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Chasing Love.

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Chasing Love. Empty Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:22 pm

In the deep of our hearts most of us will find that we want to be loved. Wither we choose to make it our main focus in life, to find love where ever we can or to wait for it to find us is our choice. Some won't admit they want it, and do their best to avoid it. What happens when you take this to a new level?

Love has been discovered to be the most vital emotion of all those that we possess. As scientists studied it they came across something amazing. A procedure that would allow love not to be developed, but forced. Say that there is that girl across the way that you feel that you can't live without but she can't stand you. They could change that.

This secret was locked down almost immediately, the result of this information seeming too dangerous to be allowed to the public. But before the information was stored away for good a young women made away with a copy of the files on a small computer chip. She was soon found out, chased down by those who wanted the procedure to stay a secret. But before she was caught she was attacked, the files falling into the hands of the underground boss of the city.

Now the information is in the open. Love, is no longer an option. There is a group who still see it as love once was. A thing that should be optional, a thing that should be precious.

Now we must hide. Blend in with those who just let love be chosen for them. Our eighteenth birthday is coming. The day our partners are chosen for us.

We will choose for ourselves.

Personality: (optional)
View on Love: (choose or be chosen for)

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:33 pm

Name: Aleta (means winged)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: See image, phoenix tattoo on her lower back like this, but smaller
Past: She grew up in a really poor part of town and was eventually forced into the drug trading business by her older brother. A few years ago he got shot and killed and now she’s too scared to back out of the trade. She goes to school on an art scholarship – she designed the tattoo- and is very self conscious of her appearance. Since she’s so poor she mostly gets her clothes from goodwill and such so they’re kinda shabby and she always feels out of place with the other kids.
Personality: she's a sweet girl who because of circumstances beyond her control had to do bad things. She acts badass but she isn’t really like that, she prefers to be the nice girl in things, but her life doesn’t allow her to be. If she had her choice she’d rather hang out with friends and have a normal life. And be pretty. A lot of times she comes to school without make-up and her hair not styled and she feels even more shabby because of it. She loves feeling pretty but the things she’s forced to do usually make her feel like an ugly person. She loves children. Sometimes she hates being mexican because everyone expects her to be badass and gangster and not be scared by drugs and guns and stuff, especially since she lives in a poor part of town
she acts badass and stuff, but it's not how she really is
View on Love: Honestly thinks it's all faked and doesn't really care. She doesn't want to love someone so she doesn't expect herself to be made to

Name: Connor

Age: 19

Looks: see image

Past: He forced himself to forget his parents and was raised by his older brother Jon. He wants to be just like him but he likes people too much.

Personality: Likes making people feel good about themselves, likes that Jon seems happy and although he loves women, he doesn't want to be caught up with one cause of how his parents ditched him and Jon

View on Love: Chosen for

Name: Jon

Age: 23

Looks: see image

Past: has ben taking care of his younger brother after their parents walked out on them. He doesn’t trust women and believes that they’re all whores

Personality: Emotionless, quick and efficient. Well disciplined and very mature. He doesn’t joke around with the others but spends most of his time alone thinking. He’s never really had an attatchment to any particular woman, but he does enjoy the sex


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Join date : 2011-12-12

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:37 pm

Name: Isabel Handson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks:Chasing Love. Een_girls_
Personality: (optional) TBD
View on Love: (choose or be chosen for) To be chosen for

Name: Landon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: Chasing Love. Dylan-Dylan-7c9d
Personality: TBD
View on Love: Choose

Name: She won't say her real name, I can promise you that. It's Alia.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Looks:Chasing Love. Forest,girl,cool,tree,woman-db40c533ee59a6e337b58b8f9fe32545_h
Personality: Eh.. you'll see.
View on Love: Well, she is a rebel and lives in the forbidden territory so I'll let you figure that out.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:38 pm

Isabel glanced down the street with a flicker of annoyance as the school bus went whizzing by.

"Come on Landon." She muttered, tapping her foot. "If you make me late again..."

"You'll what?"

She spun around, a startled expression on her face for a moment before a scowl. "Do you have to do that?" She growled.

"Do what? Ask questions?" Landon joked, then gestured towards his car. "We should get going, I thought you were worried about being late."

Isabel hissed under her breath and stalked towards the car. "It's hard not to be late when you don't show up till a half hour before the bell and it takes forty minutes to get there from here." She grumbled, opening the door and sitting down in the nice leather seats.

"Wow, someone is in a bad mood today." He purred, pulling open his own door. "And it doesn't take forty minutes if you ignore those stupid signs."

" Landon."

"Oh common..its not like some rebel is going to attack us just for driving through the forbidden territory. Its much shorter than the long way around." He grinned, starting the car.

"That's why they're forbidden moron!" She seethed and he rolled his eyes before pulling out onto the main part of the road.

"Just relax Issy, we'll be fine."

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:40 pm

Alia watched the Normals go by in their fancy car, a bit of bile rising in her throat. They acted like everything was exactly the way it should be. Like nothing was about to happen that would change their lives forever. Didn't they care? Didn't they want real love?

She growled and tucked her hands around the branch she was sitting on, letting herself drop to the ground a moment later. Letting her eyes find the school she curled up her lip and started in that direction anyways. If she was going to do this she would have to deal with these people for awhile. Just until the meeting. Then she could go back home. Be away from them.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:45 pm

Aleta: I hung at the corner of the parking lot, huddling agains thte cold and waiting for the guy to come and get his drugs already. He was late

Jon: I drove Connor and I to school, me lecturing him about failing a test

Connor: I slumped in the passnegers seat miserable, glaring out the window at the trees and half wanting to ignore him

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:56 pm

Isabel slammed the car door shut, shooting a fierce glare at Landon before starting in to the school.
"Oh come on, Issy.." Landon teased, rolling his eyes. "It wasn't that bad."
"Oh, well yes, there was that." He muttered, then brightened a little. "I got us here before the bell..." As he spoke the words left his mouth the sound of the bell rang out across the school grounds.
"Yeah, just in time." Isabel groaned, running towards the doorway.

Alia watched them all, finding her place behind a few students walking into the school. Just wait, she'd show them all, this would be a day they wouldn't soon forget. Just wait, that's all that was left to do.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:58 pm

Jon: I got out and sent Connor to class and frowned, seeing a girl in a tree

Aleta: I looked up and aorund snd closed my eyes. i ouldn't leave til he came.

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:09 pm

Isabel was storing her books in her locker when the annoucment rang over the intercom.
"Will all seniors please report to the east hall. You are required at this time to put all of your things away and report to the east hall."
A bit of relief on her face, seeing as she never would have made it to class on time, Isabel stuck the last of her books away and started in the general direction of the announced meeting place.

Landon was lingering in the bathroom at the time of the announcement, not in a hurry to head towards class. Frowning a little, he put out the cigerate he'd lit, and dropped it in the trashcan, climbing up on the latter and fixing the fire alarm before heading down towards the hall.

Alia smirked a little, walking from where she'd been hiding in the shadows towards the hall. So close, so close to the time.

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:11 pm

Aleta: I started pacing, my hands shaking slightly (she's at the hall entrance)

Jon: I sighed and walked to the audtitorium, amking sure Connor was headed towards his classes

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:21 pm

Principal Jenson glanced evenly out over the gathered students in the hallway, waiting for silence before speaking.
"There are buses waiting outside the school. As you all know, it is drawing close to the time of your Love Surgery. This will be a simple field trip to the lab so that they can determine who to match you with. I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. Dismissed."

Isabel quickly located Landon, and started out the door at the end of the hall, excitement taking her mind, even as Landon's filled with dread at the upcoming event.
Alia stayed distinctly away from everyone, keeping her eyes carefully watching, calculating even, she knew what was coming, just wait. Just wait.

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:22 am

Aleta: I glanced at the mass of students and paced faster. I couldn't leave until he came to get the drugs but if I didnt go with my class...

Connor: I rummaged through my locker, scowling

Jon: I sighed, runnign a hand through my hair

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:04 pm


We began loading the bus rather quickly after that, Principal Jenson didn't like it when people moved slowly. I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like, waking up everyday with your partner, always having someone there with you. If it were up to me, then we'd be heading to the surgery today as well, not just the tests. It would only be a little while longer, a period filled with anxiousness and impatience, but only a bit longer.


No surprise that I quickly sat next to Isabel, seeing as she was basically the only person on that bus that I didn't hate. My mind was full of annoyance at what was to come, perhaps fear even, although I never would have admitted that. Love, wasn't that something that you were supposed to grow? To earn? Where were the good old days when it was a choice? Now I was about to head off to have someone predetermined for me, and all I could think, was about how there was this beautiful girl next to me, that if I had a choice, she would be mine.
Not that it would be the same for her, I'd known for a long time that all I was to her was someone resembling a brother, a very close friend, that didn't mean I couldn't wish for more, no matter how futile the wish was.
Principal Jenson boarded the bus and glanced over all of the students, pursing his lips when it fell upon groups of girl guy pairs. With narrowed eyes he began ordering people to switch seats, soon coming to me and Issy.
"There are plenty of empty seats in the back Landon, no need to always be with her. Move." And like that, I wasn't with her anymore, anger radiating from me I sat in the indicated seat, glaring out the window.


Almost none of the students seemed to care, to wonder why they were forced to go along with love being chose for them. How could they even imagine something different if this is all they'd ever known? I guess that wasn't possible, so I would have to show them. Soon, and very soon, I thought. Soon they would see.
A grim smile on my lips I took a seat in the back of the bus, alone.

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:07 pm

Jon: I sat down heavily on a seat, looking out the window with a deep scowl

Aleta: The guy finally came and I gave him the drugs before dashing to the bus. There was only one emty seat left next to a guy (landon) and I hesitantly sat down, cringing as I looked down at my beat up sneakers

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:09 pm

Chasing Love. Aleta10 Aleta

Chasing Love. Connor10 Connor

Chasing Love. Jon10 Jon

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Bells Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:21 pm


Then a girl sat next to me, wonderful. Well, at least it wasn't want of those barbie wannabes, but still, I didn't really see a reason to have to have moved away from Issy, its not like we were doing anything wrong, just talking. Muttering under my breath I glanced over at the girl, sighing a little. "Hello." I grumbled before looking back out the window, a bit of annoyance rolling over me.

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:27 pm

Aleta: "Hi..." I mumbled, wondering if the teacher would punsih me for being late

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Chasing Love. Empty Re: Chasing Love.

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