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Chasing Love~

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Chasing Love~ Empty Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:01 am

In the deep of our hearts most of us will find that we want to be loved. Wither we choose to make it our main focus in life, to find love where ever we can or to wait for it to find us is our choice. Some won't admit they want it, and do their best to avoid it. What happens when you take this to a new level?

Love has been discovered to be the most vital emotion of all those that we possess. As scientists studied it they came across something amazing. A procedure that would allow love not to be developed, but forced. Say that there is that girl across the way that you feel that you can't live without but she can't stand you. They could change that.

This secret was locked down almost immediately, the result of this information seeming too dangerous to be allowed to the public. But before the information was stored away for good a young women made away with a copy of the files on a small computer chip. She was soon found out, chased down by those who wanted the procedure to stay a secret. But before she was caught she was attacked, the files falling into the hands of the underground boss of the city.

Now the information is in the open. Love, is no longer an option. There is a group who still see it as love once was. A thing that should be optional, a thing that should be precious.

Now we must hide. Blend in with those who just let love be chosen for them. Our eighteenth birthday is coming. The day our partners are chosen for us.

We will choose for ourselves.

Personality: (optional)
View on Love: (choose or be chosen for)

**I made this before, but it didn't get far, so I figured I'd try again.

Name: Isabel Handson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: (optional) TBD
View on Love: (choose or be chosen for) To be chosen for

Name: Landon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: TBD
View on Love: Choose

Name: She won't say her real name, I can promise you that. It's Alia.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Eh.. you'll see.
View on Love: Well, she is a rebel and lives in the forbidden territory so I'll let you figure that out.


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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Avery Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:39 am

Could I join? o-o

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:49 pm


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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:17 pm

May I?

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:32 am


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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:02 am

Name: Mimi Mellor
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: Fair skin with a golden under tone, freckles around her nose, sandy blond hair with a darker underside that reaches to her shoulders has a slight wave to it. Hair is usually pulled into low pigtails. Blue eyes. Sweet smile, her canines are slightly sharper than normal, but in a cute way (if that makes any sense....). stands at about 5’3”
Personality: (optional) sweet and nice. Caring for most.
View on Love: (choose or be chosen for) Be chosen for, but is starting to slowly change her views.

Name: Rhys Mellor
Age: 18
Gender: male
Looks: Tall, roughly 6’3 (about a foot taller than his sister). Sandy blonde hair that is tossled, falls into his eyes. Freckles around her nose and along his cheeks, sparkling blue eyes. Cheerful smile (when he smiles, which is rare). Defined muscles. Usually wears t-shirts with button down shirts over them.
Personality: (optional) TBA
View on Love: (choose or be chosen for) to chose.

(Tell me if I have to change anything. Rhys and Mimi are brother and sister, but Rhys left home)

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:56 pm

They look good, but consider that the easiest way to do this is to start out with a school day, so as long as you don't mind that there may not be interaction with him from my charries right away, then its good. ^^

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Red Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:39 pm

Can I join?

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Avery Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:23 pm

Kat, I think I changed my mind. I dunno if I'm gonna join anymore.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:38 pm

Awes... alright...

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:43 pm

Isabel glanced down the street with a flicker of annoyance as the school bus went whizzing by.

"Come on Landon." She muttered, tapping her foot. "If you make me late again..."

"You'll what?"

She spun around, a startled expression on her face for a moment before a scowl. "Do you have to do that?" She growled.

"Do what? Ask questions?" Landon joked, then gestured towards his car. "We should get going, I thought you were worried about being late."

Isabel hissed under her breath and stalked towards the car. "It's hard not to be late when you don't show up till a half hour before the bell and it takes forty minutes to get there from here." She grumbled, opening the door and sitting down in the nice leather seats.

"Wow, someone is in a bad mood today." He said, pulling open his own door. "And it doesn't take forty minutes if you ignore those stupid signs."

" Landon."

"Oh come'on...its not like some rebel is going to attack us just for driving through the forbidden territory. Its much shorter than the long way around." He grinned, starting the car.

"That's why they're forbidden moron!" She seethed and he rolled his eyes before pulling out onto the main part of the road.

"Just relax Issy, we'll be fine."


Alia watched the Normals go by in their fancy car, a bit of bile rising in her throat. They acted like everything was exactly the way it should be. Like nothing was about to happen that would change their lives forever. Didn't they care? Didn't they want real love?

She growled and tucked her hands around the branch she was sitting on, letting herself drop to the ground a moment later. Her eyes found the school causing her lip to curl up before she started in that direction anyways. If she was going to do this she would have to deal with these people for awhile. Just until the meeting. Then she could go back home. Be away from them.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:23 pm

Mimi skated into school grounds, a fleece blue and black hat pulled over her hair. She wore her navy blue jacket over a light grey shirt and her bright purple jeans. Just a few months away. The sooner her birthday came the more excited she became.

The only downside is that she hadn't seen her brother in ages. Oh well.... She'd see him one day. Maybe. She got closer to the front doors and weaved through people.

"'Scuse me, coming through." She hopped off her board and grabbed it from the ground before running into the building.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:17 pm

Isabel had just begun to store things in her locker when the beep of the loud speaker echoed around the hall. She paused, balancing one of her books on the edge of her locker shelf as her ears stained to hear the words.
"Will all seniors please report to the east hall. You are required at this time to put all of your things away and report to the east hall. Anyone found to be missing from the head count will be penalized."
A bit of relief began to cross her face, seeing as she never would have made it to class on time. Isabel finished storing her books and shut her locker. Turning to hurry towards the east side, she bumped into someone sending her glasses sprawling across the hallway. Muttering apologizes she mentally cursed her luck and searched the floor for them, placing them on her nose and scrambling to her feet. There was no way she wouldn't be late now.

Landon was lingering in the bathroom at the time of the announcement, not in a hurry to head towards class. Frowning a little, he pinched the bridge of his nose and counted to ten. The announcement could only mean a few things. His hand fingered the package in his pocket, and he sighed a little. He would have liked a smoke before getting a lecture on what they'd be facing soon, but it seemed it was unavoidable. Leaving the room he headed towards the hall, hoping he'd at least be able to grab a spot near Isabel so he'd be able to crack jokes.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:22 pm

Mimi skidded to a stop when she heard the annoucement. Whelp, she was going the wrong way. She tossed her board to the ground again and started skating through the hall to make it to the east hall, weaving in between people. "Still coming through!" She sighed as people were constantly getting into the way. She lost control of her board by skidding over a puddle of water and slammed into someone who was walking toward the hall. Landon. She fell off the board and to the ground, landing on her butt.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:26 pm

Landon stumbled, cursing to himself as he kept from falling by catching himself on the wall. Turning around to see who ran into him he blinked, looking at Mimi for a long moment before a small smirk worked its way onto his lips.
"Well, looks like skater girl lost control of her board," he said, offering a hand. "Seems you need to watch where you're going."

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:48 pm

"I guess." Mimi laughed and took his hand, pulling herself up to her feet. She grabbed her board from the ground and brushed herself off. "Heading to the meeting they are calling for?"

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:00 am

Landon nodded, the smirk not fading as he watched her, his hand dropping to his side.
"I am," he said. "It seems we don't have much choice in the matter."
Pausing, he considered her for a moment before turning to begin down the hall again.
"It's... Mimi, right?" he asked, figuring she'd follow.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:57 am

Mimi walked after him, her board tucked under her arm. "Yea. Mimi Mellor." She smiled kindly to him as they walked. "We've been in school together how long, Landon, and you still dont know my name?" She teased jokingly. It wouldn't be a big shock if he didnt know her by name. not many kids actually did. She was usually Rhys' little sister or skater girl or some variation of one of those.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:57 pm

"Hm..." he mused, eyes flicking over to her as they walked. "I would have to say... ten years?"
He had almost said twelve, then remembered the fact his family had gotten their city passes when he was in second grade. That meant he'd moved here then, he'd met Isabel shortly after. She was one of the few girl's he'd had the patience to put up with at that age, and he'd been one of the few people who could put up with her never ending need to be perfect.
"Ten years is an awfully short time, I need at least a few more hours to know you for certain." he joked, his eyes flashing as he looked her over. "See, it takes that long for me to really, truly remember someones name."

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:29 pm

Mimi nodded, dodging people who walked around her to keep up with his pace. She kept her gaze forward, looking at the crowd of kids heading the same way as them.
"Are you frightened?"

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:40 am

Landon blinked, surprise flickering though him at the sudden change of topic. He hesitated, then, his usual joking mood sort of shattered.
"... no." he said at last, forcing his voice to come out light. "I am not scared. I refuse to be."

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:21 am

"I'm terrified," Mimi told him softly. This is what caused her brother to run away. If something caused that, then it deserved to be feared in Mimi's eyes. Her brother was a warrior in her eyes. Nothing frightened him enough to run. yet this had.

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:36 pm

Landon blinked, raising a brow as he glanced at her. He didn't quite understand why she was telling him, a guy who didn't even really know her name for sure before now.
"... don't be." he muttered, stopping as they reached the crowded hall. "That's what they want."

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:40 pm

Mimi nodded and looked down for a few second. "you're right." She smiled slightly, trying to regain her usual happiness. "I'll just have to get over it, wont I?" It was strange, talking to a guy she barely knew about this future love she was going to have to deal with. The future that terrified her. What if she didnt want to love? She was happy how she was now. Just her and her board, perfection for her. Would she even be able to adapt to having to 'love' and 'care' for someone outside her family?

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

Post by Bells Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:33 pm

Landon nodded, looking ahead of them now. Straining his neck he could spot Isabel about half-way through the crowd. Sighing softly to himself, he realized there was little chance of catching up with her from here.

"Welcome. As you all know, many of you will be getting your treatment soon, some of you are already of age. Today we will be taking you to the treatment center to take your tests. As is tradition, these will determine who you are matched with after your treatment. Some of you may be matched with people you have never met, older than you who were unable to find their matches in the years before. Some have been saved from the lure of the rebels and only now receiving their treatment. But, you all already know this. There is no need to worry.

"If you will please board the buses, we will be on your way."

Rolling my eyes a little, I glanced at Mimi.

"Well, we might as well do as the all powerful principal says." I paused, sweeping a hand out in front of me. "After you."

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Chasing Love~ Empty Re: Chasing Love~

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