficult than it seemed.


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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:01 pm

Thelios sat on the beach, burying his hands in the warm white sand. His ocean blue eyes were closed as he turned his face to the sun, loving the warmth that inveloped him. He was shirtless, having went for a swim a few moments ago. He took in a deep breath, the salty ocean scent being his favorite and calming him. His eyes opened to reveal two shocking ocean blue eyes and his almost white blond hair showed its godlen highlights as the sun hit them.

Shelby swam through the water, her hair splaid out behind her as her tail moved up and down, movig like a dolphin through the water. She poked her head out of the surface and looked around her to see the land. Her eyes looked at the humans longingly before she shook her head and went back under. The scales along her tail flicked in the sun's light as it made its way through the water.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:40 pm

I stop on the gangway, looking over at the little beached area that lay between the path to the lab and the ocean. Who am I? Who was she? A vacationer, most likely, not knowing what the heck she was doing swimming out in the harbor...
she tries to walk, but falls, and I hurry down the steps to the beach. "Aiden," I introduce hesitantly, coming up to her. "Cant swim in the harbor, Miss. A boat might hit you. The rip tides get you or something?" In reference to her exhaustion.

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Whitecap Bay Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:44 am


Rip tides? What?
"Or... something," I breathed, staring up at him.
He was so close... It would be so easy to just... no. I had to wait. I had to get him somewhere more private. I couldn't get us caught.
... This was so foolish. I should of waited for the others.
My hair was already drying in the sun, the golden curls frizzing ever so slightly. I wasn't use to it dry. It annoyed me.
I pulled a strand out of my face and tried to stand again, wobbling and falling back to my knees.
Right... I also should have practiced walking before I jumped into this mission.
God, I hope this doesn't backfire.
"I'm Arabelle," I whispered, afraid to look him in the eye. What if he saw through me?

Last edited by };--- Ella Rose on Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total


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