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Everybody Needs a Little Love

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:16 pm

Nobody’s perfect, but in society you still have to seem that way and the stress of doing that can sometimes be hard, leading to problems. Or, maybe you just had problems that you don’t want people to know about. Either way, it’s only made worse when someone you loved and trusted betrays you in some way. Betrayal stings and opening up again can be hard. Everyone wants someone to love though...

Setting: A small city like any other with clubs, bars, stores, cafes, etc. Even though it’s a city, the characters should start out in either a small coffee shop, park/field, library, or club, but from there on, they can go pretty much wherever.

Character Form:
Age (16-21):
Description (or photo, whatever floats your boat):
Problem/s (parental problems, drug abuse, depression, etc.):
Person who’s betrayed them, how and why:

1. You must have two characters, one boy and one girl to keep the ratio even.
2. If two characters are about to do the naughty tango, please fast-forward.
3. No PPing or GMing.
4. No one liners unless nothing else can be done.
5. Please ask to join, especially if the CC has already begun.

My characters:

Character Form:
Name: Elm Hanson
Age (16-21): 20
Gender: Male
Description (or photo, whatever floats your boat): Elm has unruly copper hair that’s long enough for him to pull back into a ponytail because he keeps procrastinating on getting it trimmed. Most of the time he has his hair pulled back, but when he doesn’t it’s all over the place and tends to fall over his brown eyes, which he doesn’t like. He’s not exactly what you would call lean or muscular, but rather he’s kind of scrawny with barely any muscle. Elm also isn’t the tallest person in the world, standing at only five feet and ten inches. He has two tattoos, one on the back of his left shoulder; a bird on fire, and one on his left hip; a sun. His wrists have multiple scars from cutting which he generally keeps covered by wristbands and long sleeved shirts or his leather jacket.
Personality: somewhat wild, a complete smart ass, somewhat rude, opinionated, honest, blunt, sometimes he can be sweet, he is caring but doesn’t like to show it
Problem/s (parental problems, drug abuse, depression, cutting, bulimia etc.): drug abuse though he’s trying to stop, cutting, parental problems
Person who’s betrayed them, how and why: His ex-girlfriend went around saying he was a druggie and did everything in her power to destroy his reputation in his old town because he broke up with her and she wanted to destroy him. Due to this, he moved to where he’s living now.
History: Elm grew up in a big city with his dad, dreaming of changing the world. When he was ten, his mom packed up her bags to run off with some guy who she had been having an affair with. Elm blames his dad for her leaving and his dad blames him. Every time Elm said he wanted to change the world one day, his dad would laugh and tell him he was too stupid. Due to a bad relationship between the two, Elm spent as little time as possible at home and ended up getting into drugs. Due to pain caused at home by his dad and pain caused by his first and only girlfriend, Lorelei, he started to cut. He left home when he seventeen, vowing to never set foot near his birthplace again.

Character Form:
Name: Mackenzie Astley
Age (16-21): 19
Gender: Female
Description (or photo, whatever floats your boat): Mackenzie has blonde hair that’s light brown around the roots because she’s decided she doesn’t feel like dying it anymore. Her hair falls past her shoulders in waves, but due to her hatred of her waves, she straightens it. She also has blunt bangs that nearly hang in her hazel eyes. She also has a dusting of freckles across her nose that she hates and tends to cover in concealer.
Personality: self-conscious, sweet, quiet, intelligent,
Problem/s (parental problems, drug abuse, depression, etc.): bulimia, depression, home problems
Person who’s betrayed them, how and why: Mackenzie’s supposed ‘friend’ decided it would be fun to go and spread some dirty rumors about her because she was bored and thought it would be fun.
History: Mackenzie’s always been the quiet nerdy girl, but when her parents died when she was thirteen and she got sent to a foster home, she changed everything except her quietness. She dyed her hair, started wearing contacts, and to stay thin she started to barf after she ate. The people she hung out with didn’t really help considering they were the kind of people who encouraged those things. Eventually her foster parents sent her to a new family, one that was rich and encouraged Mackenzie’s problems even more. They adopted her, but Mackenzie never really felt loved between her family and new found friends and different boyfriends and ended up becoming depressed. As soon as she was eighteen, she moved to where she is now so she could get away from her problems and the people that caused them, but some of them continue.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:18 pm

I'll join, but later. Busy right now.

As Admin, I'd like to welcome you to CCR~ Smile I'd love to answer any questions.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:25 pm

Smile Cool.

Thank you. ^.^

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:10 pm

Name: Ally Becker
Age (16-21): 19
Gender: F
Description (or photo, whatever floats your boat): Ally is tall, 5'9'', and built like a dancer. All limbs - though athletically built slightly, a small waist - but not exactly curvy, and on the smaller side of medium chest wise. She has hazel eyes and wavy caramel hair which goes down to the small of her back, which she usually wears down. Almost always fashionably dressed. She's slightly tanned, with a small dose of freckles everywhere - especially across her nose and cheeks. A round face with wide eyes and petite lips. she's not one for make-up, however, nearly always going natural.
Personality: She's sophisticated on the outside, but ready to have fun on the inside. She likes being among the popular crowd, so she's slightly concerned with image, but she'll break away from that to loosen up once in a while around the right people.
Problem/s (parental problems, drug abuse, depression, etc.): Her parents are wealthy, though they keep her on a short leash. Constant lessons of some sort, must keep up with grades, always be concerned with what people think of you... She's the type right now that's just ready to go out and be wild the second she can get away from her parents' control. She's also bisexual, if you'd like to go there, though she doesn't want her parents finding out.
Person who’s betrayed them, how and why: She dated an asshole previously, who basically used her once and tossed her to the side. He was possessive, and ended up beating up her best friend to try to control her.
History: As said, she was raised very strictly by her parents, though had a relatively normal upbringing beyond the constant activities and stress upon schoolwork and social life. Ended up with the asshole after a fateful game of Seven Minutes in Heaven at a party continued into a bedroom.

Name: Marco Davis
Age (16-21): 19
Gender: M
Description (or photo, whatever floats your boat): 5'11'' A carrot top, cut long but boyish, with bright green eyes. A long face, usually with a five o'clock shadow, and slightly tan. Again, fashionably aware, though he'll be lazy in sweats if he's in the mood. Most commonly, he's in dark jeans and a button up shirt with some other article - like a bowler's/fedora hat, blazer, tie, or vest.
Personality: Laid back, but he can get snarky about certain things. He's playful, but careful about what he says because he doesn't want to insult. Lots of attitude, though it's upbeat and spunky. Sarcastic, though it's very off hand and spontaneous. and he has his outgoing moments too, liking to make people laugh or smile, but also gets very focused on something that would bother him and wont really pay attention to anything else for a while.
Problem/s (parental problems, drug abuse, depression, etc.): Girl troubles...
Person who’s betrayed them, how and why: He's got this...knack of being able to find girls who seem perfect, but then turn into some other person when he's not around. He thus doesn't like pretenders, though its all that seem to be attracted to him currently.
History: Nothing special, though he's got a passion for art - particularly ol' fashioned film photography and charcoal drawings, though he's slightly paranoid about people looking through his books full of doodles.

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by alysonpaige Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:33 pm

can I join?

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:35 pm

alysonpaige wrote:can I join?

Yes, you can. Smile

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by alysonpaige Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:10 pm

ok Smile I'm working on them and I'll post them soon

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:56 pm


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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:47 pm


If you want, we can start. Smile

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:15 pm

sure~ want to set the scene?

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:16 pm

Everyone goes someplace to blow off steam, relax or to just think. Normally, they consider that place a haven because there they can escape their problems. In Beachfield, the most common havens for people are Ma and Pa’s Coffee Cafe, New Age Nightclub for anyone under 21, Beachfield Library, and Hagen’s park that lets off into a field. Some people prefer the noise and fun that goes with New Age and some prefer the quiet sanctuary that Beafield Library and Hagen’s park offer, but yet others prefer the people watching and mouth-watering treats that Ma and Pa’s has to offer.


I watched the smoke rings I blew toward the twilight sky and inhaled again before closing my eyes. I could feel vibrations from the club move through my feet and it felt pretty good. The music would be far too loud and the drinks far too expensive, but it would mean my brain would shut down for a while. Plus there were normally pretty good looking chicks in New Age which also helped.

After being nudged by the idiot behind me, I turned and blew the smoke that was still in my lungs at him. I knew better than to end up making too much trouble here or else I would be banned permanently, so I just stuck to that and glaring. Once I felt close to content with that, I turned toward the front of the line and walked toward the bouncer who nodded me in.

Once I was inside I went over to my favorite spot, the bar.


One medium white chocolate mocha with whipped cream was about five hundred calories; one large slice of chocolate cake was about four hundred calories, adding up to a grand total of about nine hundred calories. I wrapped my fingers around the cup my mocha was in, taking a sip. At least the calories and fat wouldn’t stick since it would all come back up later. It never tasted good coming up, but it sure as hell tasted good going down. It wasn’t healthy doing what I do, but nothing’s free in this world, especially being pretty or thin.

I watch the steam that rises from my mocha, letting my thoughts just drift away. They could all come back later when I was at home, but right now I wanted to relax. My eyes lifted from the steam to the window next to where I was sitting, watching as people passed outside.

It could be fun to watch people, to wonder what their story might be.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:14 pm

Fake ID, check. A need to loosen up, check. Booze, check. Not that I was lowly enough to go to the hard stuff. I had an image, I'd rather like to keep it nice.

I sit at the bar, rolling red wine within a glass. Legs are crossed as I look out at the crowd dancing upon the club's dancefloor and leaning back on the counter, my hazel eyes opened lazily and sultry-like to perhaps attract something else to let me...relax. I had ballet flats on, a light yellow holister a-line coctail dress on, the hair around my face pulled back in a loose bun and the rest loose beneath it.

Time, an hour of free time before my mother expected me home for our little get together. I didn't see why I had to be there; it was all her friends. Why don't you host your own party? I sigh, taking a sip.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:52 pm


I ordered a pop and sipped on it once I got it while letting my eyes wander over the dance floor, looking for someone that might be nice to dance with for a while. Normally, I enjoyed sitting here, but I decided to grab my drink and move over to a table in the corner, passing the rest of the bar on my way. Once I was sat down, my eyes began to wander again, surveying the club.

Maybe I should start sitting over here more often, I can see the whole club, I thought. For some reason, my eyes kept getting drawn over to the bar. I didn’t know why and didn’t really care. All I really cared about was getting a nice dance partner and maybe I could find one with a nice pair of legs.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:09 pm


A boy crosses my field of view a moment, drawing my eyes long enough to track where he went to sit. I don't make much of it, still looking out at the dancers and enjoying the pounding rhythm. My eyes scan over the area, and that's when I notice the boy looking over continually as my eyes sweep over his direction then back again.

I check my watch. An hour and three minutes. Not fair.

I stay at the bar though. If he was interested, he'd come. I wasn't one to go for submissive guys. They would not last in front of my parents if we ever got involved enough for me to introduce them. Yet not so dominant... I didn't need another ex like the one I had just awarded myself with because of that stupid decision...

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:34 pm


It annoyed me that I was so drawn to the bar and didn’t know why. My eyes scanned over it one last time, but this time they landed on a girl. I looked her from head to toe, my eyes taking their time in their survey of her. She was pretty good looking and she might be fun. A smile crept across my lips and I took my eyes off her for a moment, taking a drink.

I stood, leaving my drink and walked over to the girl, my smile widening.

“Hey there beautiful, dance with me?”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:54 pm


I study him more in depth, not hiding my gaze traveling up and down, before meeting his eyes. Dancing...was something? A start, perhaps...

I put on a sensual smile, finishing the little bit left in my wine glass before standing. "Sure, handsome," I reply, keeping with the playful pet calls. I walk up, pausing close to him before having my smile widen a little and continuing on to the dance floor.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:22 am


I had to admit this girl was interesting so far, not even hiding it when she checked me out like most girls would. My smile grew a bit, turning crooked while waiting for her answer. Perhaps she would end up being more fun than I had anticipated...

Once she called me handsome, I couldn’t help but let my smile grow more flirtatious. My eyes followed her every movement, especially when she moved closer to me. When she started toward the dance floor, I followed, checking her out again in the process.

I was happy that I’d be able to let music run through me and to be able to do that with this girl.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:36 am

Boys. So needy. Rome was still plaguing me, I certainly wouldn't have that mistake again. Never again. "So do I get a name?" I ask the boy, swaying lightly to the music. I wouldn't have a guy walk on me again, no matter what, though I wasn't senseless to swear off men or something stupid. My smile turns more friendly rather than flirtatious as his is. Slow it down, Ally, don't want to upset the guy. I had a feeling that may happen anyway. No one said I was low enough to turn into a one thing fling chick. No one even knew thre- fourths of the story of why Rome and I broke up.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:51 am


I noticed the change in her smile, but didn’t quite mind that it changed to being just friendly more than anything, although normally I would have minded more. It didn’t exactly take a mind reader to know that she didn’t want to have a one night thing and it didn’t bother me. I wasn’t after that, but rather someone to be near and take my mind off things... Things like my dad and Lorelei. I just wanted to relax.

Mentally, I told myself to loosen up and to let the music do its work along with the conversation I would hopefully have with this girl.

“Hm, I suppose I’ll give you my name, but it isn’t exactly a common one. Name’s Elm. Now, what’s yours darling?” I asked her.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:04 am


"Alicia Becker," I respond. And then the politeness hits. "Nice to meet you, Elm. I rather like the name."

I never got why you say 'nice to meet you' right off the bat. Maybe he would turn into an asshole and then id regret having met him. I guess people just wanted to he optimistic.

Becker was a well known name around here due to my parents. They stuck their noses in whatever business they pleased and attempted to be involved in whatever the town was doing no matter the time of day. It was a bloody curse for me, having to follow in that schedule... Couldn't wait until college seven states away...

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:41 pm

“Alicia’s a pretty name,” I said, “fits perfectly for a girl with a pretty face.” It then dawned on me that she had also said her last name. Wait, did she just say her last name was Becker? I stopped dancing completely, my eyes traveling up and down her again. It was hard to not know the name Becker since they were some rich snobby family that was well known. If she was one of the Becker’s, then I had chosen the wrong girl to dance with tonight.

“Wait, Becker as in the snobby, rich, well known Becker family or a different Becker?”

My eyes locked on hers while I waited for an answer.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:33 pm


It takes everything in my power not to glare daggers at him, maybe even slap him as I had done with a few other stupid idiots who have decided to stereotype me within my parents' rank. I stop dancing with him, just stare blankly at him, trying to keep my annoyance from my face. "My parents, yes," I make a point of saying, a bit of irritation eeking out into my voice. I would rather hold myself as a bit different from them.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:55 pm


I watched her as she stopped dancing and stood there. She didn’t have to have annoyance cross her face or be in her tone because just by the way she had stopped, I could tell. Obviously she either despised her parents or something. I was rather intrigued and wanted to know why and to know why she thought she was different than them. If she really was different than them, she might be worth more time than just a couple of dances considering how interesting she would be.

“Oh, so you aren’t like them, or do you just not like them so you say it’s just them? I’m intrigued to know, honestly,” I said. I know I was probably just asking to be slapped or something, but I was just being honest with her. “And if you aren’t like them, I really would like you to prove it, just so I know you aren’t lying.”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:54 pm


Wow, some freaking amazing detective skills. Really reading into my movements and all of three words I said, aren't ya? Sarcasm alert! "I never said that." Well....sort of. Kind of...mostly. That wasn't why I was irritated.

I shake my head at him annoyed, crossing my arms. "I don't flaunt my money around like them, no. You're still insulting my family and my name." As every other person cant get when they say such shit - snobby or stuck up or...what have you. And then put me in that group too why don't you?! Just call me snooty to my face. Do people just spit words out of their mouth to see if they make sentences or do they actually care about the content?

There was a reason I cared about my reputation so much. Was it any wonder anymore? Maybe my parents' actions have marked them as such but there wasn't a reason for me to follow suit when I hated it. I hated the schedule they made me followto keep up with their image of perfect and I hated how that image was immediately passed onto me when I really didn't want to be a part of it anymore. I was almost out of high school, I wasn't their doll to play dress up with anymore.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:17 am


I watched as Alicia seemed to grow more annoyed. I had a feeling, judging from her actions, that she really wasn’t like her parents and probably considered it an insult. In a way, it really was interesting to see her reaction to all this. In fact, I didn’t need any more proof that she wasn’t like her parents. If anything, I probably needed to figure out how to make her less irritated since I wanted to get to know her more.

“Trust me; you are nothing like your parents when you seem to take it as that much of an insult and when you’re reacting this way. I’m sorry I brought it up because it seems to me when someone says you’re like you’re parents, or you’re grouped with them in the same category, you take it as an insult. I didn’t mean to make you completely pissed off at me.”

I watched her and realized how my apology didn’t even really sound too much like one. And I wanted it too. Damn. I guess my dad had been right about one thing; I did need a filter for my mouth. Instead of trying to say anything else, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

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